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Vegetable soybeans are marketed fresh or frozen, either shelled or in pods. The objective of this research was to characterise the change in quality attributes of vegetable soybean with boiling time (0–20 min), and presence/absence of pods, using an electrical-resistance stove or a steam-jacketed kettle. Trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), texture, colour, soluble sugars, nitrogen, calcium and iron content were analysed. Blanching using a steam-jacketed kettle for approximately 2 min rendered 80% inactivation of TIA, and resulted in high colour, texture and sucrose. There were no differences between blanching in pods or shelled for TIA, colour and texture; however, blanching in pods prevented losses of sucrose. Blanching did not affect iron, mono- and oligosaccharide levels, but increased nitrogen and calcium content. Additionally, we observed that all traits decreased linearly with cooking time when using an electrical-resistance stove, except for calcium and nitrogen that increased, and oligosaccharides that remained constant.  相似文献   

X. Saldivar  P. Chen 《LWT》2010,43(9):1368-1372
Vegetable soybean is becoming increasingly popular in the U.S. because of its rich source of isoflavones, folic acid, and other nutrients. The objective of this study was to investigate various blanching and storage conditions in order to identify the proper post-harvest management strategy in preserving sugar composition of vegetable soybean during storage. Fresh soybean pods of two vegetable soybean genotypes were stored at 4 °C for 30 days or 25 °C for 8-12 days in fresh air or nitrogen atmosphere. Shelled seeds and intact pods were blanched in boiling water or steamed at 100 °C for 10 min. All blanched soybean was stored at −20 °C and sampled monthly for 6 months for sugar analysis. Glucose, fructose and sucrose decreased gradually in fresh soybean when stored at 4 °C in air or nitrogen atmosphere for 28 days. Soybean stored at 25 °C in open air showed a rapid decrease of sucrose in the first 24 h, and then followed by a gradual increase; whereas oligosaccharides accumulated significantly during storage. Significant degradation in all sugars was found in soybean stored in nitrogen atmosphere at 25 °C. Soluble sugars decreased from leaching during the water blanching and cooling treatment of vegetable soybean seeds. Steam blanching and the presence of pod effectively retained soluble sugars in vegetable soybean during thermal treatment.  相似文献   

目的 建立植物蛋白饮料中大豆成分环介导等温扩增(Loop-mediated isothermal amplificantion,LAMP)快速检测技术方法。方法 根据大豆Lectin基因保守序列,设计大豆成分环介导等温扩增检测特异性引物和反应体系,对方法特异性、灵敏度和稳定性进行测试,并以实时荧光PCR方法为参比方法,对32种植物蛋白饮料进行检测应用验证。结果 本研究建立的LAMP方法特异性强,稳定性好,最低检出限为0.1%(以质量分数计);通过参比方法验证,方法特异性和灵敏度为100%,不存在假阳性和假阴性。结论 本研究建立的LAMP技术快速检测植物蛋白饮料大豆成分的方法具有操作简单、快速准确、检测成本低等优点,可为植物蛋白饮料大豆成分掺杂掺假提供一种快速检测方法。  相似文献   

以鲜食大豆荚为原料,通过碱法、酶法、超声辅助酶法及微波辅助酶法提取水溶性膳食纤维和不溶性膳食纤维,测定其总黄酮含量、还原能力、DPPH自由基清除能力和羟自由基清除能力以研究其抗氧化特性,并与市售大豆膳食纤维作比较。结果表明,各种方法提取的鲜食大豆荚膳食纤维的总黄酮含量及抗氧化特性均高于市售大豆膳食纤维,鲜食大豆荚水溶性膳食纤维的抗氧化特性高于不溶性膳食纤维,酶法、超声和微波处理能提高鲜食大豆荚膳食纤维的抗氧化特性。   相似文献   

为了阐明新型预处理在冷冻蔬菜品质保持方面的优势,本研究通过LF-NMR和GC-MS等检测手段,比较研究了传统漂烫、声热处理和微波处理对毛豆仁色泽、风味及营养品质的影响。结果表明:漂烫处理显著降低了毛豆仁的L*值、a*值及抗坏血酸含量,但却显著提高了b*值(p<0.05)。相比热水漂烫,声热处理和微波处理较好地保留了毛豆仁的抗坏血酸和叶绿素含量。LF-NMR检测显示,毛豆仁弛豫时间T2谱中出现4个水分峰,其横向弛豫时间分别为T21(<1 ms)、T22(18 ms)、T23(4050 ms)、T24(>250 ms)。漂烫处理后毛豆仁的弛豫时间T22和T23显著降低(p<0.05)。声热处理样品的自由水相对含量(M24)明显低于微波处理和热水漂烫样品(p<0.05)。氨基酸分析显示,毛豆仁含有7种必需氨基酸,且必需氨基酸/总氨基酸之比为35.2%,是一种优质蛋白来源,但不同漂烫处理对氨基酸的种类及含量影响不大。不同漂烫处理的毛豆仁挥发性物质种类及含量均存在明显差异,其中主要风味物质1-辛烯-3-醇和2-庚烯醛在声热处理下含量最高,分别为5.70%和9.64%。   相似文献   

文章分析了豆腐坯对细菌型腐乳质量的影响因素,详细阐述了豆腐坯生产工艺操作要点及应注意的问题,提出了提高细菌型腐乳成品质量的方法.  相似文献   

Changes in domoic acid levels of toxic scallops (Pecten maximus) were monitored during the standard canning processes of pickled scallops and scallops in brine after 60 and 180 days of frozen storage. The concentration of domoic acid in whole scallops decreased by 43% after 180 days of frozen storage, the decrease being mostly in the hepatopancreas. No significant destruction of domoic acid was observed during the canning process but the transfer of toxin to packing media exceeded 30% of total toxin content in the canned product.  相似文献   

霉变大豆对豆粕质量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘玉兰  李燕  汪学德 《中国油脂》2006,31(12):17-20
大豆霉变后,营养物质含量减少,籽粒变色变味,某些微生物分泌的毒素富集在大豆上可能使籽粒感染上毒素。通过对霉变大豆含量不同的大豆样品和豆粕样品进行油脂含量、粗蛋白含量、氢氧化钾蛋白质溶解度、尿素酶活性、色泽和气味等质量指标的测定,分析和研究霉变大豆对豆粕质量的影响。结果显示,随着霉变大豆含量的增加,豆粕粗蛋白含量有所升高,豆粕氢氧化钾蛋白质溶解度降低,豆粕尿素酶活性降低,豆粕颜色灰暗无光泽,霉变味加重。由此得出。用豆粕蛋白质含量作为评价霉变大豆加工所得豆粕质量的指标是不合适的,而采用豆粕氢氧化钾蛋白质溶解度作为评价指标更为合理。这一结果应在大豆油脂生产和豆粕贸易中受到重视。  相似文献   

婴幼儿青豆鱼泥罐头的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了婴幼儿青豆鱼泥罐头的基本配方和加工工艺。通过感官评定及数学分析 ,得到青豆鱼泥罐头的基本配方为 :鱼泥 70 % ,米粉 2 0 % ,青豆 1 0 %。对按最佳配方生产的产品进行感官、理化及微生物检测 ,同时对产品进行保温贮藏试验 ,结果表明 ,按照该配方该工艺生产的青豆鱼泥罐头符合自定的质量标准 ,贮藏期间没有质量变化。  相似文献   

The main objective of this research was to investigate the effect in microbial quality of vegetables, because of the chain of buyers and sellers involved in the collection, processing and selling of vegetables, from the primary production sector up to the consumer level (from farm to table). Two processing plants and six hotels were selected and 240 vegetables, 30 vegetable containers, 18 water samples used for sanitation purposes and samples of 18 personnel's hands, were microbiologically analysed. Based on actual results and processing plants auditing, we conclude that initial vegetable microbial quality is critical. The storage, separation and packaging processes, cleaning procedures and retention time at processing plants can influence vegetable microbial quality. Buyers–sellers involved between vegetable production in primary sector and final consumer can offer a dramatic decrease in vegetable quality. The use of ISO 9001:2000 can improve product quality through techniques such as product traceability and resources management.  相似文献   

The amount of water absorbed by dry peas ( Pissum sativum L. cv. 'Marrowfat') and dry beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. 'Haricot') during soaking, blanching and canning was studied. The temperature during soaking significantly affected the water absorption rate up to 40 °C, but not beyond this temperature. The final water content of the product was significantly increased by blanching after soaking as opposed to blanching before soaking. Water uptake was also significantly affected by the water used. Total water uptake was about 150% greater in peas when soft water was used (60 °C). High soaking temperatures with correspondingly short soaking time (4 h at 60 °C) would be advantageous to a food manufacturer. Under these conditions, water absorption is increased in the finished product and the amount of product 'in process' is reduced, allowing a greater flexibility and control of the process.  相似文献   

以大豆、花生、骨素、牛奶为主要原料,经乳酸菌发酵制成一种具有营养保健功能的动植物复合蛋白酸乳。对各原料间的配比、乳酸菌的接种量等工艺条件进行了研究,采用了3因素3水平的正交实验,通过风味感官评价得出最佳产品配方。  相似文献   

不同成熟度国产大豆对大豆油脱胶工艺及其品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
不同成熟度大豆会直接影响大豆油的脱胶工艺及油脂品质.实验采用不同成熟度的国产大豆(青豆、熟豆),经粉碎、石油醚浸泡得到毛油,研究了不同种类的电解质(氢氧化钠、明矾、柠檬酸、磷酸、乙酸酐)在高温水化的脱胶条件下对该大豆毛油脱胶效果和油脂品质的影响.结果表明:柠檬酸、磷酸、乙酸酐可以有效地去除大豆毛油中的非水化磷脂,脱胶率为95%以上;脱胶后油脂的品质有了明显的改善.但是,在相同的脱胶条件下,脱胶青大豆油的非水化磷脂的绝对含量远远超过了熟大豆油,这加重了后续加工的负担;另外,脱胶青大豆油的品质也劣于熟大豆油.  相似文献   

该文介绍以强酸性阳离子交换树脂为催化剂就地环氧化合成环氧大豆油工艺。通过L9(3~4)正交实验确定最佳制备工艺条件,讨论双氧水用量及粗品精制对产物影响,考察催化剂使用期限,该工艺条件制备产品质量优于国家标准。  相似文献   

鲜切菜工艺条件对产品质量的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究鲜切菜加工工艺条件对产品质量的影响。结果表明选择适宜的蔬菜原料及其品种、合理切割、充分洗涤和控水,40mm LDPE薄膜包装,5℃以下温度管理能有效地控制鲜切菜的质量。  相似文献   

对食用植物油品质的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了水分、时间、温度及油脂中杂质等因素对油脂品质的影响,并提出了有效保护油脂品质的储存措施。  相似文献   

目的 研究尾菜有机肥对土壤肥力及圆白菜和小茴香的产量与品质的影响。方法 采用不同量尾菜有机肥和商品有机肥对比的方法研究尾菜有机肥对土壤及蔬菜的影响。 结果 尾菜有机肥能提升土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量,与CK差异达显著水平;与CK相比,施用尾菜有机肥后,圆白菜增产幅度为5.51%~19.74%,小茴香为6.20%~14.84%。结论 确定了尾菜有机肥用量的适宜用量为每公顷使用45吨尾菜有机肥,为蔬菜尾菜资源化利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

影响泡菜的因素及其质量控制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了提高泡菜的质量,讨论了泡菜生产的基本工艺条件,分析了原料的选择、预处理、发酵温度和时间,保脆、护色、发酵剂的选择,杀菌条件等对产品质量的影响。选择当时采摘的蔬菜鲜品,采用ZnSO4和Na2SO3护色,使用16%的盐水,经保加利亚杆菌和噬热链球菌混合菌种在26℃下,发酵7d,并科学加入佐料,90℃杀菌15min,生产中,要用科学合理的方法控制影响泡菜质量的各方面因素。  相似文献   

Using American panelists, we examined the palatability of frozen immature soybean seeds (R6) and freeze-dried soybean snacks (FDSS) prepared from selected immature soybean genotypes (Hutcheson, NTCPR93-286, NTCPR93-1557 and Honey Brown). The frozen immature soybean seeds were evaluated in comparison with frozen peas [Pisum sativum (L.) sativum] and lima beans [Phaseolus lunatus (L.) lunatus], whereas the FDSS prototypes were evaluated based on their appearance and eating quality. Frozen immature soybean seeds were rated favorably compared to other legume products. The overall rank sum indexes (ORSI) for frozen peas, NTCPR93-286, Hutcheson, and lima beans were 4, 10, 10, and 16, respectively. Small ORSI values reflected higher consumer preference. The ORSI of the FDSS products were 13 for Hutcheson, 23 for NTCPR93-286, 24 for NTCPR93-1557, and 26 for Honey Brown. Although Hutcheson and NTCPR93-286 were among the top rated varieties, all FDSS used in this study showed a favorable rating in all attributes of eating quality. The result suggests that American consumers could accept the immature frozen soybean as a vegetable or FDSS.  相似文献   

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