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Using detailed micro-level survey data for three advanced European welfare-state economies (Germany, Netherlands and UK), our analyses suggest a fairly common hierarchy to homeownership, according to partnership status, exists. In all three countries, a variety of interrelated factors appear to encourage greater propensities for homeownership amongst co-residential households (married/cohabiting), as compared to single-person households. However, important macro-contextual differences do appear to play a significant role in mediating the magnitude of difference within this hierarchy. For instance, in Germany the importance of marriage as a predictor of homeownership is found to be particularly strong, with married couples having far higher propensities for homeownership, even when compared to non-married cohabiters. In the Netherlands and UK, where an emphasis on traditional family and marriage is less pronounced, and where homeownership is generally more popular and accessible, the differentiation between married/unmarried partners is greatly reduced. Furthermore, we find no evidence to suggest that living-apart-together partners are more/less likely to own their home than singles.  相似文献   


Recent research has focused on risk factors for Veteran housing instability and programmatic responses. However, little is known about Veterans’ experiences of becoming unstably housed and navigating available resources to resolve housing crises. This qualitative paper, based on open-ended interviews with Veterans (n?=?60), presents the Journey to Home conceptual model, which offers a framework for understanding Veterans’ journeys through housing instability, including the factors that contribute to vulnerability, the range of housing conditions that Veterans describe as inadequate, how Veterans connect to assistance through VA and community providers, and barriers and facilitators to connecting with and using available assistance, resulting in either continued housing instability or successful housing outcomes. Ongoing efforts to end Veteran homelessness should prioritize strategies that respond to complex vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

The move towards greater provision of healthcare at home has been a significant policy intention for the past two decades [Ham, C., Dixon, A., & Brooke, B. (2012) Transforming the Delivery of Health and Social Care: The Case for Fundamental Change (London: Kings Fund)]. Key to this ambition is the need to provide suitable accommodation for disabled households by installing a range of possible adaptations. Using data from English Housing Surveys of 2003/2004 and 2009/2010, we compare levels of the provision of adaptations with a number of socio-cultural variables, and report on some significant correlations. This includes most importantly, bias against non-white disabled households and younger disabled households, a significant link between rented accommodation and disabled households, and a worrying increase in the proportion of adaptations deemed by the householders to be ‘not needed’, from 7 to 25 per cent, over that 6-year time period. We discuss the context of these results and conclude with an outline plan for future research, which is urgently needed to verify and understand the issues raised.  相似文献   

Since 1980, the focus of American housing policy has shifted away from project-based to tenant-based subsidies, i.e. the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP). Yet many HCVP recipients have remained in high-poverty and high-minority areas of central cities. To improve the effectiveness of HCVP in expanding residential choices, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is encouraging local public housing authorities to utilize a variety of techniques to provide more opportunity for voucher recipients to move to low poverty areas including meetings with current or prospective owners, owners’ newsletters, owner fairs, program videos and direct contact with owners. Although there has been a considerable body of research on voucher recipients in the Gautreaux and Moving to Opportunity programs, two special housing voucher programs, there has been little research on the effectiveness of landlord outreach efforts as part of the regular HCVP. We therefore conducted a case study of landlord outreach efforts currently being implemented by the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority. We combined observation of landlord outreach events with semi-structured interviews to determine reasons why landlords do or do not participate, landlords’ perceptions on the extent to which HCVP addresses their concerns, what they take away from these events, and how outreach efforts might be improved. This case study indicates that there is considerable room for improvement in landlord outreach efforts by the housing authority. The policy implications for HUD as well as public housing authorities across the United States are discussed.  相似文献   

The Localism Act 2011 created an opportunity for local communities to form neighbourhood forums and to prepare their own neighbourhood development plans in urban and rural areas in England. Initial reactions suggested that, rather than leading to the development of more housing, these initiatives would confirm all the stereotypes of local residents blocking unwanted development in their defined neighbourhoods. However, neighbourhood plans need to be in general conformity with the core strategies of higher-tier plans and often make provision for more new homes than planned before 2011. This article discusses the role and purpose of neighbourhood plans, the evidence base on which they are founded and some of the legal challenges which have helped clarify procedures. It then identifies two types of plan based on the ways housing strategies and evidence of need are reflected in a sample of 10 plans which have been made to date. It concludes that the voluntary nature of localism to date tends to favour more rural and affluent areas and ends with an assessment of the impact of neighbourhood plans on the planning process. It suggests that the implications for spatial planning may be far-reaching.  相似文献   

Investigations of enzymatic activities amongst microbial species on stained painted walls are not common especially in the tropics. Meanwhile, an organism’s enzymatic activity is a key index of its biodegradation potential. We conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the cellulolytic profiles of microorganisms isolated from stained painted buildings. A total of eight microorganisms comprising one bacterium [Pseudomonas aeruginosa CH01 (KY511067.1)] and seven fungi [Meyerozyma guillermondii MB14B1 (LT615287.1), Meyerozyma caribbica CBS:5674 (KY104219.1), Aspergillus aculeatus A1.9 (EU833205.1), Aspergillus sp. SL2 (KC178662.1), Fusarium proliferatum2705 (EU272509.1), Cerrena sp. N10CC2a (FJ010208.1) and Candida tropicalis UZ31_13 (KM361510.1)] were utilized for the study. The results showed that all isolates possessed exoglucanase and endoglucanase activities ranging from 0.174 to 1.554 IU/ml and 0.062 to 2.120 IU/ml, respectively. Analysis of the interplay of organism cellulolytic activity at various environmental conditions showed that endoglucanase activity was optimal in Cerrena sp., while the highest exoglucanase activity was recorded in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Subjective evaluation of Indoor Air Quality (subjective IAQ) reflects both building‐related and psychosocial factors, but their associations have rarely been studied other than on the individual level in occupational settings and their interactions have not been assessed. Therefore, we studied whether schools’ observed indoor air problems and psychosocial factors are associated with subjective IAQ and their potential interactions. The analysis was performed with a nationwide sample (N = 195 schools/26946 students) using multilevel modeling. Two datasets were merged: (i) survey data from students, including information on schools’ psychosocial environment and subjective IAQ, and (ii) data from school principals, including information on observed indoor air problems. On the student level, school‐related stress, poor teacher–student relationship, and whether the student did not easily receive help from school personnel, were significantly associated with poor subjective IAQ. On the school level, observed indoor air problem (standardized β = ?0.43) and poor teacher–student relationship (standardized β = ?0.22) were significant predictors of poor subjective IAQ. In addition, school‐related stress was associated with poor subjective IAQ, but only in schools without observed indoor air problem (standardized β = ?0.44).  相似文献   

Due to a lack of adequate experimental techniques, the kinetics of the first 20s of ozone decomposition in natural water and wastewater is still poorly understood. Introducing a continuous quench-flow system (CQFS), measurements starting 350 ms after ozone addition are presented for the first time. Very high HO. to O3 exposures ratios (Rct=integralHO.dt/integralO3dt) reveal that the first 20s of ozonation present oxidation conditions that are similar to ozone-based advanced oxidation processes (AOP). The oxidation of carbamazepine could be accurately modeled using O3 and HO. exposures measured with CQFS during wastewater ozonation. These results demonstrate the applicability of bench scale determined second-order rate constants for wastewater ozonation. Important degrees of pharmaceutical oxidation and microbial inactivation are predicted, indicating that a significant oxidation potential is available during wastewater ozonation, even when ozone is entirely decomposed in the first 20s.  相似文献   

In situ feeding assays implemented with transplanted crustacean gammarids have been claimed as promising tools for the diagnostic assessment of water quality. Nevertheless the implementation of such methodologies in biomonitoring programs is still limited. This is explained by the necessity to improve the reliability of these bioassays. The present study illustrates how modelling the influence of confounding factors could allow to improve the interpretation of in situ feeding assay with Gammarus fossarum. We proceeded in four steps: (i) we quantified the influence of body size, temperature and conductivity on feeding rate in laboratory conditions; (ii) based on these laboratory findings, we computed a feeding inhibition index, which proved to be robust to environmental conditions and allowed us to define a reference statistical distribution of feeding activity values through the data compilation of 24 in situ assays among diverse reference stations at different seasons; (iii) we tested the sensitivity of the feeding assay using this statistical framework by performing 41 in situ deployments in contaminated stations presenting a large range of contaminant profiles; and (iv) we illustrated in two site-specific studies how the proposed methodology improved the diagnosis of water quality by preventing false-positive and false-negative cases mainly induced by temperature confounding influence. Interestingly, the implementation of the developed protocol could permit to assess water quality without following an upstream/downstream procedure and to compare assays performed at different seasons as part of large-scale biomonitoring programs.  相似文献   

Synthesis of ettringite from acid wastewaters of the aluminium anodising industry has been studied as a possible route of reducing the emissions to the environment, recovering at the same time resource materials as a useful marketable mineral. Wastewaters of different concentrations have been subjected to the process of synthesis suspending calcium oxide and calcium aluminate powders at different time and pH conditions. High caustic alkalinity (pH approximately 12) and low sulphate concentrations (<0.1 M) are the most suitable conditions to synthesise ettringite. The mineral characterisation has been performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA), proving the high purity of the pursued solid product when hydrated in the appropriate sodium hydroxide concentrations. In such conditions, around 90% of the aluminium initially present in the wastewater solutions is recovered in the form of ettringite.  相似文献   

Past studies have indicated that project managers may be less likely to continue failing IT projects if they are able to perceive project risks accurately. Using the scenario of a failing IT project, a computer simulation-based experiment investigated the influence of individual self-efficacy and project risk factors on the perception of risk. Participants played the role of a project manager and managed a simulated IT project. The results suggest that project managers are likely to underestimate the risks of a project with endogenous risk factors as compared to a project with exogenous risk factors. Results of this study point to a ‘self-efficacy bias’ where project managers with higher self-efficacy may underestimate the risks of a troubled IT project as compared to project managers with lower self-efficacy. Further, risk perception mediated the influence of self-efficacy on the commitment to a failing IT project.  相似文献   

Sharing photos, videos and comments on social media may seem an idle pastime, but it is not without its uses where urban design is concerned. Analysing such posts can yield helpful indicators as to how people experience the built environment. Lev Manovich and Agustin Indaco , of the Software Studies Lab at the University of California, San Diego and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, here outline two of the Lab's recent research projects, which have involved examining extensive Instagram data from various cities around the globe.  相似文献   



One of the suggested, yet under-researched, causes of pubertal delay is lead exposure. In South Africa blood lead levels are generally higher than in resource-rich countries. Thus the effects of lead exposure on pubertal development may be significant.


The objective of this study is to determine the association between lead exposure and pubertal development in adolescent females in the Birth to Twenty cohort (Bt20).


Bt20 is a Johannesburg based birth cohort study that commenced in 1990 and includes 1682 girls. At 13 years of age venous blood samples were collected from 725 adolescent female participants for lead content analyses; of these, 712 had menarche data. Pubertal measurement was based on age of menarche and self-reported Tanner staging for pubic hair (n = 684) and breast development (n = 682).


The mean blood lead level for the sample was 4.9 μg/dl. Fifty percent had blood lead levels < 5.0 μg/dl, 49% were ≥ 5.0 μg/dl and 1% was > 10.0 μg/dl. The average age of menarche was 12.7 years. At 13 years, 4% and 7% had reached Tanner stage 5 for pubic hair and breast development, respectively. Analyses showed that higher blood lead levels were associated with significant delays in the onset of puberty (p < 0.001).


The study found that higher blood lead levels were associated with a delay in the onset of puberty, after adjustment for confounders. Lead exposure in resource-poor countries is generally higher compared to resource-rich countries and thus the effects of high blood levels have personal and public health significance.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(5):348-360
Water losses in pipe networks are usually the biggest ‘water use’ due to the high leakage occurring. The need for conservative water use is today more pressing than ever due to the stressful climate change conditions, forcing water utilities to consider applying effective Non Revenue Water reduction strategies. The assessment of a network's current operating status based on the IWA water balance (WB) is a good start. Although IWA suggests the WB to be annually assessed, this is not ideal for networks experiencing seasonal demand peaks, like in Kos town, capital of Kos Island in Greece. The WB for Kos town network was assessed on a bimonthly basis, following the water billing period used by the local water utility. The results revealed that higher real loss rates occur during the lower water demand periods due to the higher operating pressures. The annual WB can not reveal water loss peak timing.  相似文献   

The adsorption of trace metals on sediments of the Meuse River was interpreted in terms of competition between metals and protons for surface sites. Surface constants (*β1surf) were determined for Cu, Zn and Cd (10−1.8, 10−3.6 and 10−3.7). The constants for Pb, Ni, Ca and Mg (10−1.7, 10−3.8, 10−6.5 and 10−5.2) were estimated using a correlation between hydrolysis and surface constants. A chemical equilibrium computer program in which surface sites (for adsorption reactions) are treated as conventional ligands was used to calculate the speciation of Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn in the Meuse River. Calculated values of the adsorbed/dissolved distribution agreed well with observed values, after some realistic data manipulation. This work indicates that dissolved trace metal concentrations in the Meuse River are controlled by adsorption and not by precipitation mechanisms. The relationship between organic matter and suspended matter greatly influences the adsorption of metals like Cu and Pb.  相似文献   

Applying strict clean room techniques and sector field ICP-MS, a total of 567 ice and snow samples from Devon Ice Cap, Arctic Canada, have been analysed for silver (Ag) and thallium (Tl), providing a continuous record of atmospheric deposition of both elements for the past approximately 16,000 yr. Concentrations of Ag and Tl ranged from 0.02 to 5.84 pg/g and from 0.03 to 3.40 pg/g, respectively. The natural Tl/Sc background ratio established with ice samples dating between 10,590 and 15,010 yr BP, amounted to 0.11+/-0.03 which is in good agreement with the corresponding value of 0.107 reported for the Upper Continental Crust (UCC). The Ag/Sc background ratio in ice (0.09+/-0.06), in turn, is much more variable and approximately 10-times higher than UCC values. The high temporal resolution provided by 45 samples from the 5 m snow pit representing the period AD 1994 to 2004, revealed the greatest elemental concentrations as well as accumulation rates during the winter months when air masses reach the Arctic predominantly from Eurasia. The greatest Sc concentrations, however, are also found during winter months which clearly reflect strong seasonal variations in atmospheric dust inputs. Enrichment factors calculated for both elements (Ag, Tl) using Sc show contrasting behaviours, with the maximum EF for Tl (up to 48) during summer when air masses arriving to the Arctic are predominantly from North America, probably reflecting coal burning, base metal mining and smelting. The greatest enrichments of Ag (up to 17), on the other hand, tend generally to be found in winter, although some enrichment maxima corresponding to summer months are also seen. While modern Ag EF are comparable to those corresponding to ancient (back to ca. 3 k yr) anthropogenic activities, modern Tl EF clearly exceed the impact of Medieval, Roman and Greek/Phoenician civilization. Accumulation rates during the past decade have been variable (mean 36 and 130 ng/m(2)/yr for Ag and Tl, respectively), but the trend is clearly in decline. Based on the best estimate of natural inputs, more than 80% of the Ag and 90% of the Tl supplied to the Arctic today (AD 1994-2004) are derived from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

This paper compares computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results using various revised kε models and large eddy simulation (LES) applied to flow around a high-rise building model with 1:1:2 shape placed within the surface boundary layer. The first part of the paper examines the accuracy of various revised kε models, i.e. LK model, MMK model and Durbin's revised kε model, by comparing their results with experimental data. Among the computations using various revised kε models compared here, Durbin's revised kε model shows the best agreement with the experiment. The reason for the good performance of Durbin's model is discussed on the basis of ‘Realizability’ of predicted results. The second part of the paper describes the computations based on LES with and without inflow turbulence applied to the same flowfield. The results are compared with those of the experiments and Durbin's kε model in order to clarify the effect of velocity fluctuations on prediction accuracy of time-averaged velocity fields around the building. Special attention is paid to prediction accuracy for reproducing flow behind a building. The LES results with inflow turbulence show generally good agreement with experimental results in terms of the distributions of velocity and turbulence energy in this region. This improvement is mainly due to the fact that the periodic velocity fluctuation behind the building is well reproduced in LES.  相似文献   

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