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理想、现实与理智--城市规划与建设中的政策思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市规划必须有理想,但理想要变成现实就必须研究规划实施的可能与途径.规划的理智和公共政策的制定既是规划师的责任,也是政府的职责.  相似文献   

Dabaodao is an old city district located in the heart of the historical centre of Qingdao (north-eastern China). It was created over 100 years ago as a segregated ‘Chinese town’ under German colonial rule. This article embarks upon a journey into the past, reviewing the continuity and change of Dabaodao and its courtyard-style houses known as Liyuan over last century of socio-political turmoil. It discusses how they have evolved and transformed under different city administrations, beginning from the early colonial years, to the Republican era, the Maoist years, all the way into the reform period. Specifically, the article illustrates how city-planning, laws, and regulations as well as a general urban development ideology during one time period conditioned and shaped those of following periods, eventually turning Dabaodao into what it is today: a dilapidated and poor inner-city neighbourhood with an uncertain future whose historical significance and preservation value remains highly contested and under debate. This article reviews colonial city planning and its impacts in Qingdao, an under-represented city in the English language literature on colonial China; moreover, the article links Dabaodao’s diverse history to current contestations over urban renewal, hereby engaging the complex issue of using the past in the present.  相似文献   

Jean‐François Gravier and Armin Meili were two leading pioneers of planning in France and Switzerland. Gravier was the famous author of Paris et le désert français, first published in 1947; Meili was the author of the first national conception of planning in Switzerland and was very active in planning policy in the 1940s. Each has deeply influenced the implementation of planning policy in his country and both have constructed their theories around a criticism of the city: Paris for Gravier; big cities, in general, for Meili.

This paper first describes the recurrent critiques of the city in the thoughts of these authors. From sterility to unhealthiness, they combine moral and physical criticisms. Although they belong to different countries and different political cultures, their thoughts take root in surprisingly common backgrounds based on the strength of ruralism and the political context of fascism. Finally, an analysis of their similar propositions concerning town and country planning policies is offered. The lessons of Gravier and Meili are based on different myths which the article will attempt to analyse.  相似文献   

This paper discusses planning and urban design approaches to making city centres feel safer. Planning and urban design inter alia contribute to the creation of the city-centre landscape and are intimately concerned with the design and management of public space. Perceptions and feelings of personal safety are prerequisites for a vital and viable city centre; if a city centre is not perceived to be safe, those with choice will choose not to use it, making it less safe for those with fewer choices. This paper therefore identifies and outlines four planning and urban design approaches to making city centres feel safer: the fortress, the panoptic, the regulatory and the animated.  相似文献   

杨辰  辛蕾  贾姗姗 《室内设计》2024,(2):118-125
自2017年以来,成都市面对发展资源 匮乏、顶层设计缺失和上下互动不足三大社区 问题,尝试从“多方协作”“多级传导”“上下结 合”三方面探索超大城市城乡社区治理的新思 路。多方协作方面,成都市设立社区发展治理委 员会,协调各委办局制定解决“人、物、财”瓶颈 的多方协作对策;多级传导方面,通过科学划分 社区发展群,将全市“五大社区”的建设要求和 评价标准层层传导至区(市)县和街道(镇)的 社区治理行动中;上下结合方面,“三位一体”的 社区规划师制度将主管部门及行业专家、设计团 队、民意代表组织在一起,共同参与社区更新项 目的全过程。本文通过梳理和总结成都经验, 以期为中国超大城市的社区治理提供可借鉴的 经验。  相似文献   


As one of the fastest growing regions in Australia, the Gold Coast offers a profusion of competing values, perceptions and interests in the construction of its urban forms and identities. Amidst the profusion and confusion, there are signs that local government is attempting —however falteringly — to move beyond regional stereotypes towards a new paradigm for planning and imagining the Gold Coast.  相似文献   

As one of the fastest growing regions in Australia, the Gold Coast offers a profusion of competing values, perceptions and interests in the construction of its urban forms and identities. Amidst the profusion and confusion, there are signs that local government is attempting —however falteringly — to move beyond regional stereotypes towards a new paradigm for planning and imagining the Gold Coast.  相似文献   

Urban planners are faced with the decision of what planning policy to pursue in order to achieve the best possible future. Many cities in developed nations use comprehensive models that simulate various aspects of the urban system, capable of predicting implications of a given set of policy inputs, to assist the planning process. However, in developing countries, demographic and socioeconomic data with appropriate spatial disaggregation are difficult to obtain. This constrains the development of such comprehensive urban models to support planning decisions. In the absence of models, the plan-making process usually inclines towards a more intuitive approach.  相似文献   

This article examines contributions and challenges of learning alliance methodology to multicultural planning in health provision services in an urban context. A learning alliance was implemented to target health needs of different ethno-racial groups through an action research project in Swale, Kent, UK. We argue that a learning alliance is an innovative methodology that can contribute to multicultural planning by (1) promoting the involvement of new planning stakeholders and the institutionalization of learning alliance outcomes, (2) ensuring capacity-building strategies, (3) emphasizing documentation and dissemination as innovative practices, and (4) strengthening the network capacity of a community. Critical reflections are presented here as a constructive view to improve both the learning alliance methodology and multicultural planning. The article contributes to debates on public service delivery in the context of discussions about multiculturalism, health and planning.  相似文献   

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