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Monitoring data over a year showed that the performance of a tertiary lagoon system in the United Kingdom was very variable. Distinct seasonal patterns were seen for all the determinands. Tracer studies and profile sampling of one of the lagoons were carried out in order to investigate the factors affecting performance. The tracer studies, using sodium fluoride, indicated that the hydraulic regime was dispersed plug flow. The mean retention time was found to be 26 h, but the peak in tracer concentration occurred after 12 h, showing significant short-circuiting. During the profile sampling, the pH, temperature, DO and conductivity were measured down through the lagoon at 16 positions and four depths. E. coli, enterococci and total coliform numbers were measured in samples taken from the surface and the base of the lagoon. The results showed temperature decreased down through the lagoon, but the other parameters increased with depth, indicating that the short-circuiting was caused by the cooler influent sinking to the base of the lagoon.  相似文献   

This paper contributes insights into the role of tenure in modifying the relationship between housing affordability and health, using a cross-national comparison of similar post-industrial nations—Australia and the United Kingdom—with different tenure structures. The paper utilises longitudinal data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey and British Household Panel Survey to examine change in the mental health of individuals associated with housing becoming unaffordable and considers modification by tenure. We present evidence that the role of tenure in the relationship between housing and health is context dependent and should not be unthinkingly generalised across nations. These findings suggest that the UK housing context offers a greater level of protection to tenants living in unaffordable housing when compared with Australia, and this finds expression in the mental health of the two populations. We conclude that Australian governments could improve the mental health of their economically vulnerable populations through more supportive housing policies.  相似文献   


The family home is often the single most valuable asset, when it is passed down generations. In recent years, this pathway towards homeownership has become more complex. Young people are increasingly depending on their parents, both financially (deposit) and in-kind (guarantor, living rent-free at parental home), to acquire their first home. This paper contributes to this debate by investigating the influence of bequests and in-kind generational transfers on housing wealth pathways. Based on the British Household Panel Study, this paper shows that receiving an inheritance seems less relevant than other socio-demographic control variables. Still life-time renters are significantly missing out on inheritances. However, young people who are living with their parents are benefiting from this in-kind support in the long term and are able to purchase their first home earlier than independent mortgagers who are saving up for a deposit while renting. These results are discussed in the wider context of housing policy, welfare and generational support.  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship between housing production in the private sector and profitability in three European countries: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany. The relationship between private sector production and profitability is suggested by Ambrose and Barlow (1987) to be an important contributory factor to understanding levels of house building in Europe. The article utilizes a model of ‘profitability’ based upon three variables: house prices, land prices and building costs. The model is considered with other theories relating to housing production. These are: first, the way in which governments organize housing production, second, the mode of housing development; and third, motivations of house builders themselves. These issues are shown through the results to be significant in explaining why trends in the three countries are dissimilar. The conclusions are that a private sector functions better where government plays a strong steering role, particularly in the land market. The relationship between production and profit is weak where systems of supply exhibit a high degree of speculative activity or where new production relies upon the decisions of individual households rather than firms. The article raises particular questions of definition and comparison. These are in relation to the ‘private sector’ and to the profit model itself.  相似文献   

面向碳中和目标,我国《绿色生态城区 评价标准》具有优化升级的可能,但优化路径 有待探索。通过梳理国外绿色生态城区评价标 准发现,评价标准整合碳中和目标是趋势所向, 能源指标是评价标准优化升级的重点。对此, 选择美国LEED Cities and Communities和英 国BREEAM Communities,开展碳中和目标下 中美英绿色生态城区评价标准能源指标比较研 究。研究表明:美英评价标准能源指标在整合 碳中和目标上具有先进性,能源指标分布集中, 重视可再生能源与碳排放的评价,且条文细则 在“优化能源结构”“注重可再生能源开发”和 “建筑与基础设施节能”上已有创新。基于比较 结果,对碳中和目标下我国《绿色生态城区评价 标准》及其能源指标的优化提出“编制理念及控制项需明确碳中和目标”“调整能源指标的分布情况和分值权重”“能源指标条文细则落位碳 中和新技术”3点启示。  相似文献   

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