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墨西哥城水处理系统的发展特点是无法应对洪水和干旱灾害.该市的地下水资源被长期过度开采,每秒钟开采量达到19.1~22.2立方米,两个主要供水流域莱尔马河(lerma)和库兹马拉河(cutzamala)也存在同样的问题.如果不考虑全球变暖因素,预计2005~2030年期间,墨西哥城人口将增加17.5%,而可用的水资源在2007~2030年期间将减少11.2%.如无意外情况发生,气候变暖将直接导致该地区降雨量减少,情况将变得更加严峻.那些在旱季或墨西哥城发生旱灾时就已经面临经常性供水短缺问题的用户将尤其受到影响.举例来说,在1980~2006年期间,81.2%受旱灾影响的人口居住在墨西哥城较为贫困的netzahualcoyot地区.  相似文献   


Recent debates question whether assemblage urbanism provides an appropriate framework for addressing the housing question under late capitalism. On one side, proponents note the capacity of assemblage to reveal the complex emergence of events, places and processes, whereas critics argue assemblage accounts provide deep empirical detail but avoid engaging with political economy. This paper addresses such criticism through an assemblage account of local activism in the context of ownership changes that threatened the rent-regulated Stuyvesant Town neighbourhood in Manhattan. We adopt an assemblage methodology to examine this case of privileged tenant activism and find that it provides an additive lens for understanding the networks of relations that influenced the community during the mid-2000s. Noting that assemblage and the financial ecologies approach are similar in their attendance to relational thinking, we describe how these approaches can be used in conjunction to better understand the linkages between housing and financialization.  相似文献   

杜丽娟 《山西建筑》2002,28(6):154-155
通过对迎泽区餐饮业现状及存在问题为调查,从对餐饮业的监督管理、实施行政干预、加强排污收费力度、提高业主的环保意识、提高管理效力、强化执法力度、加强污染治理等方面提出了加强餐饮业环境管理的建议,指出加强城区餐饮业的监督管理已成为城市建设的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

赵荣馨  陈旭东 《山西建筑》2012,(22):233-234
通过对太原市环境质量现状的研究,对城市环境污染原因进行了分析,在此基础上提出太原从能源重工基地向宜居城市转型在环境保护方面的策略,以指导太原市城市建设。  相似文献   

High productivity and concentrated development are still seen as priorities in Czechoslovak housing so that large-panel building systems are still favoured. But their adaptability to design needs has been a preoccupation of research, resulting in one system that offers over 200 different panel types. The author is a research worker at the Slovak Research and Development Centre for Planning and Architecture in Bratislava.  相似文献   

潘岩  李真 《时代建筑》2005,(4):38-41
文章对号称是全世界唯一的摩天楼博物馆的目的,收藏以及几度搬迁的历史进行了多方位的介绍,该博物馆致力于对高层建筑的过去,现在和未来进行研究。它在袖珍的空间中展示建筑物中的巨人——摩天楼如何延伸空间就成为主题,这个小型博物馆从建筑设计,展示方式及其与城市关系多个方面探讨了拓展空间的策略及发展理念。  相似文献   

Modern society faces a new and serious challenge: how to react to the rapid growth of business activity in cyberspace. The American response has been to favour a `hands-off' approach. This controversial article argues that the stakes are too high for laissez-faire: we should grasp the nettle and impose regulation. Two means of taming the Internet dragon are suggested: legal threat and professional control. The first is for a legislative framework to be established as quickly as possible so that Internet businessmen know that irresponsible behaviour will be penalised by criminal sanction. The second is that the computer-based professionals, who will be the foot soldiers in the forthcoming Internet business wars, should be encouraged, if necessary by a requirement for statutory registration, to join appropriate professional institutions so that they have their own ethical guidelines and their own support system when they are obliged to stand up against irresponsible bosses  相似文献   

阐述了风水文化的产生和研究现状,以古城阆中景观风水意象格局为例,结合阆中古城保护以及旅游开发的现状,从环境艺术的角度拓展传统风水理论的实践价值,指出风水文化是中国人对于人和环境关系古老而传统的理解途径。  相似文献   

Stan Allen and Rafi Segal are both independent New York-based practitioners and educators: Allen is Professor of Architecture at Princeton University, and Segal is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Here they collaborate on a high-density and flexible design strategy for Midtown Manhattan that is driven by ecological, social and spatial concerns rather than the usual commercial drivers of speculative development.  相似文献   

介绍了雕塑设计的要求和内容,分析了环境雕塑的发展演变过程以及具有的特征,探讨了环境雕塑在城市建设中具有的作用,表明了环境雕塑在城市空间环境景观设计中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

文章选取贵州省遵义钼镍矿区为研究对象,通过环境地表γ辐射剂量率、土壤氡气浓度以及岩石中天然放射性核素(~(238)U、~(232)Th、~(40)K)含量,研究其放射性核素水平,通过研究表明:研究区γ辐射剂量率平均值为280.83nGy·h~(-1),各矿区之间γ辐射剂量率水平差距比较明显,各钼镍矿区废渣γ辐射污染水平较高;研究区渣场氡浓度水平平均值为100.37Bq·m~(-3),各矿区之间氡浓度水平差距比较明显,所调查的矿区渣场数据表明矿区氡浓度水平较高,这反映出矿山放射性水平相对较高,可能是由于黑色岩系中放射性水平较高造成的;矿渣中eU含量范围为7.52×10-6~721.61×10-6,平均值103.62×10~(-6);eTh含量范围为5.91×10~(-6)~344.84×10~(-6),平均值19.53×10~(-6);K含量范围为0.1%~4.96%,平均值1.53%。部分样品中铀含量超过边界品位,说明铀含量较高。据此,文章提出相关防治措施。  相似文献   

Theoretical literature suggests that the complex problems many local governments are facing are drivers towards innovation and new types of collaborative governance arrangements. We add nuance to this presumption by exploring how two Norwegian municipalities act when faced with problems related to mineral extraction and tax revenue. The article shows that similar types of problems give rise to significantly different strategies, ranging from collaborative arrangements to authoritative and competitive strategies. In conclusion, the article argues that local governments need to develop a higher innovative preparedness, and that scholars should also be attentive to governance strategies that are not collaborative.  相似文献   

闫瑾 《山西建筑》2014,40(30):186-187
结合松原市环境保护面临的主要问题,对城市总体规划中环境保护篇章的编制重点进行了分析,并从确定环保目标、划分生态环境功能区、环保措施、污染控制等方面作了论述,对未来城市总体规划环境保护篇章的编制有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

‘Built city, planned city, virtual city: the city museum’ is the title of a day-long seminar held in Turin, Italy, on 22nd March 2011. It is also the name of an Italian research project reasserting the role of urban historians and the historical and humanistic disciplines in defining the scope and content of the city museum.  相似文献   

罗晓渭  武高林 《山西建筑》2007,33(27):346-347
分析了城市建设中建筑工程施工对周围环境影响评价的一些主要内容,在我国城市建筑施工过程中对环境影响的污染源和相关控制措施进行了阐述,并对我国城市工程建设中的环境影响评价给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

读者或许生疑:有放羊的、放牛的、放马的,何曾听说过有放狗的?有,确实有,而且还不是在田野山岭间放,也不是在草原树林里放,就是在美国纽约市最繁华的曼哈顿市区里放,如不是亲眼所见,亲手  相似文献   

崔峥 《山西建筑》2003,29(13):128-129
根据现阶段城市车辆维修业环境污染和环境管理的状况,指出加强城市车辆维修业环境管理,必须严格审批,认真规划,并注重日常的监督管理。  相似文献   

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