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单晶镍基高温合金的蠕变断裂 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文研究了〈001〉取向的CMSX—2,SRR99和RR2000三种单晶镍基高温合金,从750-1000℃温度范围和从150—680MPa应力下的蠕变断裂特征;用扫描电镜对上述各种实验状态下的蠕变断口和纵向剖面进行了详细观察。结果表明:单晶的蠕变断裂具有明显的晶体学特征,蠕变裂纹总是从已有的铸造的显微疏松处萌生;对于含碳量较高的材料,碳化物及其与基体的界面也是裂纹萌生的有利位置;这些已萌生的裂纹在外加应力轴垂直的(001)面上各向异性地扩展,直到由于承载截面的逐渐减小而导致最终破坏。虽然在较高的实验温度下,断口被强烈地氧化,但是蠕变断裂特征没有改变,在对三种材料断口上(001)面的大小和面积分数的测量和计算表明,用面积分数来表征蠕变损伤程度是可行的。 相似文献
ZHANG Yuanhu SUN Jian XIANG Yi HU Gengxiang Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai ChinaLI Tiefan Institute of Corrosion Protection of Metals Academia Sinica Shenyang China Yuanhu Department of Materials Science Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 《金属学报(英文版)》1991,4(2):118-122
Studies on the high temperature creep and fracture behaviours in air or in SO_2 contaminatedenvironment for the Fe-base superalloy GH302 with flat or zigzag grain boundaries(GB)and the Ni-base superalloy Rene 80 were carried out.Although the creep rupture propertiesof the GH302 with zigzag GB was remarkably superior to that of flat GB in air,the propertiesof both droped dramatically in 10% SO_2-air environment,the creep rupture properties of thedirectional solidified Rene 80 were much better than that of the conventionally cast alloy inair,and also kept the same property in SO_2 contaminated environment as in air.Owing to theinteraction between creep and sulphidation,the failure mechanism relates to the formation ofmolten Ni-Ni-3S_2 eutectic along GB,led to the premature failure of the alloy. 相似文献
本文应用扫描电镜、剖面分析及EDAX能谱分析,研究了具有平直晶界和曲折晶界两种不同组织的GH302合金,及Rene 80合金在空气、含硫环境中的高温蠕变及断裂行为。试验结果表明,具有曲折晶界的GH302合金试样,虽然在空气环境中蠕变和持久性能明显地高于通常平直晶界试样,但在10%SO_2-空气环境中,二者的性能皆剧烈下降;定向凝固Rene80合金不仅在空气环境中性能显著优于普通铸造的合金,在含硫环境中仍保持原先水平。在含硫环境中蠕变与腐蚀的交互作用下,蠕变裂纹的扩展是以硫化-氧化腐蚀在应力促进下沿晶侵入并形成低熔点共晶,导致早期破坏。 相似文献
本文研究了新近开发的定向凝固DZ40M钴基高温合金在700℃,360-340MPa时蠕变形变特点,用扫描电镜和透射电镜分别观察了蠕变断裂断口、纵向剖面和形变后组织结构.结果表明:DZ40M合金700℃起始蠕变阶段蠕变应变和间呈线性关系;稳态蠕变速率可用ε=A exp(b/kT)来表示,其中 A=8.7270×10-13%h-1 b=0.9039×10-21cm3·DZ40M合金表现出高的蠕变塑性;在蠕变过程中,大量细小的 M23C6在基体中沉淀析出,它们有效地强化合金基体; 蠕变断裂为穿晶韧性断裂,裂纹萌生于初生碳化物本身以及与基体的界面裂纹在垂直应力轴方向上扩展,最终导致穿晶断裂。 相似文献
T. Carneiro J. Radavich D. Furrer 《金属学报(英文版)》2005,18(4):468-478
1. IntroductionN iobium 'sprim ary role in superalloysisasa strengthenervia precipitation hardening and via solidsolution strengthening in a lesserextent. N iobium form s M C-type carbides in addition to the gam m adouble prim e (γ')phase N i3N b in iro… 相似文献
MA Peili YUAN Ying ZHONG Zengyong Central Iron Steel Research Institute Ministry of Metallurgical Industry Beijing China MA Peili Senior Engineer Lab.of Superalloy Central Iron Steel Research Institute Ministry of Metallurgical Industry Beijing China 《金属学报(英文版)》1990,3(3):208-212
By adding small amount of Mg to the wrought superalloys,the steady stage of creep,and es-pecially the tertiary stage of creep are prolonged.Also,the steady creep rate is decreasedwithin the range of low strain rates.At higher strain rates,however,the effect of Mg on creeprate vanishes.This may be attributed to the Mg dissolution in the matrix.A mechanism of theeffects of Mg addition on creep behaviors is proposed. 相似文献
Q.M.Yu Z.F.Yue 《金属学报(英文版)》2004,17(4):487-492
Numerical calculations of creep damage development and life behavior of circular notched specimens of nickel-base single crystal had been performed. The creep stress distributions depend on the specimen geometry. For a small notch radius, von Mises stress has an especial distribution. The damage distribution is greatly influenced by the notch depth, notch radius as well as notch type. The creep crack initiation place is different for each notched specimen. The characteristics of notch strengthening and notch weakening depend on the notch radius and notch type. For the same notch type, the creep rupture lives decrease with the decreasing of notch radius. A creep life model has been presented for the multiaxial stress states based on the crystallographic slip system theory. 相似文献
双剪切试样在镍基单晶合金蠕变变形损伤和寿命研究中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在对不同滑移系的双剪切试样进行蠕变实验的基础上,结合单向应力拉伸蠕变实验,并利用晶体滑各向异性蠕变损伤本构模型和有限元程序,对双剪切蠕变试样进行了研究。结果表明,对剪切试样受剪区域的应力状态基本为均匀分布且随蠕变时间变化很小,大部分受剪区域为单滑移系开动,提出的基于蠕变γ′相筏化规律的蠕变损伤本构模型,结合有限元(FEM)分析可以很好地描述双剪切试样的蠕变损伤规律,并可以和单向应力状态的实验结果联系起来,双剪切试样可以用来研究镍基单晶合金蠕变性能的晶体取向相关性,实验表明这种晶体取向相关性与开动滑移系类型及γ′相符代规律相关。 相似文献
铸造镍基高温合金的蠕变阻力 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在对颗粒强化理论和位错蠕变理论进行回顾、评价基础上,发展了一个位错蠕变阻力模型,认为蠕变阻力是影响铸造镍基高温合金蠕变机制的重要因素。当施加应力足以使位错切入γ′相时,主要蠕变机制是位错切割γ′相过程,蠕变阻力就是位错切入γ′相的临界门槛应力。在低施加应力区,位错只能借助于热激活攀移过程通过γ′相。蠕变阻力包括两部分:第一项是位错攀移临界门槛应力,与施加应力无关;第二项是与施加应力有关的阻力项,代表了其他强化机制的贡献。位错攀移机制蠕变阻力的上限是切割机制门槛应力。在3种铸造镍基高温合金中(定向凝固DZ17G合金,IN100合金和IN738合金),对上述模型进行了验证,理论计算应用了SL强化理论,与实测值符合较好。 相似文献
ZHANG Hongxue XU Zhichao CHEN Guoliang University of Science Technology Beijing Beijing China Professor Faculty of Superalloy University of Science Technology Beijing Beijing China 《金属学报(英文版)》1989,2(3):215-218
The relative ratio of fatigue resistance to creep resistance of materials varies with test temper-ature.As the temperature decreases,the creep resistance,since it is a thermal activation pro-cess,becomes relatively larger than fatigue resistance.Therefore the fatigue damage becomespredominant,and results in expansion of fatigue fracture region(region F),and shrinkageeven complete elimination of creep fracture region(region C).A materials parameter Ω canbe defined to estimate the temperature at which the creep fracture region is completely de-pressed.This phenomenon could be understood on the basis of the integrated model of compet-itive and cumulative models of fatigue creep interaction. 相似文献
本文研究了两种方式载荷循环(矩形波和锯齿波)对定向凝固镍基高温合金DZ176G高温蠕变行为的影响。结果表明,与恒载荷静态蠕变相比,载荷循环并不影响蠕变塑性,但降低了蠕变寿命,蠕变寿命的降低程序近拟与载荷循环粢九成正比,且矩形载荷循环比锯齿波载荷循环效果更为明显。提出载荷循环导致蠕变寿命的降低与载荷变化引起的滞弹性效应无关,而是蠕变变形加速的结果。在载荷降低时,蠕变阻力的松弛导致在随后加载期间,试样 相似文献
张源虎 《腐蚀科学与防护技术》1995,7(2):108-114
研究了分别为轧制、普通铸造、定向凝固及单晶的6种高温合金在热腐蚀条件下的蠕变断裂性能.其中涉及到试验温度、晶粒尺寸、晶界状态等对性能的影响.探讨了蠕变应变与热腐蚀交互作用下,合金中所产生的灾害性侵蚀及断裂过程. 相似文献
The tensile creep deformation and damage evolution in a Ni-base superalloy at 900℃/170MPa were investigated. At the first creep stage, abnormal creep occured due to the resolution of fine particles, and the deformation initiated from grain boundary areas. It is evident that nearly all of the dislocations were in γ matrix channels in form of dislocation pairs and the dislocations were impeded at γ/γ′ interfaces, thus the dislocation networks developed deformation. At the steady creep stage, impeded dislocations at γ /γ′ interfaces climbed over γ′ phases by diffusion-dominant mechanism.At the last creep stage, voids were formed around carbides at grain boundary which leaded to accumulated damage and caused creep rate accelerated. With the dislocation networks being broken, the voids connected and grew into micro-cracks gradually.Finally the cracks propagated along grain boundary area and resulted in failure. 相似文献
X.A. Zhang) H.Q. Xia) Z.T. Wu) Y.F. Han) R. Shi) G.X. Hu) = ) Mechanical Properties Laboratory Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials Beijing China) The State Education Commission Open Research Laboratory for High 《金属学报(英文版)》1999,12(1):116-123
1.IntroductionTheincreasingdemandsofhighperformancejetenginesneedimprovedsuperaloysforturbineblades.Sincegrainboundariesareth... 相似文献
高温蠕变与断裂评价的若干关键问题 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
简要介绍了现代高温装置的发展现状, 认为高温装置的安全保障是后工业文明时代无法回避的问题. 为了实现重大高温装备的设计制造和安全运行, 高温下材料的寿命预测与结构失效评价是其中关键. 针对基于Arrhenius方程的寿命外推方法存在的问题, 提出要致力研究高温材料蠕变老化过程的物理化学动力学机理; 针对实际结构引入的复杂应力状态,提出应构建拘束下的高温断裂理论; 针对复杂载荷和环境的影响, 应建立多损伤机制下的材料--结构一体化的统一失效评价方法. 相似文献