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Advances in techniques of molecular biology have made possible the amplification of specific genes from single cells. This has a major clinical application in preimplantation diagnosis of monogenic disorders. However, the incidence of allele specific amplification failure (allele drop out) in heterozygous single cells can lead to misdiagnosis and the transfer of affected embryos. Few studies have been done to investigate the actual cause of allele drop out, although some investigators have succeeded in reducing but not eliminating it. Here we report the efficiency of amplifying both alleles in heterozygous cells lysed according to two different protocols. A total of 177 heterozygous cells from carriers of cystic fibrosis (CF) and haemoglobin C (HbC) were lysed using two different lysis buffers. Interestingly none of the cells that were lysed with sodium dodecyl sulphate/proteinase K showed any example of allele specific amplification failure whereas in those lysed by KOH/dithiothreitol it was present in 17.6 and 4.7% of the CF and HbC cells respectively. Our results suggest that the phenomenon of allele specific amplification failure is at least in part dependent on the lysis buffer used.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that mutant genomic cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) sequences can be corrected in transformed CF airway epithelial cell lines by targeted replacement with small fragments of DNA with wild-type sequence. To determine if the observed genotype modification following small fragment homologous replacement (SFHR) was limited to transformed CF cell lines, further studies were carried out in both transformed and non-transformed primary normal airway epithelial cells. The endogenous genotype of these normal cell lines was modified following liposome or dendrimer transfection using DNA fragments with DeltaF508 CFTR sequence (488 nt, complementary single strands) designed to also contain a unique restriction enzyme cleavage site (Xho I). Replacement at the appropriate genomic locus by exogenous DeltaF508 CFTR DNA and its expression as mRNA was demonstrated by PCR amplification of genomic DNA and mRNA-derived cDNA as well as Xho I digestion of the PCR products. These studies show that SFHR occurs in both transformed and non-transformed primary human airway epithelial cells and indicate that single base substitution (the silent mutation giving rise to the Xho I site) and deletion or insertion of at least three consecutive bases can be achieved in both normal and CF epithelial cells. Furthermore, these studies reiterate the potential of SFHR as a strategy for a number of gene targeting applications, such as site-specific mutagenesis, development of transgenic animals, development of isogenic cell lines and for gene therapy.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the clinical utility of two new tests for serum trypsinogen 2 and trypsin 2-alpha 1 antitrypsin complex (trypsin 2-AAT) in diagnosing and assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP) induced by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). PATIENTS: Three hundred and eight consecutive patients undergoing ERCP at Helsinki University Central Hospital in 1994 and 1995. METHODS: Patients were followed prospectively for pancreatitis and clinical outcome. They were tested for serum trypsinogen 2, trypsin 2-AAT, and amylase in samples obtained before and one, six, and 24 hours after ERCP. RESULTS: Pancreatitis developed in 31 patients (10%). Their median serum trypsinogen 2 increased 26-fold to 1401 micrograms/l at six hours after the procedure and trypsin 2-AAT showed an 11-fold increase to 88 micrograms/l at 24 hours. The increase in both markers was stronger in severe than in mild pancreatitis, and in patients without pancreatitis there was no significant increase. Baseline trypsinogen 2 and trypsin 2-AAT concentrations were elevated in 29% and 32% of patients, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of a threefold elevation over the baseline value was therefore analysed. The sensitivity and specificity of these parameters in the diagnosis of post-ERCP pancreatitis was 93% and 91%, respectively, for serum trypsinogen 2 at six hours after the examination, and 93% and 90%, for trypsin 2-AAT at 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: Serum trypsinogen 2 and trypsin 2-AAT reflect pancreatic injury after ERCP. High concentrations are associated with severe pancreatic damage. The delayed increase in trypsin 2-AAT compared with trypsinogen 2 appears to reflect the pathophysiology of AP. A greater than threefold increase in trypsinogen 2 six hours after ERCP is an accurate indicator of pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The applicability of ELISA detection of circulating Aspergillus spp. antigen (Ag) and systemic antibody (Ab) of IgG class, and the blood parameter values were evaluated for diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in Aspergillus spp.-challenged Peking ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). The protective role of Aspergillus spp. IgG was evaluated in Cape shelducks (Tadorna cana) immunized with Aspergillus spp. Ag. Challenged but non-immunized A. platyrhynchos developed invasive aspergillosis on day 21 as demonstrated histopathologically by the presence of fungal micro-granuloma in air sacs and lung tissue, with serum antigenemia fluctuating from 65 to 270 ng of 55-kD basic protein Ag per ml. Immunized A. platyrhynchos did not demonstrate Aspergillus spp. serum antigenemia but did show rare histopathological changes in some air sacs associated with fungal inflammation. Although the differences between immunized and non-immunized T. cana in blood evaluation parameters did not differ significantly, immunized birds mounted high Aspergillus spp.-specific IgG titer. There was no correlation between the blood parameter values and post-immunization timepoints in T. cana and in A. Platyrhynchos. Intramuscular immunization with Aspergillus spp. mycelial phase cultures Ag provided protection against the pathogens. The lack of relations between blood parameter values and increasing Aspergillus spp. IgG titers (in T. cana and A. platyrhynchos) indicate low applicability of these parameters in evaluation of a bird Aspergillus spp. status. Detection of circulating 55-kDa Aspergillus spp. Ag has high early predictive values for invasive aspergillosis in birds.  相似文献   

Word association reaction time and GSR are used to separate five letter words of known familiarity into four groups; words associated with either avoidance habits or disruptive emotional states, unfamiliar words, moderately familiar words connected with nondisruptive emotional states, and familiar and non emotional words. The hypothesis that the ease of forming new associations to these words should inversely reflect the amount of emotionality attached to the words is supported; however, no differences between the four categories of words appeared, probably due to contamination between the categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We report the case of a 38-year-old man who, 2 weeks after a laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, was referred to our Unit because of acute wrap herniation and intrathoracic gastric perforation. Although both of these complications have already been described, this is the first case in which they have occurred simultaneously and not as an immediate consequence of the operation. Intraoperative findings suggested that diaphragmatic crura had not been reapproximated and that the gastric wrap had not been fixed to them. This observation and the fact that immediately after hospital discharge the patient had sustained intense physical efforts can explain acute wrap herniation. Placement of full-thickness sutures may account for gastric perforation. These pathogenetic determinants and their preventive measures are discussed in the light of a review of the literature.  相似文献   

We present a computer model to predict the patterns expected for the replication intermediates (RIs) of DNA fragments analyzed by neutral/neutral two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis. The model relies on the mode of replication (uni- or bi-directional), the electrophoretic mobility of linear DNA fragments and the retardation caused by the three-dimensional shape of non-linear molecules. The utility of this model is demonstrated with two examples: replication analysis of the plasmids pBR322 and pHH5.8 in Escherichia coli after digestions with EcoRI and HindIII, respectively.  相似文献   

Partial nucleotide sequences of the gyrB genes (DNA gyrase B subunit genes) of 15 Acinetobacter strains, including the type and reference strains of genomic species 1 to 12 (A. calcoaceticus [genomic species 1], A. baumannii [genomic species 2], Acinetobacter genomic species 3, A. haemolyticus [genomic species 4], A. junii [genomic species 5], Acinetobacter genomic species 6, A. johnsonii [genomic species 7], A. lwoffii [genomic species 8], Acinetobacter genomic species 9, Acinetobacter genomic species 10, Acinetobacter genomic species 11, and A. radioresistens [genomic species 12]), were determined by sequencing the PCR-amplified fragments of gyrB. The gyrB sequence homology among these Acinetobacter strains ranged from 69.6 to 99.7%. A phylogenetic analysis, using the gyrB sequences, indicates that genomic species 1, 2, and 3 formed one cluster (87.3 to 90.3% identity), while genomic species 8 and 9 formed another cluster (99.7% identity). These results are consistent with those of DNA-DNA hybridization and of biochemical systematics. On the other hand, the topology of the published phylogenetic tree based on the 16S rRNA sequences of the Acinetobacter strains was quite different from that of the gyrB-based tree. The numbers of substitution in the 16S rRNA gene sequences were not high enough to construct a reliable phylogenetic tree. The gyrB-based analysis indicates that the genus Acinetobacter is highly diverse and that a reclassification of this genus would be required.  相似文献   

To select a source of lymphocytes for the generation of an anti-sperm-biased combinatorial phage display library, venous blood was obtained from 34 vasovasostomy (vasectomy reversal) patients approximately 3 mo after surgery. Using a variety of immunoassays, serum was analyzed for antibodies against human spermatozoa, and a patient was selected on the basis of high titer of antibodies that recognized the equatorial region of the sperm head and inhibited sperm fertilizing capacity in vitro. Total RNA isolated from the stored lymphocytes of this individual was reversed transcribed, and gamma1 (Fd) region and kappa chains were amplified by polymerase chain reaction for the successful construction of an antibody phage display library. The library was panned against human spermatozoa to isolate sperm-specific phage that recognized the equatorial region of the sperm head. Three preparations of Fab were tested via the hamster egg penetration test. Each preparation significantly (p < 0. 005) inhibited sperm-egg binding and fusion, with one preparation (designated Fab-G) causing complete inhibition. Sequence analysis of the kappa light gene encoding Fab-G revealed a 93% homology with the light chain of human anti-human immunodeficiency virus gp120 p35 variable region. This technology may have a practical application in characterization of the immune response to spermatozoa and for the design of sperm-based contraceptive vaccines.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Nitric oxide (NO) is generated in mammalian tissue by the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline. The reaction is catalyzed by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). NO has been suggested to have a dual role in tumor biology with both antitumor and tumor promoter activity. Furthermore, it has been proposed that NO contributes to interleukin-2-induced antitumor activity. Since interleukin-2 is used in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) it was of interest to study the NOS activity in the human kidney and in RCC and its correlation to tumor grade. Furthermore, the effect of cytokine treatment on NOS activity and the effect of NO donor application was studied in cultured cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The effect of cytokine treatment on NOS activity and the effect of NO donor application on cell proliferation was studied in cultured human proximal tubular cells and in RCC cell lines HN4 and HN51. NOS activity was measured by the L-arginine to L-citrulline conversion assay. RESULTS: Calcium-dependent NOS activity was found in all non-malignant kidney tissues (486+/-63 pmol. min(-1) g(-1) tissue). The activity was significantly lower in RCC (24+/-6 pmol. min(-1) g(-1) tissue) and correlated with tumor grade; thus high grade tumors showed lower activity than low grade tumors. Calcium-independent NOS activity was not detected in non-malignant kidney tissue or in RCC tissue. In cultured proximal tubular cells and RCC cell lines HN4 and HN51, cytokine treatment induced a marked increase in NOS activity and NO exerted cytostatic effects on these cell lines. Conclusions: The NOS activity was higher in non-malignant kidney tissue than in RCC tissue and was inversely correlated with tumor grade. Furthermore, cytokine treatment induced a marked increase in NOS activity and NO exerted cytostatic effects on cultured proximal tubular cells and RCC cell lines.  相似文献   

The RNP domain is a very common eukaryotic protein domain involved in recognition of a wide range of RNA structures and sequences. Two structures of human U1A in complex with distinct RNA substrates have revealed important aspects of RNP-RNA recognition, but have also raised intriguing questions concerning the origin of binding specificity. The beta-sheet of the domain provides an extensive RNA-binding platform for packing aromatic RNA bases and hydrophobic protein side chains. However, many interactions between functional groups on the single-stranded nucleotides and residues on the beta-sheet surface are potentially common to RNP proteins with diverse specificity and therefore make only limited contribution to molecular discrimination. The refined structure of the U1A complex with the RNA polyadenylation inhibition element reported here clarifies the role of the RNP domain principal specificity determinants (the variable loops) in molecular recognition. The most variable region of RNP proteins, loop 3, plays a crucial role in defining the global geometry of the intermolecular interface. Electrostatic interactions with the RNA phosphodiester backbone involve protein side chains that are unique to U1A and are likely to be important for discrimination. This analysis provides a novel picture of RNA-protein recognition, much closer to our current understanding of protein-protein recognition than that of DNA-protein recognition.  相似文献   

A clinical procedure for rapid detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) by DNA amplification is demonstrated. The rapid procedure reduces handling requirements and amplification time and eliminates use of radioactivity for the detection of the amplification product. Total leukocyte lysates are the amplification substrates. Two conserved regions in the HIV-1 genome are amplified by 45 cycles of a two-temperature thermal cycle and the amplification products are detected by ultraviolet light after electrophoresis on agarose gels. Twenty-four specimens clinically diagnosed by detection of antibody (IgG) to HIV-1 were confirmed by the rapid DNA amplification procedure. In a blind study, 56 samples positive for HIV-1 DNA were detected in 503 individuals by the current classical polymerase chain reaction method; the same 56 positive samples were also detected by the rapid amplification protocol. No false-positive or false-negative results were obtained. The turnaround time for analysis has been reduced to < 24 h without compromising test results.  相似文献   

The imprinting behavior of chicks was quantified as a preference score (correct response ratio) achieved in a running wheel apparatus. A total of 249 chicks were exposed to an imprinting stimulus and tested for stimulus-approaching behavior. The chicks were then classified as good learners (imprinted), poor learners (non-imprinted) and a gray-zone group, those were 46%, 31% and 23% of the total chicks respectively. Using the classified chicks, the acetylcholine (ACh) and glutamate releases from the medial hyperstriatum ventrale (MHV) of the chick forebrains were determined by in vivo microdialysis. The non-imprinted chicks were used as yoked controls. Increases of ACh and glutamate released were observed in the imprinted chicks during exposure to the imprinting stimulus, whereas there were no changes in the release of these neurotransmitters in the non-imprinted chicks during the imprinting exposure. These results might be indicated that cholinergic and glutamatergic synapses which are newly formed as functioning synapses with imprinting stimulus in the MHV are involved in the performance of imprinting behavior.  相似文献   

On the basis of nucleotide sequences of the coding region and their predicted amino acid sequences, 58 glycoprotein hormone subunit genes were compared, aligned and used to construct phylogenetic trees for this family. The analysis included 17 alpha-subunits, eight TSH beta-, six FSH beta-, 17 LH beta/CG beta-, four fish gonadotropin (GTH)-I beta-, five fish GTH-II beta- and one additional fish GTH beta-subunit. The reliability of the phylogenetic trees was probed with the bootstrapping test. Our results indicated that: both the alpha- and beta-subunits of the family diverged from a common ancestral gene about 927 million years ago, the initial precursor of the beta-subunit duplicated to give rise to the LH beta and a second hormone, the latter then duplicating to FSH beta and TSH beta, so that FSH beta is related more to TSH beta than to LH beta; and bony fish GTH-I beta is highly related to mammalian FSH beta, whereas the bony fish GTH-II beta is more related to mammalian LH beta. For scientific consistency and convenience, we propose that the following nomenclature be adopted, all fish gonadotropins of type I be classified as FSH and all type II be classified as LH hormones. In addition, on the basis of results from this and other studies, we propose an evolutionary history for this glycoprotein hormone family. Reconstruction of the evolutionary history of this family would not only provide clues to understanding thyrotropin and gonadotropin functions, but would also allow further revision of the present nomenclature of the gonadotropins in fish.  相似文献   

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