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针对具有不确定和干扰输入的二自由度电动陶瓷取坯机械手系统,基于李雅普诺夫函数递推设计方法设计了H∞鲁棒自适应跟踪控制器,该控制器不仅可保证跟踪误差闭环系统的一致有界稳定性,而且使得由干扰力短到跟踪误差评价信号的L2增益小于给定的值,同时本文也提出了不同求解HJI不等式设计陶瓷取坯机械手H∞鲁棒控制器的方法。仿真结果表明,所设计的控制器具有良好的跟踪性能和较强的鲁棒自适应性。 相似文献
研究了具有干扰二自由度陶瓷取坯机械手网络控制系统状态反馈控制问题。首先,提出了陶瓷取坯机械手的网络化鲁棒控制模型;进而,针对存在不确定网络时延的陶瓷取坯机械手网络控制系统,通过设定最大时延,并运用矩阵不等式方法,给出闭环系统鲁棒控制稳定的充分条件和状态反馈控制律。仿真结果表明,该鲁棒控制策略能够对网络控制陶瓷取坯机械手系统的干扰进行有效抑制。 相似文献
针对传统容错控制方法难以保证非线性系统在执行器和传感器多故障并发情形下的稳定性问题,研究了一类时滞不确定模糊系统的鲁棒完整性容错控制方法。建立了基于T-S模糊逻辑的不确定非线性模型,定义执行器和传感器故障阵的标准归一化形式,在利用Newton-Leibniz公式变换系统结构的基础上,根据线性矩阵不等式技术给出了鲁棒容错控制器存在的时滞相关性充分条件,以保证整个闭环系统在执行器和(或)传感器发生故障时的稳定性,同时满足给定的广义鲁棒性能约束,联合抑制扰动、初始状态和时滞状态对系统性能的影响。最后仿真结果验证了方法的必要性和可行性。 相似文献
对随机分布控制理论的进展进行了概述.利用输出随机分布函数的平方根样条逼近方法和非线性权动态模型.提出一类新的广义比例积分控制律,控制目标是找到优化策略,使得:闭环系统输出的概率密度函数渐进跟踪一个给定的概率密度函数;闭环系统的稳定性和状态约束问题可以得到保证;干扰输入可以得到抑制,保证鲁棒性.其中可以反馈的信息是输出的概率密度泛函形式,所提出的控制方法是经典的随机控制理论及PID理论的推广. 相似文献
讨论一类线性不确定多时滞系统的鲁棒容错控制问题.基于Lyapunov稳定性理论和线性矩阵不等式方法(LMI),针对一类参数有界不确定多时滞系统,给出了状态反馈鲁棒容错控制器设计方法,并且利用该方法得到的闭环控制系统,不仅在执行器失效情况下具有渐进稳定性,对参数不确定也具有良好的鲁棒性.最后,应用设计实例及仿真结果验证该设计方法的可靠性和有效性. 相似文献
应用Lyapunov函数及线性矩阵不等式技术研究了随机重复过程的鲁棒L2-L∞动态输出反馈控制问题,目的是设计一个全阶控制器使随机重复过程均方渐近稳定。给出鲁棒L2-L∞全阶控制器存在的充分条件,并将控制器的设计转化为一个凸优化的求解问题。所设计的控制器能够保证相对于所有能量有界的外界扰动信号,重复过程的L2-L∞性能指标小于一定值γ。仿真实例证实了该设计方法的有效性。 相似文献
This article considers exponential tracking with disturbance attenuation by output feedback (ETDAOF) control for systems with time delay in the process input. It is shown that the stability of such systems can be analyzed through a small-gain theorem. This robust stability analysis method is helpful in making decisions in controller synthesis. The analysis method is used to synthesize an ETDAOF controller for a highly nonlinear pH neutralization process. Simulation results are presented. 相似文献
均匀设计在沉淀法制备纳米二氧化锆中的应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
用氨水作沉淀剂与氯氧化锆进行反应生成的胶体沉淀再焙烧制备出纳米二氧化锆。利用均匀设计考察了反应物量比、反应物浓度、焙烧温度和焙烧时间对产品平均粒径、分散性和晶形状态的影响。粒径由TEM测出 ,分散性和晶形状态由人为评分给出。研究表明反应物量比、氯氧化锆浓度和焙烧温度对产品性质影响较大。本实验优化的制备条件是 :n(氨水 )∶n(氯氧化锆 ) =3∶1;c(氯氧化锆 ) =0 .1mol/L ;c(氨水 ) =0 .5mol/L ;焙烧温度为 6 0 0℃ ;焙烧时间为 1h ,在此条件下可获得均匀分散的纳米二氧化锆 ,收率为 95 .4%。XRD分析结果表明 ,此产品主要为单斜晶形 相似文献
蒽醌法双氧水生产中加氢反应原理及其控制 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
概述蒽醌法双氧水生产中催化加氢反应原理和控制要点,从实际生产的角度,着重介绍了优化反应条件,遏制副反应,保持蒽醌稳定性的主要途径和意义。 相似文献
Huiquan Wu Mansoor A. Khan Ajaz S. Hussain - Current address: Global Biopharmaceutical Development Sandoz Princeton New Jersey. 《Chemical Engineering Communications》2007,194(6):760-779
FDA's Process Analytical Technology (PAT) initiative provides an unprecedented opportunity for chemical engineers to play significant roles in the pharmaceutical industry. In this article, the authors provide their perspectives on (1) the need for chemical engineering principles in pharmaceutical development for a thorough process understanding; (2) applications of chemical engineering principles to meet the challenges from the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries; and (3) the integration of chemical engineering practice into the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries to achieve process understanding and the desired state of quality-by-design. A real-world case study from the semiconductor industry is presented to demonstrate how a classic chemical engineering concept, mixing homogeneity, can be implemented by inducing forced flow to ensure an excellent copper electrochemical plating process performance and to improve product quality substantially. Further, a case study of brake system design is discussed with the concept of Dr. Taguchi's robust engineering design to illustrate how quality-by-design can be achieved through appropriate experimental design, in conjunction with the discussion on the concept of quality-by-design in pharmaceuticals. Third, a case study of freeze-dried sodium ethacrynate is presented to demonstrate the vital importance of controlling the processing factors to achieve the desired product stability. Finally, the problems of the current pharmaceutical manufacturing mode, the opportunities and engineering challenges during implementation of PAT in the pharmaceutical industry, and the role of chemical engineering in implementation of PAT is discussed in detail. 相似文献
FDA's Process Analytical Technology (PAT) initiative provides an unprecedented opportunity for chemical engineers to play significant roles in the pharmaceutical industry. In this article, the authors provide their perspectives on (1) the need for chemical engineering principles in pharmaceutical development for a thorough process understanding; (2) applications of chemical engineering principles to meet the challenges from the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries; and (3) the integration of chemical engineering practice into the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries to achieve process understanding and the desired state of quality-by-design. A real-world case study from the semiconductor industry is presented to demonstrate how a classic chemical engineering concept, mixing homogeneity, can be implemented by inducing forced flow to ensure an excellent copper electrochemical plating process performance and to improve product quality substantially. Further, a case study of brake system design is discussed with the concept of Dr. Taguchi's robust engineering design to illustrate how quality-by-design can be achieved through appropriate experimental design, in conjunction with the discussion on the concept of quality-by-design in pharmaceuticals. Third, a case study of freeze-dried sodium ethacrynate is presented to demonstrate the vital importance of controlling the processing factors to achieve the desired product stability. Finally, the problems of the current pharmaceutical manufacturing mode, the opportunities and engineering challenges during implementation of PAT in the pharmaceutical industry, and the role of chemical engineering in implementation of PAT is discussed in detail. 相似文献
超临界CO_2萃取迷迭香精油及其化学成分分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
迷迭香是非常受关注的天然抗氧化剂来源植物之一。该研究用超临界CO2流体萃取技术对福建产迷迭香进行精油提取研究,萃取过程采用程序加压和程序升温,进一步采用GC-MS联用技术对萃取得到的迷迭香精油组分进行了分析。共分离出44个组分峰,鉴定出其中43个化学成分,占挥发油总量的97.83%。福建产迷迭香挥发油中含量较高的成分如α-蒎烯(10.54%)、莰烯(4.63%)、柠檬烯(7.27%)、桉叶油素(11.76%)、樟脑(9.25%)等的混合香气构成了迷迭香精油的特征香气。根据国际标准对迷迭香精油的分型,确定福建产迷迭香与突尼斯/摩洛哥型更为相近。 相似文献