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HRT对UASB-SMBR(PTFE)组合工艺处理某油田含油废水性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用升流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)与膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺处理含油废水,在不同的水力停留时间(HRT)下考察了系统对NH3-N、石油类污染物和挥发酚去除以及COD和浊度降低的效果,也考察了膜污染和清洗情况。结果表明,该组合工艺对各种污染物质都有很好的去除效果,出水水质能够满足国家污水综合排放一级标准, NH3-N、石油类污染物、挥发酚的平均去除率以及CO和浊度的降低率分别达到98.58%、98.33%、99.83%、95.00%和99.84%;污染物的去除效率随着水力停留时间的缩而降低。在实验过程中还发现,在不同水力停留时间下会产生不同程度的膜污染,且水力停留时间的长短与膜染的速率呈反相关关系;采用四步法清洗后,聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)膜的透水性基本完全恢复。UASB-SMBR(PTFE)组合工艺能够稳定运用于含油废水的处理。  相似文献   

针对新疆油田稠油污水乳化严重、油水密度差小等的特点,认为高效净水剂的研制和开发是稠油污水处理的关键。通过实验筛选研制出具有高效净水作用的药剂,结果表明:当凝聚剂XZ-1投加量为125-150mg/l,助沉剂XZ-2为60-80mg/l,助凝剂XZ-3为4—6mg/l,使处理后的滤前水油含量≤10mg/l、悬浮物≤8mg/l,COD≤120mg/l。现场试验验证了高效净水剂性能优良,能够满足新疆油田稠油污水处理达标回注回用及排放。  相似文献   

李彬 《油田化学》2014,31(2):278-281
胜坨油田地层温度大于80℃、地层水矿化度大于20000 mg/L、地层水钙镁离子大于500 mg/L,非均质性强。根据该油藏特点,室内研制了强化聚合物驱油体系,在超高分疏水缔合型聚丙烯酰胺中加入聚合物强化剂。结果表明,强化剂加量由0增至2500 mg/L,驱油体系的表观黏度由7.8增至42.9 mPa·s,黏性模量由120增至315 mPa,弹性模量由0增至106 mPa。在模拟胜坨油田条件下,强化聚合物驱油体系(超高分缔合聚合物、强化剂质量比4:1)老化60 d的黏度保留率为85.5%,好于改性聚丙烯酰胺(GXPAM)(66.2%),热稳定性良好。在非均质岩心中注入强化聚合物驱油体系(2500 mg/L),高渗模型产液百分比由98.5%逐渐降低,最低值为32.7%;低渗模型产液百分比由1.5%逐渐增大,最大值为67.3%;后续水驱1.0 PV时,高渗模型产液百分比为58.5%,低渗模型的为41.5%,岩心非均质性得到明显改善。岩心渗透率级差分别为1:5和1:3时,强化聚合物驱油体系的采收率增幅为26.0%和10.9%,GXPAM的为14.8%和7.1%。强化聚合物驱油体系的驱油效果明显优于GXPAM,并且在高渗透率级差下的驱油效果较好。  相似文献   

针对常规聚合物(部分水解聚丙烯酰胺HPAM)无法满足高盐稠油油藏采收率要求的问题,以胜坨油田二区东三4砂组高盐稠油油藏为研究对象,实验结合数值模拟分析了超高分子聚合物驱和常规聚合物驱的提高采收率机理。研究表明,超高分子聚合物黏度、黏弹性,耐盐性以及高温下的稳定性均优于常规聚合物,采用超高分子聚合物驱油更容易实现活塞驱油;相比于常规聚合物,分子间排列更加致密且互相缠绕,分子间缔合作用力远大于常规聚合物,表现出很强的抗盐、抗拖拽能力,具有很强的调剖能力;CMG数值模拟结果表明,采用超高分子聚合物驱提高东三4砂组油藏采收率具有见效早、降低含水率效果好的优点。对于东三4砂组油藏,采用超高分子聚合物驱(DQ-3500)相对于常规聚合物驱(8#HPAM)采收率提高了1.74%。该研究成果对于采用超高分子聚合物驱提高高盐稠油油藏采收率的推广应用具有重要意义。  相似文献   


Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from oil refinery wastewater using an integrated submerged membrane bioreactor anaerobic/aerobic (ISMBR-A/O) was investigated in this laboratory study. The objectives were to demonstrate suitability of the membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology to the treatment of refinery wastewater and its ability to achieve nitrogen and phosphorus removal effectively. IMBR-A/O comprised four reactor tanks: an influent tank, anaerobic tank, aerobic tank, and effluent tank. The IMBR-A/O was operated in cycles of four phases: fill, anaerobic, aerobic, and draw. During the fill phase, the influent tank was half-filled with oil refinery wastewater. During the subsequent anaerobic phase, most of the phosphorus release took place from the submerged biofilm in this reactor. In the aerobic phase, the wastewater was circulated by pumps between the influent tank and the anaerobic tank, resulting in denitrification at the start of the aerobic phase due to low oxygen concentrations, followed by nitrification and luxury uptake of phosphorus when oxygen concentrations increased. Ultimately, the treated water flowed from the effluent tank. The results show that the chemical oxygen demand (COD), 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), oil, NH+ 4-N, total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiencies were 91, 90, 91, 99, 80, and 66%, respectively.  相似文献   


The effect of temperature and impeller speed on the performance of induced gas flotation (IGF) systems for the removal of oil from produced water in different ranges (5–300 g/L) of total dissolved solids (TDS) was investigated in a pilot plant study. Furthermore, it was evaluated whether the IGF pilot plant effluent could reach the 15 mg/L outlet oil content as required by Article VI of the Kuwait Convention for Persian Gulf region, before being discharged to the sea. The results showed that oil removal efficiencies up to 90% could be reached at high temperature (80°C) in just one single flotation cell without adding any chemicals. Flotation unit, however, should be followed by at least one more flotation cell in series in order to guarantee the Kuwait Convention marine pollution discharge standard for the effluent oil content.  相似文献   

周超  姜和健  许军  贾秀敏  王明磊  郭旭虹 《石油化工》2013,42(11):1242-1246
以聚(苯乙烯-马来酸酐)和脂肪胺为原料,通过化学修饰的方法合成了侧链接枝脂肪酰胺的梳型共聚物聚苯乙烯-马来酸脂肪酰胺(SMAC)。利用1H NMR、DSC、流变性能测试等方法分析了SMAC的化学结构,研究了SMAC对高凝油屈服应力的影响以及SMAC对高凝油中蜡晶的相转变温度和相变焓的影响。实验结果表明,SMAC的胺化度随侧链长度的增长而降低;SMAC可有效降低高凝油的屈服应力,最高降幅可达93.2%;随SMAC的胺化度和侧链长度的增大,高凝油屈服应力的降幅增大;SMAC可有效降低高凝油中蜡晶的相转变温度和相变焓。  相似文献   

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