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傅昆 《软件》2009,(9):2-2
毫无疑问,工业以太网已经成为不可替代的工业通讯技术趋势。从今年本刊连续举办的第三届工业以太网(上海站)论坛,以及即将于本月召开的北京站以太网论坛前期情况来看,大多数用户对工业以太网的基本面都已了解,并且有接近一半的听众用户都已经采用该技术,而大约30%即将采用,一些用户甚至开始关注无线技术。  相似文献   

世界空运业领先的IT商务解决方案和通信服务提供商国际航空电讯集团(SITA)公司近日发布第十次SITA和Airline Business航空公司IT趋势调查结果1,号召航空运输业充分利用互联网降低成本,创造副业收入以补偿高油价成本.……  相似文献   

日前,主题为"加速领域革新,更加贴合客户业务需求"的2008年Fujitsu(富士通)论坛在东京圆满落幕,共有近12000名来自全球的嘉宾出席了论坛.在本届论坛上,Fujitsu(富士通)展示了其最新的尖端科技和综合解决方案,全方位、多角度地向人们展示Fujitsu(富士通)的先进技术为人类社会及生活所带来的便利.除此之外,此届论坛还有一个重大的特色主题:环保和绿色.……  相似文献   

SITE鼓励航空公司与高油价抗衡,利用电子商务来装备工作人员、节约成本、创造新收入世界空运业领先的IT商务解决方案和通信服务提供商国际航空电讯集团(SITA)公司近日发布第十次SITA和Airline Business航空公司IT趋势调查结果,号召航空运输业充  相似文献   

香港金融管理局总裁兼香港银行学会副会长任志刚先生率领包括香港汇丰银行执行董事兼香港银行学会长王冬胜先生、永亨银行有限公司董事长、行政总裁兼香港银行学会理事会主席冯玉斌先生等代表团一行拜会了中国人民银行和中国银行业监督管理委员会。双方就加强两地银行业合作及人才交流交换了意见。  相似文献   

《Software, IEEE》2004,21(2):42-45
We bear a lot about bow collaboration is the key to implementing the right requirements. But how can clients and developers achieve this collaboration? The author gives the benefit of his experience on how prototypes and professionalism make this happen.  相似文献   

Garland  H. Ahlgren  A. 《Computer》1978,11(6):28-32
Several small-scale computer applications illustrate the usefulness of microprocessor-based systems for a variety of industrial processes and business procedures.  相似文献   

Us information security specialists have long been viewed by top management as technicians who should rightfully labour in the remote and isolated offices of the organization. This viewpoint is dangerously out of touch with the times. Information security is absolutely critical to every modern organization, and it is a multi-disciplinary, multi-departmental, and multi-organizational issue which must get top management’s personal attention.  相似文献   

Go is a difficult game for computers to master, and the best go programs are still weaker than the average human player. Since the traditional game playing techniques have proven inadequate, new approaches to computer go need to be studied. This paper presents a new approach to learning to play go. The SANE (Symbiotic, Adaptive Neuro-Evolution) method was used to evolve networks capable of playing go on small boards with no pre-programmed go knowledge. On a 9 × 9 go board, networks that were able to defeat a simple computer opponent were evolved within a few hundred generations. Most significantly, the networks exhibited several aspects of general go playing, which suggests the approach could scale up well.  相似文献   

方宇 《微型计算机》2007,(2X):138-145
寒假了,你为游戏准备好了吗?或许你会说《彩虹六号:拉斯维加斯》之类的最新大作已经在电脑内安家,《魔兽世界》已经更新,方便面,饼干,矿泉水摆满了一屋子……可是,你真的准备好了吗?或者说,你的PC游戏机准备好了吗?[编者按]  相似文献   

We have two serious problems (among other serious problems) when it comes to asset protection (physical devices and information). The first problem is that we are not dealing with the information protection nor computer fraud problems in a holistic manner. Secondly, we are also not pushing the responsibilities for that protection aggressively where it belongs — on the users and owners of the information and the devices that store, transmit, display, and process information that requires protection, e.g. sensitive or proprietary information (or classified information for those in government agencies.)  相似文献   

William Rapaport, in “How Helen Keller used syntactic semantics to escape from a Chinese Room,” (Rapaport 2006), argues that Helen Keller was in a sort of Chinese Room, and that her subsequent development of natural language fluency illustrates the flaws in Searle’s famous Chinese Room Argument and provides a method for developing computers that have genuine semantics (and intentionality). I contend that his argument fails. In setting the problem, Rapaport uses his own preferred definitions of semantics and syntax, but he does not translate Searle’s Chinese Room argument into that idiom before attacking it. Once the Chinese Room is translated into Rapaport’s idiom (in a manner that preserves the distinction between meaningful representations and uninterpreted symbols), I demonstrate how Rapaport’s argument fails to defeat the CRA. This failure brings a crucial element of the Chinese Room Argument to the fore: the person in the Chinese Room is prevented from connecting the Chinese symbols to his/her own meaningful experiences and memories. This issue must be addressed before any victory over the CRA is announced.  相似文献   

Rich Mintz  陈廷炯 《软件》2009,(11):26-28
在美国,电动机消耗了65%的工业用电。这些电量相当于全美每年产电量的20%,同时也制造了类似比倒的二氯化碳排放量。耍想让这种程度的能源消耗量出现些许的下降,就必须跳出高效能电动机的思维框架,而要从整个动力传动系统中寻找适当的途径。  相似文献   

徐红  洪飞 《信息网络》2004,(10):62-62
近年来呼叫中心日益成为人们关注的重点,CTI技术、VoIP技术也频频成为人们讨论呼叫中心时的热点话题。讨论之余,人们也开始更多的思考,是否可以将各种单一的技术整合起来。以一种载体实现更多、更复杂的功能.以便更灵活地应变不同用户的不同需求呢?软交换(Soft Switch)技术的出现实现了上述想法。目前,采用软交换技术的呼叫中心已经在中国市场展露头角。  相似文献   

国家十二五规划指出:"全面提高信息化建设是提高国家经济发展的重要基础之一,党政机关更要起到带头作用。"在政府日常事务处理中,信息资料管理与传递扮演着越来越重要的角色。然而信息化高效办公已成为主导的今天,政府机关却始终存在三大困扰:汇报载体格式不够规范统一、资料数量庞大不易管理以及信息传递滞后难以高效分享。针对以上境况,爱普生推出光盘印刷刻录机  相似文献   

重点讲述了SIP(School Infomation Portal校园内部统一信息平台)的主要功能架构以及开发的技术架构,讨论了如何满足学校越来越多的信息化需求,并实现校园内的信息共享,避免了不同部门,不同应用系统的信息孤岛问题.  相似文献   

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