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Constructed wetlands (CWs) have proved to be a highly effective measure to reduce the ecological impact of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on receiving waters. Due to the stochastic nature of the loading regime and the multitude of environmental influences, assessment of the performance of such plants requires detailed mathematical modelling. A multi-component reactive transport module (CW2D) was applied to simulate the flow, transport and degradation processes occurring in a CW for CSO treatment. CW2D was originally developed to simulate the treatment of municipal wastewater in subsurface flow CWs. Loading and operational conditions in CSO treatment differ fundamentally from the conditions occurring for wastewater treatment. Despite these differences, first results from the simulation of lab-scale experiments show, that the model is generally applicable to this type of plant. Modelling of adsorption, degradation processes, and influent fractionation, however, require further research.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands (CWs) use the same processes that occur in natural wetlands to improve water quality and are used worldwide to treat different qualities of water. This paper shows the results of an Austrian research project having the main goals to optimize vertical flow beds in terms of surface area requirement and nutrient removal, respectively. It could be shown that a subsurface vertical flow constructed wetland (SSVFCW) operated with an organic load of 20 g COD x m(-2) x d(-1) (corresponding to a specific surface area demand of 4 m2 per person) can fulfil the requirements of the Austrian standard regarding effluent concentrations and removal efficiencies. During the warmer months (May - October), when the temperature of the effluent is higher than 12 degrees C, the specific surface area might be further reduced. Even 2 m2 per person have been proven to be adequate. Enhanced nitrogen removal of 58% could be achieved with a two-stage system (first stage: grain size for main layer 1-4 mm, saturated drainage layer; and second stage: grain size for main layer 0.06-4 mm, free drainage) that was operated with an organic load of 80 g COD x m(-2) x d(-1) for the first stage (1 m2 per person), i.e. 40 g COD x m(-2) x d(-1) for the two-stage system (2 m2 per person). Although the two-stage system was operated with higher organic loads a higher effluent quality compared to a single-stage SSVFCW (grain size for main layer 0.06-4 mm, free drainage, organic load 20 g COD x m(-2) x d(-1)) could be reached.  相似文献   

Using subsurface vertical flow constructed wetlands (SSVFCWs) with intermittent loading it is possible to fulfil the stringent Austrian effluent standards regarding nitrification. For small plants (less than 500 persons) standards for ammonia nitrogen concentration have to be met at water temperatures higher than 12 degrees C, effluent concentrations and treatment efficiencies for organic matter have to be met the whole year around. According to the Austrian design standards the required surface area for SSVFCWs treating wastewater was 5 m2 per person. Within the first part of an Austrian research project the goal was to optimise, i.e. minimise the surface area requirement of vertical flow beds. Therefore, three SSVFCWs with a surface area of 20 m2 each have been operated in parallel. The organic loads applied were 20, 27 and 40 g COD/m2/d, which corresponds to a specific surface area requirement of 4, 3 and 2 m2 per PE, respectively. The paper compares the effluent concentrations and elimination efficiencies of the three parallel operated beds. It could be shown that a specific area demand of 4 m2 per person is suitable to be included in the revision of the Austrian design standard. Additionally it could be shown that during the warmer seasons (May-October) when the temperature of the effluent is higher than 12 degrees C the specific surface area might be further reduced; even 2 m2 per person has been proven to be adequate.  相似文献   

Microorganisms constitute a central component of constructed wetlands (CWs), playing a major role in these systems' capacity for treating wastewater. The aim of this study was to determine the diversity and composition of the microbial community found in a recirculating vertical flow CW (RVFCW) bed fed with primarily settled domestic wastewater and its response to the presence of plants, season and location in the bed. The RVFCW removed 90-95% of TSS and BOD(5) to below 10 mg L(-1). The effluent quality was not significantly affected by seasonal temperature or the existence of plants in the bed. None of these factors had discernible effects on bacterial diversity, e.g. in the planted RVFCW, the richness (S') and Shannon-Weiner diversity (H') indices were 18.3 (±3.5) and 2.49 (±0.15), respectively, which are similar to the values of 19.4 (±3.5) and 2.57 (±0.18) in the unplanted RVFCW. However, there were indications that the structure of the microbial community underwent changes that were uncorrelated with the environmental factors tested and that did not affect the overall performance. The consistency in diversity and composition/structure of the bacterial community in the face of temporal and environmental influences possibly contributes to the robustness and high treatment capacity of the RVFCW system.  相似文献   

利用垂直潜流人工湿地单元模型探讨COD、TN和NH4+-N质量浓度在一昼夜之中随时间及深度的变化规律。结果表明:垂直潜流人工湿地中污染物去除率的变化呈一定的周期性,昼夜差距较大。COD、NH4+-N和TN的去除率在15:00达到最大,夜间最小。COD和NH4+-N质量浓度在表层(距湿地底部60~90cm段)迅速降低,底部变化幅度较小。TN浓度沿程的降低趋势很明显。湿地中COD、NH4+-N和TN质量浓度的变化趋势与DO显著相关,DO质量浓度越高,越有利于有机物和氮的去除。  相似文献   

The multi-component reactive transport module CW2D has been developed to model transport and reactions of the main constituents of municipal wastewater in subsurface flow constructed wetlands and is able to describe the biochemical elimination and transformation processes for organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. It has been shown that simulation results match the measured data when the flow model can be calibrated well. However, there is a need to develop experimental techniques for the measurement of CW2D model parameters to increase the quality of the simulation results. Over the last years methods to characterise the microbial biocoenosis in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands have been developed. The paper shows measured data for microbial biomass and their comparison with simulation results using different heterotrophic lysis rate constants.  相似文献   

This paper presents the purification performance of 20 wastewater treatment plants with vertical reed bed filters (Macrophyltres), built between 1998 and 2003 by SAS Voisin, for communities of between 150 and 1400 PE. The first stage vertical reed bed (directly fed with raw wastewater by intermittent feeding) achieved high removal of SS, BOD and COD (mean respectively 96%, 98%, 92%). The second stage permitted compliance easily with effluent standards (SS < 15 mg/l, BOD < 15 mg/l, COD < 90 mg/l and mean TKN < 10 mg/l). Performance was not significantly influenced by variations of organic and hydraulic load, nor by seasonal variations. Rigorous operation and maintenance were required to obtain optimal performances. Another application of vertical reed beds is the treatment of septage (sludge from individual septic tanks). The results obtained on two sites operating for 2 and 3 years are presented. The first site achieved complete treatment of septage (solid and liquid fraction), the second permitted a pre-treatment for co-treatment of percolate with wastewater.  相似文献   

In France, gravel vertical flow constructed wetlands (gVFCWs) were adapted to treat raw wastewater, which led to important accumulations of matter in filters (organic and mineral). To prevent clogging, large gravel sizes were employed (O 2-6 mm). The aim of this paper was to present the influences of matter accumulation on the hydraulic and biological behaviour of the system. A one-year survey of accumulated matter content and potential respiration activities was completed in three gVFCWs (operating for 3, 4 and 8 years). Cores were sampled into filters. Results showed a vertical stratification of accumulated matter and respiration rates. Dry accumulated matter quantities ranged from 20 kg m(-2) (3 and 4 years operating) to 80 kg m(-2) in the oldest plant (8 years). Potential respiration was larger in the oldest plant (75g O2m(-2)h(-1)) than in the most recent one (15g O2m(-2)h(-1)). Accumulated matter seemed to play a role both on the water retention (enhancing initial percolation time by 5 times) and biological profile (enhancing microfauna's diversity). Contrary to what is generally proposed in the literature, accumulated matter in French gVFCWs seemed to provide better treatment efficiency without leading to surface clogging compared to systems using sand.  相似文献   

Vertical flow treatment wetlands have been developed as very useful tools for treatment of combined sewage overflow. Several systems have been in operation for over 15 years. Based on recent research work, new technical guidelines now recommend systems with a drained filter of sand 0/2 mm and a throttled outflow. COD, NH4-N and SS removal rates of 85-99% can be expected from this type of filter. SS loadings that are too high and very long or frequent inundation affect the performance adversely. Information for successful long-term operation were derived from various existing plants.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale, mass-balance study was carried out on the transformation of nitrogenous pollutants in four vertical flow wetland columns. Landfill leachate containing low organic matter, but a high concentration of ammoniacal-nitrogen, was treated under dissolved oxygen concentrations close to saturation. Influent total nitrogen (TN) comprised ammoniacal-nitrogen with less than 1% nitrate and nitrite, negligible organic nitrogen, and very low BOD. Nitrification occurred in three of the four columns. There was a substantial loss of total nitrogen (52%) in one column, whereas other columns exhibited zero to minor losses (< 12%). Nitrogen loss under study conditions was unexpected. Two hypotheses are proposed to account for it: (1) either the loss of TN is attributed to nitrogen transformation into a form (provisionally termed alpha-nitrogen) that is undetectable by the analytical methods used; or (2) the loss is caused by microbial denitrification or deammonification. By elimination and stoichiometric mass balance calculations, completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal over nitrite (CANON) deammonification is confirmed as responsible for nitrogen loss in one column. This result reveals that CANON can be native to aerobic engineered wetland systems treating high ammonia, low organic content wastewater.  相似文献   

By using a two-stage constructed wetland (CW) system operated with an organic load of 40 gCOD.m(-2).d(-1) (2 m2 per person equivalent) average nitrogen removal efficiencies of about 50% and average nitrogen elimination rates of 980 g N.m(-2).yr(-1) could be achieved. Two vertical flow beds with intermittent loading have been operated in series. The first stage uses sand with a grain size of 2-3.2 mm for the main layer and has a drainage layer that is impounded; the second stage sand with a grain size of 0.06-4 mm and a drainage layer with free drainage. The high nitrogen removal can be achieved without recirculation thus it is possible to operate the two-stage CW system without energy input. The paper shows performance data for the two-stage CW system regarding removal of organic matter and nitrogen for the two year operating period of the system. Additionally, its efficiency is compared with the efficiency of a single-stage vertical flow CW system designed and operated according to the Austrian design standards with 4 m2 per person equivalent. The comparison shows that a higher effluent quality could be reached with the two-stage system although the two-stage CW system is operated with the double organic load or half the specific surface area requirement, respectively. Another advantage is that the specific investment costs of the two-stage CW system amount to 1,200 EUR per person (without mechanical pre-treatment) and are only about 60% of the specific investment costs of the singe-stage CW system.  相似文献   

The tsunami of December 2004 destroyed infrastructure in many coastal areas in South-East Asia. In January 2005, the Danish Government gave a tsunami relief grant to Thailand to re-establish the wastewater management services in some of the areas affected by the tsunami. This paper describes the systems which have been built at three locations: (a) Baan Pru Teau: A newly-built township for tsunami victims which was constructed with the contribution of the Thai Red Cross. Conventional septic tanks were installed for the treatment of blackwater from each household and its effluent and grey water (40 m3/day) are collected and treated at a 220 m2 subsurface flow constructed wetland. (b) Koh Phi Phi Don island: A wastewater collection system for the main business and hotel area of the island, a pumping station and a pressure pipe to the treatment facility, a multi-stage constructed wetland system and a system for reuse of treated wastewater. The constructed wetland system (capacity 400 m3/day) consists of vertical flow, horizontal subsurface flow, free water surface flow and pond units. Because the treatment plant is surrounded by resorts, restaurants and shops, the constructed wetland systems are designed with terrains as scenic landscaping. (c) Patong: A 5,000 m2 constructed wetland system has been established to treat polluted water from drainage canals which collect overflow from septic tanks and grey water from residential areas. It is envisaged that these three systems will serve as prototype demonstration systems for appropriate wastewater management in Thailand and other tropical countries.  相似文献   

通过6种布水方式(一般推流、多向入流、部分回流、波流、对角流、多点进水)下水平潜流人工湿地的脉冲示踪剂实验研究,获得其水力停留时间概率分布密度曲线。用4种不同概率分布函数(正态分布、对数正态分布、卡方分布、瑞利分布)对其水力停留时间的概率分布密度进行拟合分析,结果表明:对数正态分布的拟合效果更好。将对流扩散模型和连续反应器模型分别用于6种布水方式下的示踪剂迁移过程模拟,结果表明:连续反应器模型比较适合模拟部分回流式布水方式,对流扩散模型能够较好模拟其他5种布水方式。考虑多向入流和多点进水的示踪剂浓度叠加作用,进一步利用基于对流扩散机制的叠加模型进行示踪剂迁移过程模拟,结果表明:基于对流扩散机制的叠加模型能够较好模拟多向入流、多点进水类型的水平潜流人工湿地。  相似文献   

不同布水方式下水平潜流人工湿地水动力学机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过6种布水方式(一般推流、多向入流、部分回流、波流、对角流、多点进水),进行了水平潜流人工湿地的脉冲示踪剂试验研究,获得其水力停留时间概率分布密度曲线。分别用4种不同概率分布函数(正态分布、对数正态分布、卡方分布、瑞利分布)对其水力停留时间的概率分布密度进行拟合分析,结果表明:对数正态分布的拟合效果最好。将对流扩散模型和连续反应器模型用于示踪剂的迁移过程模拟,结果表明:连续反应器模型比较适合模拟部分回流式布水方式,对流扩散模型则能够较好模拟其他5种布水方式。考虑多向入流和多点进水的示踪剂浓度叠加作用,进一步利用基于对流扩散机制的叠加模型进行示踪剂迁移过程模拟,结果表明:基于对流扩散机制的叠加模型能够较好模拟多向入流、多点进水类型的水平潜流人工湿地。  相似文献   

Vertical flow constructed wetlands (VFCWs) with intermittent loading are very suitable for nitrification. Ammonia oxidising bacteria (AOB) are the limiting step of nitration. Therefore the AOB community of a full-scale VFCW, receiving municipal wastewater, was investigated within this study. The diversity of the functional gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA), present only in AOB, was assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Only very few amoA sequence types dominated the wetland filter substrate; nevertheless a stable nitrification performance could be observed. During the cold season the nitrification was slightly reduced, but it has been shown that the same AOB could be identified. No spatial AOB pattern could be observed within the filter body of the VFCW. The most prominent bands were excised from DGGE gels and sequenced. Sequence analyses revealed two dominant AOB lineages: Nitrosomonas europaea/"Nitrosococcus mobilis" and Nitrosospira. Species of the Nitrosomonas lineage are commonly found in conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In contrast, members of the Nitrosospira lineage are rarely present in WWTPs. Our observations indicate that the AOB community in this VFCW is similar to that found in horizontal flow constructed wetlands, but differs from common WWTPs regarding the presence of Nitrosospira.  相似文献   

Horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands have proven their efficiency in treating wastewater and removing the pollutants of concern. Treatment efficiency depends on the wastewater residence time, which is a function of the hydraulic loading and the physical conditions of the constructed filter system, which can be described with effective parameters such as: hydraulic conductivity, porosity, dispersivity etc. Because spatial variability is often scale dependent, these effective parameters may be affected by the scale of the system being studied. In this paper the results of tracer experiments in constructed filters using saturated horizontal flow at three scales (small and medium lab scales and full-scale system) using the same filter media is reported. Light-weight aggregate (filter media termed Filtralite-P) was used at all scales. Increasing the scale was associated with increasing dispersivity, meanwhile hydraulic conductivity experienced dramatic reduction and variation by increasing the examined scale. Observed changes in the hydraulic parameters indicate that heterogeneity at different scales should be taken into account when the performance of LWA filters are evaluated from small-scale experiments.  相似文献   

A pulse feed vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW) proved to be efficient in the treatment of a textile effluent being able to buffer, dilute and treat an Acid Orange (AO7) accidental discharge. The influence of the flooding level (FL) and pulse feed (PF) duration on the removal efficiencies of a VFCW was examined. Average AO7 removal efficiencies of 70% were achieved for an AO7 Inlet concentration of 700 mgl(-1) applied during 15 min cycle(-1) (every three hours) at a hydraulic load of 13 lm(-2) cycle(-1) and an FL of 21%. The VFCW was modelled by analogy with a combination of ideal reactors. The simplest combination that best reproduced the experimental results was an association of 2 reactors in series plus 1 reactor accounting the dead volumes. The model parameters helped to understand the hydrological and kinetic processes occurring in VFCW. Through the model simulation it was shown that 3 VFCW in series were enough to efficiently treat an organic mass load of 76 gAO7 m(-2) day(-1) in 9 hours and fulfil the discharge legislation. In this work it was possible to establish that the overall degradation kinetics was of first order.  相似文献   

No single end-use has yet been identified that is capable of consuming the projected production of ochre (mainly iron (III) oxides) from mine drainage treatment. However, the high sorption capacity of ochre for phosphorus (up to 26 mg kg(-1)) means that it could be used in constructed wetlands to enhance phosphorus removal. Laboratory batch experiments showed that coarse-grained ochre removes 90% of all phosphorus forms from sewage effluent after 15 minutes of shaking. From a larger-scale experiment, it is estimated that constructed wetlands with an ochre substrate should remove phosphorus from sewage effluent for up to 200-300 years. The suitability of ochre for phosphorus removal is being investigated at the field scale in a wastewater constructed wetland (175 m2 area) in Berwickshire, UK. The hydraulic and treatment performance of the wetland were monitored for 15 months prior to installation at the inlet in November 2003 of a tank containing approximately 1200 kg ochre. Results so far show that improved hydraulic design is required for ochre to increase the mean phosphorus removal efficiency of the system (27 +/- 28%), but potentially toxic metals (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn) have not been released from the ochre into the wetland outflow.  相似文献   

With the aim of protecting drinking water sources in rural regions, pilot-scale subsurface water flow (SSF) and free water surface flow (FWS) constructed wetland systems were evaluated for removal efficiencies of nitrogenous pollutants in tertiary stage treated wastewaters (effluent from the Pasak?y biological nutrient removal plant). Five different hydraulic application rates and emergent (Canna, Cyperus, Typhia sp., Phragmites sp., Juncus, Poaceae, Paspalum and Iris) and floating (Pistia, Salvina and Lemna) plant species were assayed. The average annual NH4-N, NO3-N and organic-N treatment efficiencies were 81, 40 and 74% in SSFs and 76, 59 and 75% in FWSs, respectively. Two types of the models (first-order plug flow and multiple regression) were tried to estimate the system performances. Nitrification, denitrification and ammonification rate constants (k20) values in SSF and FWS systems were 0.898 d-1 and 0.541 d(-1), 0.486 d(-1) and 0.502 d(-1), 0.986 d(-1) and 0.908, respectively. Results show that the first-order plug flow model clearly estimates slightly higher or lower values than observed when compared with the other model.  相似文献   

We measured N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes in horizontal and vertical flow constructed wetlands (CW) and in a riparian alder stand in southern Estonia using the closed chamber method in the period from October 2001 to November 2003. The average rates of N20, CH4 and CO2 emission from the riparian gray alder stand were from -0.4 to 58 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1) and 0.1-265 microg CH4-C m(-2) h(-1), 55-61 mg CO2-C m(-2) h(-1), respectively. The average N2O-N emission from the microsites above the inflow pipes of horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) CWs was 6.4-31 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1), whereas the outflow microsites emitted 2.4-8 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1). In vertical subsurface flow (VSSF) beds the same value was 35.6-44.7 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1). The average CH4 emission from the inflow and outflow microsites in the HSSF CWs differed significantly ranging from 640 to 9715 and from 30 to 770 microg CH4-C m(-2) h(-1), respectively. The average CO2 emission was somewhat higher in VSSF beds (140-291 mg CO2-C m(-2) h(-1)) and at inflow microsites of HSSF beds (61-140 mg CO2-C m(-2) h(-1)). The global warming potential (GWP) from N2O and CH4 was comparatively high in both types of CWs (4.8 +/- 9.8 and 6.8 +/- 16.2 t CO2 eq ha(-1) a(-1) in the HSSF CW 6.5 +/- 13.0 and 5.3 +/- 24.7 t CO2 eq ha(-1) a(-1) in the hybrid CW, respectively). The GWP of riparian alder forest from both N2O and CH4 was relatively low (0.4 +/- 1.0 and 0.1 +/- 0.30 t CO2 eq ha(-1) a(-1), respectively), whereas the CO2-C flux was remarkable (3.5 +/- 3.7 t ha(-1) a(-1). The global influence of CWs is not significant. Even if all the global domestic wastewater were treated by wetlands, their share in the trace gas emission budget would be less than 1%.  相似文献   

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