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外贸行业在全球化的背景下竞争激烈,企业需要更有效地推广产品和服务,吸引潜在客户。该文介绍了一种基于云计算技术的外贸数据收集平台,旨在提供精准营销的能力。通过使用云计算的灵活性和可扩展性,平台能够高效地收集、处理和分析大量的外贸数据,为用户提供定向营销和精准客户定位的支持。该文详细描述了平台的设计和功能模块,并进行相应的试验,分析结果,验证了平台的稳定性。通过该平台,企业可以更好地理解市场需求和客户行为,从而实现精准营销和增加营收的目标。  相似文献   

王振邦 《硅谷》2012,(19):67-68
通过对作者所在校区的现有网络及服务器的使用情况的定量分析,描述现有学校网络服务中存的问题,总结服务中心应具备的功能,并提出基于云计算技术的架构和参考模型;即如何利用云计算架构为高校建立计算服务中心,提高软硬件的使用效率和服务质量。  相似文献   

随着高校互联网教育的发展,大数据逐渐成为高等院校成绩分析的主要手段.如何利用大数据技术进一步检验教学效果、通过分析提高人才培养的质量已经成为高校研究的重要问题.文中就高校大数据分析平台的关键技术和架构进行阐述,结合高校实际情况,设计高校学生成绩数据分析平台,通过搭建Hadoop集群环境和数据挖掘技术对学生学习数据进行了...  相似文献   

杨放 《硅谷》2014,(6):180-181
近些年来随着电子商务的发展,云计算作为一种新的计算模型,一种新的网络计算平台的核心技术,以规模大、虚拟化、安全可靠等优点,在计算机技术网络系统中产生应用。在如今的大数据时代,云计算将对电子商务产生促进作用。文章基于大数据环境下,对云计算的定义和概念,云计算对电子商务的操作系统,以及大数据对电子商务的作用进行论述。  相似文献   

基于云计算的数据存储系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李向军 《硅谷》2010,(19):73-74
随着数字技术的发展,工作中异常庞大的数据量不仅需要大量的存储空间并且容易造成冗余数据。因此,低成本高效率运行的存储系统的产生成为一种必然。云计算概念的提出,衍生出云存储的概念模型;云存储技术的使用,大大降低存储系统的成本;云计算的发展和全球数据量的增长,也使云存储技术将会受到更多和更好的发展。  相似文献   

当前,传统的城市公交系统存在候车时间长,服务水平低,管理水平落后等各种问题,乘客整体满意度低。为了解决这些问题,本公司基于大数据及云计算技术,设计了一套智慧公交出行云平台框架。该平台通过对公交车辆海量即时信息和大量用户应用信息进行收集、存储,构建算法模型,为城市公共交通智能化提供大数据建模分析平台,并集信息采集、智能调度、信息发布等多种功能于一体。该平台的实际运营,将大大提高公交系统运营效率,给乘客更好的公交出行体验。本文将对该平台的设计思路和各项功能进行介绍。  相似文献   

云计算涉及科学技术的飞速发展。当今社会处于数据、信息和网络时代。随着大数据云计算时代的到来,企业财务管理水平也得到了提高。为了适应时代的发展,公司正在使用大数据技术来改变其现有的财务管理条件,并更加谨慎地处理现有数据,以提高其财务管理水平。该文基于大数据云计算的概念和发展,分析了在大数据环境下企业财务管理创新的需求。接下来,该文将介绍大数据云计算在公司财务管理中的重要性,分析大数据云计算对公司财务管理的影响,并在大数据云计算的背景下分析公司财务管理的现状,提出相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

在妇产科医学领域,信息资源的整合与共享在提高诊断准确率、降低医疗风险以及实现个性化治疗方面具有巨大的潜力。在大数据时代,妇产科医学信息量日益增多,建设医学信息资源整合与共享平台势在必行。因此,该文以大数据“云计算”环境下的妇产科医学信息资源整合与共享平台的建设为研究目标,旨在探讨如何利用现代技术手段提升妇产科信息整合质量。该文平台在系统硬件设计的基础上,根据大数据“云计算”技术设计系统软件部分,共包括采集妇产科医学信息、开发资源存储模块、分类整合信息数据、实现平台信息化共享4个层次。系统测试结果表明,该文平台信息整合及资源共享功能良好,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

袁玮 《硅谷》2014,(6):117-117,122
随着科技不断的更新,一种能够提供虚拟化、高可用性、动态资源池的计算平台出现,这就是云计算。云计算在使用的过程中具有通用性强、高考性高、兼容性强及规模化应用的特点。因此该技术在电信行业中被广泛的应用,在当前,随着电信经营分析系统日益在增长,其大量的数据和复杂的业务为计算机提出了巨大的挑战,为此在云计算的应用下,促使电信运营商的服务模式和商业模式发生了巨大的变化,在云计算的应用中解决了电信业务中大数据的处理,简化了业务程序,提高了电信经营工作的效率。  相似文献   

人工智能属于世界前沿科技技术,能够使民众工作与生活变得更加智能、快捷,而大数据时代的到来更是加快了人工智能技术的发展进程,人工智能大数据平台开始出现。通过对大数据与人工智能之间关联进行分析,对人工智能大数据平台及其应用展开全面论述,旨在促进人工智能大数据平台的发展,提升国内人工智能领域的整体水平。  相似文献   

云计算架构是实现标准资源信息共享的有效手段之一。本文通过对标准化资源共享服务平台的建设方案调查,结合云计算环境下的标准化资源共享服务平台构建研究,构建基于云计算的标准化资源共享服务平台。在介绍了标准化资源服务技术的发展现状基础上,阐述了云计算、标准化资源共享服务平台的概念、内涵及特点,设计出标准化资源共享服务平台的体系架构,并基于该平台设计了资源检索、管理、分析等多种云服务。实现政府、行业、机构、企业、专家、公众等标准化资源数字信息资源的共知共建共享,按需为用户提供个性化标准化数字资源(如查询、阅读、下载、分享等等)服务。  相似文献   

介绍了云计算技术.云计算技术可实现并行计算、分布式计算和网格计算等.以Google云计算平台为例,阐述了云计算三大关键技术:GFS分布式文件、BigTable分布式数据库以及Map-Reduce编程模型.基于Apache的Hadoop-0.20.2平台,通过WordCount实例,分析了云计算的实现机制与工作过程,并讨论了云计算技术的发展问题.  相似文献   

Considering cloud computing from an organizational and end user computing point of view, it is a new paradigm for deploying, managing and offering services through a shared infrastructure. Current development of cloud computing applications, however, are the lack of a uniformly approach to cope with the heterogeneous information fusion. This leads cloud computing to inefficient development and a low potential reuse. This study addresses these issues to propose a novel Web 2.0 Mashups as a Service, called WMaaS, which is a fundamental cloud service model. The WMaaS is developed based on a XML-based Mashups Architecture (XMA) that is composed of Web 2.0 Mashups technologies, including Web Data, Web API, Web Interaction, and Web Presentation to associate with existing service models. To demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, this study implemented a Ubiquitous Location-based Service System (ULSS) that is a cloud computing application developed based on WMaaS to provide continuous and location-based schedule information for organization monitoring and end user needs.  相似文献   

本文采用了分而治之的思想,依靠众多的标准信息提供商,利用云计算技术,建设廉价、可靠,具备可管理性、可伸缩性的标准信息资源数据中心,为企业或公众提供按数据流量付费的服务模式.标准资源分散存储在各分站点上,但统一由总部管理和提供服务,所收取的服务费按照各分站点的资源访问和贡献情况进行分配,各分站点再根据版权协议把费用付给标准信息提供机构或个人.最后给出应用于专业镇标准信息服务的两个案例.  相似文献   

Advanced cloud computing technology provides cost saving and flexibility of services for users. With the explosion of multimedia data, more and more data owners would outsource their personal multimedia data on the cloud. In the meantime, some computationally expensive tasks are also undertaken by cloud servers. However, the outsourced multimedia data and its applications may reveal the data owner’s private information because the data owners lose the control of their data. Recently, this thought has aroused new research interest on privacy-preserving reversible data hiding over outsourced multimedia data. In this paper, two reversible data hiding schemes are proposed for encrypted image data in cloud computing: reversible data hiding by homomorphic encryption and reversible data hiding in encrypted domain. The former is that additional bits are extracted after decryption and the latter is that extracted before decryption. Meanwhile, a combined scheme is also designed. This paper proposes the privacy-preserving outsourcing scheme of reversible data hiding over encrypted image data in cloud computing, which not only ensures multimedia data security without relying on the trustworthiness of cloud servers, but also guarantees that reversible data hiding can be operated over encrypted images at the different stages. Theoretical analysis confirms the correctness of the proposed encryption model and justifies the security of the proposed scheme. The computation cost of the proposed scheme is acceptable and adjusts to different security levels.  相似文献   

With the development of information technology, cloud computing technology has brought many conveniences to all aspects of work and life. With the continuous promotion, popularization and vigorous development of e-government and e-commerce, the number of documents in electronic form is getting larger and larger. Electronic document is an indispensable main tool and real record of e-government and business activities. How to scientifically and effectively manage electronic documents? This is an important issue faced by governments and enterprises in improving management efficiency, protecting state secrets or business secrets, and reducing management costs. This paper discusses the application of cloud computing technology in the construction of electronic file management system, proposes an architecture of electronic file management system based on cloud computing, and makes a more detailed discussion on key technologies and implementation. The electronic file management system is built on the cloud architecture to enable users to upload, download, share, set security roles, audit, and retrieve files based on multiple modes. An electronic file management system based on cloud computing can make full use of cloud storage, cloud security, and cloud computing technologies to achieve unified, reliable, and secure management of electronic files.  相似文献   

Many organizations apply cloud computing to store and effectively process data for various applications. The user uploads the data in the cloud has less security due to the unreliable verification process of data integrity. In this research, an enhanced Merkle hash tree method of effective authentication model is proposed in the multi-owner cloud to increase the security of the cloud data. Merkle Hash tree applies the leaf nodes with a hash tag and the non-leaf node contains the table of hash information of child to encrypt the large data. Merkle Hash tree provides the efficient mapping of data and easily identifies the changes made in the data due to proper structure. The developed model supports privacy-preserving public auditing to provide a secure cloud storage system. The data owners upload the data in the cloud and edit the data using the private key. An enhanced Merkle hash tree method stores the data in the cloud server and splits it into batches. The data files requested by the data owner are audit by a third-party auditor and the multi-owner authentication method is applied during the modification process to authenticate the user. The result shows that the proposed method reduces the encryption and decryption time for cloud data storage by 2–167 ms when compared to the existing Advanced Encryption Standard and Blowfish.  相似文献   

李翔  叶欧  张鹏伟 《包装工程》2016,37(21):211-216
目的研究基于云计算的中小型印刷企业供应物流管理中的采购管理和库存管理系统,实现按需付费的供应物流管理服务。方法首先采用基于BPMN(业务流程建模与标注)的业务流程和用例图对系统进行分析,构建系统的业务流程和数据流程模型;其次采用类图实现系统的数据库设计,采用标准化的服务语义定义系统的服务接口;最后在本地计算机上开发测试系统,并将系统部署到GAE(Google App Engine)平台上。结果基于云计算的中小型印刷企业供应物流管理系统可满足中小型印刷企业拿来即用、按需付费的低成本信息化需求。结论该系统将供应物流管理系统和云计算技术结合起来,提高了中小型印刷企业的信息化水平,降低了企业信息化的成本。  相似文献   

曾安平  阳万安 《包装工程》2011,32(15):88-92,101
在分析中小包装企业生产管理特点和阻碍MRP云化关键因素的基础上,结合云计算的相关技术,全新设计了MRP的云架构,提出了一种并行化的MRP改进算法。该算法的实现不仅可以大大提高MRP的运行速度,也使得MRP云化成为可能。  相似文献   

Healthcare is a fundamental part of every individual’s life. The healthcare industry is developing very rapidly with the help of advanced technologies. Many researchers are trying to build cloud-based healthcare applications that can be accessed by healthcare professionals from their premises, as well as by patients from their mobile devices through communication interfaces. These systems promote reliable and remote interactions between patients and healthcare professionals. However, there are several limitations to these innovative cloud computing-based systems, namely network availability, latency, battery life and resource availability. We propose a hybrid mobile cloud computing (HMCC) architecture to address these challenges. Furthermore, we also evaluate the performance of heuristic and dynamic machine learning based task scheduling and load balancing algorithms on our proposed architecture. We compare them, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm; and provide their comparative results, to show latency and energy consumption performance. Challenging issues for cloud-based healthcare systems are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

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