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计算机联锁软件作为计算机联锁系统的核心主控软件,可靠性和安全性需建立在好的安全模型之上,提出了采用时间有色Petri网对进路建立的具体过程进行形式化建模,时间戳可以得知联锁设备的精确动作时刻以及操作持续时间,通过CPN Tools进行编辑和仿真,以VC++6.0为开发环境完成代码编写进行验证,体现时间有色Petri网描述联锁系统逻辑和性能特性的特点,以便在软件开发初期尽早发现系统的设计错误或缺陷,突出采用时间有色Petri网建模的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

In a manufacturing system, we need to capture collaborative processes among its components in order to clearly define supporting functions of a system. However, pervasive process modeling techniques, including IDEF3, Petri Nets, and UML, are not sufficient for modeling collaborative processes. Therefore, we have developed a novel modeling method referred to as collaborative process modeling (CPM) to describe collaborative processes. CPM models can be transformed into marked graph models so that we can use the analysis power of Petri Nets. In this paper, we first briefly discuss these process modeling techniques. Then, we illustrate the CPM method and transformation rules with illustrative examples. CPM allows us to develop collaborative process models, understand and facilitate the realization of collaboration, and verify models before moving onto development.  相似文献   

Complex Event Processing (CEP) is an event-based technology that allows us to process and correlate large data streams in order to promptly detect meaningful events or situations and respond to them appropriately. CEP implementations rely on the so-called Event Processing Languages (EPLs), which are used to implement the specific event types and event patterns to be detected for a particular application domain. To spare domain experts this implementation, the MEdit4CEP approach provides them with a graphical modeling editor for CEP domain, event pattern and action definition. From these graphical models, the editor automatically generates a corresponding Esper EPL code. Nevertheless, the generated code is syntactically but not semantically validated. To address this problem, MEdit4CEP is extended in this paper by Prioritized Colored Petri Net (PCPN) formalism, resulting in the MEdit4CEP-CPN approach. This approach provides both a novel PCPN domain-specific modeling language and a graphical editor. By using model transformations, event pattern models can be automatically transformed into PCPN models, and then into the corresponding PCPN code executable by CPN Tools. In addition, by using PCPNs we can compare the expected output with the actual output and can even conduct a quantitative analysis of the scenarios of interest. To illustrate our approach, we have conducted an air quality level detection case study and we show how this novel approach facilitates the modeling, simulation, analysis and semantic validation of complex event-based systems.  相似文献   

防空反导作战系统是一个复杂的军事系统,具有同步、并发、冲突等特点。应用着色Petri网技术对联合反TBM作战系统进行建模,符合联合反导作战系统的特点,能够有效地分析联合反导作战系统的静态结构和动态行为。分析了联合反导作战系统的信息交换关系,建立了系统的CPN模型,对模型进行了验证和仿真。  相似文献   

The general Petri net (GPN) is useful for modeling flexible manufacturing systems with multiple robots and workstations [15] and for parallel programs [8]. A problem of using reachability analysis for analyzing Petri nets (PN) is the large number of states generated. Most of the existing synthesis techniques do not deal with GPN. Koh et al.[15] invented a synthesis technique for GPN. We propose to improve their achievement by adding the simple Arc-ratio rules to Yaw's knitting technique [37, 38, 39] based on the notion of structure relationship together with new path generations, which mark the most distinct feature compared with other approaches. The synthesis rules and procedures of how to update the temporal matrix and structure synchronic distance are presented. The Arc-ratio rules for GPN are also presented. One can successfully synthesize complicated Petri nets using these rules. An example to synthesize a Petri net in [15] is illustrated. The correctness of each synthesis rule with an appropriate Arc-ratio rule for GPN is proved.  相似文献   

To analyze synchronization, concurrency, communication protocols and system performance, a system level specification is modelled in a coloured Petri net. A toolbox collects information for the implementation, e.g., processing times, waiting times, idle times, data accesses, processing requests. This is illustrated with a data-link protocol system, where the disturbance on the communication channels is modelled, too.  相似文献   

随机Petri网(SPN)可以同构于一个连续时间马尔可夫链,但在进行系统性能分析时,其状态空间随着系统规模的增大而呈指数性增长,造成系统无法同构分析,结合模糊数学理论提出一种模糊同构(FIM)方法,该方法可以约简复杂状态空间以便同构分析,最后应用该方法分析欧洲列车控制系统(ETCS)在移动闭塞区间条件下无线通信的可靠性,以验证该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Our research focuses on animating autonomous virtual humans which are able to take decisions by themselves. We especially address in this paper the technical problem of integrating altogether the physical simulation of agents (represented as virtual humans in a 3D environment) and their behaviours and motivations, driven by a Beliefs, Desires and Intentions architecture. We also explain how goals drive plans, and how an agent can coherently handle concurrent tasks.  相似文献   

This paper presents the use of place/transition petri nets (PNs) for the recognition and evaluation of complex multi-agent activities. The PNs were built automatically from the activity templates that are routinely used by experts to encode domain-specific knowledge. The PNs were built in such a way that they encoded the complex temporal relations between the individual activity actions. We extended the original PN formalism to handle the propagation of evidence using net tokens. The evaluation of the spatial and temporal properties of the actions was carried out using trajectory-based action detectors and probabilistic models of the action durations. The presented approach was evaluated using several examples of real basketball activities. The obtained experimental results suggest that this approach can be used to determine the type of activity that a team has performed as well as the stage at which the activity ended.  相似文献   

Behavioral and cognitive modeling for virtual characters is a promising field. It significantly reduces the workload on the animator, allowing characters to act autonomously in a believable fashion. It also makes interactivity between humans and virtual characters more practical than ever before. In this paper we present a novel technique where an artificial neural network is used to approximate a cognitive model. This allows us to execute the model much more quickly, making cognitively empowered characters more practical for interactive applications. Through this approach, we can animate several thousand intelligent characters in real time on a PC. We also present a novel technique for how a virtual character, instead of using an explicit model supplied by the user, can automatically learn an unknown behavioral/cognitive model by itself through reinforcement learning. The ability to learn without an explicit model appears promising for helping behavioral and cognitive modeling become more broadly accepted and used in the computer graphics community, as it can further reduce the workload on the animator. Further, it provides solutions for problems that cannot easily be modeled explicitly. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel fault tolerant control (FTC) scheme for hybrid systems modeled by hybrid Petri nets (HPNs). The HPNs model consists of discrete and continuous PNs. The faults are represented by unobservable discrete transitions or the normal observable discrete transitions with abnormal firing time in discrete PNs. First, an observer‐based fault diagnosis method is proposed to estimate the marking in discrete places with unknown initial marking and diagnose the faulty behavior simultaneously. Then, an adaptive fault tolerant controller is designed to maintain the general mutual exclusion constraints (GMEC) of discrete PNs, and a scheme that adjusts firing speeds of continuous transitions is provided to maintain the optimality of continuous PNs. Finally, an example of an intelligent transportation system consisting of automated vehicles on a bridge is included to demonstrate the effectiveness of our developed techniques. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

国画是中国重要的传统艺术形式之一,国画风格水在其中有着重要地位,然而对国画风格的水动画模拟工作还很少,为此提出一个国画风格水动画模型.首先利用Bézier曲线构造一组基本水波形状单元,然后对它们进行组合生成水波纹,最后将水波纹叠加到水面网格上.在动画生成阶段,先在水面上确定水波纹的位置,再控制水波纹沿某方向运动,且其形状和大小随时间变化.为了表现水面纵深感,水波纹颜色以及线条宽度随场景深度变化.实验结果表明,该模型能根据用户需要高效地生成多种国画风格的水动画.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic methodology for modeling and analysis of manufacturing supply chain business processes. The proposed approach first employs Computer Integrated Manufacturing Open System Architecture (CIMOSA) behavior rules to model the business process routing structures of manufacturing supply chain networks. Object-oriented predicate/transition nets (OPTNs) are then developed for the modular modeling and analysis of process models. Based on the structure of OPTNs, a procedure to obtain the system's P-invariants through objects’ P-invariants is suggested. From the P-invariants obtained, system structural properties such as deadlock and overflow can be analyzed. By using Petri net unfolding techniques and by extracting the process model of each object from the entire process model, the sequencing analysis for operations in supply chain processes becomes possible. Several manufacturing supply chain examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

一种面向对象模糊Petri网建模方法的研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对一些复杂知识系统的知识不确定性及知识规则数量多的特点,在模糊Petri网(FPN)的基础上给出了面向对象模糊Petri网(object-oriented fuzzy Petri net, OOFPN)的形式化定义及其知识表示和知识推理。通过面向对象技术,可以采用模块化方法设计知识系统,将复杂知识系统划分为许多功能子系统,从而降低构建知识系统的复杂性,方便知识系统的优化和管理。  相似文献   

供应链中由于信息传递过程中出现的信息膨胀引起牛鞭效应造成各种成本的急剧增长,为使目标函数费用最小,基于颜色Petri网建立了不同需求预测方法及库存策略的CPN模型。在订单数量等变量随机产生以及订货点等因素不确定的情况下,通过实验仿真数据确定了存储、订货及缺货费用与各种不确定变量的关系,从而确定了最优的库存策略。通过对比实验证明了该方法的有效性及正确性。  相似文献   

随着时代发展,计算机动画在现代社会发展中处于及其重要的地位,应用领域非常广泛,像互联网中网络动画的应用、游戏软件的开发,教学软件的开发、动画影院片、电影数字特技、电视动画片、电子图书等等。本文介绍有关计算机动画的概念,并以FLASH为例介绍计算机动画的制作过程。  相似文献   

智能终端装备操作训练考核中,存在实物操作考核环境不可再现、训练考核模拟器研发周期长、通用性差等问题.提出一种面向智能终端装备操作训练考核的通用建模方法,建立装备操作任务的Petri网模型,把操作步骤构成库所集合,操作步骤变换构成变迁集合,各操作步骤的按键区域(操作热区)作为变迁的触发(点火)条件.为了屏蔽不同智能终端装备操作面板、按键(按钮)差异,把智能终端装备操作面板图片作为训练考核的操作面板,用操作热区体现用户动作,从而适合不同的智能终端装备.应用实践表明,该方法能快速建立所需的训练考核任务,且能屏蔽智能终端装备在外观、操作面板、显示面板等方面的差异,具有良好的通用性.  相似文献   

计算机辅助美术动画的新方法综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着数字媒体处理、非真实感绘制和交互式娱乐等技术的兴起,出现了一些新的计算机辅助美术动画设计和制作方法.从研究方法和技术路线上,可将当前的研究工作总结和归纳为4类:基于视频流的方法、结合二维半/三维几何模型的方法、基于素材重用的方法和借鉴三维动画技术的方法.在此基础上,对各类方法的基本思想和关键技术等进行了分析,并探讨了如何进一步超越二维世界,如结合三维几何、运动的时序变化、情感等来研究计算机辅助美术动画技术的趋势.  相似文献   

卡通动画雨模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于金辉  尹小勤  彭群生 《软件学报》2002,13(9):1881-1886
给出了一个能自动生成卡通风格的小雨和大雨效果的计算机模型.首先介绍如何从手工绘制的卡通雨动画序列中分析并提取雨滴降落轨迹的静态结构与动态结构,以此为基础生成它们的骨架模型.在小雨模型中,只采用单层骨架,在大雨模型中,则采用多层雨滴以表示降雨的深度感,并添加溅落到地面的雨滴,以进一步强调效果.由于在模型中采用了随机分量控制,因而在生成的下雨效果中避免了在手工绘制动画里重复使用周期序列画面带来的机械感.在手工绘制动画中若想改变下雨轨迹的方向和速度,以烘托动画气氛,则需要分别绘制不同的下雨动画序列,工作量很大.采用该模型只需通过控制少量几个参数便可以十分容易地改变下雨的方向与速度.该模型不仅能再现传统二维卡通下雨的效果,而且能在三维空间生成卡通风格的下雨动画.  相似文献   

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