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Advances introduced to electronics and electromagnetics leverage the production of low-cost and small wireless sensors. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of large amount of sensors equipped with radio frequency capabilities. In WSNs, data routing algorithms can be classified based on the network architecture into flat, direct, and hierarchal algorithms. In hierarchal (clustering) protocols, network is divided into sub-networks in which a node acts as a cluster head, while the rest behave as member nodes. It is worth mentioning that the sensor nodes have limited processing, storage, bandwidth, and energy capabilities. Hence, providing energy-efficient clustering protocol is a substantial research subject for many researchers. Among proposed cluster-based protocols, low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) and threshold LEACH (T-LEACH), as well as modified threshold-based cluster head replacement (MT-CHR) protocols are of a great interest as of being energy optimized. In this article, we propose two protocols to cluster a WSN through taking advantage of the shortcomings of these protocols (i.e., LEACH, T-LEACH, and MT-CHR), namely centralized density- and threshold-based cluster head replacement (C-DTB-CHR) and C-DTB-CHR with adaptive data distribution (C-DTB-CHR-ADD) protocols that mainly aim at optimizing energy through minimizing the number of re-clustering operations, precluding cluster heads nodes premature death, deactivating some nodes located at dense areas from cluster’s participation, as well as reducing long-distance communications. In particular, in C-DTB-CHR protocol, some nodes belong to dense clusters are put in the sleeping mode based on a certain node active probability, thereby reducing the communications with the cluster heads and consequently prolonging the network lifetime. Moreover, the base station is concerned about setting up the required clusters and accordingly informing sensor nodes along with their corresponding active probability. C-DTB-CHR-ADD protocol provides more energy optimization through adaptive data distribution where direct and multi-hoping communications are possible. Interestingly, our simulation results show impressive improvements over what are closely related in the literature in relation to network lifetime, utilization, and network performance degradation period.  相似文献   

基于簇首节点的可信传感器网络路由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于簇首节点的可信传感器网络路由协议TRPBCH,对解决条件受到较大限制的无线传感器网络路由感染十分有效.TRPBCH协议包含簇首信任可用机制和簇首轮换选举机制;簇内可信路由机制、信任机制和问题节点搜索与隔离机制.TRPBCH协议有3个核心模块:可信路由模块TRM、问题节点归避模块TNAM和簇首管理模块CMM.通过实验设计实现了TRPBCH协议的3个核心模块,仿真实验表明:TRPBCH协议能有效地隔离问题节点,解决路由感染问题,提高有效发包率.  相似文献   

基于网格的无线传感器网络分簇方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于无线传感器网络的能量约束,所以为了延长网络寿命,对无线传感器网络的网络层路由技术的研究至关重要.网络分簇是无线传感器网络中的一个重要研究课题.主要研究传感器节点均匀分布的网络中簇的划分方法,得出了一种能量节省的分簇个数计算方法,提出了一种基于网格的分簇方法.在基于网格的网络分簇模型下给出了两条定理来保证采集的信息可以传输到基站.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的时间同步和成簇算法是目前国际上研究的热点。在目前的研究中,往往假设节点间的数据通信是没有冲突的,忽略了避免消息冲突机制的设计。在设计节点时间同步算法的基础上,提出了一种节点自组织成簇的算法,着重对算法的设计思想和工作过程进行了分析和论述。算法通过综合考虑候选节点的剩余能量、节点的度等参数来优化簇头的选择,同时,通过更换簇头,减少和均衡每个传感器耗能,以延长全网寿命,实验结果表明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中簇首能耗较大引起的能量黑洞问题,在不均匀分簇的基础上,从簇首选择和簇首更换两个方面提出相应的改进措施。在簇首选择时,将整个网络区域分为不均匀的簇,通过相关参数的设置,让每簇中能量最高的节点当选为簇首节点,网络运行时簇首维护本簇的能量信息表;在簇首更换时,采用局部更换测量,并由当前簇首在能量信息表中选择剩余能量最高的节点作为下一个簇首节点,从而改善了簇首能量效率和负载均衡。最后进行了仿真实验与对比,实验结果表明改进的路由协议能够有效提高网络性能,延长网络生命周期。  相似文献   

传感器网络节点大部分采用电池供电,致使节点能量非常有限。为了节省能量进而延长网络寿命,文中提出了一种新的簇头选择算法EBC,EBC算法除了能够在局部网络内完成数据采集和数据处理外,还能够形成由簇头和网关节点组成的骨干网并完成整个网络通信。通过在Mambo节点上的实验证明,该算法能够有效地均衡整个网络的能量,并很好地应用于实际的传感器网络中。  相似文献   

Hierarchical routing is an efficient way to lower energy consumption within a cluster. Due to the characteristics of wireless channels, multi-hop communications between a data source and a data sink are usually more energy efficient than direct transmission. However, because the cluster heads (CHs) closer to the data sink are burdened with heavy relay traffic, they drain much faster than other CHs.This paper presents a cluster-based routing protocol called “arranging cluster sizes and transmission ranges for wireless sensor networks (ACT).” The aim is to reduce the size of clusters near the base station (BS), as CHs closer to the BS need to relay more data. The proposed method allows every CH to consume approximately the same amount of energy so that the CHs near the BS do not exhaust their power so quickly. Furthermore, we separate the network topology into multiple hierarchical levels to prolong network lifetime. Simulation results show that our clustering mechanism effectively improves the network lifetime over LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), BCDCP (Base Station Controlled Dynamic Clustering Protocol) and MR-LEACH (multi-hop routing with low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy).  相似文献   

在通信方式和能耗分析的基础上,对两种拓扑结构进行比较,提出在不同条件下最优拓扑结构的选择标准,以及在multi-hop方式下,节点通信半径的最佳值.满足网络对低能耗的需求.  相似文献   

Cluster-based network is a proven architecture for energy-aware routing, but more attention is required to ameliorate the energy consumption aspect of its cluster designing process. In this research work, we introduce a novel design of clustered network architecture. The proposed design technique is innovative in its idea. The general trend in this scene is either centralized decision at base station for cluster head selection and its members or distributed decision by exchanging information between neighboring nodes until the cluster head and its members are selected. Both the techniques drastically create mess in energy consumption due to too much broadcasting, especially in large networks as well as message exchange until some final decision is made. Our novel layer-based hybrid algorithm for cluster head and cluster member selection comes up to novel communication architecture. Since its substantial constituent is cluster designing, we named it Multilayer Cluster Designing Algorithm (MCDA). The proposed design not only has effect on lessening blind broadcasting, but also on decreasing the message exchange in a passionate way. It also encapsulates the beauty of efficient centralized decision making for cluster designing and energy-aware distributed cluster head selection and cluster member allocation process. Comprehensive experimentations have been performed on the comparative analysis of MCDA with state-of-the-art centralized and distributed cluster designing approaches present in published literature. Calculation of energy consumption in various operational parametric values, number of clusters designed and the number of packets broadcasted during cluster designing are the main performance evaluation parameters. It has been found that MCDA outperforms compared to its three competing algorithms with respect to the aforementioned parameters due to its multilayered synergistic mating approach.  相似文献   

拥塞控制是无线传感器网络中的一个关键性问题。从解决拥塞问题出发,提出了一个基于优化速率的拥塞控制算法ORCC。算法构建了一个分布式的分簇网络结构,利用缓冲的占用情况进行拥塞检测,并使用基于优化理论的速率调节策略来保证网络吞吐量的稳定,从而通过求解出的最优解来实现簇内节点效用的最大化。仿真实验表明,ORCC算法不仅能有效缓解网络拥塞,降低平均延迟,还具有较好的网络传输公平性。  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - In clarification of wireless sensor network (WSN) clustering process at household and overseas, an energy efficient cluster head formation technique for WSN are set forth...  相似文献   

林蔚  李波  韩丽红 《计算机应用》2012,32(12):3482-3485
对矢量数据压缩算法中DP压缩算法在引入无线传感器网络的同时进行了改进,针对压缩过程中对数据的扫描次数问题,提出簇首提取压缩算法。该算法中“簇首”即为“数据簇首”,簇首提取压缩算法设定步长减少压缩过程中对数据的扫描次数,并采用最佳曲线拟合方法对监测数据点做直线优化拟合,根据数据间的依附关系,将体现整体特征的簇首数据进行提取;同时,对非簇首数据进行子群划分。仿真结果表明,簇首提取压缩算法程序更为简单,对大波动数据有较好的簇首提取效果,减少了网络中数据的传输量,有效地节省了整个网络的能量消耗。  相似文献   

把无线传感器网络中的节点组织成簇能够有效的利用节点有限能量获得较长生命周期。传统随机成簇策略因忽视簇头负载差异而使能耗较高。针对这一问题,提出了基于不均匀簇的无线传感器网络高效节能数据通讯协议(Unequal Cluster size Protocol,UCP)在成簇时将离基站较近的簇分配少的簇内节点,而将离基站较远的簇分配更多的簇内节点。这样,离基站较远的簇头节点相比离基站较近的簇头节点在数据聚合时会消耗更多的能量,但是由于离基站近的簇不仅要聚合簇内节点的数据,而且还要转发离基站较远的簇头聚合后的数据,相比之下,能量的消耗会趋近平衡,而总体上每轮消耗的能量会更少。实验结果显示,UCP性能比MIT提出的LEACH协议性能好13%-16%。  相似文献   

By researching on the node scheduling problem of m-covered and connected sensor networks,a new concept of two-hops-cluster is proposed in this paper,and based on it,a new distributed node scheduling algorithm THCNS for allocating all nodes in the sensor network into k(k≤m) different groups {0,1,...,k 1} is designed,without requiring location information.Our algorithm guarantees that each group to be connected and maintains the coverage ratio with high possibility.Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that it has better performance than previous randomized scheduling scheme,and can prolong the lifetime of the sensor network effectively.  相似文献   

本文研究m覆盖与连通的无线传感器网络中的节点调度问题,提出了一种两跳簇的概念,并在此基础上提出了一种新的节点调度算法.该算法可在不知道节点位置信息的情况下,将无线传感器网络中的所有节点较为均匀地指派到k(km)个不同的分组{0,1,...,k1}之中,且可同时保证每个分组中的节点具有全局连通性与较高的网络覆盖率.理论分析与实验结果表明,该算法具有比传统随机调度方法更好的节点调度性能,可更加有效地延长无线传感器网络的生命周期.  相似文献   

Clustering is one of the major techniques for maximizing the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Here, the sensor nodes (SNs) are grouped into clusters and the cluster heads (CHs) are selected for each cluster. CHs gather data from particular cluster nodes and then forward it to Base Station (BS). However, the selection of CHs is the major issue in this scenario. The sensor nodes consume more energy for the data transmission and also affect the lifetime of the network. The clustering technique is used to provide the energy-efficient data transmission that consumes less energy and also increases the network lifetime. This paper aims to propose a new energy-aware CH selection framework by hierarchical routing in WSN via a hybrid optimization algorithm. Moreover, the selection of CH is carried out under the consideration of energy, distance, delay and Quality of Service (QoS) as well. For selecting the optimal CH, a new hybrid algorithm named as Particle Distance Updated Sea Lion Optimization (PDU-SLnO) algorithm is introduced that combines the concept of Sea Lion Optimization (SLnO) and Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Finally, the performance of adopted method is computed over other traditional models with respect to certain metrics.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络GEAR协议的一种改进方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线传感器网络(W SNs)被认为是未来改变世界的十大技术之首,但有限的计算、存储和通信能力,尤其是严重受限的能量使其应用前景面临巨大挑战,W SNs在应用之前需要解决许多关键问题,能量问题即是其中之一。能量对于W SNs的生命周期具有决定意义,设计W SNs路由协议需要重点考虑能耗问题,针对W SNs的GEAR路由协议,提出一种能耗上的改进方案并进行仿真,仿真结果显示:该方案能明显降低能耗。  相似文献   

具有能量效率的容错多事件簇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在无线传感器网络中,容错性和高效性是衡量网络性能的重要指标,在应用中如何同时兼顾这两个因素一直是算法研究的关键问题。针对多事件的监测和感知处理的应用,特别是当事件的感知区域发生重叠情况时,提出了具有能量效率的容错事件簇算法AECA。算法中首先给出了既考虑节点剩余能量又考虑节点容错性的分布式的簇头选举方法;然后研究了事件簇之间具有重叠区域的情况下节点处理的策略。通过仿真实验表明,算法AECA能有效地提高传感器网络的容错性和生存周期,并具有可靠性和可扩展性的特点。  相似文献   

提出了基于簇树的6LoWPAN无线传感器网络构建方案,此方案提出以簇内节点数量为度量参数的簇生成算法,在簇生成算法中,总是簇内节点总数最多的簇首节点首先发起簇的生成过程,因此实现了簇首节点数量最小化。此外,本方案还提出了簇首节点及簇关联节点移动或失效时的簇及簇树的修复算法,即基于簇内节点的权值选举新的簇首节点或簇关联节点,以维护簇或簇树的拓扑结构,确保IPv6地址配置和路由的连续性及正确性。对本方案进行了性能分析,分析结果验证了其构建的网络结构稳定性更强,路由功耗更低。  相似文献   

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