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锈蚀法从浸锌渣还原铁粉中分离镓锗的基础与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了用锈蚀法分离浸锌渣还原铁粉中的镓和锗的热力学基础与技术条件. 结果表明, 控制溶液pH值和电位φ, 可使金属铁生成针铁矿(FeOOH)沉淀, 镓、锗分别以Ga3 、 H2GeO3形式进入溶液. 实现Ga、 Ge与Fe分离的热力学条件为: 25.℃下, pH值0.685~2.742, 电位φ>(0.892.3-0.177.3pH).V; 80.℃下, pH值0.130~1.857, 电位φ>(0.908-0.210.1pH).V. 锈蚀试验表明: H2O2流量为0.2~0.5.mL/min, pH值为1.0~1.5, 温度80.℃, 时间为60~80.min的条件下, 对含Ga 1.538.g/t、 Ge 1.292.g/t 和Ga 2.160.g/t、 Ge 1.403.g/t的两种浸锌渣还原铁粉进行锈蚀试验, 可使90%左右Ga、 Ge转入溶液.  相似文献   

广西某锰银矿银的赋存状态研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对广西某锰银浮选精矿进行了工艺矿物学的研究,查明了锰银浮选精矿的工艺矿物学性质.该锰银精矿的主要金属矿物为硬锰矿、软锰矿、黄铁矿、褐铁矿、少量毒砂、赤铁矿和闪锌矿;脉石矿物主要为石英、方解石及粘土矿物等.精矿的粒级分布:0.152~0.088mm粒级的颗粒占10.21%,0.088~0.074mm的颗粒占11.45%;<0.074mm的颗粒最多,占60.95%.主要载银矿物有硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿和闪锌矿.主要含银矿物是自然银、辉银矿、角银矿.  相似文献   

为实现湿法炼锌窑渣磁选铁精矿(以下简称窑渣铁精矿)中银、铜、铁等有价元素的综合回收,提出一种基于盐酸浸出的新工艺,从理论和实验两方面开展研究。在本研究中介绍新工艺研究的理论部分——浸出热力学分析。物相分析表明:窑渣铁精矿中主要含铁物相为Fe、FeO、FeS、Fe2O3、Fe3O4和FeSiO3。计算绘制了Fe-Cl-H2O系φ—pH优势区图以及FeS、FeO、FeSiO3-H2O系和FeS、FeO、FeSiO3-Cl-H2O系的lg c—pH图,分析窑渣铁精矿盐酸浸出的热力学可行性。结果表明:各含铁物相在盐酸浸出中均能溶解,[Cl]T越高,其溶解度就越大,由于不同阴离子在体系中溶解性质的差异,因此,Cl影响FeO、FeS和FeSiO3溶解的pH范围不同,分别为4.2~10.8、0.4~10.8和0~10.8。  相似文献   

王明  齐建云  宁新霞  王祥 《贵金属》2019,40(1):47-56
采用添加剂焙烧-氰化浸出中试处理锰银矿。回转窑连续运转80 h,物料焙烧时间30±5 min,所得焙砂产率85.54%,焙砂中银含量237.73 g/t、锰含量24.68%,银回收率99.19%,锰回收率98.70%;焙砂经500 L反应釜直接氰化浸出,浸出液固比2:1~2.2:1,时间6~15 h,氰化钠用量700 g/t原矿,所得银浸出率86.5%,氰化尾渣满足冶金用锰矿石标准。  相似文献   

硫化锌氧压浸出过程的φ—pH图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过热力学计算,得到ZnS-H2O系各物质高温条件下的GΘ值、φΘ值或pHΘ值以及各反应对应的电位表达式,分别绘制出不同离子活度、不同氧分压条件下的φ—pH图。由φ—pH图可以看出,随着离子活度的增大,S与Zn2+稳定区逐渐增大,但构成稳定区各反应的pH值上下限范围逐渐减小;随着氧分压的增大,水的稳定区逐渐增大。对ZnS进行了氧压浸出实验研究,采用全谱直读等离子光谱仪(ICP)、XRD和XRF等方法对浸出液和浸出渣进行分析、表征。结果表明:当初始酸浓度为15%、氧分压为1.1MPa、浸出温度为160℃、液固比为8:1、浸出时间为90min、搅拌速度480r/min时,锌的浸出率为98.86%,硫的转化率为81.33%。实际结果与根据φ—pH图理论计算结果吻合。  相似文献   

电解浸出废旧锂电池中钴的热力学和动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以废旧锂电池正极条为阴极,以铅板作阳极,在稀硫酸溶液中,电解浸出正极材料中的钴,从热力学和动力学两方面对钴的电解浸出过程进行研究。实验及热力学数据分析表明:LiCoO2主要通过Co(OH)3还原浸出得到Co2+,考查浸出温度和时间表明在电解前期5~30 min电解浸出由缩核模型的化学反应过程控制,浸出率α与时间t满足未反应核收缩模型1-(1-α)1/3=Kt,其表观活化能为7.32 kJ/mol;中期是混合控制;后期75~180 min符合内扩散控制模型1-2α/3-(1-α)2/3=Kt,表观活化能17.05 kJ/mol。浸出液中的铝主要是铝箔表面氧化铝层不受阴极保护而溶于硫酸溶液,正极材料从铝箔上剥离与氧化铝层的溶解有关,剥离时间影响钴的浸出率。  相似文献   

废旧锌锰干电池经过剖开、焙烧处理,去除汞和碳粉,再用硫酸浸取,滤液采用沉淀法分离锌和锰.锌和锰的回收率分别为94.5%和93.6%.  相似文献   

氧化锌贫矿提锌渣中铅和银的氯盐一步浸出   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用X射线衍射、扫描电镜和X射线能谱等分析手段,对山东某地深度氧化锌贫矿提锌后渣进行工艺矿物学特征分析可知,矿物中金属赋存状态复杂,属难选矿物。开发出氯盐一步法浸出铅和银的新工艺,考察反应温度、NaCl浓度、添加剂用量、液固比、HCl加入量和浸出时间对浸出过程的影响。结果表明:加入添加剂对铅的浸出率没有影响,但可以显著提高银的浸出率。条件试验研究得出最佳工艺条件如下:浸出温度90℃、NaCl浓度390 g/L、添加剂用量15 mL、液固比(质量比)7?1、HCl加入量3 mL、浸出时间3 h。在此最佳工艺条件下,铅的浸出率达到95%左右,银的浸出率达到90%左右。  相似文献   

为了解利用三烷基氧化膦(TRPO)从过氧化氢溶液中萃取钼和钨的化学行为,采用斜率法、拉曼和红外光谱研究钼和钨的萃取反应机理。通过建立数学模型,获得钼或钨的萃取分配比(DMo或DW)关于平衡pH值、TRPO浓度和温度等变量的经验公式,并进一步在H+-W-Mo-H2O2溶液中验证经验公式的可靠性。结果表明:经验公式计算的DMo或DW和实验值吻合度良好。实验条件下,20℃时钼和钨的萃取平衡常数分别为KMoapp=8.51×103(0.74≤pHe≤1.70)、KMoapp=99.89×103(1.7e≤4.62)和KWapp=2.65×103(0.92e&l...  相似文献   

锌浸出渣中重金属的环境活性和生态风险评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用矿物学分析、BCR三步连续浸提、动态淋洗实验以及Hakanson潜在生态风险评价4种方法对锌浸出渣重金属的环境活性以及生态风险进行评价.结果表明,锌浸出渣中重金属的环境活性大小依次为Cd>Zn>Cu>As>Pb.废渣中主要重金属的潜在生态风险评价表明,该种废渣对环境具有很高的生态风险,单个重金属的生态危害顺序为Cd>Zn>Cu>As>Pb.Cd有很严重的生态风险,是对生态环境造成毒性的主要原因.  相似文献   

Comprehensive utilization of low grade manganese–zinc compound ore containing lead and silver with a method of reductive acid leaching was studied. According to the ?–pH diagram of Mn–Zn–H2O system, Mn and Zn can be leached simultaneously in the pH range of –2 to 5.61. The results showed that both hydrogen peroxide and sucrose were effective reductants which could intensify the simultaneous leaching of Mn and Zn into leachate as well as enrich Pb and Ag in the residue. 95.88% of Mn and 99.23% of Zn were extracted when the compound ore was leached with hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid media, meanwhile the contents of Pb and Ag in the residue were enriched to 13.21% and 489.36 g/t, respectively. When sucrose was used as the reductant, the leaching efficiencies of Mn and Zn separately achieved 98.26% and 99.62%, and contents of Pb and Ag in the residue were as high as 13.92% and 517.87 g/t, respectively.  相似文献   

针对电解锰阳极渣难处理、铅含量高的缺点,提出利用桔子皮作还原剂在硫酸体系中还原浸出电解锰阳极渣工艺。以国内某电解锰厂阳极渣为原料,对桔子皮加入量、浸出时间、浸出温度以及硫酸加入量等工艺参数进行探讨和优化。结果表明:在浸出温度为80℃,时间为2 h,固液比为1:4,桔子皮/锰阳极渣质量比为1:5,酸渣质量比为1.2:1的条件下,锰的浸出率可达96%,铅的浸出率仅为0.2%,有效地实现了铅锰分离。实验证明,在硫酸体系中利用桔子皮作还原剂浸出电解锰阳极渣的方法可行。  相似文献   

The amenability of a refractory ore to the extraction of gold and silver by cyanide leaching was investigated. Diagnostic leaching tests were also performed to shed light on the refractory characteristics of ore. The leaching tests show that the extraction of gold and silver is consistently low, i.e. ≤47% and ≤19.2%, respectively, over a leaching period of 24 h. Even fine grinding (e.g. <38 μm) does not improve the recovery of gold and silver. Diagnostic leaching approach provides information into the cause of the refractoriness of the ore. The findings suggest that the refractoriness is induced by the dissemination and encapsulation of the very fine gold and silver particles largely in the carbonates, oxides and sulfides and, to a small extent, with silicates present in the ore matrix. These findings highlight the practical importance of diagnostic leaching for the understanding of the refractory characteristic of such an ore and for the identification of possible pretreatment options to overcome its refractoriness prior to cyanide leaching.  相似文献   

The mineralogical phase transformation of a low-grade nickel laterite ore during pre-roasting process and the extraction of silicon during alkaline leaching process were investigated. The results indicate that the reaction activity of nickel ores is effectively improved by pre-roasting at 650 °C for 2 h, because of the transformation of lizardite into magnesium olivine and protoenstatite. When finely ground ore samples (44–61 μm) pre-roasted firstly react with sodium hydroxide solution (60 g/L) with a solid/liquid ratio of 1:5 at 140 °C for 120 min, the extraction of silicon can reach 89.89%, and the other valuable elements of magnesium, iron and nickel are accumulated in the solid residues. The leaching kinetics of nickel laterite ore can be described successfully by the diffusion through the product layer control model. The activation energy is calculated to be 11.63 kJ/mol and the kinetics equation can be expressed as 1–3(1–x)2/3+2(1–x)=13.53×10?2exp[–11.63/(RT)]t.  相似文献   

Microwave assisted atmospheric acid leaching of nickel from laterite ore   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recovery of nickel from laterite ore with sulphuric acid under the effect of microwave irradiation was studied.The experimental results indicated that the extraction rate of nickel was influenced by reaction time,sulphuric acid concentration,and temperature,especially by microwave power.The results obtained from the experiments of orthogonal arrays showed that the optimum conditions of sulphuric acid concentration,reaction time,microwave power,and temperature were 25 vol.%,1.5 h,600 W,and 90°C,respectively.Under the optimal conditions,the nickel recovery could reach approximately 90.8%,which was higher than that obtained by conventional water bath heating.Kinetic experiments showed that the leaching of nickel in a sulphuric acid medium was controlled by chemical reaction occurring on the surface of laterite ore.The apparent activation energy was 38.9 kJ/mol.Microwave heating technology is efficient,clean,and easy to control and facilitate continuous processing of materials.  相似文献   

研究一项针对镍钼矿用高压酸浸的方法回收镍和钼的全湿法工艺。采用该工艺避免了传统上艺焙烧镍钼矿(15%~25%s)带来的人量S02和As2O3排放,减小了对环境的污染;与现有的湿法碱浸回收钼工艺相比,本工艺存酸浸过程中回收了儿乎全部的镍和人部分的钼。在氧压环境下,几乎全部的镍和大部分的钼都进入溶液,少部分的钼留在酸浸渣中,睃浸渣进一步用碱(NaOH)浸出。在最佳的实验条件下,97%的镍和96%的钼分别被浸出。  相似文献   

银锰矿中银的回收新工艺   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用“浮选—磁选—还原浸出—重选脱泥”工艺处理银含量为3.15×10-4的某银锰矿。银的独立矿物用浮选回收;以类质同象分布于锰矿物中的银用磁选富集;将浮选精矿和银锰磁选精矿合并,用焙烧黄铁矿产生的SO2和纤维素还原剂进行还原浸出,锰溶于液相中,银在浸出渣中富集;将浸出渣进行重选脱泥,可得Ag含量为59.6×10-4的银精矿,Ag的总回收率大于90.68%。  相似文献   

Separation of silver from silver-manganese ore with cellulose as reductant   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 Introduction Silver-manganese ore has been found in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei, Hunan and Guangxi, so it is an important silver source in China. Generally, the beneficiability of the silver in this ore is different from in other silver minerals due …  相似文献   

大洋多金属锰结核酸浸贵液中铁锰元素的脱除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了大洋多金属锰结核酸浸贵液中铁锰元素与铜、钴、镍有价金属的分离。根据溶液所含金属的特点,选用可以回收利用的MnO2作为Fe2 的氧化剂先将Fe2 氧化为Fe3 ;采用黄铵铁矾法与Fe(OH)3相结合的二步法除铁工艺,并对溶液pH、反应温度、反应时间等操作参数进行优化,铁的沉淀率达到99.8%,净化后溶液中含铁量低于0.01 g/L,钴、铜、镍、锰的回收率分别达到99.5%、93.3%、99.6%、99.3%;硫化沉淀分离锰和铜、钴、镍过程中,硫化钠适宜用量为理论用量的4.5倍,适宜pH值4.5,适宜温度80℃,沉淀时间1 h,铜、钴、镍的沉淀率在99%左右,而锰的沉淀率仅为0.46%。  相似文献   

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