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将克尔介质等效为时域二次折射率介质的基础上,考虑折射率系数随传播变化的情况,得到了激光脉冲在克尔介质中传播时近似的解析描述。  相似文献   

随机介质中波传播的前向多重散射理论的关键是矩方程的求解,本文从矩方程的叠代解法出发,在窄带近似情况下得到了双频双点互相关函数的解,并讨论了平面波入射和单色波入射情况下的特例。  相似文献   

Propagation in one-dimensional random media is studied using matrix methods. This work applies, for example, to plane wave propagation in layered-media TEM transmission lines with random spacing, etc., where the spurious mode is a reflected wave. The imperfection is assumed to have a white spectrum. Similar techniques have previously been applied to multimode waveguide where the spurious mode is a forward wave. The present work is of interest because it yields exact computable results for certain transmission statistics in a simple way. These may be of help in comparing various approximate perturbation theories and in finding out what happens to signals in very long random transmission media where perturbation theory fails. Specifically, we compute the expected value and the variance of the complex loss (input/output) for lossless (i.e., zero heat loss) and Iossy random media. In the lossless case only we compute the expected reciprocal input resistance and conductance, which Zakai has previously shown to be computable using a different approach. The imperfection (e.g., dielectric constant /spl epsiv/(x) of a continuous random medium, capacitance C(x) of a TEM line) is assumed to consist of a dc component and a white ac component. The more practical case of a flat low-pass spectrum for the ac component is considered, and the region of applicability of the present results to this problem is indicated. Similar methods may be used to calculate the covariance of the (complex) loss and higher moments of the loss and of the reciprocal input resistance and conductance for zero heat loss, although these calculations are not carried out here. The covariance would be required in order to study signal distortion in such a random medium.  相似文献   

The equation of time-domain wave propagation in dispersive media and the explicit beam propagation method are presented in this paper.This method is demonstrated by the short optical pulses in a directional coupler with second order dispersive effect and shows to be in full agreement with former references.This method is simple,easy and practical.  相似文献   

逯贵祯 《电子学报》1996,24(3):105-107
本文研究电磁波在随机媒质中的传播问题,在强起伏情况下,Born近似,Rytov近似已不成立,这时需要考虑波的多次散射,抛物方程方法已被广泛地用于强起伏的研究,但是,对于相关函数的抛物方程而言,空间两点要求位于传播方向的同一x平面,因而对结果的应用提出了一定的限制,本文试图对抛物方程方法作一推广,从而可使物方程方法用于空间两点处于任何位置的情况。  相似文献   

For line-of-sight links in random media or urban areas, propagation may be approximated through sequential reflections of an optical ray in a two-dimensional medium of disordered lossless scatterers. Franceschetti approximated such percolation-based optical-ray propagation by a Markov process with two absorbing barriers, provided numerical solutions for the probability of a ray passing through the percolation lattice and solved-both approximately and exactly-a corresponding problem based on the theory of martingales. In this paper we solve exactly the Markov-theoretical formulation of the problem and prove that both the Markov and martingale approaches are equivalent. Our proof is an application of the Perron-Frobenius theory which provides an elegant framework for the study of the asymptotic behavior of stochastic processes. We demonstrate that for a wide range of vacancies and incident angles the exact solution of the Markov-theoretical formulation performs significantly better than the commonly used Wald approximation in the martingale approach. This has a number of implications on the accuracy of the model, especially for low density propagation media.  相似文献   

The complete solution of the differential equation describing the propagation of plane uniform TEM waves along the twist axis of a twisted anisotropic medium with a constant rate of twist is shown to be of exponential type, consisting of two identical pairs of independent propagation modes, each pair being associated with a particular direction of energy flow. Knowledge of the complete solution is used to solve the boundary value problem relative to wave penetration into a twisted medium at normal incidence, a numerical example being given illustrating the polarization transformation properties of the medium near the short wavelength limit. Analysis of mode properties reveals circnlar birefringence should occur in twisted media at long wavelengths. A link power, as shown by certain crystalline substances provided by the theory.  相似文献   

The dispersion properties and the fields of electromagnetic waves are investigated for propagation in a stratified infinite medium. The stratification is characterized by a dielectric constant which, along one coordinate, is modulated sinusoidally about an average value. A systematic and comprehensive study is presented for the case of H modes for which the pertinent wave equation is in the form of a Mathieu differential equation. The modes and dispersion characteristics are analyzed in terms of a "stability" chart, which is customary in the study of the Mathieu equation. Results are obtained for an unbounded medium and for a waveguide filled with the modulated medium. Also, the reflection occurring at an interface between free space and a semi-infinite medium of this type is examined. In addition to these rigorous results for arbitrary values of modulation, simple analytical expressions are given for all of these cases where the modulation in the dielectric is small. It is shown that the fields are then expressible in terms of the fundamental and the two nearest space harmonics. The fields within a unit cell in the stratified medium are calculated for both small and large modulation and for frequencies up through the second pass band. It is of interest that the variation of the fields is not, in general, simply related to the variation of the dielectric constant within a cell.  相似文献   

An analytical study of the influence of moving media on the propagation of transient electromagnetic modal waves in dispersive waveguides is presented. The response to impulsive excitation is determined in exact closed form and used to demonstrate that the nature of the pulse distortion differs in each of the three cases, 1) 0 < u < c /spl equiv/ (/spl epsi//spl mu/)/sup -1/2/, 2) v = c, and 3) c < v < c/sub 0/ /spl equiv/ (/spl epsi//sub 0//spl mu//sub 0/)/sup -1/2/ (v = speed of the medium). An expression is derived from which the pulse waveform generated by an input of arbitrary form can be readily determined when 0 < v < c if the transient response to a similar input is known for v = 0. An untabulated Laplace transform pair is derived and used to determine the unusual pulse distortion in case 3) which shows a markedIy discontinuous change from the pulse distortion in case 2). The theory illuminates a singular circumstance in which the Lorentz transformation is consistent with the "speed of light" differing from one inertial reference frame to another.  相似文献   

The nonreciprocal propagation of electromagnetic waves in ionized gaseous media is discussed, and experimental observations are reported in this paper. The classical Faraday experiment in the optics of anisotropic media has suggested an analogous phenomenon at microwave frequencies. The anisotropic behavior of the free electron gas which is immersed in a magnetic field and subjected to an incident electromagnetic wave is determined. Guided microwave experiments were performed which confirm the theoretical predictions of nonreciprocal wave propagation in such ionized gases.  相似文献   

The relative convergence phenomenon that occurs in the numerical solution of the integral equation for the iris discontinuity problem is studied both analytically and numerically. It is shown that the solution for the aperture field can be highly dependent upon the manner in which the kernel and the unknown function are approximated in the process of constructing a matrix equation by the moment method. An analytical explanation is provided for the above phenomenon and the theoretical predictions are verified numerically. Also incIuded is a suggested numerical algorithm for detecting and alleviating the relative convergence behavior for more general problems.  相似文献   

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics - Homogeneous and inhomogeneous equations of electromagnetic wave propagation in a 2D periodic medium are considered. The equations are obtained...  相似文献   

To promote the development and understanding of microwave magnetic devices, especially in the millimeter and submillimeter range utilizing quasi-optical techniques, a discussion of propagation and polarization of plane waves and narrow rays in gyromagnetic media in an arbitrary direction is considered. It is assumed that the medium can be described by a permeability tensor of the Polder type. The approach is structured after classical crystal optics but yields significantly different results since each of the two permitted rays is elliptically polarized. The ellipticities are derived. The phase surfaces are discussed for the lossless case. There are no optical axes but ranges of forbidden directions exist for one or both rays. D, B, and the wave vector n form an orthogonal set at all times. H is confined to the B, n plane; it gyrates along an ellipse such that the Poynting vector traces in time an elliptical cone which contains the wave vector as one mantle line. Therefore, a narrow ray can be understood to proceed along a helical path.  相似文献   

The problem of the propagation of TM waves in a sinusoidally stratified dielectric medium is considered. The propagation characteristics are determined from the stability diagram of the resultant Hill's equation. Numerical results show that the stability diagrams for Hill's equation and those for Mathieu's equation are quite different. Consequently, the dispersion properties of TM waves and TE waves in this stratified medium are also different. Detailed dispersion characteristics of TM waves in an infinite stratified medium and in waveguides filled longitudinally with this stratified material are obtained.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in inhomogeneous slab waveguides embedded in homogeneous media is analyzed by rising the uniform asymptotic technique. This technique accurately evaluates the effect of the refractive-index profiles with various core and cladding structures on the guided modes. We calculate the guided modes of waveguides with asymmetric claddings in the eases of a near-parabolic profile core and a quasi-Gaussian profile core. The results show that the third-order asymptotic solution is accurate for all the guided modes in the case of the near-parabolic profile core and for modes far from cutoff in the quasi-Gaussian core case. The dispersion relation indicates that modes guided in strongly asymmetric profiles have almost the same propagation constants as odd-order modes of propagation in the symmetric structure.  相似文献   

脉冲光束在均匀色散介质中的传播   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
得到了脉冲高斯光束在均匀色散介质中传播的时域解析形式,由此讨论了脉冲的群速度色散、脉冲波前和时空耦合。  相似文献   

As the operating frequencies of communication systems more higher into the millimeter wave range, and the density of particles in medium is more denser, the effects of multiple scattering in sandstorm become more significant. This paper treats the problems of electromagnetic multiple scattering in strong sandstorm by the Monte Carlo method. Based on the analytical theory of multiple scattering, the millimeter wave propagation and scattering in discrete random media are investigated by means of the particle-tracking technique. The millimeter wave is regarded as a Markov chain of wave particle collisions in a medium in which it is scattered and absorbed. Considering the effect of multiple scattering, millimeter wave attenuation induced by strong sandstorm is simulated numerically. The values of theoretical calculation are in good agreement with the measured results of simulated experiment at 34 and 93 GHz.  相似文献   

The diffusion behavior of electromagnetic (EM) waves in two dimensional (2-D) multipath media is studied through integral equation based full wave Monte Carlo simulations. The influences of some physical factors are explored, among which the area density of the embedded obstacles manifests itself to be the most important one in determining wave diffusion. A lossy system starts to behave diffusively when the area density approximately exceeds 5%, and the diffusion equations are generally applicable for predicting power decay. At low densities, the power-distance relation of the waves appears to follow power laws. The sizes and shapes of the obstacles have a secondary effect on the diffusion of waves. Whenever a system contains small objects or objects with reflecting sides, the waves therein are more diffusive and the diffusion equation approximates the reality more accurately. Absorption loss decreases wave diffusion in general, but our results show that the diffusion equation for a system with very lossy but small obstacles can work very well for predicting power decay.  相似文献   

数字调频连续波测距雷达方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字调频连续波(DFMCW)测距雷达有多项工程设计参数,包括由于连续波收发隔离度限制发射高功率Ptmax、采用数字方式产生DFMCW信号的扫频带宽B、扫频时宽T(扫频信号重复周期)及DFMCW测距雷达接收机的中频量程带宽Bn、接收机动态压缩特性和采用数字FFT信号处理器的采样频率fs等。将对这些设计参数的定义进行说明,并与一般脉冲雷达或线性调频(LFM)脉冲压缩雷达的设计参数进行比较和等效估算,最后推导出DFMCW测距雷达工程使用的方程式。  相似文献   

该文基于宽角抛物方程方法,对复杂路径上空过渡区域低频电波传播损耗问题进行研究。增加了高空接收场分量的方向因子公式推导及其约束条件;仿真了3种典型路径模型下,距地面上空60 km范围内的垂直电场分布,并比较分析了其与近地表面变化规律的异同。所提方法能够更好地将近地面与高空过渡区域场量求解方法统一起来,提高了计算精度,可为复杂地电离层波导中低频天波传播问题解决提供技术支持。  相似文献   

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