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在生产过程中 ,测量系统的好坏是成功实施质量改进或应用统计过程控制的先决条件。测量系统的性能评价称之为量具的重复性和再现性 (R& R)研究。本文首先根据二因素随机效应模型 ,给出了估计 R& R的一种方法 ,它克服了方差分析方法的某些不足 ;其次 ,当测量系统满足能力要求时 ,提出了监控测量过程的方法 ;最后 ,简单介绍了用于分析和监控测量过程的应用软件 相似文献
The physical properties of fibrous materials are closely linked to their microstructure. In order to characterize their microstructures as effectively as possible, all fibres in a sample should be individualized. This work mainly aims at developing a new fibre analysis method that segments a 3D greyscale tomography image into a background and a set of connected components, each representing a single fibre. Properly completed fibre analyses may provide input data for generative or synthetic models, which can in turn be used to estimate various characteristics of the material. In this paper, we introduce an original method based on the skeletonization of the fibre mass, followed by a geometrical analysis of the obtained skeleton. Based on this procedure, several measurements can be computed (e.g. length, orientation, number of contacts). Furthermore, we validate the reliability of our fibre analysis process using various comparisons between our results and artificial ground‐truth data. 相似文献
Feature-based validation techniques for dynamic system models could be unreliable for nonlinear, stochastic, and transient dynamic behavior, where the time series is usually non-stationary. This paper presents a wavelet spectral analysis approach to validate a computational model for a dynamic system. Continuous wavelet transform is performed on the time series data for both model prediction and experimental observation using a Morlet wavelet function. The wavelet cross-spectrum is calculated for the two sets of data to construct a time-frequency phase difference map. The Box-plot, an exploratory data analysis technique, is applied to interpret the phase difference for validation purposes. In addition, wavelet time-frequency coherence is calculated using the locally and globally smoothed wavelet power spectra of the two data sets. Significance tests are performed to quantitatively verify whether the wavelet time-varying coherence is significant at a specific time and frequency point, considering uncertainties in both predicted and observed time series data. The proposed wavelet spectrum analysis approach is illustrated with a dynamics validation challenge problem developed at the Sandia National Laboratories. A comparison study is conducted to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methodologies over classical frequency-independent cross-correlation analysis and time-independent cross-coherence analysis for the validation of dynamic systems. 相似文献
A sensor validation scheme investigates a system that requires control based on monitored sensor readings in order to allow immediate corrective actions in the case of aberrations from a desired value. In this paper, the proposed sensor validation strategy is based on a mathematical model for the calculation and classification of some white noise or faults occurring in the biomechanical system during walking on an instrumented treadmill. This strategy attempts to build a predictive model from measurements to determine whether the actual values are within an expected range. Particular attention is focused on the system used to measure vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) during normal walking on the instrumented treadmill. The aim of the study is to perform sensor validation to improve the resolution and accuracy of the acquired sensor data in order to provide reliable, repeatable, reproducible information for decision making. 相似文献
In this study, radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure levels were measured as mobile on the main streets of Diyarbakır during a week. The measurements were carried out using high precision spectrum analyzer with an isotropic antenna mounted on the top of a car. With this mobile measurement, large areas were measured in a short time and information about characteristics of electromagnetic environment was obtained quickly. Measurement results showed that measurement values were not in normal distribution and variances between independent variables were not homogeneous. According to Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient, there was no strong correlation between measurement days. In terms of mean electric field values, contribution of each band to total band was arranged as UMTS DL, GSM900 DL, GSM1800 DL, TV4-5, FM, and TV3 band, respectively. It was determined that all measurement values were below the reference levels of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. 相似文献
On-machine roundness measurement of cylindrical workpieces by the combined three-point method 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
In this paper, we describe a new differential method for on-machine roundness measurement of cylindrical workpieces, which is called the combined three-point method. This method combines the advantages of the generalized three-point method and the sequential three-point method and can accurately measure roundness profiles including stepwise variations. In the combined three-point method, some data points in the roundness profile evaluated by the generalized three-point method are chosen as the reference points of the standard area and used to determine the relationships among the data groups of the sequential three-point method. An interpolation technique is employed in the data processing of the generalized three-point method to improve the accuracy of the standard area. Theoretical analyses and computer simulations confirming the feasibility of the combined three-point method are shown in this paper. A roundness measurement system using three capacitance-type displacement probes is constructed. The measurement system and the experimental results are also presented. 相似文献
Measurement systems analysis has been widely used in many industries, especially those related to the automotive sector as part of statistical process control practices. Over the years, new elements have been added to the initial requirements for system acceptance, centered on the values of repeatability and reproducibility (integrated in indexes as GRR and GRR%). One of these elements, the number of distinct data categories (NDC) has been treated as an independent requirement. In this paper, we show that NDC and GRR are not independent and that they are in fact both linked by an exact relationship. This therefore makes the double requirement redundant, confusing and unnecessary, except maybe to enhance some conceptual questions. 相似文献
?.M. Bulatovi? M.S. Štavljanin M.V. Tomi? D.M. Kne?evi? S.Lj. Bio?anin 《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2011,25(8):3043-3061
This paper presents the procedures for measuring and analyzing the angular velocity variation of twelve-cylinder diesel engine crankshaft on its free end and on the power-output end. In addition, the paper deals with important aspects of the measurement of crankshaft torsional oscillations. The method is based on digital encoders placed at two distances, and one of them is a sensor not inserted directly on the shaft, i.e. a non-contact method with a toothed disc is used. The principle based on toothed disc is also used to measure the actual camshaft angular velocity of in-line compact high-pressure pump the engine is equipped with, and this paper aims to demonstrate the possibility of measuring the actual angular velocity of any rotating shaft in the engine, on which it is physically possible to mount a toothed disc. The method was created completely independently during long-range development and research tests of V46 family engines. This method is specific for its particular adaptability for use on larger engines with extensive vibrations and torsional oscillations. The main purpose of this paper is a practical contribution to all the more interesting research of the use of engine crankshaft angular velocity as a diagnostic tool for identifying the engine irregular running. 相似文献
The static response and free vibration of metal and ceramic functionally graded shells are analyzed using the element-free kp-Ritz method. The material properties are assumed to vary continuously along the depth direction. The displacement field is expressed in terms of a set of mesh-free kernel particle functions according to Sander's first-order shear deformation shell theory. The effects of the volume fraction, material property, boundary condition, and length-to-thickness ratio on the shell deflection, axial stress, and natural frequency are examined in detail. Convergence studies of node numbers are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Comparisons reveal that the numerical results obtained from the proposed method agree well with those from the classical and finite element methods. 相似文献
在生产实践中,对光滑工件的测量与检验需要查找国家标准规定的数据表格,然后经过一定的数值计算,才能选择出合适的计量器具并给出相应的验收尺寸。手工的查找和计算数据既浪费时间,又易出错。这里采用最新的国家标准GB/T3177—1997(光滑工件尺寸的检验),改变了以往单一的内缩验收方式。根据工件的功能要求,同时考虑到实际的加工工艺能力和现场拥有的仪器现状综合选择计量器具,并应用VB6.0语言开发了应用软件,将以上工作由计算机来完成,提高了检验效率和检验的准确率,降低了检验成本。 相似文献
This paper deals with the characterization, by means of measurement techniques typically used for ceramics and polymeric materials, of human bone samples affected by two aggressive tumors: osteolitic osteosarcoma and sclerotic osteosarcoma. These two common forms of osteosarcoma often affects children and young teenagers. To distinguish between healthy and diseased bone tissue, the Hydroxyapatite/Collagen ratio and the Hydroxyapatite composition (Calcium/Phosphorus molar ratio) are evaluated. The results allow two considerations to be drawn on the analysis of human bone samples. The first consideration is that the bone affected by osteosarcoma has a greater amount of Collagen with respect to the healthy one. This can be used to evaluate the pathologic status of bone tissues. The second consideration is that the Calcium/Phosphorus molar ratio is, with respect to the one of healthy bone, higher in bone tissue affected by osteolitic osteosarcoma, while is lower in the one affected by sclerotic osteosarcoma. On the basis of these considerations, a promising measurement method is proposed to support the early and objective detection of the osteosarcoma tumor and to distinguish between osteolitic and sclerotic forms. The proposed measurement method can be executed in a few minutes and by using few milligrams of bone tissue that can be drawn with a needle under local anesthesia. 相似文献
Observation of raindrop size distribution( DSD) with a vertically pointing micro rain radar( MRR) has important significance in the precipitation measurement field. The Mie scattering of large particle,vertical wind and air turbulence have great influences on the retrieval of DSD measured by MRR. This paper simulates the process of how three factors affect the inversion of DSD and the calculation of other precipitation parameters,then makes the errors analysis. Because the wavelength of MRR is 12.5mm,M ie theory is more suitable for the precipitation particle than Rayleigh approximation,w hich may cause the underestimation of number density of small droplets and the overestimation of that in middle field. The vertical wind results in inaccurate estimation of particle terminal velocity,so the diameter is measured with some errors by empirical relationship,w hich affects the calculating accuracy of radar reflectivity and rain rate. Air turbulence can broaden the pow er spectral density,of which the impact on the inversion of DSD are concentrated in small droplets field. Then the measured data from MRR is analyzed and the results prove the impacts of those factors. Finally,according to the analysis and application limits,the prospect of the future research trend of particle size distribution is conducted. 相似文献
Okazaki K Tanaka H Ohno N Ezumi N Tsuji Y Kajita S 《The Review of scientific instruments》2012,83(2):023502
We have measured ion temperature as well as electron temperature in plasma blobs observed in a linear plasma device by using an improved ion sensitive probe. Current-voltage characteristics of the ion sensitive probe inside and outside plasma blobs were re-constructed with a conditional sampling method. It is clearly found that both ion and electron temperatures in plasma blobs decrease more slowly in a cross-field direction than those in a bulk plasma without plasma blobs. 相似文献
陈明 《仪器仪表标准化与计量》2014,(4):44-45
随着我国经济发展,汽车已成为老百姓的生活必需品,然而国内油价飞涨,人们对加油机计量准确的关注度越来越高。本文从专业角度分析了加油机产生计量超差的原因,提出对加油机管理的“四分离”模式,有效防范和减少计量超差的产生。 相似文献
Mathematical model and experiment validation of fluid torque by shear stress under influence of fluid temperature in hydro-viscous clutch 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The current design of hydro-viscous clutch(HVC) in tracked vehicle fan transmission mainly focuses on high-speed and high power. However, the fluid torque under the influence of fluid temperature can not be predicted accurately by conventional mathematical model or experimental research. In order to validate the fluid torque of HVC by taking the viscosity-temperature characteristic of fluid into account, the test rig is designed. The outlet oil temperature is measured and fitted with different rotation speed, oil film thickness, oil flow rate, and inlet oil temperature. Meanwhile, the film torque can be obtained. Based on Navier-Stokes equations and the continuity equation, the mathematical model of fluid torque is proposed in cylindrical coordinate. Iterative method is employed to solve the equations. The radial and tangential speed distribution, radial pressure distribution and theoretical flow rate are determined and analyzed. The models of equivalent radius and fluid torque of friction pairs are introduced. The experimental and theoretical results indicate that tangential speed distribution is mainly determined by the relative rotating speed between the friction plate and the separator disc. However, the radial speed distribution and pressure distribution are dominated by pressure difference at the lower rotating speed. The oil film fills the clearance and the film torque increases with increasing rotating speed. However, when the speed reaches a certain value, the centrifugal force will play an important role on the fluid distribution. The pressure is negative at the outer radius when inlet flow rate is less than theoretical flow, so the film starts to shrink which decreases the film torque sharply. The theoretical fluid torque has good agreement with the experimental data. This research proposes a new fluid torque mathematical model which may predict the film torque under the influence of temperature more accurately. 相似文献
A new measuring technique is proposed for measuring the in-plane deformation of soft metal surfaces when indented by a hard indenter, using the displacement of inclusions on the soft metal surface as sensors. In in-plane deformation, the soft metal surface flows along the hard indenter surface. In this paper, the principle of this new measuring technique is explained and some example measurements obtained from the experiments with aluminum and copper beryllium alloy plates, are presented. 相似文献