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Within the framework of a research project regarding investigations on a high-pressure Coriolis mass flow meter (CMF) a portable flow test rig for traceable calibration measurements of the flow rate (mass - and volume flow) in a range of 5 g min−1 to 500 g min−1 and in a pressure range of 0.1 MPa to 85 MPa was developed. The measurement principle of the flow test rig is based on the gravimetrical measuring procedure with flying-start-and-stop operating mode. Particular attention has been paid to the challenges of temperature stability during the measurements since the temperature has a direct influence on the viscosity and flow rate of the test medium. For that reason the pipes on the high-pressure side are double-walled and insulated and the device under test (DUT) has an enclosure with a separate temperature control. From the analysis of the first measurement with tap water at a temperature of 20 °C and a pressure of 82.7 MPa an extensive uncertainty analysis has been carried out. It was found that the diverter (mainly due to its asymmetric behaviour) is the largest influence factor on the total uncertainty budget. After a number of improvements, especially concerning the diverter, the flow test rig has currently an expanded measurement uncertainty of around 1.0% in the lower flow rate range (25 g min−1) and 0.25% in the higher flow rate range (400 g min−1) for the measurement of mass flow. Additional calibration measurements with the new, redesigned flow test rig and highly viscous base oils also indicated a good agreement with the theoretical behaviour of the flow meter according to the manufacturers׳ specifications with water as test medium. Further improvements are envisaged in the future in order to focus also on other areas of interest.  相似文献   

Large-scale rotors in the paper and steel industry are called rolls. Rolls are reground at regular intervals and roundness measurements are made throughout the machining process. Measurement systems for roundness and diameter variation of large rolls (diameter <2000 mm) are available on the market, and generally use two to four sensors and a roundness measurement algorithm. These methods are intended to separate roundness of the rotor from its movement. The hybrid four-point method has improved accuracy, even for harmonic component amplitudes. For reliable measurement results, every measurement should be traceable with an estimation of measurement uncertainty. In this paper, the Monte-Carlo method is used for uncertainty evaluation of the harmonic components of the measured roundness profile under typical industrial conditions. According to the evaluation, the standard uncertainties for the harmonic amplitudes with the hybrid method are below 0.5 μm for the even harmonics and from 1.5 μm to 2.5 μm for the odd harmonics, when the standard uncertainty for the four probes is 0.3 μm each. The standard uncertainty for roundness deviation is 3.3 μm.  相似文献   

A displacement metrology and control system using an optical frequency comb generator and a dual Fabry-Perot cavity is developed with sub-nm accuracy. The optical frequency comb generator has expanded the displacement measurement range and the dual cavity system has suppressed the environmental fluctuation. We evaluated the absolute uncertainty of the developed displacement measurement system to be approximately 190 pm for the displacement of 14 μm and the accurate displacement control using a phase-locked loop was demonstrated with a resolution of approximately 24 pm.  相似文献   

A deadweight-type torque standard machine of 20 kN m rated capacity (20 kN m-DWTSM) has been designed and developed by the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Each uncertainty contribution comes mainly from the performance of each mechanical part of the 20 kN m-DWTSM. Authors evaluated the uncertainty of the mass of the linkage weights, local acceleration of gravity, influence of air buoyancy on deadweight loading, initial moment-arm length (including CMM measurement and temperature compensation), and sensitivity of the fulcrum. This report deals especially with evaluation of the remaining contributions, namely the influence of arm flexure and reference line variation at the end of the moment-arm on best measurement capability (BMC). Estimation of BMC in the 20 kN m-DWTSM gave a relative expanded uncertainty of less than 7.0 · 10−5 (k = 2) for the calibration range from 200 N m to 20 kN m.  相似文献   

Measurement uncertainty is an important parameter to express measurement results including means and reliability. The uncertainty analysis of the biomedical measurement system needs to be established. A perspiration measurement system composed of several sensors was developed. We aim to estimate the measurement uncertainty of this system with several uncertainty sources, including airflow rate, air density, and inlet and outlet absolute humidity. Measurement uncertainty was evaluated and compared by the Guide to the expression of the uncertainty in measurement (GUM) method and Monte Carlo simulation. The standard uncertainty for the perspiration measurement system was 6.81 × 10−6 kg/s and the uncertainty percentage <10%. The major source of the uncertainty was airflow rate, and inlet and outlet absolute humidity. The Monte Carlo simulation could be executed easily with available spreadsheet software programs of the Microsoft Excel. GUM and Monte Carlo simulation did not differ in measurement uncertainty with precision to two decimal places. However, the sensitivity coefficient derived by GUM provided useful information to improve measurement performance, which was not evaluated with the Monte Carlo simulation method.  相似文献   

In order to in-situ measurement of large volume water samples, using of a portable HPGe detector was considered. Because of necessity of efficiency calibration of the detector for the geometry (100 L), the large volume standard sources were prepared. Before making large volume standard sources (100 L), the Monte Carlo method has been applied in order to optimizing the calibration procedures and in agreement with experiment results, has been caused reducing the amount of produced radioactive wastes. First, the efficiency of the portable coaxial P-type HPGe detector for 1 L liquid standard sources in Marinelli beaker geometry was simulated. Then, the experimental efficiency calibration was carried out using the detector for those 1 L liquid standard sources in Marinelli beaker geometry. The detector dead layer was determined by comparison of the simulation and experimental efficiency curve results. Then, a relation between simulation and experimental measurements, that is, between pulse-height per emitted particle, F8 tally, and estimated amount of spiked radioactive solution into the 1 L distilled water in Marinelli beaker was found. Then, the efficiency calibration of the large volume liquid standard sources was simulated. The estimated amount of spiking radioactive solution into the large volume distilled water (100 L) has been taken into account dividing experimental efficiencies (in Marinelli beaker) by the simulated efficiencies (in 100 L). Finally, by spiking the large volume distilled water with the radioactive solution, efficiency calibration of the potable HPGe detector for 100 L geometry was done.  相似文献   

A method is established to reliably determine surface conductance of single-layer or multi-layer atomically thin nano-carbon graphene structures. The measurements are made in an air filled standard R100 rectangular waveguide configuration at one of the resonant frequency modes, typically at TE103 mode of 7.4543 GHz. Surface conductance measurement involves monitoring a change in the quality factor of the cavity as the specimen is progressively inserted into the cavity in quantitative correlation with the specimen surface area. The specimen consists of a nano-carbon-layer supported on a low loss dielectric substrate. The thickness of the conducting nano-carbon layer does not need to be explicitly known, but it is assumed that the lateral dimension is uniform over the specimen area. The non-contact surface conductance measurements are illustrated for a typical graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition process, and for a high quality monolayer epitaxial graphene grown on silicon carbide wafers for which we performed non-gated quantum Hall resistance measurements. The sequence of quantized transverse Hall resistance at the Landau filling factors ν = ±6 and ±2, and the absence of the Hall plateau at ν = 4 indicate that the epitaxially grown graphene is a high quality mono-layer. The resonant microwave cavity measurement is sensitive to the surface and bulk conductivity, and since no additional processing is required, it preserves the integrity of the conductive graphene layer. It allows characterization with high speed, precision and efficiency, compared to transport measurements where sample contacts must be defined and applied in multiple processing steps.  相似文献   

A 10N·m dead weight torque standard machine (10-N·m-DWTSM) has been developed and evaluated since 2006 at the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), a part of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). Previously, the lengths of a moment arm, made of a low-thermal-expansion alloy (Super Invar), and the sensitivity limit of the fulcrum were evaluated. However, it is known that mechanical parts made of Super Invar vary in size with time. Therefore, the sensitivity limit of the fulcrum should be investigated under real calibration conditions. In this study, the moment arm lengths and the sensitivity limit of the fulcrum were re-evaluated. The moment arm lengths were found to have increased by an average of 6.3 μm in five years. The relative combined standard uncertainty of the moment arm length, warm, was re-evaluated in consideration of the uncertainty of the secular length change and was found to be 1.8 × 10−5. The sensitivity limit of the fulcrum was investigated by using a highly accurate, small-rated-capacity torque measuring device. The relative combined standard uncertainty due to the sensitivity limit of the fulcrum was 2.5 × 10−5 in the 0.1–10N·m torque range. The uncertainty budget table of the 10-N·m-DWTSM was completed. The relative expanded uncertainty of torque realized by the 10-N·m-DWTSM, Wtsm, was evaluated in the 0.1–10N·m torque range and was found to be 6.6 × 10−5, with a coverage factor, k, being equal to 2. In addition, the 10-N·m-DWTSM was compared with the existing 1-kN·m-DWTSM at NMIJ by using small-rated-capacity torque measuring devices at 5N·m and 10N·m torque steps. Two loading conditions were adopted in this comparison. The comparison results showed good agreement within the uncertainties in all cases. Thus, the torque realized by the 10-N·m-DWTSM was shown to be equivalent to that achieved by the 1-kN·m-DWTSM.  相似文献   

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) has developed a 20 N deadweight force standard machine. The machine consists of a weight stack, a loading frame, a taring system, a main body and a control system. The taring system has the role of compensating the initial force generated by the loading frame. With two motors, a displacement sensor, several limit switches, and a synthetic control system consisting of a programmable logic controller and an operating PC, the machine can be operated almost fully automatically. The machine can generate a compressive force in the range of 0.5–22 N with a relative expanded uncertainty of 1.0 × 10–4. The machine was compared with a 200 N deadweight force standard machine. In the comparison, the relative deviation was 5.8 × 10–5, less than the declared expanded uncertainty of the force standard machines, therefore confirming the machine’s accuracy.  相似文献   

1 kg single-crystal silicon spheres are presently used as primary density standards in many countries. The absolute density of the spheres is determined from the measurements of their mass and volume in conformity with the definitions of the SI base units. Since the mass of the spheres is almost 1 kg, a mass comparison with the prototype of the kilogram can be performed with very low uncertainty. Absolute volume measurements for the spheres therefore have a crucial role in realizing a reliable density traceability system. To confirm the reliability of the volume measurement, the volume of a silicon sphere was measured independently using optical interferometers at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS, Korea) and the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ, Japan). An optical interferometer with an etalon scanning system was used at KRISS. On the other hand, an optical interferometer with an optical frequency scanning system was used at NMIJ. The volume was measured at 20 °C and 0 Pa, and the results are in agreement with each other within their uncertainties. Details of the two interferometers and the comparison results are described.  相似文献   

Phase noise is an important parameter to characterise the frequency stability of oscillators and synthesised signal generators. Accurate measurement of phase noise is required for various applications in radar, communication and navigation systems. A single-channel phase-detector based phase noise measurement system is described. The system’s measurement errors and uncertainties have been analysed in details. The expanded uncertainty is about 2.7 dB for calibrating phase noise of a signal generator at 0.001–1.6 GHz for frequency offsets from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. The uncertainty budget for measuring a signal generator’s phase noise at 640 MHz is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new optical method of coordinate measuring machine (CMM) verification. The proposed system based on a single-mode fiber optical-comb pulsed interferometer with a ball lens of refractive index 2 employed as the target. The target can be used for absolute-length measurements in all directions. The laser source is an optical frequency comb, whose repetition rate is stabilized by a rubidium frequency standard. The measurement range is confirmed to be up to 10 m. The diagonals of a CMM are easier to verify by the proposed method than by the conventional artifact test method. The measurement uncertainty of the proposed method is also smaller than that of the conventional method because the proposed measurement system is less affected by air temperature; it achieves an uncertainty of approximately 7 μm for measuring lengths of 10 m. The experimental results show that the measurement accuracy depends on noise in the interference fringe, which arises from airflow fluctuations and mechanical vibrations.  相似文献   

A comparison in the quantity of force was carried out among the Interamerican Metrology System (SIM) national laboratories in order to estimate the level of agreement for the realization of the quantity and the uncertainty associated to its measurement. This comparison was carried out up to 10 kN. The equipment used consisted on two force transducers (load cells); both with the same measuring range (10 kN). With the purpose of obtaining maximum accuracy on the transducers, the comparison range was selected from 4 kN up to 10 kN. This comparison (SIM comparison number SIM 7.7) has an overlap with the force steps used in the CIPM key comparison CCM.F-K1.a and CCM.F-K1.b. The results obtained, as well as the reference values selected for the comparison are included in this document. Two different methods were used to analyze the level of agreement and to state the conformity declaration.  相似文献   

A shear mode micro-probing system was constructed for gap measurement of a precision slot die coater with a nominal gap width of 90 μm and a length of 200 mm. A glass micro-stylus with a nominal tip ball diameter of 52.6 μm was oscillated by a tuning fork quartz crystal resonator with its oscillation direction parallel to the measurement surfaces. An on-line qualification setup was established to compensate for the influences of the uncertainty sources, including the water layers on the measurement surfaces. The measurement uncertainty of the measured gap width was estimated to be less than 100 nm.  相似文献   

A differential pressure comparison was performed between CENAM (Mexico) and INTI (Argentina) by means of a liquid column manometer. The measuring range was 5–500 Pa. CENAM calibrated the transfer standard at the beginning and at the end of the comparison. The transfer standard used was a Dwyer liquid column manometer model Microtector with an accuracy class of 0.013% of the reading. The compared pressure points were (5, 75, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500) Pa. The uncertainty sources to be evaluated included at least the following: (a) Uncertainty due to the standard used by the laboratory; (b) Uncertainty due to repeatability; (c) Uncertainty due to resolution; (d) Uncertainty due to hysteresis; (e) Uncertainty due to zero drift. The criteria used to compare the results obtained were the normalized error equation (En). The results obtained by the laboratories were compatible according to the criteria |En| ? 1.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a design method for cross-spring pivots with quasi-constant rotational stiffness in the field of unbalanced moment measurement. To achieve high precision measurement of unbalance moment, the relationship between instrument sensitivity and the rotational stiffness of the cross-spring pivot is revealed. In order to eliminate the impacts of payload changes on instrument sensitivity, the relationship between geometric parameters and the rotational stiffness of the pivot is studied. Further, cross-spring pivots with quasi-constant rotational stiffness are designed as the rotation unit of a static balancing instrument, while the center shift of pivot takes the minimum value. Certain amount of unbalance moments is measured by the instrument. Experimental studies of the instrument show that the maximum measurement errors of unbalance moments 0.162 g mm, 0.319 g mm and 1.300 g mm are 0.068 g mm, 0.086 g mm and 0.053 g mm, respectively, when the payload ranges from 0 g to 7000 g. The instrument can achieve a relatively high precision measurement and the instrument sensitivity is almost not affected by the changes of payloads. The effectiveness of the method and the stiffness property of the pivot are verified by the experiments. So this kind of pivot has good prospects in unbalance moment measurement.  相似文献   

A gas pressure sensor based on an all-fiber Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FFPI) is reported. The sensing head consists of a small section of silica rod spliced with a large offset between two single-mode fibers. The silica rod is used only as mechanical support so that an air cavity can be formed between both SMF. It is shown that the FFPI sensor is sensitive to gas pressure variation and when submitted to different gaseous environments, namely carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen – sensitivities of 6.2, 4.1 and 3.6 nm/MPa, respectively, were attained. The refractive index change on nitrogen environment by means of gas pressure variation was also determined and a sensitivity of 1526 nm/RIU was obtained. The response of the sensing device to temperature variations in air was also studied and a sensitivity of −14 pm/°C was attained.  相似文献   

The presented 3D-ball plate is used for testing machine tools with a workspace of 500 mm × 500 mm × 320 mm. The artefact consists of a 2D-ball plate which is either located by a kinematic correct coupling on a base plate or on a spacer. The spacers are placed between the base plate and the ball plate and are also kinematic coupled to the other elements of the artefact. The kinematic couplings provide a high repeatability of the measurement setup. Because of the specific application the known calibration procedures for 2D-ball plates are not applicable.A calibration method for the pseudo-3D-artefact on a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is presented, with the aim to minimise the influence of geometric CMM errors. Therefore a computer simulation is used to analyse the effects of these disturbing errors on the calibration of the ball plate and the spacers. Using a reversal method, the plate is measured at four different horizontal positions after rotating the ball plate around its vertical axis. A couple of the CMM errors, e.g., a squareness error C0Y between the X- and Y-axis of the CMM, can be eliminated by that method—others have to be determined with additional measurements, e.g., the positioning errors EXX or EYY of the X- and Y-axis, respectively. The paper also contains a measurement uncertainty estimation for the calibration by use of experiments, tolerances and Monte Carlo-simulations. The achieved uncertainty for ball positions in the working volume is less than 2.1 μm (coverage factor k = 2).  相似文献   

This paper aims to demonstrate the importance of uncertainties in the measurement of environmental noise in the context of Italian legislation on noise pollution focusing the attention on the variability of the measurand as a source of uncertainty and offering a proposal for the evaluation of uncertainty for traffic noise measurement. In particular, drawing on a real traffic noise dataset, firstly outliers are eliminated from the actual noise measurements using an outlier detection algorithm based on K-neighbors distance and then uncertainty range is estimated with the bootstrap-t method. Since the original sequence was Gaussian, this range was compared with the confidence interval of the mean ± standard deviation interval and two intervals were almost coincident.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the development of the ring shaped force transducers for measurement of force in lower capacity to meet the industrial requirements with the increasing technological developments. A 50 N ring shaped force transducer for tension mode has been developed by studying the analytical and computational methods. The force transducer developed has been metrologically studied according to the calibration procedure based on the standard ISO 376 and uncertainty of measurement of the force transducer is found to be±0.10% (k=2), while taking into account the relative uncertainty contribution due to necessary factors like repeatability, reproducibility, zero offset, interpolation, resolution and reversibility. The force transducer developed may further be studied for improvement of metrological performance and may suitably be developed for other lower capacities like 10 N, 20 N etc. The force transducer developed offers very economical alternative of complex shaped force transducers with simple design and manufacturing features. The force transducer developed may be proved very helpful in providing traceability to the user industries and calibration laboratories in the lower range of force measurement and serve as force transfer standard.  相似文献   

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