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气象低速风洞参数及性能测试   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对风洞不同风速段进行“频率—速度”参数拟合,校正了气象风洞的实验参数,并对风洞的风场气流均匀性及风速稳定性进行了测试.当风速相对较低时,整个风洞风场属于层流及缓冲层范畴,而在高风速下,风场属于湍流范畴.在0~1 m/s风速段,特别是在风速低于0.5 m/s时,风速变异系数C.V及风速相对偏差δ都达到了较高的水平,外界环境的变化对风洞风场的影响较大;而当风速在1~30m/s范围时,两个指标均相对较低,这说明随着风速的提高,风洞风场对外界环境变化的反映变得不敏感.  相似文献   

Short duration wind tunnels offer an economical approach to study the aero-thermal operation of propulsion components, while reproducing temperature ratios, Reynolds and Mach numbers of the actual engine conditions. The present paper aims at modeling with high fidelity the von Karman Institute compression tube facility. This wind tunnel was simulated using the EcosimPro suite to characterize the behavior of each subcomponent during the whole test envelope, including the turbine map at off-design. The numerical predictions were then assessed through the comparison with experimental data. The model was proven to be an effective tool to accurately evaluate all the operating regimes that a research turbine experienced during the experimental sequence. Consequently, the present model allows exploiting the complete test run duration to obtain unique experimental data from the turbomachinery operating at far off-design conditions. The capability to experimentally test components at off-design is fundamental to understand the flow physics of any gas turbine engine operating at extreme conditions and to characterize the transient performances of fluid-machinery in high-speed propulsion concepts. However, technical dissemination on these aspects is scarce.  相似文献   

省级检定业务风洞流场特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对甘肃省气象计量检定站改造后的HDF-500直流低速风洞,对其流场特性进行研究.通过对风洞试验段内气流流速的测量结果计算和分析,表明该风洞的试验段风速与变频器频率呈线性关系,且气流流速范围达到改造的要求.改造后风洞的气流稳定性、均匀性、气流偏角和噪音均符合性能要求,具备开展检定业务的基本条件.  相似文献   

The single sinker densimeter with magnetic suspension coupling is one of the state of the art methods for the accurate measurement of fluid densities. The uncertainties of experimental pressure, density and temperature data, measured with a single sinker densimeter, were thoroughly evaluated following the uncertainty propagation law. The main uncertainty sources of each magnitude were determined. Based on this statistical study, several modifications were performed to reduce the uncertainty associated to each magnitude. Firstly two new PTR-25 probes were added. Secondly a new pressure transducer for the low pressure range was added. Finally the sinker of the densimeter was replaced by a bigger one to improve the balance reading. After these modifications the uncertainty of each magnitude was evaluated and validated with a Monte Carlo simulation. Results yielded a significant reduction of 44% in temperature uncertainty, more than 92% on pressure below 2 MPa, and more than 22% on density.  相似文献   

为提高风洞侧壁边界层控制系统性能,文中通过介绍NF-3大型低速翼型风洞多喷嘴级联吹气侧壁边界层控制系统的结构和原理,分析并优化侧壁边界层控制系统的控制算法,利用MATLAB软件实现了对优化前与优化后的控制算法的仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。仿真结果表明:神经网络自适应PSD控制算法可提高控制系统的稳定性、准确性和响应速度,在一定程度上能够减小阀门的时滞性和非线性对控制结果的影响。  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗方法的圆度测量不确定度评定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用蒙特卡罗方法对圆度测量的不确定度进行评定。首先,根据最小二乘法得到圆度的误差模型;然后采用蒙特卡罗仿真方法对测量值进行模拟仿真,从而得到圆度误差的不确定度;最后将评定结果与传统评定方法的结果进行比较。结果表明该方法是可行的,且计算更为简便。  相似文献   

机翼模型受力试验是飞机翼型设计必不可少的关键环节,风洞是进行空气动力学试验的必备装置。该文介绍了基于LT(低湍流)风洞的探针三维高精度位移测控系统的组成,详细分析了LT风洞现场实验条件及应满足的控制要求,在此基础上,论述了系统的总体设计方案,硬件结构和触摸屏的组态过程,重点论述了PLC的硬件配置及控制软件的设计。运行实践证明,该系统满足设计要求,运行可靠。有效地解决了翼型实验研究中探针在风洞中准确定位控制的难题。  相似文献   

为研究温度对风洞应变天平测量的影响,以热力耦合作用下的天平校准技术为着力点,通过响应面实验设计方法确立热力耦合加载矩阵,基于六自由度校准系统及构建的温度环境对一台六分量风洞应变天平实施热力耦合加载,采用多元回归方法建立了包含温度、力、力矩参数的天平公式,最后利用验证载荷检验天平公式的准确性,检验结果显示:温度及力/力矩载荷作用下,天平各分量的综合加载误差优于0.3%;天平公式能准确表征天平在热力耦合作用下的综合性能。研究结果表明,热力耦合作用下的风洞应变天平校准技术能够用于评定及修正温度对天平测量的影响。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the evaluation of the uncertainty of a multivariate quantity using the Law of Propagation of Uncertainty defined in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and a Monte Carlo method according to the GUM’s Supplement 2. The quantity analysed is the electrical impedance, which is not a scalar but a complex quantity. The used measuring method allows the evaluation of the impedance and of its uncertainty in different ways and the corresponding results are presented, compared and discussed. For comparison purposes, results of the impedance uncertainty obtained using the NIST Uncertainty Machine are also presented.  相似文献   

风洞中飞机模型因承受高速气流冲击等影响, 机翼产生动态弯曲和扭转变形,提出了一种单双目混合的快速测量方法, 利用荧光标志点对风洞中机翼的弯曲和扭转变形进行测量。 首先, 提出工况下机翼弯扭变形的布局和计算方案; 然后,根据风洞坐标系、飞机模型自身坐标系的关系, 建立相机坐标系实现相机自标定;最后, 根据已知 Y 轴向约束的机翼点构建单相机三维重建模型, 再计算吹风状态下各截面弯曲和扭转量。 通过建立一套专用的机翼变形动态测试系统布局方案,以飞机模型初始位姿作为约束, 实现模型动态变形的快速检测, 得到的扭转角平均误差为 0. 228°, 可有效解决双目相机难以高帧率实时重建的问题, 为优化机身设计参数提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

介绍了超音速风洞大口径蝶阀的配置形式。运用COSMOSFloWorks软件分析了不同结构蝶板及蝶阀不同开度情况下的流场情况。通过在蝶板上增加蒙皮以及在蒙皮上开孔的方式改善了蝶阀的流场,蝶阀配置旁路阀的方式改善了蝶阀的使用工况,从而降低了蝶阀的故障率,延长了蝶阀的使用寿命。  相似文献   

The three-probe method for separating the spindle rotation error and the specimen form error is extensively described in the literature. An attractive feature is its application in in-process measurement. However, the resulting uncertainty is studied far less extensively. In this paper, an evaluation and propagation method for the uncertainty, as well as for an uncertainty reduction, is given based on the system transfer function (S-function). First, utilizing the Laplace transform, the measurement system model is developed and expressed by an S-function. Second, the propagation laws of input uncertainties are analytically deduced by computing the partial derivatives of the S-function of roundness. Then, the laws are numerically validated by Monte Carlo simulations. The uncertainty propagation laws show that the uncertainties propagate with varying amplification over the harmonic domain, and moreover, they enable the quantification of both the harmonic and the total uncertainty of roundness. Taking the roundness uncertainty as a decisive parameter, three approaches are proposed for uncertainty reduction: (1) the hybrid 3-PM, where two roundness estimates are combined by taking individual harmonic estimate with the lowest uncertainty, (2) the fusion 3-PM, where the weighted average is taken over the harmonic domain, and (3) the angle optimization, which minimizes the total roundness uncertainty by properly arranging the sensor angles. The angle optimization is applied to the conventional 3-PM, as well as to the hybrid and the fusion 3-PMs. The genetic algorithm is adopted to speed up the optimization process. Finally, practical roundness measurements are performed.  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗仿真方法的大尺寸测量不确定度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为评价大尺寸测量不确定度,特别是多站融合测量不确定度,引入蒙特卡罗仿真方法.该方法根据各传感器单元的概率特性重复采样,生成测量结果的样本,统计样本得到坐标测量不确定度,并利用计算机可视化样本的三维散点图.通过不同样本数对运算时问和准确性影响的实验,确定样本数为500.以激光跟踪仪为例进行实验,比较蒙特卡罗法、统计法和解析法三种方法得到的不确定度结果,吻合情况较好,其中与解析法比较最大偏差仅为2.7 um实验结果表明,蒙特卡罗仿真方法可以准确评价大尺寸测量仪器及多站融合测量不确定度,融合精度优于各局部精度.  相似文献   

马东平  张耀平  杨洋 《阀门》2011,(3):40-41,45
介绍了跨超声速风洞套筒式调压阀的结构,分析了副密封的故障原因,论述了副密封的改进方案及其效果。  相似文献   

当前,西门子PLC已在风洞控制系统中得到了广泛应用,但新一代的PLC S7-1500与S7-1200并没有很多应用案例。S7-1500 PLC作为西门子新的旗舰产品,性能卓越;S7-1200PLC单机可对4轴进行高速脉冲控制。S7-1500与S7-1200之间通过PROFINET通信,实时性更好,抗干扰性更强。同时,风洞控制系统还采用了西门子的G150变频器和V90伺服系统,使得整个控制系统更加统一。该文通过介绍一个新的风洞控制系统设计方案,介绍了S7-1500与S7-1200以及V90的实际应用,为以后的风洞控制系统设计以及S7-1500与S7-1200的实际应用提供参考。  相似文献   

建立了某无人机用小型涡喷发动机主轴有限元模型,对该主轴进行有限元分析,得到该主轴的应力分布;采用蒙特卡洛与响应面相结合的方法,利用ANSYS软件,对该主轴进行可靠性分析,得到了不同概率下的主轴应力分布;这种方法可为发动机其它部件可靠性分析提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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