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Retail trade is a private-sector activity: its structure and location result mainly from the action of individuals and firms in a given time and space. However, planning and regulations, which translate the way collective interest relates to private interest, have a significant effect on the activity.When examining the relationship between retail and urban space in the last three decades, in what may be regarded as a process of general deregulation, it is possible to identify the continued relevance of public policies, plans and projects, although with differing intensity. This finding applies considering either those rules specifically designed for retail or those with a spatial focus on places where retail plays a significant role, as is the particular case of the “city centre”.Policy and planning are seen in this article in their relationship with retail and urban resilience, as the text deals with the way in which they influence the situation in the countries which were the object of study in the Replacis Euro-net research project: France, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey. The article intends to examine the role of the countries’ cultural framework in policy design and to demonstrate how regulations, planning systems and practices contribute significantly to understanding the differences in urban retail structure between these countries (and, in particular, in some of their cities).  相似文献   

Despite the plethora of studies on the behavior and values of consumers, research in the social sciences tends to sideline the role of the cultural dimension of consumption in the assessment of vitality and resilience of urban retail systems. However, given the tendency for retailers to make consumers a key element in their strategies, the cultural approach seems to be a valuable alternative to firm-centric analysis. This paper seeks to face this challenge mobilizing the lens of Consumer Culture Theory (CCT). The aim is to show why consumerscapes matter in the assessment of urban retail resilience. According to Arnould (2005), CCT allows us to capture the motivating social and cultural contexts of retail patronage and purchasing behaviors and the myriad of motivating factors behind the retail purchase decision. People have a variety of projects that they tend to realize through shopping practices and consumption, and retailers offer the range of resources they need to accomplish such projects. Bearing these ideas in mind, we suggest that in order to assess the resilience of urban retailing we need to know the extent to which the different shopping districts provide consumers with the range of resources they want so as to fulfill their projects, and how retailers and public authorities can, in the long term, sustain or improve the levels of consumer satisfaction. These ideas are discussed both in a theoretical and empirical way supported by the data collected from consumer surveys carried out in three neighborhood shopping districts in Greater Lisbon.  相似文献   

Pecuniary externalities in a two-region economy are examined from several aspects. The analysis includes fiscal externality, inefficiency of free migration, and inefficiency of autarky non-wage income sharing. Measures to restore the productive efficiency that is lacking in the multiregion economy with local public goods are discussed. Finally, a new aspect of the interregional allocation of residential activities is analyzed as the economics of multi-habitation.  相似文献   

Commercial retail areas within cities have traditionally not only satisfied the demands for various goods and services, but have also contributed to elements of community sustainability and livability as a form of public good. Since the end of World War II, innovations in retail formats have occurred as retailers seek to maximize their financial efficiency. However, this often has consequences for community sustainability and livability. This research employs resilience theory to examine how cities have coped with retail innovations through a comparative case study of Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) and Portland (Oregon, USA). Through historical document review and interviews with senior planners in both cities, it is found that adaptive retail management which emphasize principles over visions, which feature an active, informed, and highly organized public and a polycentric planning system encouraging planning diversity and consensus building can contribute to more resilient retail outcomes that preserve a broader range of retail and public functions.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the application of physical development planning measures at national, regional and local level would reduce the risks to life and property of a potential earthquake in earthquake-prone countries and lessons are drawn from case studies. Basic definitions of hazard, vulnerability, sensitivity and risk are given. A check list of optimum physical planning measures, the goals to be achieved and level at which planning is envisaged is included in the paper. Measures to control vulnerability, in particular the use of low density development, and surrounding open space in densely populated urban areas are suggested.  相似文献   

城乡一体化规划是一种新的规划类型和当前的规划热点。本文总结了山东省城乡一体化规划的探索与实践,对该类规划在规划体系中的地位和作用、不同空间尺度的城乡一体化规划的编制方法、内容和深度进行了探讨。认为城乡一体化规划是市县域范围内最大的规划,在"三规合一"中应代替城市总体规划,与国民经济和社会发展规划、土地利用总体规划相协调。  相似文献   

Spatial competition and market interdependence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the optimality properties of interdependent spatial markets in a situation of price-location competition. A framework is developed where interdependences on the demand side of the economy are fully accounted for. It is assumed that goods supplied in the economy are not independent in terms of consumption. In addition, consumers can capture economies of scope in travel by shopping for several goods on one trip. Two goods are available in addition to a composite product. The problem involves two non-cooperative firms that exhibit a Nash behavior in selling their single product to a population uniformly distributed around a circumference. The level of interdependence between markets is expressed by the transportation rate, and by two other parameters indicating the relations of complementarity/substitutability among goods. A numerical analysis of comparative statics is conducted to examine the role of these parameters on firms' optimal location and price configurations.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 37th North American Meetings, Boston, November 1990.  相似文献   

Town and transport planning have a strong influence on retail trade and, on the other hand, often are influenced themselves by the needs of retail trade. It seems that differences in planning legislation, political and entrepreneurial goals have resulted, in Germany, in a process different from many other nations, especially from the USA. The American model had been followed until the middle of the seventies with strong suburbanization, car oriented transportation planning and the fast diffusion of free standing shopping centres and hypermarkets. Since then new shopping centres and hypermarkets are smaller and in most cases integrated into existing urban centres, traffic planning in Metropolitan areas gives priority to public transport and downtown is converted step by step into a large pedestrian precinct (often 4–6 km network of pedestrian streets). Car use by visitors of department stores since 1965 has had only a very modest increase in downtowns of cities with more than 500 000 residents owing to enormous investments into public transport (in small cities, in contrast, car use increased dramatically). Comparisons of the means of transport, used by downtown customers in cities with more than 500 000 residents, show great differences which, in many ways, are caused by different town and transport planning. Pedestrianization, changes in lifestyles towards a cost-industrial society, investments of retailers at downtown sites and the improved accessibility by subway and suburban railway systems (in some cases also by improved streetcars) have helped German downtowns to remain vital. This can be seen from increasing numbers of pedestrians downtown. Munich and Nuremberg are described as examples of this success.  相似文献   

简述了生态居住区的概念以及生态居住区的类型和基本特征,针对我国城市居住区建设存在的问题,提出了城市生态居住区建设应该遵循的原则,以期对城市生态居住区的建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

鄢晓莉 《山西建筑》2010,36(35):42-44
针对目前城市居住区规划建设存在的特色危机,以深圳“万科第五园”居住小区规划设计为例,探讨了当今城市住宅规划建筑中传统元素的现代运用以及居住区规划设计的有关问题,以期指导城市居住区规划设计,更好地继承和吸收中国传统民居特色。  相似文献   

张志斌  李宏 《山西建筑》2007,33(36):39-40
指出当前我国城市住宅区规划中的小区模式的缺陷和给城市发展带来的问题,分析了适宜居住的规划原则,提出了以邻里街区的规划结构模式代替小区模式的观点,并对街区的结构规模做了初步的探讨。  相似文献   


In response to the environmental and social challenges of an uncertain future, practitioners and communities across Europe and beyond have started to engage with the concept of ‘resilience’ and experiment with forms of local resilience. However, many of these initiatives tend to remain localised, isolated projects, with little capacity to instigate broader change and at risk to disappear by not having the means to become sustainable in the longer term. We suggest that one way of sustaining and scaling local resilience practices is by developing digital tools that could enable connections and knowledge sharing across locations, through commoning in the digital realm. In this paper, we introduce the specific co-design process we devised with the aim to develop an initial ‘brief’ for potential tools. By creating a co-design process that is situated, mediated, networked and open-source, we argue that the commoning process initiated in this project has the potential to evolve and expand, beyond the project time and initial user base—an essential quality in the context of collectively enhancing urban resilience through knowledge sharing and mutual support.  相似文献   

从分析冷水江市城乡一体化规划指出县域以下地域适宜进行城乡体化规划,阐述了冷水江市城乡体化的规划理念和规划内容.  相似文献   

辛亮 《山西建筑》2010,36(32):22-23
结合城市近郊区,新农村社区等相关概念,介绍了近郊农村社区的特征及近郊新农村规划面临的问题,通过对河南省新乡县龙泉—李台社区规划实例进行分析,提出了关于近郊新农村如何实现自身转型,与城市接轨的合理建议。  相似文献   

城乡一体化统筹规划的路径与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜仁  陈云 《小城镇建设》2010,(5):41-45,54
本文通过对福建省沙县与高砂镇在城乡一体化统筹规划上的实例分析,从空间用地发展统筹、经济产业布局带动、公共基础设施建设布局和功能共享、城乡整体生态环境保护建设、社会事业统筹发展以及小城镇风貌营造等诸多方面,对高砂镇经济社会城乡一体化统筹发展给予系统综合性的分析研究,从而尝试性地探索城乡一体化统筹规划的路径与方法,力求使高砂镇在整体发展上规划更科学、定位更准确、目标更清晰、综合效益更显著。  相似文献   

嵌入韧性的空间规划成为应对复合型 灾害风险的规划方法,本文旨在解析社区韧性 发展演进特征并将集聚后的系统性知识应用于 空间规划。本文利用CiteSpace和Histcite定量分 析2 266篇国际文献表征社区韧性学科发展脉 络、集聚成十大研究热点和推演出四大研究前 沿:跨学科合作和多学科发展成为重要特征; 社会网络是社区韧性的核心特征,表现为研究 热期长、突变值高;本地特征是十大研究热点 的共同关注;除此之外,风险治理、时空演变和 评估模型也代表未来研究方向。在此基础上, 本文构建研究热点和研究前沿文献的施引文献 数据集,与空间规划文献产生内容关联,结果表 明:空间规划契合社区韧性的跨学科研究特征,社区韧性评估和社会网络分别为空间规划的关联基础和关键链接。据此,本文认为新一轮国土 空间规划促进社区韧性的三大未来研究议题为国土空间韧性定义的规范性、社会生态—技术协 同下的国土韧性评估方法和自下而上的社会网络治理。  相似文献   

韧性理念是现阶段城市防灾减灾的新思路,近年来,建设"韧性城市"的呼声不断提高。介绍了韧性城市理论及其基本框架,概述了国内外韧性城市相关规划设计策略与实践,并总结了卡特等构建的韧性城市规划建设评价指标体系,对"韧性城市"在城乡规划中的探索进行了剖析。  相似文献   

上海浦东新区总体规划方案已编制就绪,并已上报待批。 本文结合该方案对浦东新区的性质、社会经济特点、人口及用地规模、结构布局、市政设施标准等方面作了全面介绍。  相似文献   

吴良 《城市规划》1992,16(6):3-10
本文是我于1992年7月7日应邀参加上海浦东总体规划专家评议会上的发言,归来感到意犹未尽,思绪萦绕,现谨将思考问题写出来就教于同道。 上海市倪天增副市长,多年来为沪上建设精心筹划,夙兴夜寐,鞠躬尽瘁。他在逝世前数日还曾到北京协和医院探望当时病中的我,共讨浦东规划建设。今草图犹在,而人已作古,思之情不能已,谨以此文作为向这位忠诚、高尚、杰出的建筑、城市规划家香花之祭。  相似文献   

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