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The banana root borer Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest of bananas throughout the world. Chemical control is both undesirable and expensive, where biological control alternatives are limited, and pheromone-based trapping results in low captures. In this study, several important factors that affect pheromone-based catches, such as trap type, trap dimensions, and color and position of the traps, were optimized. Ground traps were found to be superior to ramp and pitfall traps, and larger traps (40 × 25 cm and above) were more efficient than smaller ones (30 × 15 cm). In a color-choice test, the banana weevil clearly preferred brown traps over yellow, red, gray, blue, black, white, and green, with mahogany being more attractive than other shades of brown. In addition, pheromone baited ground traps positioned in the shade of the canopy caught significantly more adults than those placed in sunlight. Therefore, mahogany-brown ground traps 40 × 25 cm appear to be the most efficient at catching C. sordidus adults and have the greatest potential for use in mass trapping and programs for eradication of this pest.  相似文献   

The parasitoids Trichogramma chilonis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and Cotesia plutellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and the predator Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), are potential biological control agents for the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). We present studies on the interactions between these bioagents and various host-associated volatiles using a Y olfactometer. T. chilonis was attracted to a synthetic pheromone blend (Z11–16:Ald, Z11–16:Ac, and Z11–16:OH in a 1:1:0.01 ratio), to Z11–16:Ac alone, and to a 1:1 blend of Z11–16:Ac and Z11–16:Ald. C. plutellae responded to the blend and to Z11–16:Ac and Z11–16:Ald. Male and female C. carnea responded to the blend and to a 1:1 blend of the major components of the pheromone, although no response was elicited by single compounds. Among the four host larval frass volatiles tested (dipropyl disulfide, dimethyl disulfide, allyl isothiocyanate, and dimethyl trisulfide), only allyl isothiocyanate elicited significant responses in the parasitoids and predator, but C. plutellae and both sexes of C. carnea did respond to all four volatiles. Among the green leaf volatiles of cabbage (Brassica oleracea subsp. capitata), only Z3–6:Ac elicited significant responses from T. chilonis, C. plutellae, and C. carnea, but C. plutellae also responded to E2–6:Ald and Z3–6:OH. When these volatiles were blended with the pheromone, the responses were similar to those elicited by the pheromone alone, except for C. carnea males, which had an increased response. The effect of temperature on the response of the biological agents to a mixture of the pheromone blend and Z3–6:Ac was also studied. T. chilonis was attracted at temperatures of 25–35°C, while C. plutellae and C. carnea responded optimally at 30–35°C and 20–25°C, respectively. These results indicate that the sex pheromone and larval frass volatiles from the diamondback moth, as well as volatile compounds from cabbage, may be used by these natural enemies to locate their diamondback moth host.  相似文献   

Following oviposition into a pod of oilseed rape (Brassica napus), the female cabbage seed weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis) marks the pod with oviposition-deterring pheromone (ODP) by brushing it with her eighth abdominal tergite. On an unmarked pod, oviposition site selection was always accompanied by intensive antennation of the pod. Females approaching a freshly ODP-marked pod brought their antennae within 1 mm of the pod but usually did not antennate it before rejecting it for oviposition. Females with the clubs of their antennae amputated continued to discriminate pods from stems or petioles as oviposition sites but showed no behavioral response to ODP. Extracts of volatiles air-entrained from ovipositing weevils failed to inhibit oviposition. Air passed over a behaviorally active extract of ODP did not elicit a detectable electroantennogram response. By contrast, when presented as a gustatory stimulus to the sensilla chaetica of the antennal club, a behaviorally active extract of ODP from postdiapause, gravid females elicited a strong electrophysiological response. This response usually involved more than one cell and displayed a phasic–tonic time course over the recording period of 10 sec. Extract from prediapause (and hence sexually immature) females elicited neither behavioral nor electrophysiological (contact) responses. Thus the ODP of the cabbage seed weevil is sensed primarily by contact chemoreception at the sensilla chaetica of the antennae, and the electrophysiological responses recorded from these gustatory sensilla are of value as the basis of a bioassay to assist identification of the active constituent(s) of the pheromone.  相似文献   

We describe a method using paraffin oil solutions and gas chromatography to measure and correct for differences in volatility among test compounds applied to filter paper and to address the problem of minimizing solvent contributions to EAG responses. To examine the effect of the volatility bias, we evaluated the EAG responses of female fir coneworm, Dioryctria abietivorella, to five volatile plant compounds, using a new method to normalize EAG responses to account for the loss of antennal sensitivity that occurs over time. Stimuli were generated either from equimolar (uncorrected) solutions or from corrected solutions that were adjusted to yield equimolar airborne concentrations in the air puffed over antennae. When uncorrected solutions were tested, the two most volatile compounds, (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-3-hexenyl acetate, elicited significantly larger EAG responses than three terpenes. When corrected concentrations were tested, the ranking of these responses changed: (E)-2-hexenal elicited significantly smaller EAGs than (–)--pinene, (–)-limonene, and (E)-3-hexenyl acetate. On the other hand, there was no effect on the ranking of EAG responses to the two monoterpenes and a sesquiterpene, (–)-trans-caryophyllene, relative to each other. Normalization of EAG data did not affect the overall results (i.e., stimulus rankings) but did reduce their variance within preparations. The results show that when compounds with widely different volatilities are compared in olfactory bioassays, the concentrations of test solutions should be adjusted to produce emissions with equimolar airborne concentrations.  相似文献   

Male and femaleCosmopolites sordidus were attracted to freshly cut banana rhizome and pseudostem in a still-air olfactometer. Females responded similarly to odors from a comparatively resistant and from a susceptible cultivar of banana, when presented as either freshly cut tissue or as Porapak-trapped volatiles. Females were also attracted to rotting banana pseudostem and to volatiles collected from it. Males and females gave similar responses to host tissue in both the behavioral bioassay and to collected volatiles in EAG recordings. Weevils did not respond, either behaviorally or electrophysiologically, to a synthetic mixture of mono- and sesqiterpenes, which made up over 9% of the volatiles collected from pseudostem.  相似文献   

Thirteen host-plant kairomone blends, including 28 compounds, were tested and showed moderate to high synergy with rhynchophorol. The blends plus rhynchophorol also attracted the related Dynamis borassi. Ethanol–ethyl acetate blends in various ratios showed moderate synergy. Two blends, including "characteristic coconut" odor molecules, were as efficient as sugarcane in synergizing rhynchophorol and field luring American Palm weevils (APWs). Preliminary olfactometer tests of natural host-plant volatiles demonstrated the role of fermentation in primary APW attraction. The synergists were chosen from a comparative study of the odors emitted by four plant materials attractive to the APW: sugarcane, coconut, Jacaratia digitata tree and Elaeis guineensis (Oil palm). The volatiles were isolated during 6 days of sequential trappings onto Supelpak-2 adsorbent. The highly volatile fraction of sugarcane volatiles was sampled by solid-phase microextraction (SPME). Odors were analyzed and identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Electroantennogram responses to the plant odors were recorded to help in screening for bioactivity. The odor compositions between plants prior to and during fermentation were compared using a principal component analysis (PCA) to determine common odor features of the plants and to design simplified blends for field activity screening. About 100 components were identified in the >4-carbon fraction of the odors, among which 65% were fermentation volatiles. Fermentation generated a strong increase in the amount and variety of the volatiles emitted. The palm materials emitted two- to threefold greater odor amounts than the other plants. The odors from each plant were distinct according to PCA, with few common abundant components: isopentanol, 2-methylbutanol, their acetates, acetoin, isobutyl acetate, 2,3-butanediol, and 2-phenylethanol. Ethanol and ethyl acetate accounted for 80–90% in the highly volatile fraction of sugarcane odors. Coconut odor was mainly characterized by phenol, guaiacol, 1,2-dimethoxybenzene, ethyl esters of tiglic and 3,3-dimethylacrylic acids, 2-hexanone, 2-nonanone; and, to a lesser extent, by 2-heptanone, menthone, -phellandrene, ethyl octanoate and decanoate, which were also present in other plants.  相似文献   

The two-spotted stinkbug, Perillus bioculatus, is a predator of the Colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Behavioral tests revealed that P. bioculatus is attracted to potato plants, Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae), infested by the CPB. Electroantennograms from the antennae of P. bioculatus were recorded in response to compounds present in the headspace of CPB-infested potato plants. (Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol and 2-phenylethanol elicited the highest EAG amplitudes. Linalool, 4,8-dimethyl-1,3(E),7-nonatriene, nonanal, decanal, and (R)-(+)-limonene evoked lower EAG amplitudes. The major headspace components -caryophyllene and -selinene produced only weak EAG responses. Antennal sensitivity of the CPB to (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol was higher than that of P. bioculatus, whereas the stinkburg was more sensitive to 2-phenylethanol, -caryophyllene, (R)-(+)-limonene, and decanal. Among these compounds, 2-phenylethanol is of special interest since it was observed to be emitted by potato foliage only after being damaged by CPBs.  相似文献   

Plant volatiles from cabbage and chrysanthemum were studied as to how they affect behavior of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (L.). Chemical, electrophysiological, and behavioral techniques were used. The electroantennographic (EAG) evaluation of selected compounds from Brassi-caceae showed that isothiocyanates (NCS) elicited weak responses, and some did not evoke significant EAG responses at all. Green leaf volatiles (GLVs) evoked the strongest responses in both male and female antennae. The capacity of NCS to stimulate upwind flight of mated females was not different at doses of 10–7, 10–6, or 10–5 g when tested in a wind tunnel. At the higher doses, allyl NCS stimulated upwind flight in the females more than the other compounds. Allyl NCS was significantly better than the other compounds at stimulating females to land on targets. Mated females flew upwind and landed on the targets with allyl NCS more often than virgin females and males. With respect to the behavioral activity of GLVs, only (E)-2-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate elicited upwind flight and landing in females. Ten compounds were identified from a chrysanthemum extract by using coupled gas chromatography–electroantennography. Five of these, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, 1-8-cineole, -terpinene, chrysanthenone, and camphor, elicited upwind flight of mated females, but only three stimulated landing.  相似文献   

Male-specific compounds, previously identified from Phyllotreta cruciferae and synthesized or isolated from natural sources, attracted both sexes of the beetle in field trials and therefore function as components of a male-produced aggregation pheromone. Six field experiments of 7 to 10 d duration each were conducted over 2 yr using modified boll weevil traps and two doses of pheromone. Treatments containing two doses of allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), a breakdown product of glucosinolates in Brassica napus L., a host plant of the beetles, were included in the study. A dose response was observed for both the pheromone components and AITC, and combinations of the pheromone and AITC generally attracted greater numbers of flea beetles than did either component itself. This increased attraction to a combination of beetle-produced compounds and host odors has not been previously demonstrated in halticine beetles and could help explain patterns of movement by P. cruciferae into field crops.  相似文献   

The Japanese giant looper, Ascotis selenaria cretacea, is a serious defoliator of tea gardens in Japan. In Mie Prefecture male moths were dose-dependently attracted to rubber septa baited with 0.1–10.0 mg of the sex pheromone component (Z,Z)-6,9-cis-3,4-epoxynonadecadiene. Monitoring by pheromone traps showed three flight periods (June, July, and August–September). A septum with a 1-mg dose was still active after exposure for over three months in the field, but the number of males captured by the old lure was one fifth of that captured by a fresh lure. The parent 3,6,9-triene, a minor pheromonal component, showed a synergistic effect on male attraction when mixed with the pheromonal epoxydiene at a very low ratio, but the 1:1 mixture hardly captured any male moths. Attraction was also effectively inhibited by the positional isomers (6,7- and 9,10-epoxydienes), which exhibited rather strong electrophysiological activities on the male antennae. When these related compounds were placed around a trap baited with the synthetic pheromone, the number of captured moths remarkably decreased, which indicates the possibility of using the compounds as a disruptant.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted with each synthetic enantiomer (>98% ee) and blends of the two synthetic enantiomers of the female-produced sex pheromone (10,14-dimethylpentadecyl isobutyrate) of the tea tussock moth, Euproctis pseudoconspersa. Male moths were attracted to each enantiomer alone and to various blends of them. Short syntheses of both enantiomers of the pheromone from commercially available (R)- and (S)-citronellyl bromide and a method of checking the enantiomeric purity of the citronellyl bromide enantiomers are described.  相似文献   

A synomone present in hexane extracts of corn silks was found to attractOrius insidiosus (Say). The attraction was a diurnal, innate behavior, independant of sex. A portion of the prey-searching behavior ofO. insidiosus apparently relies on olfactory perception when corn is the prey's host.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of feral sweet potato weevils Cylas formicarius elegantulus from Cuba was found, via solid-phase microextraction analysis, to be identical to (Z)-3-dodecenyl (E)-2-butenoate, a previously reported compound. Females emitted 20 pg pheromone d−1. In scanning electron microscopy studies carried out on the male antenna, we identified several types of sensilla: sensilla trichoidea of type 1 (ST1) as long hairs (100–150 μm), sensilla trichoidea of type 2 as short hairs (50–60 μm), sensilla basiconica of type 1 as thick pegs (20–25 μm), sensilla basiconica of type 2 as curved pegs (10–15 μm), and sensilla basiconica of type 3 as thin and straight short pegs (15–20 μm). The same types were observed in female antennae but ST1 were far less abundant than in males. Sensilla chaetica were also found on the flagellum subsegments in both sexes. In electrophysiological tests, the crotonate function in the pheromone structure proved to be critical for activity since regular depolarizations (0.6–0.8 mV) were obtained with puffs on 1 μg of the attractant, but not with puffs of the formate, acetate, propionate, or butyrate analogue of the pheromone. In a double dual-choice olfactometer, males showed maximum activity between the 4th and the 8th hr of scotophase at a dose of 50–1000 ng of pheromone. In field tests, a correlation between the contents of the Z,E isomer in the pheromone formulation with activity was noticed, and baits containing this isomer of stereomeric purity >94% showed the highest attractivity. The presence of 5% of the Z,Z isomer in the lure did not induce any synergistic or inhibitory effect, and the alcohol precursor of the pheromone was inactive. The results show that use of a stereomerically pure pheromone may not be necessary in pest control strategies.  相似文献   

Oryctes monoceros is the most serious pest in coconut plantations, causing up to 40% damage in tropical Africa, especially in Ivory Coast. With a view to reducing pest populations by olfactory trapping, field trials were carried out to assess the efficiency of a synthetic aggregation pheromone: ethyl 4-methyloctanoate (1), 4-methyloctanoic acid (2), a related volatile produced by males, and decaying palm material, either oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) or pieces of coconut wood (CW) of various ages. Vertical polyvinyl chloride tube traps (2 × 0.16 m with two openings in the upper half), embedded in the soil, were more efficient than 30-L pail traps 1.5 m above ground. EFB, which were inactive alone, synergized captures with synthetic pheromone. CW was more effective than EFB in comparative trials. Compound 2 did not catch any beetles when assessed with EFB, and reduced catches by 1 + EFB when tested at >10% with the pheromone. Trapping over 6 mo in 2002 and 2003 in a 19-ha coconut plot inside a 4,000-ha oil palm estate reduced damage from 3.8% in 2001 to 0.5% in 2002, then to 0.2% in 2003. Damage was 0.0% in 2004 with routine trapping using 32 traps, which caught 3369 beetles in 9 mo. The results are discussed in relation to other Dynastid palm pests and coconut protection in Ivory Coast.  相似文献   

Olfactory reception of 23 odorants, including plant volatiles and male-produced aggregation pheromone, by third and fifth instars of the spined soldier bug (SSB) Podisus maculiventris was investigated by using electroantennograms (EAGs). Both nymphal stages were sensitive to male-produced aggregation pheromone components (E)-2-hexenal, benzyl alcohol, and -terpineol. The plant volatile, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol (a chemical known to be released by plants in response to prey feeding over the short-term), elicited the largest EAGs of all volatiles tested. While third instars were sensitive to nonanal, only fifth instars responded to both nonanal and (±)-linalool, both compounds released systemically by plants in response to feeding by potential prey. Antennal extirpation experiments showed that sensilla responsive to hexan-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, and -terpineol are situated mainly on the terminal antennal segment. The results support the hypothesis that P. maculiventris nymphs use both plant volatiles and pheromone components in locating potential prey and other behaviors.  相似文献   

Aggregation of Rhynchophorus palmarum weevils on host plants is mediated by a male pheromone (rhynchophorol: R) and host-plant volatiles (PVs) acting in synergy. Synthetic PV blends synergizing pheromone contain acetoin (A) and ethyl acetate (EtAc). R, A, and EtAc are detected by specialized olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). In addition, particular types of ORNs are tuned to both A and R. To specify the role played by acetoin in pheromone perception, we recorded the responses of ORNs to 100 ng of A or R presented either separately or mixed. Behavioral responses to R, A, and EtAc were studied in a four-armed olfactometer and by field trapping. We screened 59 R-, A-, and AR-tuned ORNs by recording specific responses to odors presented either separately or mixed. Stimulations by blends elicited complex response profiles from the three ORN types: some gave synergistic responses, others were inhibited, and the remainder responded as though both odors were detected independently. Several gave either a weak or no response to a first stimulation by R, but responded clearly to a second stimulation after an intercalary stimulation by A. In the olfactometer, both sexes were more attracted to a blend of A + R (1 + 0.01 ng/sec) than to pure compounds, whereas EtAc did not enhance response to R. Pheromone-baited traps (1 mg/day) containing PV blends (650 mg/day) based on an ethanol/EtAc blend (1:1), plus either 5 or 10% A, or a more complex reference blend, or sugarcane (natural pheromone synergist), caught similar numbers of weevils and about twice as many insects as a control ethanol/EtAc blend. Traps with only pheromone caught about 10 times fewer insects. Behavioral results support the role of acetoin as a pheromone synergist for R. palmarum, and electrophysiological data provide evidence of modulation of peripheral sensory responses to pheromone by acetoin. Sexual dimorphism was observed neither at the ORN nor at the behavioral levels.  相似文献   

In British Columbia, trapping and wind-tunnel studies demonstrated that (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9–14:OAc), a minor component of the sex pheromone for Pandemis limitata, acted as a pheromone antagonist to a sympatric species, Choristoneura rosaceana. Addition of >1% Z9–14:OAc to the four-component C. rosaceana pheromone in a wind tunnel resulted in significant reductions in the proportion of male C. rosaceana that wing fanned, locked on to the plume in flight, oriented upwind, and made source contact, compared to the responses to the pheromone alone. Disruption of pheromone communication was tested in 33.3 × 33.3-m plots, at a release rate of 10 mg/ha/hr using Conrel fiber dispensers. Z9–14:OAc applied alone did not disrupt orientation to virgin-female-baited traps for either C. rosaceana or P. limitata. A 1:1 mixture of Z9–14:OAc and the four-component C. rosaceana pheromone was as effective as the pheromone alone at disrupting orientation of C. rosaceana males to virgin-female-baited traps, demonstrating that disruption apparently did not occur through false-trail following. The 1:1 mixture of Z9–14:OAc and the C. rosaceana pheromone also reduced catches of P. limitata males in virgin-female-baited traps, but not significantly more than the 83% disruption caused by the pheromone alone. Therefore, the C. rosaceana pheromone could be used alone or with Z9–14:OAc to disrupt communication and, presumably, mating in both leafrollers simultaneously.  相似文献   

We measured electrophysiological responses in the antennae of two predaceous hister beetles, Platysoma parallelum and Plegaderus transversus, exposed to racemic mixtures of primary aggregation pheromones of scolytid bark beetle prey, ipsenol, ipsdienol, and frontalin. No significant differences were found for either histerid species between male and female antennal responses to any of the three pheromones. Measurement of antennal threshold responses indicated that Pla. parallelum has increasing antennal sensitivity to ipsdienol, ipsenol, and frontalin. In contrast, Ple. transversus exhibited similar detection thresholds to all three pheromones. Pla. parallelum antennae exhibited different response amplitudes to the three pheromones at quantities above the detection threshold, while Ple. transversus had similar responses to each. Behavioral responses to the same three pheromones were evaluated for both histerid species using pedestrian olfactometer bioassays. Both species were attracted to frontalin and ipsenol, but not ipsdienol. Pla. parallelum was significantly more attracted to frontalin than ipsenol, while Ple. transversus showed no significant preference for either compound. Our results suggest that histerids that prey upon pine bark beetles may have different host or host habitat preferences, which could reduce interspecific competition.  相似文献   

The responses ofCeutorhynchus assimilis Payk. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) to the odor of overwintered and new generation weevils were studied using an olfactometer, choice tests in a laboratory cage, field tests using sticky traps baited with live weevils, and by electroantennograms (EAG's). Unmated male weevils and, to a lesser extent, female weevils of the overwintered generation were attracted to the odor of live unmated over-wintered female weevils. New generation weevils exhibited no behavioral response to conspecific odor. Male and female weevils of the overwintered generation exhibited positive EAGs to hexane extracts of overwintered female weevils, whereas EAGs of new-generation weevils of either sex were unresponsive to these extracts. This suggests that the unmated female weevils from the overwintered generation produce a volatile chemical or chemicals that attracts unmated male and female weevils. The new generation of female weevils does not produce this attractive chemical before overwintering, and male and female weevils of this generation can not detect the chemical(s) via their antennal chemoreceptors until they have undergone their overwintering period.  相似文献   

Studies on the behavioral and oviposition responses of Culex quinquefasciatus to 3-methylindole or skatole (an oviposition site cue) and (5R,6S)-6-acetoxy-5-hexadecanolide (the synthetic oviposition pheromone, SOP) were conducted in Muheza, northeast Tanzania. Cx. quinquefasciatus displayed a bimodal pattern of oviposition. The highest peak (64.8%) was between 18:00 and 20:00 hr, while the second peak (18.9%) was between 06:00 and 08:00 hr. The mean number of egg rafts oviposited per day between the two peaks was different (P < 0.05). Oviposition responses of gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus differed across the range of concentrations of skatole. Larger numbers of egg rafts were deposited in bowls treated with 10–6 g or 10–5 g skatole than in bowls with tap water (P < 0.05). The number of egg rafts deposited in bowls treated with 10–4 or 10–1 g skatole was not different from that laid in tap water (P > 0.05). Under field conditions skatole was found to be effective for a period of seven days, after which its biological activity decreased significantly. It was further found that more egg rafts of Cx. quinquefasciatus were deposited in water treated with SOP than in water treated with skatole (P = 0.0002). An additive effect was observed when the SOP + skatole combination was used to attract gravid Cx. quinquefasciatus to oviposition sites. It is concluded that skatole and SOP mediate oviposition site selection of Cx. quinquefasciatus under field conditions.  相似文献   

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