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楚锡华 《岩土工程学报》2009,31(8):1255-1257
孔隙度是能够部分反映颗粒材料微观结构的一个宏观量,其数值及其演化对颗粒材料的宏观力学行为有重要影响。基于连续介质模型,在颗粒体积应变均匀的前提下推导了颗粒材料的孔隙度随颗粒集合局部平均体积应变的演化公式,并应用该关系式结合孔隙水状态方程给出了饱和颗粒材料的孔隙水压力与孔隙度、固体颗粒体积模量、固体颗粒变形之间的关系。所得公式可用于饱和含液颗粒材料流–固耦合计算或饱和多孔介质宏观–细观多尺度流–固耦合渗流分析。  相似文献   

粗粒土应力诱导各向异性真三轴试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用河海大学最新研制成功的真三轴仪,对粗粒土进行不同主应力方向上的单向加荷试验。结果表明,在σ1、σ2、σ3方向上单向加荷时,加荷向变形都为压缩,而侧向变形较为复杂。当在σ1或者σ2方向上单向加荷时,σ3方向上都是发生膨胀,而另一个侧向(即σ2或σ1方向上)没有明显变形;当在σ3方向上单向加荷时,两个侧向(即σ1、σ2方向上)都几乎没有变形。分析认为:剪切作用增强即应力状态接近破坏面,会发生侧向膨胀;反之,剪切作用减弱,则无侧向膨胀产生或侧向膨胀较小。对σ3方向单向加荷的情况研究表明,该应力路径下,p、q、b这3个量的变化都是使试样的应力状态远离破坏面,剪切作用减弱,因此侧向膨胀很小或没有。所试验的粗粒土在一般应力条件下各向异性性质显著。  相似文献   

Calcite has a highly anisotropic thermal expansion coefficient, and repeated heating and cooling cycles can potentially destabilize chalks by breaking cement bonds between neighboring particles. Based on tensile strength measurements, we investigated how temperature cycles induce weakening of chalk. Tensile strength tests were performed on chalk specimens sampled from Kansas (USA) and Mons (Belgium), each with differing amounts of contact cement. Samples of the two chalk types were tested in dry and water-saturated states, and then exposed to 0, 15, and 30 temperature cycles in order to find out under what circumstances thermally induced tensile strength reduction occurs. The testing results show that the dry samples were not influenced by temperature cycling in either of the chalk types. However, in the water-saturated state, tensile strength is increasingly reduced with progressive numbers of temperature cycles for both chalk samples, especially for the more cemented Kansas chalk. The Kansas chalk demonstrated higher initial tensile strength compared to the less cemented Mons chalk, but the strength of both chalks was reduced by the same relative proportion when undergoing thermal cycles in the water-saturated state.  相似文献   

地下水位波动下基坑周围地基土的孔压响应半解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水位波动条件下的基坑性状研究是随工程实践产生的新课题,而基坑周围的孔压响应机制是该课题的关键问题。将基坑渗流场分区,假设土体总应力不变,将固结方程解耦,利用Laplace、Fourier变换推导了浅层含水层内地下水位波动时板式支护基坑周围地基土孔压响应的二维近似半解析解。利用该解答,对综合系数θ(与土体固结系数、海床厚度、水位波动周期相关)、孔隙流体压缩系数与围护墙插入深度的影响进行分析。结果表明:孔压波动幅值沿基坑最短渗流路径不断衰减,滞后相位不断增大;θ越大,基坑周围地基土的相对孔压波动幅值越小,滞后相位越大,稳态渗流时的相对孔压为地下水位波动条件下不同θ值相对孔压波动幅值的极大值;孔隙流体压缩系数越大,基坑周围的波动孔压响应幅值越小,滞后相位越大;围护墙插入深度越大,主动侧相对超孔压波动幅值越大,被动侧波动幅值则越小。  相似文献   

Soil suction is one of the most important parameters for describing the moisture condition and engineering behavior of unsaturated soils. Therefore, changes in suction behavior of soils in the presence of saline waters are important for engineered barriers. The aim of this study was to determine the change in suction and swelling behavior of soils, which were exposed to salt solutions (NaCl, CaCl2, natural seawater) with respect to distilled water. The three soil samples were gathered with different mineralogy and plasticity characteristics and tested for determining matric and total suction values and for obtaining free swelling characteristics in the presence of salt solutions. The bentonitic soil sample had the highest total suction value in the presence of seawater. Kaolinitic and zeolitic soil samples had the highest total suction values in the presence of NaCl solution. The highest modified free swell index value of the samples was obtained in the presence of NaCl solution for all the soil samples. No relationship was found between the total suction, matric suction and the modified free swell index value of the tested soils.  相似文献   

在干热岩开采的实际工程中,利用岩体结构面作为热交换通道将减小工程投入,并获得更好的工程效果.而在实际中花岗岩体中的结构面通常被热液充填,形成后期热液充填花岗岩体.研究后期热液填充裂隙花岗岩体 的物理力学性质对实际地热开发中建设人工储留层具有重要指导意义.利用后期热液填充裂隙花岗岩体制备不同结构形式试样,在常温下对4种结...  相似文献   

为模拟瓦斯抽采过程中温度与孔隙压力对煤岩吸附及渗透特性的影响,利用等温吸附装置、含瓦斯煤热–流–固耦合三轴伺服渗流装置,开展等温吸附试验及不同温度下孔隙压力降低的渗流试验。建立修正的双L吸附模型和考虑温度–孔隙压力耦合作用的煤岩渗透率模型。通过试验结果及试验比对验证其合理性。结果表明:在本文试验条件下,煤岩瓦斯累积解吸量随瓦斯压力降低呈逐渐升高趋势。当温度恒定时,煤岩渗透率在降压过程中呈先降低后升高的趋势。当孔隙压力恒定时,煤岩渗透率在升温过程中呈先降低后升高的趋势。修正后的双L吸附模型比原吸附模型拟合效果更好,能很好反映不同温度下煤岩吸附量与气体压力的变化关系。煤岩瓦斯解吸过程中产生的基质收缩应变随孔隙压力降低而升高。新建渗透率模型与试验数据具有较好的一致性,可以更好的表征不同温度条件下的煤岩渗透率演化规律。  相似文献   

利用常规三轴固结仪,进行了一系列膨胀力实验,研究了不同浓度氯化钠溶液对不同初始干密度试样的膨胀力的影响,并且利用核磁共振仪,探究了完成膨胀力试验后试样孔隙分布的情况。试验结果表明:在干密度不变的情况下,随着盐浓度增加,膨胀力逐渐减小;盐浓度越大,T_2曲线分布整体往右移,说明大孔隙体积增加,小孔隙体积减小。分析试验结果认为:在相同干密度下,随着盐浓度增加,Donnan渗透压逐渐减小,导致膨胀力降低;在体积保持恒定的情况下,由于膨胀力降低,必然导致内部膨胀力相应减小,所以孔隙被填充的体积减小,使得大孔隙较多,因此随着盐溶液浓度增加,同一干密度试样的T_2曲线向右移动。  相似文献   

Kilduff JE  Karanfil T 《Water research》2002,36(7):1685-1698
Trichloroethylene (TCE) adsorption by activated carbon previously loaded ("preloaded") with humic substances was found to decrease with increasing concentrations of monovalent ions (NaCl), calcium (until solubility was exceeded), or dissolved oxygen in the preloading solution. For a given percentage of organic carbon removal during humic acid loading, greater reductions in TCE adsorption occurred with increasing monovalent ion concentration and calcium concentration at constant ionic strength. However, this effect was related primarily to the amount of humic material adsorbed--the reduction in TCE adsorption was independent of the ionic composition of the preloading solution when compared at similar humic acid loading. Experiments were performed which showed that calcium ions can associate with humic material after the humic has been adsorbed, which subsequently reduces TCE uptake, but this effect does not dominate when calcium is present during humic loading. At sufficiently high calcium concentrations (approaching solubility), aggregation or co-precipitation of humic acid mitigated the effects of preloading. In contrast to the effects of ionic composition, the presence of dissolved oxygen did fundamentally change the mechanism by which organic macromolecules compete with TCE. TCE uptake was lower when preloading by poly(maleic acid) (PMA) occurred in the presence of dissolved oxygen, even when the amount loaded was the same. One explanation invokes a coupling mechanism promoted by the carbon surface, which results in either additional blockage of TCE sorption sites, additional site competition, or both. In all experiments, the effects of preloading were consistent with those reported previously, which have been interpreted as a loss of high-energy sites available to TCE, causing a significant reduction in the site-energy heterogeneity, and reduced uptake in the low concentration region.  相似文献   

This paper presents an uncoupled state space solution to three-dimensional consolidation of layered poroelastic medium with anisotropic permeability and compressible pore fluid. Starting from the basic equations of poroelastic medium, and introducing intermediate variables, the state space equation usually comprising eight coupled state vectors is uncoupled into two sets of equations of six and two state vectors in the Laplace-Fourier transform domain. Combined with the continuity conditions between adjacent layers and boundary conditions, the uncoupled state space solution of a layered poroelastic medium is obtained by using the transfer matrix method. Numerical results show that the anisotropy of permeability and the compressibility of pore fluid have remarkable influence on the consolidation behavior of poroelastic medium.  相似文献   

 基于隧道开挖椭圆化变形模式,针对盾构施工分别考虑气压效应与无气压效应2种工况,提出饱和土中浅埋隧道开挖引起的地层长、短期变形和隧道衬砌内力位移的计算方法。结果表明:椭圆化变形模式下得到的位移曲线与实测值吻合较好,考虑气压效应条件下隧道开挖施工引起的土体变形大于非气压工况,长期影响解大于短期影响解。通过参数调整研究衬砌洞周处位移分布规律时,发现衬砌径向负位移在90°拱顶处达到最大值,在270°拱底处取得最小值,反映了衬砌明显的椭圆化和整体下沉变形趋势,并且随着半径增大以及土体模量减小,椭圆化变形趋势越明显;切向位移值基本以90°/270°隧道中轴线为分界轴,正值取在隧道左半圆,负值取在隧道右半圆,增大半径以及减小土体模量提高了切向位移值的整体水平。通过参数调整研究衬砌内力分布规律时,发现硬土质和大间隙时隧道轴力更容易表现出明显的椭圆化分布趋势,弯矩值随着隧道埋深、隧道半径以及土体重度减小而减小,随着土体侧压力系数k的减小而增大。盾构气压水平的提升,使衬砌轴力受压区范围增幅明显,并使衬砌的正、负弯矩值均增大。分析成果可为正确预估复杂工况下盾构开挖变形提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

利用DTA、DSC以及C80微量量热仪和TAM air绝热微量热仪,对典型自燃火灾物证样品(浸油脂棉纱和50万单位的棕榈酸酯维A粉)在环境温度条件下放热性能分别进行实验测试与分析,对化学性物质热自燃危险性的评价方法进行初步探索。研究结果表明:采用高灵敏度C80微量量热仪和TAM air绝热微量热仪,对热不稳定性物质低温常温的恒温热解特性进行测试,对热不稳定性物质的稳定性和自燃火灾危险性进行评价,可以更为准确地确定热不稳定性物质发生自燃火灾的条件以及安全储运的温度条件。  相似文献   

明确可液化土体的振动孔压增长过程是土体液化分析和液化效应评价的关键问题。基于Moore型触变性流体结构理论,利用不同类型土体的32个不排水循环三轴试验证实了液化过程中的土体内部结构的破坏过程与振动孔压增长过程存在等价关系,验证了循环荷载下可液化土体的孔压触变机制。在此基础上,基于孔压触变流体速率方程构建了可液化土体的振动孔压增长模型,发现模型蕴含的振动孔压产生和增长机制可从能量角度获得合理解释。试验结果表明,模型中的振动孔压增长速率参数与土体有效围压、初始相对密度及循环应力比密切相关。利用该模型对不排水循环三轴试验进行了仿真模拟,验证了模型的合理性和可靠性。最后,讨论了模型的主要特点及可能的应用前景,为土体液化分析提供一种新的技术手段。  相似文献   

Terzaghi 有效应力公式中的孔隙压力既指入渗引起的或外荷重引起的孔隙压力,也指两类孔隙压力之综合影响。入渗引起的孔隙压力由电拟试验确定,外荷重引起的孔隙压力起始值可用三轴试验测得。两类孔隙压力的叠加法则取决于孔隙压力的类别,产生的先后以及土类等。  相似文献   

以砂桩加固液化砂土的振动台试验为基础,通过测试加固与未加固模型土、同一桩距不同桩长下加固液化砂土的孔隙水压力,试验得出,未加固模型土埋深较浅的土层易液化,液化持续的时间较长,并随着深度的增加,液化程度有减小的趋势.  相似文献   

The inhibitive effects of several inhibitors for carbon steel in acidified pore solution (pH 8.0) were studied. Sodium molybdate shows good effect to promote passivation at low concentrations (0.013 wt.%), but for sodium tungstate and sodium nitrite higher concentration (0.045 wt.%) is needed to obtain passivation. Sodium phytate only shows minor inhibitive effects at the concentration level of 0.045 wt.%. At higher concentration level (0.045% ? wt.% ? 2%), the inhibitors sodium molybdate, sodium tungstate and sodium nitrite behave well in the acidified pore solution. For sodium phytate, to obtain obvious inhibition the inhibitor concentration must be above 0.5 wt.%. Molybdate and tungstate are present on the steel surface according to Raman spectrum analysis, which supports the adsorption mechanism of the inhibitors.  相似文献   

Wellbore stability is a key to have a successful drilling operation.Induced stresses are the main factors affecting wellbore instability and associated problems in drilling operations.These stresses are significantly impacted by pore pressure variation and thermal stresses in the field.In order to address wellbore instability problems,it is important to investigate the mechanisms of rockefluid interaction with respect to thermal and mechanical aspects.In order to understand the induced stresses,different mathematical models have been developed.In this study,the field equations governing the problem have been derived based on the thermo-poroelastic theory and solved analytically in Laplace domain.The results are transferred to time domain using Fourier inverse method.Finite difference method is also utilized to validate the results.Pore pressure and temperature distributions around the wellbore have been focused and simulated.Next,induced radial and tangential stresses for different cases of cooling and heating of formation are compared.In addition,the differences between thermo-poroelastic and poroelastic models in situation of permeable and impermeable wellbores are described.It is observed that cooling and pore pressure distribution reinforce the induced radial stress.Whereas cooling can be a tool to control and reduce tangential stress induced due to invasion of drilling fluid.In the next step,safe mud window is obtained using Mohr-Coulomb,Mogi-Coulomb,and modified Lade failure criteria for different inclinations.Temperature and pore pressure distributions do not change the minimum allowable wellbore pressure significantly.However,upper limit of mud window is sensitive to induced stresses and it seems vital to consider changes in temperature and pore pressure to avoid any failures.The widest and narrowest mud windows are proposed by modified Lade and Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria,respectively.  相似文献   

本文探讨了常温下丙烯酰胺单体(AM)、过氧还原体系引发剂(过硫酸铵-过硫酸氢钠)、交联剂(N-N亚甲基双丙烯酰胺)的用量对盐渍土土坯力学性能的影响,得出了丙烯酰胺常温原位聚合的最佳反应条件,从而达到加固改性盐渍土的目的。1在室温下,丙烯酰胺单体用量为盐渍土用量的3%,引发剂用量为丙烯酰胺用量的2%,引发剂体系过硫酸铵-过硫酸氢钠质量比为1∶1,交联剂用量为丙烯酰胺用量的1%,土坯养护28 d后,抗折强度达到5.2 MPa,抗压强度达到16.3 MPa。2和空白土坯试样的力学性能对比,AM常温原位聚合改性后的土坯试样的抗折强度和抗压强度是原来的4~5倍。  相似文献   

建立木质纤维生物质全组分室温均相衍生化体系。在室温下,将球磨后的甘蔗渣全组分溶解在二甲基亚砜/1-甲基咪唑(体积比2∶1)溶剂体系中,再利用改性试剂棕榈酰氯对溶解后的甘蔗渣进行室温均相衍生化研究,探讨了反应条件对产物质量提高百分数(weight percent gain,WPG)的影响,并采用FT-IR和固体CP/MAS 13 C-NMR对衍生化产物进行了表征。研究发现,无需额外添加催化剂,棕榈酰氯即可在室温下与溶解的甘蔗渣发生化学反应。固定反应时间180min,将棕榈酰氯与甘蔗渣的用量比从1∶1提高到5∶1,WPG从7.16%增加到152.84%,但进一步增加棕榈酰氯用量比至6∶1,WPG显著下降至90.20%;固定棕榈酰氯和甘蔗渣的用量比为3∶1,将反应时间由15 min延长到180 min,WPG由35.63%提高到93.34%。FT-IR和固体CP/MAS 13 C-NMR分析证实了室温条件下溶剂体系中衍生化反应的发生。研究发现,甘蔗渣中碳水化合物和木质素组分均参与了化学反应,其中纤维素C-2、C-3和C-6位置的3个游离羟基均发生了化学反应。  相似文献   

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