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The cloth simulation systems often suffer from excessive extension on the polygonal mesh, so an additional strain‐limiting process is typically used as a remedy in the simulation pipeline. A cloth model can be discretized as either a quadrilateral mesh or a triangular mesh, and their strains are measured differently. The edge‐based strain‐limiting method for a quadrilateral mesh creates anisotropic behaviour by nature, as discretization usually aligns the edges along the warp and weft directions. We improve this anisotropic technique by replacing the traditionally used equality constraints with inequality ones in the mathematical optimization, and achieve faster convergence. For a triangular mesh, the state‐of‐the‐art technique measures and constrains the strains along the two principal (and constantly changing) directions in a triangle, resulting in an isotropic behaviour which prohibits shearing. Based on the framework of inequality‐constrained optimization, we propose a warp and weft strain‐limiting formulation. This anisotropic model is more appropriate for textile materials that do not exhibit isotropic strain behaviour.  相似文献   

Inflatable Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A physically-based model is presented for the simulation of a new type of deformable objects-inflatable objects, such as shaped balloons, which consist of pressurized air enclosed by an elastic surface. These objects have properties inherent in both 3D and 2D elastic bodies, as they demonstrate the behaviour of 3D shapes using 2D formulations. As there is no internal structure in them, their behaviour is substantially different from the behaviour of deformable solid objects. We use one of the few available models for deformable surfaces, and enhance it to include the forces of internal and external pressure. These pressure forces may also incorporate buoyancy forces, to allow objects filled with a low density gas to float in denser media. The obtained models demonstrate rich dynamic behaviour, such as bouncing, floating, deflation and inflation.  相似文献   

Fracture produces new mesh fragments that introduce additional degrees of freedom in the system dynamics. Existing finite element method (FEM) based solutions suffer from increasing computational cost as the system matrix size increases. We solve this problem by presenting a graph-based FEM model for fracture simulation that is remeshing-free and easily scales to high-resolution meshes. Our algorithm models fracture on the graph induced in a volumetric mesh with tetrahedral elements. We relabel the edges of the graph using a computed damage variable to initialize and propagate fracture. We prove that non-linear, hyper-elastic strain energy density is expressible entirely in terms of the edge lengths of the induced graph. This allows us to reformulate the system dynamics for the relabelled graph without changing the size of the system dynamics matrix and thus prevents the computational cost from blowing up. The fractured surface has to be reconstructed explicitly only for visualization purposes. We simulate standard laboratory experiments from structural mechanics and compare the results with corresponding real-world experiments. We fracture objects made of a variety of brittle and ductile materials, and show that our technique offers stability and speed that is unmatched in current literature.  相似文献   

We present a novel retargeting algorithm that transfers the musculature of a reference anatomical model to new bodies with different sizes, body proportions, muscle capability, and joint range of motion while preserving the functionality of the original musculature as closely as possible. The geometric configuration and physiological parameters of musculotendon units are estimated and optimized to adapt to new bodies. The range of motion around joints is estimated from a motion capture dataset and edited further for individual models. The retargeted model is simulation‐ready, so we can physically simulate muscle‐actuated motor skills with the model. Our system is capable of generating a wide variety of anatomical bodies that can be simulated to walk, run, jump and dance while maintaining balance under gravity. We will also demonstrate the construction of individualized musculoskeletal models from bi‐planar X‐ray images and medical examination.  相似文献   

织物变形的物理仿真技术   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
基于物理的仿真模型是织物变形仿真技术的主流, 文中对基于物理的织物变形仿真模型进行了综述,首先,把模型分为两类:一类是离散质点型模型,一类是连续介质型模型,其次,评述了各种模型,分析了其优缺点,并对各种算法的效率进行了比较,最后,对织物变形物理的仿真的发展方向提出了一些看法,特别强调了发展有限元模型。  相似文献   

Inspired by frictional behaviour that is observed when sliding matchsticks against one another at different angles, we propose a phenomenological anisotropic friction model for structured surfaces. Our model interpolates isotropic and anisotropic elliptical Coulomb friction parameters for a pair of surfaces with perpendicular and parallel structure directions (e.g. the wood grain direction). We view our model as a special case of an abstract friction model that produces a cone based on state information, specifically the relationship between structure directions. We show how our model can be integrated into LCP and NCP-based simulators using different solvers with both explicit and fully implicit time-integration. The focus of our work is on symmetric friction cones, and we therefore demonstrate a variety of simulation scenarios where the friction structure directions play an important part in the resulting motions. Consequently, authoring of friction using our model is intuitive and we demonstrate that our model is compatible with standard authoring practices, such as texture mapping.  相似文献   

We propose a novel monolithic pure SPH formulation to simulate fluids strongly coupled with rigid bodies. This includes fluid incompressibility, fluid–rigid interface handling and rigid–rigid contact handling with a viable implicit particle-based dry friction formulation. The resulting global system is solved using a new accelerated solver implementation that outperforms existing fluid and coupled rigid–fluid simulation approaches. We compare results of our simulation method to analytical solutions, show performance evaluations of our solver and present a variety of new and challenging simulation scenarios.  相似文献   

Periodic motion is an important class of motion to synthesize, but it is not easy to compute it robustly and efficiently. In this paper we propose a simple, robust and efficient method to compute periodic motion from linear equation systems. The method first calculates the response of the system when an external periodic force is applied during one period, and then sums up the periodically shifted versions of the system response to provide the periodic solution. It is also shown that Fourier decomposition is very effective to compress the motion data without a drop in visual fidelity. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Urban thermography is a non-invasive measurement technique commonly used for building diagnosis and energy efficiency evaluation. The physical interpretation of thermal images is a challenging task because they do not necessarily depict the real temperature of the surfaces, but one estimated from the measured incoming radiation. In this sense, the computational rendering of a thermal image can be useful to understand the results captured in a measurement campaign. The computer graphics community has proposed techniques for light rendering that are used for its thermal counterpart. In this work, a physically based simulation methodology based on a combination of the finite element method (FEM) and ray tracing is presented. The proposed methods were tested using a highly detailed urban geometry. Directional emissivity models, glossy reflectivity functions and importance sampling were used to render thermal images. The simulation results were compared with a set of measured thermograms, showing good agreement between them.  相似文献   

We propose to use nonlinear shape functions represented as neural networks in numerical coarsening to achieve generalization capability as well as good accuracy. To overcome the challenge of generalization to different simulation scenarios, especially nonlinear materials under large deformations, our key idea is to replace the linear mapping between coarse and fine meshes adopted in previous works with a nonlinear one represented by neural networks. However, directly applying an end-to-end neural representation leads to poor performance due to over-huge parameter space as well as failing to capture some intrinsic geometry properties of shape functions. Our solution is to embed geometry constraints as the prior knowledge in learning, which greatly improves training efficiency and inference robustness. With the trained neural shape functions, we can easily adopt numerical coarsening in the simulation of various hyperelastic models without any other preprocessing step required. The experiment results demonstrate the efficiency and generalization capability of our method over previous works.  相似文献   

We propose an optimization algorithm for the design of post-tensioned architectural shell structures, composed of triangular glass panels, in which glass has a load-bearing function. Due to its brittle nature, glass can fail when it is subject to tensile forces. Hence, we enrich the structure with a cable net, which is specifically designed to post-tension the shell, relieving the underlying glass structure from tension. We automatically derive an optimized cable layout, together with the appropriate pre-load of each cable. The method is driven by a physically based static analysis of the shell subject to its service load. We assess our approach by applying non-linear finite element analysis to several real-scale application scenarios. Such a method of cable tensioning produces glass shells that are optimized from the material usage viewpoint since they exploit the high compression strength of glass. As a result, they are lightweight and robust. Both aesthetic and static qualities are improved with respect to grid shell competitors.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a novel approach for calibrating material model parameters for soft body simulations using real data. We use a fully differentiable pipeline, combining a differentiable soft body simulator and differentiable depth rendering, which permits fast gradient-based optimizations. Our method requires no data pre-processing, and minimal experimental set-up, as we directly minimize the L2-norm between raw LIDAR scans and rendered simulation states. In essence, we provide the first marker-free approach for calibrating a soft-body simulator to match observed real-world deformations. Our approach is inexpensive as it solely requires a consumer-level LIDAR sensor compared to acquiring a professional marker-based motion capture system. We investigate the effects of different material parameterizations and evaluate convergence for parameter optimization in both single and multi-material scenarios of varying complexity. Finally, we show that our set-up can be extended to optimize for dynamic behaviour as well.  相似文献   

In physics-based liquid simulation for graphics applications, pressure projection consumes a significant amount of computational time and is frequently the bottleneck of the computational efficiency. How to rapidly apply the pressure projection and at the same time how to accurately capture the liquid geometry are always among the most popular topics in the current research trend in liquid simulations. In this paper, we incorporate an artificial neural network into the simulation pipeline for handling the tricky projection step for liquid animation. Compared with the previous neural-network-based works for gas flows, this paper advocates new advances in the composition of representative features as well as the loss functions in order to facilitate fluid simulation with free-surface boundary. Specifically, we choose both the velocity and the level-set function as the additional representation of the fluid states, which allows not only the motion but also the boundary position to be considered in the neural network solver. Meanwhile, we use the divergence error in the loss function to further emulate the lifelike behaviours of liquid. With these arrangements, our method could greatly accelerate the pressure projection step in liquid simulation, while maintaining fairly convincing visual results. Additionally, our neutral network performs well when being applied to new scene synthesis even with varied boundaries or scales.  相似文献   

Simulation and visualization of aeolian sand movement and sand ripple evolution are a challenging subject. In this paper, we propose a physically based modeling and simulating method that can be used to synthesize sandy terrain in various patterns. Our method is based on the mechanical behavior of individual sand grains, which are widely studied in the physics of blown sand. We accounted significant mechanisms of sand transportation into the sand model, such as saltation, successive saltation and collapsing, while simplified the vegetation model and wind field model to make the simulation feasible and affordable. We implemented the proposed method on the programming graphics processing unit (GPU) to get real-time simulation and rendering. Finally, we proved that our method can reflect many characteristics of sand ripple evolution through several demonstrations. We also gave several synthesized desert scenes made from the simulated height field to display its significance on application.  相似文献   

We propose a new method based on the use of fractional differentiation for improving the efficiency and realism of simulations based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). SPH represents a popular particle‐based approach for fluid simulation and a high number of particles is typically needed for achieving high quality results. However, as the number of simulated particles increase, the speed of computation degrades accordingly. The proposed method employs fractional differentiation to improve the results obtained with SPH in a given resolution. The approach is based on the observation that effects requiring a high number of particles are most often produced from colliding flows, and therefore, when the modeling of this behavior is improved, higher quality results can be achieved without changing the number of particles being simulated. Our method can be employed to reduce the resolution without significant loss of quality, or to improve the quality of the simulation in the current chosen resolution. The advantages of our method are demonstrated with several quantitative evaluations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi‐resolutional surface deformable model with physical property adjustment scheme and shape‐preserving springs to represent surface‐deformable objects efficiently and robustly. In order to reduce the computational complexity while ensuring the same global volumetric behaviour for the deformable object, we introduce a multi‐resolutional mass‐spring model that is locally refined using the modified‐butterfly subdivision scheme. For robust deformation, a shape‐preserving spring, which helps to restore the model to the original shape, is proposed to reduce the animation instability. Volume and shape preservation is indirectly achieved by restoring the model to the original shape without computing the actual volume and associated forces at every iteration. Most existing methods concentrate on visual realism of multi‐resolutional deformation and often neglect to maintain the dynamic behavioural integrity between detail levels. In order to preserve overall physical behaviour, we present a new scheme for adjusting physical properties between different levels of details. During the animation of deformable objects, the part of the object under external forces beyond a threshold or with large surface curvature variations is refined with a higher level of detail. The physical properties of nodes and springs in the locally refined area are adjusted in order to preserve the total mass and global behaviour of the object. The adequacy of the proposed scheme was analysed with tests using practical mesh examples. Experimental results demonstrate improved efficiency in object deformation and preservation of overall behaviour between different levels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种用于实现基于物理模型的交互式服装实时动画的方法。由于基于物理的服装模型本身与碰撞检测涉及大量的计算,因此随人体运动的交互式服装实时动画一直是一个具有挑战性的课题。为了提高模拟性能,首先简化经典的“质点-弹簧”模型,并利用“半刚性-复杂摆”模型经向与纬向约束分开计算的优点;其次,在服装与人体之间的碰撞检测采用椭圆包围盒的检测方法,并根据碰撞检测本身存在的局部性,通过时间与空间相关性来加速。实验结果证明,本文方法与传统的方法相比,大量减少了计算,完全可以实现随人体运动的交互式服装实时动画。  相似文献   

Modeling 3D objects on existing software usually requires a heavy amount of interactions, especially for users who lack basic knowledge of 3D geometry. Sketch‐based modeling is a solution to ease the modelling procedure and thus has been researched for decades. However, modelling a man‐made shape with complex structures remains challenging. Existing methods adopt advanced deep learning techniques to map holistic sketches to 3D shapes. They are still bottlenecked to deal with complicated topologies. In this paper, we decouple the task of sketch2shape into a part generation module and a part assembling module, where deep learning methods are leveraged for the implementation of both modules. By changing the focus from holistic shapes to individual parts, it eases the learning process of the shape generator and guarantees high‐quality outputs. With the learned automated part assembler, users only need a little manual tuning to obtain a desired layout. Extensive experiments and user studies demonstrate the usefulness of our proposed system.  相似文献   

The B-spline surface is one of the most commonly used parametric surface in computer aided geometric design and computer graphics. To develop more convenient techniques for designing and modifying B-spline surface is an important problem. A new method for the shape modification of B-spline surface with geometric constraints is presented in this paper. The deformation energy of the physically based B-spline surface is minimized based on finite element method, while geometric constraints including point, curve and boundary continuity constraints can be imposed to control the modified shape. By setting the external force zero, the surface is modified by the constraints solely. This lead to a simplified linear system to be solved and to eliminate the need of internal energy that could convert the iteration process of finite element function to a faster change for control points vector, such that the modified surface satisfies the given constraints. Practical examples are also given.  相似文献   

Modelling garments with rich details require enormous time and expertise of artists. Recent works re-construct garments through segmentation of clothed human scan. However, existing methods rely on certain human body templates and do not perform as well on loose garments such as skirts. This paper presents a two-stage pipeline for extracting high-fidelity garments from static scan data of clothed mannequins. Our key contribution is a novel method for tracking both tight and loose boundaries between garments and mannequin skin. Our algorithm enables the modelling of off-the-shelf clothing with fine details. It is independent of human template models and requires only minimal mannequin priors. The effectiveness of our method is validated through quantitative and qualitative comparison with the baseline method. The results demonstrate that our method can accurately extract both tight and loose garments within reasonable time.  相似文献   

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