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Building effective classifiers requires providing the modeling algorithms with information about the training data and modeling goals in order to create a model that makes proper tradeoffs. Machine learning algorithms allow for flexible specification of such meta-information through the design of the objective functions that they solve. However, such objective functions are hard for users to specify as they are a specific mathematical formulation of their intents. In this paper, we present an approach that allows users to generate objective functions for classification problems through an interactive visual interface. Our approach adopts a semantic interaction design in that user interactions over data elements in the visualization are translated into objective function terms. The generated objective functions are solved by a machine learning solver that provides candidate models, which can be inspected by the user, and used to suggest refinements to the specifications. We demonstrate a visual analytics system QUESTO for users to manipulate objective functions to define domain-specific constraints. Through a user study we show that QUESTO helps users create various objective functions that satisfy their goals.  相似文献   

Dynamical systems are commonly used to describe the state of time-dependent systems. In many engineering and control problems, the state space is high-dimensional making it difficult to analyze and visualize the behavior of the system for varying input conditions. We present a novel dimensionality reduction technique that is tailored to high-dimensional dynamical systems. In contrast to standard general purpose dimensionality reduction algorithms, we use energy minimization to preserve properties of the flow in the high-dimensional space. Once the projection operator is optimized, further high-dimensional trajectories are projected easily. Our 3D projection maintains a number of useful flow properties, such as critical points and flow maps, and is optimized to match geometric characteristics of the high-dimensional input, as well as optional user constraints. We apply our method to trajectories traced in the phase spaces of second-order dynamical systems, including finite-sized objects in fluids, the circular restricted three-body problem and a damped double pendulum. We compare the projections with standard visualization techniques, such as PCA, t-SNE and UMAP, and visualize the dynamical systems with multiple coordinated views interactively, featuring a spatial embedding, projection to subspaces, our dimensionality reduction and a seed point exploration tool.  相似文献   

Machine learning (ML) models are nowadays used in complex applications in various domains, such as medicine, bioinformatics, and other sciences. Due to their black box nature, however, it may sometimes be hard to understand and trust the results they provide. This has increased the demand for reliable visualization tools related to enhancing trust in ML models, which has become a prominent topic of research in the visualization community over the past decades. To provide an overview and present the frontiers of current research on the topic, we present a State-of-the-Art Report (STAR) on enhancing trust in ML models with the use of interactive visualization. We define and describe the background of the topic, introduce a categorization for visualization techniques that aim to accomplish this goal, and discuss insights and opportunities for future research directions. Among our contributions is a categorization of trust against different facets of interactive ML, expanded and improved from previous research. Our results are investigated from different analytical perspectives: (a) providing a statistical overview, (b) summarizing key findings, (c) performing topic analyses, and (d) exploring the data sets used in the individual papers, all with the support of an interactive web-based survey browser. We intend this survey to be beneficial for visualization researchers whose interests involve making ML models more trustworthy, as well as researchers and practitioners from other disciplines in their search for effective visualization techniques suitable for solving their tasks with confidence and conveying meaning to their data.  相似文献   

Realistic rendering using discrete reflectance measurements is challenging, because arbitrary directions on the light and view hemispheres are queried at render time, incurring large memory requirements and the need for interpolation. This explains the desire for compact and continuously parametrized models akin to analytic BRDFs; however, fitting BRDF parameters to complex data such as BTF texels can prove challenging, as models tend to describe restricted function spaces that cannot encompass real-world behavior. Recent advances in this area have increasingly relied on neural representations that are trained to reproduce acquired reflectance data. The associated training process is extremely costly and must typically be repeated for each material. Inspired by autoencoders, we propose a unified network architecture that is trained on a variety of materials, and which projects reflectance measurements to a shared latent parameter space. Similarly to SVBRDF fitting, real-world materials are represented by parameter maps, and the decoder network is analog to the analytic BRDF expression (also parametrized on light and view directions for practical rendering application). With this approach, encoding and decoding materials becomes a simple matter of evaluating the network. We train and validate on BTF datasets of the University of Bonn, but there are no prerequisites on either the number of angular reflectance samples, or the sample positions. Additionally, we show that the latent space is well-behaved and can be sampled from, for applications such as mipmapping and texture synthesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that visually embellished charts such as infographics have the ability to engage viewers and positively affect memorability. Fueled by these findings, researchers have proposed a variety of infographic design tools. However, these tools do not cover the entire design space. In this work, we identify a subset of infographics that we call infomages. Infomages are casual visuals of data in which a data chart is embedded into a thematic image such that the content of the image reflects the subject and the designer's interpretation of the data. Creating an effective infomage, however, can require a fair amount of design expertise and is thus out of reach for most people. In order to also afford non-artists with the means to design convincing infomages, we first study the principled design of existing infomages and identify a set of key chart embedding techniques. Informed by these findings we build a design tool that links web-scale image search with a set of interactive image processing tools to empower novice users with the ability to design a wide variety of infomages. As the embedding process might introduce some amount of visual distortion of the data our tool also aids users to gauge the amount of this distortion, if any. We experimentally demonstrate the usability of our tool and conclude with a discussion of infomages and our design tool.  相似文献   

Design problems in engineering typically involve a large solution space and several potentially conflicting criteria. Selecting a compromise solution is often supported by optimization algorithms that compute hundreds of Pareto-optimal solutions, thus informing a decision by the engineer. However, the complexity of evaluating and comparing alternatives increases with the number of criteria that need to be considered at the same time. We present a design study on Pareto front visualization to support engineers in applying their expertise and subjective preferences for selection of the most-preferred solution. We provide a characterization of data and tasks from the parametric design of electric motors. The requirements identified were the basis for our development of PAVED, an interactive parallel coordinates visualization for exploration of multi-criteria alternatives. We reflect on our user-centered design process that included iterative refinement with real data in close collaboration with a domain expert as well as a summative evaluation in the field. The results suggest a high usability of our visualization as part of a real-world engineering design workflow. Our lessons learned can serve as guidance to future visualization developers targeting multi-criteria optimization problems in engineering design or alternative domains.  相似文献   

How do we ensure the veracity of science? The act of manipulating or fabricating scientific data has led to many high-profile fraud cases and retractions. Detecting manipulated data, however, is a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. Automated detection methods are limited due to the diversity of data types and manipulation techniques. Furthermore, patterns automatically flagged as suspicious can have reasonable explanations. Instead, we propose a nuanced approach where experts analyze tabular datasets, e.g., as part of the peer-review process, using a guided, interactive visualization approach. In this paper, we present an analysis of how manipulated datasets are created and the artifacts these techniques generate. Based on these findings, we propose a suite of visualization methods to surface potential irregularities. We have implemented these methods in Ferret, a visualization tool for data forensics work. Ferret makes potential data issues salient and provides guidance on spotting signs of tampering and differentiating them from truthful data.  相似文献   

Modern acquisition techniques generate detailed point clouds that sample complex geometries. For instance, we are able to produce millimeter-scale acquisition of whole buildings. Processing and exploring geometrical information within such point clouds requires scalability, robustness to acquisition defects and the ability to model shapes at different scales. In this work, we propose a new representation that enriches point clouds with a multi-scale planar structure graph. We define the graph nodes as regions computed with planar segmentations at increasing scales and the graph edges connect regions that are similar across scales. Connected components of the graph define the planar structures present in the point cloud within a scale interval. For instance, with this information, any point is associated to one or several planar structures existing at different scales. We then use topological data analysis to filter the graph and provide the most prominent planar structures. Our representation naturally encodes a large range of information. We show how to efficiently extract geometrical details (e.g. tiles of a roof), arrangements of simple shapes (e.g. steps and mean ramp of a staircase), and large-scale planar proxies (e.g. walls of a building) and present several interactive tools to visualize, select and reconstruct planar primitives directly from raw point clouds. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated by an extensive evaluation on a variety of input data, as well as by comparing against state-of-the-art techniques and by showing applications to polygonal mesh reconstruction.  相似文献   

The visual analytics community has long aimed to understand users better and assist them in their analytic endeavors. As a result, numerous conceptual models of visual analytics aim to formalize common workflows, techniques, and goals leveraged by analysts. While many of the existing approaches are rich in detail, they each are specific to a particular aspect of the visual analytic process. Furthermore, with an ever-expanding array of novel artificial intelligence techniques and advances in visual analytic settings, existing conceptual models may not provide enough expressivity to bridge the two fields. In this work, we propose an agent-based conceptual model for the visual analytic process by drawing parallels from the artificial intelligence literature. We present three examples from the visual analytics literature as case studies and examine them in detail using our framework. Our simple yet robust framework unifies the visual analytic pipeline to enable researchers and practitioners to reason about scenarios that are becoming increasingly prominent in the field, namely mixed-initiative, guided, and collaborative analysis. Furthermore, it will allow us to characterize analysts, visual analytic settings, and guidance from the lenses of human agents, environments, and artificial agents, respectively.  相似文献   

Training data plays an essential role in modern applications of machine learning. However, gathering labeled training data is time-consuming. Therefore, labeling is often outsourced to less experienced users, or completely automated. This can introduce errors, which compromise valuable training data, and lead to suboptimal training results. We thus propose a novel approach that uses the power of pretrained classifiers to visually guide users to noisy labels, and let them interactively check error candidates, to iteratively improve the training data set. To systematically investigate training data, we propose a categorization of labeling errors into three different types, based on an analysis of potential pitfalls in label acquisition processes. For each of these types, we present approaches to detect, reason about, and resolve error candidates, as we propose measures and visual guidance techniques to support machine learning users. Our approach has been used to spot errors in well-known machine learning benchmark data sets, and we tested its usability during a user evaluation. While initially developed for images, the techniques presented in this paper are independent of the classification algorithm, and can also be extended to many other types of training data.  相似文献   

In order to ensure sustainability, fishing operations are governed by many rules and regulations that restrict the use of certain techniques and equipment, specify the species and size offish that can be harvested, and regulate commercial activities based on licensing schemes. As the world's second largest exporter offish and seafood products, Norway invests a significant amount of effort into maintaining natural ecosystem dynamics by ensuring compliance with its constantly evolving science-based regulatory body. This paper introduces VA-TRAC, a geovisual analytics application developed in collaboration with the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries in order to address this complex task. Our approach uses automatic methods to identify possible catch operations based on fishing vessel trajectories, embedded in an interactive web-based visual interface used to explore the results, compare them with licensing information, and incorporate the analysts’ domain knowledge into the decision making process. We present a data and task analysis based on a close collaboration with domain experts, and the design and implementation of VA-TRAC to address the identified requirements.  相似文献   

We describe HalfedgeCNN, a collection of modules to build neural networks that operate on triangle meshes. Taking inspiration from the (edge-based) MeshCNN, convolution, pooling, and unpooling layers are consistently defined on the basis of halfedges of the mesh, pairs of oppositely oriented virtual instances of each edge. This provides benefits over alternative definitions on the basis of vertices, edges, or faces. Additional interface layers enable support for feature data associated with such mesh entities in input and output as well. Due to being defined natively on mesh entities and their neighborhoods, lossy resampling or interpolation techniques (to enable the application of operators adopted from image domains) do not need to be employed. The operators have various degrees of freedom that can be exploited to adapt to application-specific needs.  相似文献   

We present a learning-based approach for virtual try-on applications based on a fully convolutional graph neural network. In contrast to existing data-driven models, which are trained for a specific garment or mesh topology, our fully convolutional model can cope with a large family of garments, represented as parametric predefined 2D panels with arbitrary mesh topology, including long dresses, shirts, and tight tops. Under the hood, our novel geometric deep learning approach learns to drape 3D garments by decoupling the three different sources of deformations that condition the fit of clothing: garment type, target body shape, and material. Specifically, we first learn a regressor that predicts the 3D drape of the input parametric garment when worn by a mean body shape. Then, after a mesh topology optimization step where we generate a sufficient level of detail for the input garment type, we further deform the mesh to reproduce deformations caused by the target body shape. Finally, we predict fine-scale details such as wrinkles that depend mostly on the garment material. We qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate that our fully convolutional approach outperforms existing methods in terms of generalization capabilities and memory requirements, and therefore it opens the door to more general learning-based models for virtual try-on applications.  相似文献   

Efficient visibility computation is a prominent requirement when designing automated camera control techniques for dynamic 3D environments; computer games, interactive storytelling or 3D media applications all need to track 3D entities while ensuring their visibility and delivering a smooth cinematic experience. Addressing this problem requires to sample a large set of potential camera positions and estimate visibility for each of them, which in practice is intractable despite the efficiency of ray-casting techniques on recent platforms. In this work, we introduce a novel GPU-rendering technique to efficiently compute occlusions of tracked targets in Toric Space coordinates – a parametric space designed for cinematic camera control. We then rely on this occlusion evaluation to derive an anticipation map predicting occlusions for a continuous set of cameras over a user-defined time window. We finally design a camera motion strategy exploiting this anticipation map to minimize the occlusions of tracked entities over time. The key features of our approach are demonstrated through comparison with traditionally used ray-casting on benchmark scenes, and through an integration in multiple game-like 3D scenes with heavy, sparse and dense occluders.  相似文献   

Effective compression of densely sampled BRDF measurements is critical for many graphical or vision applications. In this paper, we present DeepBRDF, a deep-learning-based representation that can significantly reduce the dimensionality of measured BRDFs while enjoying high quality of recovery. We consider each measured BRDF as a sequence of image slices and design a deep autoencoder with a masked L2 loss to discover a nonlinear low-dimensional latent space of the high-dimensional input data. Thorough experiments verify that the proposed method clearly outperforms PCA-based strategies in BRDF data compression and is more robust. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DeepBRDF with two applications. For BRDF editing, we can easily create a new BRDF by navigating on the low-dimensional manifold of DeepBRDF, guaranteeing smooth transitions and high physical plausibility. For BRDF recovery, we design another deep neural network to automatically generate the full BRDF data from a single input image. Aided by our DeepBRDF learned from real-world materials, a wide range of reflectance behaviors can be recovered with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Commonly used linear and nonlinear constitutive material models in deformation simulation contain many simplifications and only cover a tiny part of possible material behavior. In this work we propose a framework for learning customized models of deformable materials from example surface trajectories. The key idea is to iteratively improve a correction to a nominal model of the elastic and damping properties of the object, which allows new forward simulations with the learned correction to more accurately predict the behavior of a given soft object. Space-time optimization is employed to identify gentle control forces with which we extract necessary data for model inference and to finally encapsulate the material correction into a compact parametric form. Furthermore, a patch based position constraint is proposed to tackle the challenge of handling incomplete and noisy observations arising in real-world examples. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with a set of synthetic examples, as well with data captured from real world homogeneous elastic objects.  相似文献   

We propose a novel approach to learning cloth deformation as a function of body pose, recasting the graph-like triangle mesh data structure into image-based data in order to leverage popular and well-developed convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in a two-dimensional Euclidean domain. Then, a three-dimensional animation of clothing is equivalent to a sequence of two-dimensional RGB images driven/choreographed by time dependent joint angles. In order to reduce nonlinearity demands on the neural network, we utilize procedural skinning of the body surface to capture much of the rotation/deformation so that the RGB images only contain textures of displacement offsets from skin to clothing. Notably, we illustrate that our approach does not require accurate unclothed body shapes or robust skinning techniques. Additionally, we discuss how standard image based techniques such as image partitioning for higher resolution can readily be incorporated into our framework.  相似文献   

We present a methodology for making sense of the communicative role of data visualizations in journalistic storytelling and share findings from surveying water-related data stories. Data stories are a genre of long-form journalism that integrate text, data visualization, and other visual expressions (e.g., photographs, illustrations, videos) for the purpose of data-driven storytelling. In the last decade, a considerable number of data stories about a wide range of topics have been published worldwide. Authors use a variety of techniques to make complex phenomena comprehensible and use visualizations as communicative devices that shape the understanding of a given topic. Despite the popularity of data stories, we, as scholars, still lack a methodological framework for assessing the communicative role of visualizations in data stories. To this extent, we draw from data journalism, visual culture, and multimodality studies to propose an interpretative framework in six stages. The process begins with the analysis of content blocks and framing elements and ends with the identification of dimensions, patterns, and relationships between textual and visual elements. The framework is put to the test by analyzing 17 data stories about water-related issues. Our observations from the survey illustrate how data visualizations can shape the framing of complex topics.  相似文献   

Animated visualizations are one of the methods for finding and understanding complex structures of time-dependent vector fields. Many visualization designs can be used to this end, such as streamlines, vector glyphs, and image-based techniques. While all such designs can depict any vector field, their effectiveness in highlighting particular field aspects has not been fully explored. To fill this gap, we compare three animated vector field visualization techniques, OLIC, IBFV, and particles, for a critical point detection-and-classification task through a user study. Our results show that the effectiveness of the studied techniques depends on the nature of the critical points. We use these results to design a new flow visualization technique that combines all studied techniques in a single view by locally using the most effective technique for the patterns present in the flow data at that location. A second user study shows that our technique is more efficient and less error prone than the three other techniques used individually for the critical point detection task.  相似文献   

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