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Problem-solving dynamics refers to the process of solving a series of problems over time, from which a student's cognitive skills and non-cognitive traits and behaviors can be inferred. For example, we can derive a student's learning curve (an indicator of cognitive skill) from the changes in the difficulty level of problems solved, or derive a student's self-regulation patterns (an example of non-cognitive traits and behaviors) based on the problem-solving frequency over time. Few studies provide an integrated overview of both aspects by unfolding the problem-solving process. In this paper, we present a visual analytics system named SeqDynamics that evaluates students ‘problem-solving dynamics from both cognitive and non-cognitive perspectives. The system visualizes the chronological sequence of learners’ problem-solving behavior through a set of novel visual designs and coordinated contextual views, enabling users to compare and evaluate problem-solving dynamics on multiple scales. We present three scenarios to demonstrate the usefulness of SeqDynamics on a real-world dataset which consists of thousands of problem-solving traces. We also conduct five expert interviews to show that SeqDynamics enhances domain experts’ understanding of learning behavior sequences and assists them in completing evaluation tasks efficiently.  相似文献   

Computer-based technology has played a significant role in crime prevention over the past 30 years, especially with the popularization of spatial databases and crime mapping systems. Police departments frequently use hotspot analysis to identify regions that should be a priority in receiving preventive resources. Practitioners and researchers agree that tracking crime over time and identifying its geographic patterns are vital information for planning efficiently. Frequently, police departments have access to systems that are too complicated and excessively technical, leading to modest usage. By working closely together with domain experts from police agencies of two different countries, we identified and characterized five domain tasks inherent to the hotspot analysis problem and developed SHOC, a visualization tool that strives for simplicity and ease of use in helping users to perform all the domain tasks. SHOC is included in a visual analytics system that allows users without technical expertise to annotate, save, and share analyses. We also demonstrate that our system effectively supports the completion of the domain tasks in two different real-world case studies.  相似文献   

Anticipation skill is important for elite racquet sports players. Successful anticipation allows them to predict the actions of the opponent better and take early actions in matches. Existing studies of anticipation behaviors, largely based on the analysis of in-lab behaviors, failed to capture the characteristics of in-situ anticipation behaviors in real matches. This research proposes a data-driven approach for research on anticipation behaviors to gain more accurate and reliable insight into anticipation skills. Collaborating with domain experts in table tennis, we develop a complete solution that includes data collection, the development of a model to evaluate anticipation behaviors, and the design of a visual analytics system called Tac-Anticipator. Our case study reveals the strengths and weaknesses of top table tennis players' anticipation behaviors. In a word, our work enriches the research methods and guidelines for visual analytics of anticipation behaviors.  相似文献   

Understanding the behavior of deep reinforcement learning agents is a crucial requirement throughout their development. Existing work has addressed the identification of observable behavioral patterns in state sequences or analysis of isolated internal representations; however, the overall decision-making of deep-learning RL agents remains opaque. To tackle this, we present VISITOR, a visual analytics system enabling the analysis of entire state sequences, the diagnosis of singular predictions, and the comparison between agents. A sequence embedding view enables the multiscale analysis of state sequences, utilizing custom embedding techniques for a stable spatialization of the observations and internal states. We provide multiple layers: (1) a state space embedding, highlighting different groups of states inside the state-action sequences, (2) a trajectory view, emphasizing decision points, (3) a network activation mapping, visualizing the relationship between observations and network activations, (4) a transition embedding, enabling the analysis of state-to-state transitions. The embedding view is accompanied by an interactive reward view that captures the temporal development of metrics, which can be linked directly to states in the embedding. Lastly, a model list allows for the quick comparison of models across multiple metrics. Annotations can be exported to communicate results to different audiences. Our two-stage evaluation with eight experts confirms the effectiveness in identifying states of interest, comparing the quality of policies, and reasoning about the internal decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Machine learning (ML) models are nowadays used in complex applications in various domains, such as medicine, bioinformatics, and other sciences. Due to their black box nature, however, it may sometimes be hard to understand and trust the results they provide. This has increased the demand for reliable visualization tools related to enhancing trust in ML models, which has become a prominent topic of research in the visualization community over the past decades. To provide an overview and present the frontiers of current research on the topic, we present a State-of-the-Art Report (STAR) on enhancing trust in ML models with the use of interactive visualization. We define and describe the background of the topic, introduce a categorization for visualization techniques that aim to accomplish this goal, and discuss insights and opportunities for future research directions. Among our contributions is a categorization of trust against different facets of interactive ML, expanded and improved from previous research. Our results are investigated from different analytical perspectives: (a) providing a statistical overview, (b) summarizing key findings, (c) performing topic analyses, and (d) exploring the data sets used in the individual papers, all with the support of an interactive web-based survey browser. We intend this survey to be beneficial for visualization researchers whose interests involve making ML models more trustworthy, as well as researchers and practitioners from other disciplines in their search for effective visualization techniques suitable for solving their tasks with confidence and conveying meaning to their data.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that visually embellished charts such as infographics have the ability to engage viewers and positively affect memorability. Fueled by these findings, researchers have proposed a variety of infographic design tools. However, these tools do not cover the entire design space. In this work, we identify a subset of infographics that we call infomages. Infomages are casual visuals of data in which a data chart is embedded into a thematic image such that the content of the image reflects the subject and the designer's interpretation of the data. Creating an effective infomage, however, can require a fair amount of design expertise and is thus out of reach for most people. In order to also afford non-artists with the means to design convincing infomages, we first study the principled design of existing infomages and identify a set of key chart embedding techniques. Informed by these findings we build a design tool that links web-scale image search with a set of interactive image processing tools to empower novice users with the ability to design a wide variety of infomages. As the embedding process might introduce some amount of visual distortion of the data our tool also aids users to gauge the amount of this distortion, if any. We experimentally demonstrate the usability of our tool and conclude with a discussion of infomages and our design tool.  相似文献   

Task-incremental learning (Task-IL) aims to enable an intelligent agent to continuously accumulate knowledge from new learning tasks without catastrophically forgetting what it has learned in the past. It has drawn increasing attention in recent years, with many algorithms being proposed to mitigate neural network forgetting. However, none of the existing strategies is able to completely eliminate the issues. Moreover, explaining and fully understanding what knowledge and how it is being forgotten during the incremental learning process still remains under-explored. In this paper, we propose KnowledgeDrift, a visual analytics framework, to interpret the network forgetting with three objectives: (1) to identify when the network fails to memorize the past knowledge, (2) to visualize what information has been forgotten, and (3) to diagnose how knowledge attained in the new model interferes with the one learned in the past. Our analytical framework first identifies the occurrence of forgetting by tracking the task performance under the incremental learning process and then provides in-depth inspections of drifted information via various levels of data granularity. KnowledgeDrift allows analysts and model developers to enhance their understanding of network forgetting and compare the performance of different incremental learning algorithms. Three case studies are conducted in the paper to further provide insights and guidance for users to effectively diagnose catastrophic forgetting over time.  相似文献   

ParaDime is a framework for parametric dimensionality reduction (DR). In parametric DR, neural networks are trained to embed high-dimensional data items in a low-dimensional space while minimizing an objective function. ParaDime builds on the idea that the objective functions of several modern DR techniques result from transformed inter-item relationships. It provides a common interface for specifying these relations and transformations and for defining how they are used within the losses that govern the training process. Through this interface, ParaDime unifies parametric versions of DR techniques such as metric MDS, t-SNE, and UMAP. It allows users to fully customize all aspects of the DR process. We show how this ease of customization makes ParaDime suitable for experimenting with interesting techniques such as hybrid classification/embedding models and supervised DR. This way, ParaDime opens up new possibilities for visualizing high-dimensional data.  相似文献   

Developing applicable clinical machine learning models is a difficult task when the data includes spatial information, for example, radiation dose distributions across adjacent organs at risk. We describe the co-design of a modeling system, DASS, to support the hybrid human-machine development and validation of predictive models for estimating long-term toxicities related to radiotherapy doses in head and neck cancer patients. Developed in collaboration with domain experts in oncology and data mining, DASS incorporates human-in-the-loop visual steering, spatial data, and explainable AI to augment domain knowledge with automatic data mining. We demonstrate DASS with the development of two practical clinical stratification models and report feedback from domain experts. Finally, we describe the design lessons learned from this collaborative experience.  相似文献   

Retrieving charts from a large corpus is a fundamental task that can benefit numerous applications such as visualization recommendations. The retrieved results are expected to conform to both explicit visual attributes (e.g., chart type, colormap) and implicit user intents (e.g., design style, context information) that vary upon application scenarios. However, existing example-based chart retrieval methods are built upon non-decoupled and low-level visual features that are hard to interpret, while definition-based ones are constrained to pre-defined attributes that are hard to extend. In this work, we propose a new framework, namely WYTIWYR (What-You-Think-Is-What-You-Retrieve), that integrates user intents into the chart retrieval process. The framework consists of two stages: first, the Annotation stage disentangles the visual attributes within the query chart; and second, the Retrieval stage embeds the user's intent with customized text prompt as well as bitmap query chart, to recall targeted retrieval result. We develop aprototype WYTIWYR system leveraging a contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model to achieve zero-shot classification as well as multi-modal input encoding, and test the prototype on a large corpus with charts crawled from the Internet. Quantitative experiments, case studies, and qualitative interviews are conducted. The results demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of our proposed framework.  相似文献   

Machine learning practitioners often compare the results of different classifiers to help select, diagnose and tune models. We present Boxer, a system to enable such comparison. Our system facilitates interactive exploration of the experimental results obtained by applying multiple classifiers to a common set of model inputs. The approach focuses on allowing the user to identify interesting subsets of training and testing instances and comparing performance of the classifiers on these subsets. The system couples standard visual designs with set algebra interactions and comparative elements. This allows the user to compose and coordinate views to specify subsets and assess classifier performance on them. The flexibility of these compositions allow the user to address a wide range of scenarios in developing and assessing classifiers. We demonstrate Boxer in use cases including model selection, tuning, fairness assessment, and data quality diagnosis.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for rendering volumetric data including the Doppler effect of light. Similar to the acoustic Doppler effect, which is caused by relative motion between a sound emitter and an observer, light waves also experience compression or expansion when emitter and observer exhibit relative motion. We account for this by employing spectral volume rendering in an emission–absorption model, with the volumetric matter moving according to an accompanying vector field, and emitting and attenuating light at wavelengths subject to the Doppler effect. By introducing a novel piecewise linearear representation of the involved light spectra, we achieve accurate volume rendering at interactive frame rates. We compare our technique to rendering with traditional point-based spectral representation, and demonstrate its utility using a simulation of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Univariate visualizations like histograms, rug plots, or box plots provide concise visual summaries of distributions. However, each individual visualization may fail to robustly distinguish important features of a distribution, or provide sufficient information for all of the relevant tasks involved in summarizing univariate data. One solution is to juxtapose or superimpose multiple univariate visualizations in the same chart, as in Allen et al.'s [APW*19] “raincloud plots.” In this paper I examine the design space of raincloud plots, and, through a series of simulation studies, explore designs where the component visualizations mutually “defend” against situations where important distribution features are missed or trivial features are given undue prominence. I suggest a class of “defensive” raincloud plot designs that provide good mutual coverage for surfacing distributional features of interest.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an integrated visual analytics approach to support the parametrization and exploration of flow visualization based on the finite-time Lyapunov exponent. Such visualization of time-dependent flow faces various challenges, including the choice of appropriate advection times, temporal regions of interest, and spatial resolution. Our approach eases these challenges by providing the user with context by means of parametric aggregations, with support and guidance for a more directed exploration, and with a set of derived measures for better qualitative assessment. We demonstrate the utility of our approach with examples from computation fluid dynamics and time-dependent dynamical systems.  相似文献   

Building effective classifiers requires providing the modeling algorithms with information about the training data and modeling goals in order to create a model that makes proper tradeoffs. Machine learning algorithms allow for flexible specification of such meta-information through the design of the objective functions that they solve. However, such objective functions are hard for users to specify as they are a specific mathematical formulation of their intents. In this paper, we present an approach that allows users to generate objective functions for classification problems through an interactive visual interface. Our approach adopts a semantic interaction design in that user interactions over data elements in the visualization are translated into objective function terms. The generated objective functions are solved by a machine learning solver that provides candidate models, which can be inspected by the user, and used to suggest refinements to the specifications. We demonstrate a visual analytics system QUESTO for users to manipulate objective functions to define domain-specific constraints. Through a user study we show that QUESTO helps users create various objective functions that satisfy their goals.  相似文献   

Cross-task generalization is a significant outcome that defines mastery in natural language understanding. Humans show a remarkable aptitude for this, and can solve many different types of tasks, given definitions in the form of textual instructions and a small set of examples. Recent work with pre-trained language models mimics this learning style: users can define and exemplify a task for the model to attempt as a series of natural language prompts or instructions. While prompting approaches have led to higher cross-task generalization compared to traditional supervised learning, analyzing ‘bias’ in the task instructions given to the model is a difficult problem, and has thus been relatively unexplored. For instance, are we truly modeling a task, or are we modeling a user's instructions? To help investigate this, we develop LINGO, a novel visual analytics interface that supports an effective, task-driven workflow to (1) help identify bias in natural language task instructions, (2) alter (or create) task instructions to reduce bias, and (3) evaluate pre-trained model performance on debiased task instructions. To robustly evaluate LINGO, we conduct a user study with both novice and expert instruction creators, over a dataset of 1,616 linguistic tasks and their natural language instructions, spanning 55 different languages. For both user groups, LINGO promotes the creation of more difficult tasks for pre-trained models, that contain higher linguistic diversity and lower instruction bias. We additionally discuss how the insights learned in developing and evaluating LINGO can aid in the design of future dashboards that aim to minimize the effort involved in prompt creation across multiple domains.  相似文献   

Handling emergencies requires efficient and effective collaboration of medical professionals. To analyze their performance, in an application study, we have developed VisCoMET, a visual analytics approach displaying interactions of healthcare personnel in a triage training of a mass casualty incident. The application scenario stems from social interaction research, where the collaboration of teams is studied from different perspectives. We integrate recorded annotations from multiple sources, such as recorded videos of the sessions, transcribed communication, and eye-tracking information. For each session, an information-rich timeline visualizes events across these different channels, specifically highlighting interactions between the team members. We provide algorithmic support to identify frequent event patterns and to search for user-defined event sequences. Comparing different teams, an overview visualization aggregates each training session in a visual glyph as a node, connected to similar sessions through edges. An application example shows the usage of the approach in the comparative analysis of triage training sessions, where multiple teams encountered the same scene, and highlights discovered insights. The approach was evaluated through feedback from visualization and social interaction experts. The results show that the approach supports reflecting on teams' performance by exploratory analysis of collaboration behavior while particularly enabling the comparison of triage training sessions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce Canis, a high-level domain-specific language that enables declarative specifications of data-driven chart animations. By leveraging data-enriched SVG charts, its grammar of animations can be applied to the charts created by existing chart construction tools. With Canis, designers can select marks from the charts, partition the selected marks into mark units based on data attributes, and apply animation effects to the mark units, with the control of when the effects start. The Canis compiler automatically synthesizes the Lottie animation JSON files [Aira], which can be rendered natively across multiple platforms. To demonstrate Canis’ expressiveness, we present a wide range of chart animations. We also evaluate its scalability by showing the effectiveness of our compiler in reducing the output specification size and comparing its performance on different platforms against D3.  相似文献   

Visualization of large vector line data is a core task in geographic and cartographic systems. Vector maps are often displayed at different cartographic generalization levels, traditionally by using several discrete levels-of-detail (LODs). This limits the generalization levels to a fixed and predefined set of LODs, and generally does not support smooth LOD transitions. However, fast GPUs and novel line rendering techniques can be exploited to integrate dynamic vector map LOD management into GPU-based algorithms for locally-adaptive line simplification and real-time rendering. We propose a new technique that interactively visualizes large line vector datasets at variable LODs. It is based on the Douglas-Peucker line simplification principle, generating an exhaustive set of line segments whose specific subsets represent the lines at any variable LOD. At run time, an appropriate and view-dependent error metric supports screen-space adaptive LOD levels and the display of the correct subset of line segments accordingly. Our implementation shows that we can simplify and display large line datasets interactively. We can successfully apply line style patterns, dynamic LOD selection lenses, and anti-aliasing techniques to our line rendering.  相似文献   

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