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光纤有源内腔激光传感网络技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种新的光纤气体传感网络的有源复用系统 ,将锁模激光技术与光纤环形内腔激光气体传感技术相结合 ,提出并实现一套以锁模光纤环形腔激光器为复用基础的光纤内腔激光气体传感网络系统 ,此传感网络系统可同时对多个气体传感单元进行高灵敏度测量  相似文献   

A laser synthesizer of optical pulses is proposed. It is based on injection locking of numerous weakly coupled laser oscillators with a common resonator. A proper shaping of the susceptibility through shaping the pump beam reduces the dispersion of all orders due to the resonance transition and leads to generation of pulses close to the inverse bandwidth of the gain medium. A simple intracavity shaping mechanism allows synthesis of higher-order time supermodes directly from the laser. This technique could be applied to both active and passive mode-locked lasers with homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened transitions. The possibility of using a compound gain medium is also discussed  相似文献   

Using a wedged and antireflection-coated diamond heatspreader, a continuously tunable semiconductor disk laser with intracavity second-harmonic generation (SHG) is demonstrated. Output powers of > 600 mW tunable over 10 nm around 530 nm are obtained. Finite-element modeling shows that the use of a diamond heatspreader for thermal management - in contrast to substrate thinning approaches - permits power scaling across the 670-2300-nm range of these lasers. Using a green laser as an exemplar, this paper details the issues involved in translating this spectral coverage to the ultraviolet and visible via SHG. Polarization and wavelength selection are discussed and the adopted approaches presented. Almost 1 W of second-harmonic light at 530 nm is demonstrated, with an efficiency of 11% with respect to the incident pump power.  相似文献   

从倍频转换效率公式和腔内倍频的稳定态条件出发,得到倍频波的功率密度公式,进而得出倍频晶体最佳长度和倍频波最大功率密度的表达式.以LBO晶体I类临界相位匹配腔内倍频946 nm为例,根据倍频波的功率密度公式,从理论上讨论了LBO长度、功率密度比对倍频波功率密度的影响,为LBO倍频产生473 nm蓝光实验提供了理论指导.虽然这里只是讨论了LBO I类临界相位匹配倍频946 nm,但对所有腔内倍频实验(不同倍频晶体或不同倍频频率)具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

报道了一台治疗色素性皮肤病变的激光器,介绍了他们的工作特性,同时分析了影响腔内倍频效率的因素。  相似文献   

报道了一台治疗色素性皮肤病变的激光器,介绍了他们的工作特性,同时分析了影响腔内倍频效率的因素。  相似文献   

Generation of intracavity multi-wavelength and the basic principle of sum-frequency lasers are discused, and the current research status and development of laser diode pumped lasers are introduced in detail.  相似文献   

The normalized space-dependent rate equations are deduced assuming the intracavity photon densities and initial population-inversion density to be of Gaussian spatial distributions in the diode-pumped actively Q-switched intracavity Raman lasers. Numerical calculations are carried out to investigate the influences of these normalized variables on the pulse parameters of the first Stokes. The rate equations under the planewave approximation are also normalized and solved numerically, and the results show the obvious discrepancies from those of the space-dependent theory. The spontaneous Raman scattering factor in rate equations are deduced in detail for the first time, and the oscillating threshold of the first Stokes inside the resonator is deduced analytically. A sample calculation for an actively Q-switched self-Raman laser is presented to demonstrate the use of the curves and related formulas.  相似文献   

构建了腔内倍频条件下考虑空间烧孔效应的1079.5 nm和1341.4 μm双波长激光的速率方程,通过数值计算分析了激光运转的特性,通过比较增加主跃迁的倍频几何因子和增加主跃迁的腔内附加损耗这两种方法获得均衡的双波长倍频输出情况,发现增加倍频几何因子的方法比增加损耗的方法效率更高.  相似文献   

优质KTP晶体腔内有效倍频效率及损耗的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道一种高效内倍频Nd:YVO4/KTP激光器的输出特性以及优质KTP晶体腔内有效倍频效率和损耗的研究结果。在泵浦功率为19W时获得了5.85W的连续绿光输出,相应的光-光转换效率为30.8%。研究表明,优质KTP晶体腔内有效倍频效率超过70%,最高达到74.1%;而其损耗仅为0.007cm^-1。  相似文献   

内腔式KTP OPO发散角的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
实验研究了非临界相位匹配 (NCPM)的内腔式KTP光学参量振荡器 (OPO)的光束发散角与OPO谐振腔参数的关系。证明了望远镜型共焦非稳谐振腔是压缩OPO光束发散角的有效方法。  相似文献   

采用Scully-Lamb量子理论,计算了受驱动多光子的MandelQ因子和输出噪声谱。对于腔内噪声多光子激光与单光子一样,MandelQ因子均可达到-1/2,对应50%的压缩,但是对于腔外噪声。k光子激光的输出噪声谱只能达到k(k+1),随k的增加而增加。这标志着单光子、双光子、三光子和四光子激光的输出压缩程度依次为50%、33%、25%和20%。  相似文献   

Raman fiber lasers (RFLs) are efficient light sources at frequencies where no other comparable all-solid-state sources are available. Especially if fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) with narrow bandwidths are used, the bandwidth of the Stokes light is strongly broadened by Kerr nonlinearities like four-wave mixing (FWM), and self- and cross-phase modulation (SPM, XPM). In this letter, we discuss an exact numerical model to calculate the spectral behaviour of RFLs and show its application to determine the effective reflectivity of the FBGs. The model is based on a combination of the nonlinear Schroedinger equation including dispersion, FWM, SPM, and XPM with a shooting method to solve the power steady-state equations for RFLs. Numerical results are in good agreement with measurements.  相似文献   

对BBO晶体内的非均匀温度场进行了理论研究。通过对腔内BBO晶体工作特点的分析,建立了切合实际的矩形截面晶体热模型。考虑了谐振腔内的基频光束具有高斯分布的特点,同时晶体具有周边恒温冷却、端面绝热等特征,利用热传导方程得到了BBO晶体处于基频光偏心辐射下温度场的解析表达式,同时分析了影响晶体温度场分布的各种因素。偏心辐射矩形截面晶体温度场的研究是对于倍频晶体处于一般工作情况的讨论,对于解决晶体由于倍频的位相失配,提高激光器的倍频转换效率具有指导作用。  相似文献   

应康  陈迪俊  魏芳  蔡海文  瞿荣辉 《红外》2017,38(3):17-20
设计了一种将半导体光放大器耦 合于光纤激光器腔内的结构,以抑制光纤激光器的相对强 度噪声。基于半导体光放大器的增益饱和效应,将光纤 激光器在弛豫振荡峰处的相对强度噪声抑制了30 dB。更进 一步地,通过腔内的放大器结构使得放大器内部的光学 强度达到一个稳定态,最终使得激光器的频率噪声没有因 光放大器的加入而产生劣化。  相似文献   

从理论上研究了在一定长KTP情况下LD纵向泵浦Nd:YVO4/KTP腔内倍频激光器的绿光输出与腔长、输出镜曲率半径及泵浦光斑半径等参数的关系。根据分析选择了一组实验参数,在入射泵浦功率为668.7mw时获得了153.9mw的绿光输出,光一光转换效率为23%。将实验结果与理论计算值进行了比较,两者符合较好。  相似文献   

Optical bistability in the presence of an optically induced absorption is observed when a thin 13 μm CdS sample is inserted between two mirrors of 90 percent reflectivity. In our experiment, a modulated CW laser of about 15 mW peak power is tuned on each side of theAfree exciton resonance in CdS, and the transmission characteristics are studied. A theoretical calculation is presented and good agreement is obtained.  相似文献   

Wavelength sweep technique (WST) is introduced into intracavity fiber laser (ICFL) for low concentration gas detection. The limitation induced by noise can be eliminated using this method, and the performance of the system is improved. The sensitivity of the system is reduced to less than 200 ppm. With WST, the sweeping characteristic of the ICFL can be described according to known gas absorption spectra.   相似文献   

LD抽运的Nd:YAG单频倍频激光器   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在20mm激光腔内,Nd:YAG一端切成布氏角,与倍频晶体KTP组合构成双折射滤波片选择单纵模.用国产激光二极管(LD)纵向抽运,在会聚抽运光功率为500mW时,获得4mW单频连续运转的532nm绿光输出,同时获得约50mW的单频连续1064nm红外输出.  相似文献   

扰动对非稳腔模式的影响和腔内倾斜像差校正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张翔  杨伟  胡诗杰  柳建  许冰 《中国激光》2006,33(10):365-1370
采用哈特曼-夏克(Hartmann-Shack)波前传感器分析了腔内扰动对无源正支共焦腔调腔光模式的影响,用模式法进行了波前复原计算。引入等量扰动,腔内凹镜对于腔模的影响大于凸镜;且对于大菲涅耳数非稳腔,腔内倾斜扰动量与输出光束中查涅克(Zernike)倾斜像差系数具有较好线性关系。建立了基于哈特曼-夏克波前传感器进行腔外探测,控制腔内凹镜的低阶像差校正系统,比较了在不同腔内扰动状态下对倾斜像差的控制结果。实验表明,对于腔内扰动频率较低或者准静态的情况,控制系统对腔内倾斜像差的校正具有较好的效果。  相似文献   

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