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To evaluate the effect of early treatment on calcium metabolism and growth of infants with X-linked hypophosphataemic rickets (XLH), we enrolled eight infants (one boy) with XLH in a prospective study before and during combined treatment with 40 60 mg/kg per day phosphate and 20-40 ng/kg per day 1,25(OH)2D3 (calcitriol). The duration of treatment ranged from 12 to 68 months (median 27 months). We measured the height and several indices of calcium and bone metabolism before and at intervals of 6 weeks to 3 months thereafter during treatment. The diagnosis XLH was established between the age of 3 to 12 weeks by the detection of elevated alkaline phosphatase activities (n = 8) and urinary hydroxyproline (n = 7), whereas only five patients had also hypophosphataemia. Six of seven untreated patients had decreased 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D levels in serum. During treatment alkaline phosphatase and hydroxyproline decreased to normal or slightly elevated levels, whereas serum phosphate remained below the normal range. Several patients treated with more than 40-50 mg/kg per day phosphate developed secondary hyperparathyroidism. One patient receiving a low dose of 20 ng/kg per day calcitriol had prolonged radiological and biochemical signs of rickets and growth delay. The other patients presented with no or only slightly transient signs of rickets. Three patients developed moderate nephrocalcinosis. The statural growth rate decreased slightly below 2 SDs without a further decrease in two patients and remained within the normal range in the other patients. Only four patients developed moderate leg deformities. CONCLUSIONS: Early treatment with calcitriol at a daily dose of at least 30-40 ng/kg and phosphate at a daily dose of maximal 40-50 mg/kg improves mineral metabolism and seems to obviate severe growth delay and leg deformities.  相似文献   

The effects of human growth hormone (hGH) therapy on biochemical markers of bone metabolism were studied in 17 children (10 boys and 7 girls, aged 3.7-13.1 years old) with idiopathic GH deficiency, before and 1 and 6 months after GH therapy (0.5 0.7 IU/kg weekly SC). Serum levels of calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and renal phosphate per 100 ml glomerular filtrate (TPO4/GFR) were assessed. During therapy with hGH a significant decrease of serum calcium levels and increases of phosphate, osteocalcin, parathyroid hormone 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D and IGF-I were observed. TPO4/GFR was also significantly increased. Growth response (increment in HV) was positively related with changes in alkaline phosphatase and IGF-I levels after 6 months of hGH therapy. There was also a significant positive correlation between increment in HV and increment in TPO4/GFR after 1 month of GH therapy, whereas no correlation between HV and changes in osteocalcin levels was found. CONCLUSION: GH treatment significantly influences mineral metabolism and the measurement of TPO4/ GFR after 1 month of GH therapy may serve as a useful predictor of growth response to hGH therapy in GH-deficient children.  相似文献   

Intravenous calcitriol is known to directly suppress PTH secretion and release. We evaluated the effect of four months of treatment with low-dose intravenous calcitriol on PTH levels in 83 hemodialysis patients. The criteria for including patients in the study were a serum PTH levels at least four times the normal limit, a serum total calcium less than 10 mg/dl and good control of the serum phosphorus level. All patients underwent standard bicarbonate or acetate dialysis; dialysate calcium level was maintained at the usual 3.5 mEq/liter concentration. Initial calcitriol dose was 0.87 +/- 0.02 (SEM) micrograms (0.015 micrograms/kg body wt) thrice weekly at the end of dialysis, and it was reduced in case of hypercalcemia or elevated calcium-phosphate product. Seven out of 83 patients dropped out during treatment. Among the 76 patients who completed the study, 58 (76%) showed a highly significant decrease of intact PTH levels (average reduction 48%) and of alkaline phosphatase levels after four months of therapy. Total serum calcium increased slightly but significantly in the responder group but remained unchanged in the non-responders. No significant changes in ionized calcium levels could be detected, even in responders. Treatment was well tolerated by patients, but 60% of them had transient episodes of hyperphosphatemia. Mean serum phosphate was 4.95 mg/dl at the beginning of the study. It increased significantly after four months of treatment in patients who showed a decrease of PTH levels, although it remained within acceptable limits, below 5.5 mg/dl. Twenty-eight of 76 patients (37%) reduced the dose of calcitriol because their calcium-phosphate products exceeded 60.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biochemical changes related to skeletal turnover in puberty were investigated in a sample of 67 girls aged 8-14 years. The following biochemical parameters were measured in serum: total calcium, phosphate, magnesium, total alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and calcium and hydroxyproline in the second morning urine. Thirty-five premenarchal girls (8-11 years) had significantly lower serum calcium, and higher alkaline phosphatase and phosphate than those menstruating regularly (N = 32, 12-14 years). A statistically significant negative correlation of serum parameters and age was found for phosphate and alkaline phosphatase in all subjects, and for calcium and magnesium only in the premenarchal girls. These results indicated the more intensive processes of skeletal metabolism occurring in prepubertal age and early puberty to reflect in basic biochemical parameters of calcium and bone metabolism. Analysis of correlation between biochemical parameters showed alkaline phosphatase and phosphate to correlate positively with hydroxyproline excretion and negatively with urinary calcium in all subjects. In the subjects after menarche, osteocalcin correlated with alkaline phosphatase and phosphate. Thus, biochemical parameters indirectly reflected physiologic changes occurring with bone turnover in puberty. Variations in bone turnover during puberty, including a more pronounced bone formation during prepubertal or early stages, can be indirectly observed through biochemical parameters related to calcium and bone metabolism. Investigations of skeletal growth and puberty would benefit from specific markers of bone remodeling and "basic" biochemical parameters, as it might disclose subtle metabolic relationships.  相似文献   

It has been shown that an acute infusion of dipyridamole increased renal phosphate reabsorption in rats and humans. A prospective study was performed to determine whether chronic treatment by dipyridamole given orally could decrease renal phosphate leak and increase serum phosphorus in patients with idiopathic low renal phosphate threshold (TmPO4/GFR < 0.77 mM). Sixty-four patients with low TmPO4/GFR were included and treated with dipyridamole (75 mg, 4 times daily) for more than 12 mo. Serum phosphorus, TmPO4/GFR, parathyroid hormone, serum calcium, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D were measured sequentially before treatment, and after 3, 6 to 9, and 12 mo of treatment. Under chronic treatment with dipyridamole, TmPO4/GFR and serum phosphorus significantly increased in 80% of patients within 3 mo, with maximal values reached within 9 mo. This improvement persisted after 12 mo of treatment. In 28 patients, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentrations were above the normal range (> 42 pg/ml) and normalized in parallel with the increase of serum phosphorus. The 24-h calcium excretion (which was initially increased in patients with high vitamin D concentrations) and urolithiasis decreased under treatment. Ionized serum calcium and parathyroid hormone remained unchanged. After 2 yr, treatment was discontinued in three patients; serum phosphorus and TmPO4/GFR decreased within 1 mo after discontinuation. Dipyridamole at a dose of 75 mg 4 times daily increases low TmPO4/GFR and improves hypophosphatemia in patients with renal phosphate losses and can be used to treat these patients.  相似文献   

In 37 patients with Crohn's disease the 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25-HCC) serum level, serum concentration of calcium and inorganic phosphate, and the enzyme activity of alkaline phosphatase were measured. Furthermore the activity index of Crohn's disease was determined in every patient. There was no statistically significant difference of 25-HCC serum levels in these patients compared to a healthy control group. Correspondingly most patients showed normal alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity and normal serum concentration of calcium and inorganic phosphate. No correlation between 25-HCC concentration and site of inflammation or activity index was found.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Intermittent oral or intravenous doses of calcitriol given two or three times per week are commonly used to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism (secondary HPT). This study was undertaken to compare the biochemical and skeletal responses to thrice weekly intraperitoneal (i.p.) versus oral doses of calcitriol in children with secondary HPT undergoing peritoneal dialysis (CCPD). METHODS: Forty-six patients aged 12.5+/-4.8 years on CCPD for 22+/-25 months were randomly assigned to treatment with oral (p.o.) or i.p. calcitriol for 12 months; 17 subjects given p.o. calcitriol and 16 subjects given i.p. calcitriol completed the study. Bone biopsies were performed at the beginning and at the end of the study, while determinations of serum and total ionized calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol levels were done monthly. RESULTS: Serum total and ionized calcium levels were higher in subjects treated with i.p. calcitriol, P < 0.0001, whereas serum phosphorus levels were higher in those given p.o. calcitriol, P < 0.0001. For the i.p. group, serum PTH levels decreased from pre-treatment values of 648+/-125 pg/ml to a nadir of 169+/-57 pg/ml after nine months. In contrast, serum PTH levels did not change from baseline values of 670+/-97 pg/ml in subjects given p.o. calcitriol, P < 0.0001 by multiple regression analysis. Serum alkaline phosphatase levels were also lower in patients treated with i.p. calcitriol, P < 0.0001, but there was no difference between groups in the average dose of calcitriol given thrice weekly. The skeletal lesions of secondary HPT improved in both groups, 33% of patients developed adynamic bone lesion. CONCLUSION: Differences in the bioavailability of calcitriol and/or in phosphorus metabolism may account for the divergent biochemical response to p.o. and i.p. calcitriol.  相似文献   

Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism were examined in 21 male and 13 female subjects with renal tubular dysfunction in the cadmium-polluted Jinzu River basin in Toyama prefecture, Japan. Multiple proximal renal tubular dysfunction was detected in all subjects showing increased FE beta 2-m and FFua, generalized aminoaciduria and renal glucosuria. Reduced ability of tubular reabsorption of phosphate resulted in hypophosphatemia in 31% of the women. Despite decreased tubular reabsorption of calcium, the level of serum calcium remained normal in all subjects. Serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D [1,25(OH)2D], which is produced in the proximal tubules through 1 alpha-hydroxylation from 25-hydroxyvitamin-D [25OHD], was normal or increased to more than 60pg/ml. The serum level of 1,25(OH)2D was inversely related to creatinine clearance in both the men (p < 0.05) and women (p < 0.01). Serum iPTH was slightly increased to more than 0.9 mg/ml, whereas the levels of other hormones, including 25OHD, calcitonin, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were normal. The serum alkaline phosphatase activity and serum osteocalcin concentration were significantly increased compared to those of controls in both sexes. Bone loss detected by the measurement of bone density was prominent in female subjects. These results support the hypothesis that the serum phosphate concentration is more important than the serum concentration of 1,25(OH)2D for abnormalities of bone metabolism in cadmium-induced renal tubular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Either oral, intravenous or subcutaneous 1.25(OH)2 cholecalciferol is used in the therapy of hyperparathyroidism, which is a serious complication in patients on haemodialysis. We studied a total of 30 patients (10 women and 20 men) and divided them into two groups depending on the different types of dialysis membranes used. In the polysulfone group, mean age was 43.7 +/- 0.97 years and the average dialysis period lasted 29.9 +/- 1.23 months. For the 15 cases in which we used cuprophane membrane the mean age was 40.2 +/- 1.31 years and the average dialysis period lasted 16.2 +/- 0.86 months. The calcium level of the dialysate in both groups was 1.5 mmol/l. According to the study protocol, the determined oral calcitriol dose was 0.07 mg/kg and it was administered intermittently. After one month on high dose calcitriol therapy, treatment was continued with a maintenance dose of 0.03 mg/kg for a further six months. As a phosphate binding agent, daily 3 g calcium carbonate was administered. Before starting this treatment protocol, patients went on a 1 mg/day calcitriol therapy, although the mean PTH level was 424.63 pg/ml and the mean serum alkaline phosphatase level was 290.2 U/l. During the pretreatment period, levels of PTH, alkaline phosphatase, ionized calcium, and total calcium remained significantly within normal limits as a result of the new therapy protocol applied. PTH and phosphorus clearance rates were compared in the patient groups in which different dialysis membranes had been used. PTH and phosphorus clearances were 15.2 +/- 3 ml/min and 239.1 +/- 19.2 ml/min, respectively, in the polysulfone membrane group, and 1.1 +/- 0.3 ml/min and 112.8 +/- 9.88 ml/min, respectively, in the cuprophane membrane group (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

To evaluate the therapeutic effects of high dose pulse oral calcitrol, 3.5 micrograms calcitrol three times a week and calcium carbonate were administered to 13 patients with end-stage renal disease on chronic hemodialysis with hyperparathyroidism refractory to conventional calcitrol therapy. Serum parathyroid hormone and osteocalcin were detected by radioimmunoassay. Serum parathyroid hormone level of the patients decreased from 1111 +/- 344 ng/L to 492 +/- 218 ng/L by 57.5 +/- 11.5 percent (P < 0.01) in 6 months after the beginning of treatment. Both serum alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin levels declined markedly, and correlated positively with that of parathyroid hormone. Plasma calcium concentration was markedly elevated, but no obvious increase of plasma phosphate was found. High dose pulse oral calcitrol was effective on secondary hyperparathyroidism. During the course of treatment timely and individual adjustment of calcitrol dose and dialysate calcium concentration is essential.  相似文献   

Natural and artificial manipulation of tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase activity indicates that pyrophosphate, phosphoethanolamine, and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate are among the natural substrates for this enzyme. Although inorganic phosphate has been recognized as a competitive inhibitor of this enzyme for many years, the influence of phosphate on alkaline phosphatase activity in serum under physiological conditions has not been previously reported. We examined the kinetics of tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase from bovine kidney and sera from 49 patients with a wide range of endogenous phosphate concentrations using pyridoxine 5'-phosphate as a substrate at pH 7.4. For the bovine kidney enzyme, the Km was 0.42 +/- 0.04 micromol/L, and the Ki for phosphate was 2.4 +/- 0.2 micromol/L. Analysis of the kinetics using pyridoxine 5'-phosphate in undiluted serum from 10 subjects with phosphorus ranging from 0.5-2.1 mmol/L and alkaline phosphatase activity ranging from 41-165 nmol/min x mL gave estimates for the Km of 56 +/- 11 micromol/L and for the Ki of 540 +/- 82 micromol/L for phosphate. This indicates that under physiological conditions alkaline phosphatase activity toward pyridoxine 5'-phosphate is reduced approximately 50% by the normal phosphate concentration and that it will increase or decrease significantly in response to changes in phosphate concentration within the ranges observed clinically.  相似文献   

In this study, we prospectively evaluated the efficacy of calcium acetate in patients with chronic renal insufficiency on hemodialysis programme with secondary hyperparathyroidism and hyperphosphatemia, which are difficult to control by means of the usual finders (calcium carbonate and aluminium hydroxide) and who were treated with pulses of calcitriol. We studied 10 patients. The inclusion criteria were: a serum phosphorus higher than 6.5 mg/dl, a serum PTHi higher than 250 pg/ml and a serum calcium higher than 9.5. The former therapy was stopped at the time of the patient was included in the study. Calcium acetate was initially introduced with doses between 2.5-4 g/day according to previous calcium and phosphate values. Also, all patients were initially treated with intermittent subcutaneous bolus of Calcitriol were modified and adjusted according to serum concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and PTHi. The concentration of calcium in the dialyzed was of 1.25 mmol/l. Fortnightly total calcium, phosphate and alkaline phosphatase serum determinations and monthly aluminium and PTHi serum determinations were carried out. During the 6 months treatment, a decrease was observed in serum concentrations of phosphate (p < 0.01), aluminum (p < 0.02) and PTHi (p < 0.001) with no changes in the values of calcium (p = ns) nor alkaline phosphatase (p = ns). The incidence of hypercalcemia was low during the follow-up period (11% of all biochemical serum determinations) and was easily controlled. We can conclude that calcium acetate is a sure and effective finder of phosphorus with a very good tolerance. Administered together with pulses of calcitriol, and the use of a low calcium concentration in the dialysate, it does not increase the risk of hypercalcemia.  相似文献   

We compared the efficacy and the long-term effects of nocturnal hemodialysis (NHD) versus conventional hemodialysis (CHD) in controlling serum phosphate levels in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Patients underwent thrice weekly CHD and were subsequently switched to NHD six nights weekly. In the "acute" study serum and dialysate phosphate were measured during and after dialysis, and the total dialysate was collected to calculate mass solute removal. Although pre-dialysis (1.7 +/- 0.6 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.8 mM) serum phosphate levels were similar in CHD and NHD, respectively, post-dialysis levels were slightly lower with CHD (0.7 +/- 0.2 vs. 0.8 +/- 0.2 mM, P < 0.05). The measured phosphate removed per session of CHD or NHD was comparable, 25.3 +/- 7.5 versus 26.9 +/- 9.8 mumol/session, respectively. On the other hand, the cumulative weekly phosphate removal was significantly higher with NHD as compared to CHD, 75.8 +/- 22.5 versus 161.6 +/- 59.0 mumol/week (P < 0.01). In the "chronic" study serum phosphate levels were measured monthly for five months on CHD and for five months after the patients were switched to NHD. Dietary phosphate intake and the dosage of phosphate binders were tabulated. Serum phosphate levels fell during NHD: 2.1 +/- 0.5 mM at the beginning of the study and 1.3 +/- 0.2 mM five months after being switched to NHD (P < 0.001). At the same time dietary phosphate intake increased by 50%. By the fourth month of NHD therapy none of the patients was taking any phosphate binders. In conclusion, NHD is more effective in controlling serum phosphate levels than CHD, allowing patients to discontinue their phosphate binders completely and to ingest a more liberal diet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Vitamin D deficiency continues to be a problem in pediatrics. This report presents four children, one Caucasian male and three African-American females aged 4 to 24 months who were treated for vitamin D deficiency rickets. METHODS: One female was diagnosed in the Emergency Department during evaluation of a viral syndrome, another presented with hypocalcemic seizures and the third was a self-referral for evaluation of widened wrists. The male had biochemical rickets discovered incidentally during a hospitalization for pneumonia. All were breastfed without formula supplements. The 24-month female had severe cow and soy protein allergies and received multivitamin supplements intermittently. Birth order was from third to sixth child. Two families practiced Islam and the mothers wore veils. The females had a weight deficit for height. The females demonstrated a rachitic rosary, widening of the wrists and leg bowing. At diagnosis the serum calcium was 5.0-8.6 mg/dl, the inorganic phosphorus was 1.5-3.9 mg/dl and the alkaline phosphatase was 408-3324 U/L. The serum intact parathormone levels and the vitamin D levels were measured at Nichols Laboratories. The 25-OH vitamin D levels were 2-22 ng/ml and the 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D levels were 14-122 pg/ml. All had elevated parathormone levels. The three females had roentgenographic evidence of rickets. Two of the children also demonstrated iron deficiency. RESULTS: All patients responded to Vitamin D supplements, beginning at 2000 IU for the male and 8,000-10,000 IU daily for the females. Two children were also given calcium supplements. The three females all showed complete healing of the rickets radiologically within six months. The serum intact parathormone demonstrated an inverse correlation with the serum calcium during recovery (r=-0.669; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Vitamin D deficiency does still occur. Breastfed children of multiparous mothers, with increased skin pigmentation, living in the higher latitudes are at increased risk and would benefit from vitamin D supplementation while breastfeeding.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of alendronate (amino-hydroxybutylidene bisphosphonate) on biochemical indices of bone turnover and on lumbar spinal bone mineral density in 15 postmenopausal women with vertebral osteoporosis. Alendronate 7.5 mg daily was administered intravenously as a slow infusion for four consecutive days. Treatment was associated with a significant decrease in serum calcium (p < 0.01), fasting urinary calcium excretion (p < 0.01) and hydroxyproline excretion within several days followed a later decrease in serum alkaline phosphatase activity that showed a significant reduction at two months after treatment (p < 0.05). Serum calcium reverted to pretreatment values by the second week after infusion, but the decrease in alkaline phosphatase, urinary calcium, and hydroxyproline excretion persisted to six months after infusion. There was a 3% mean increase in lumbar bone mineral density at six months (p < 0.01). A transient lymphopenia or leucopenia was noted in eight patients and a short-lived fever in six. No other side effects were observed. This study demonstrates that shortterm exposure to high intravenous doses of alendronate induces suppression of bone resorption in osteoporosis that persists for at least 6 months after infusion. We conclude that a short exposure to high intravenous doses induces sustained effects on bone turnover in much the same manner as that observed in Paget's disease of bone.  相似文献   

The normal values of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transminase, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase, serum lactic dehydrogenase and serum alkaline phosphatase, total protein, urea, creatine, cholesterol, glucose, magnesium, calcium and inorganic phosphorus were measured monthly over a 12-month period from 10 "pure" Native and 10 Native X British Crossbred pigs. Except for cholesterol, no significant difference was found between the two groups. Similar estimations were made for 5-month and 11-month Village pigs in which the serum alkaline phosphatase, inorganic phosphorus, total protein, urea, creatinine and calcium were significantly lower when compared with the corresponding age group of the pure Native pigs and Crossbred pigs. These lower values are thought to be due to the effects of the malnutrition-parasite complex of Village pigs.  相似文献   

Many studies showed an increased occurrence of primary hyperparathyroidism during lithium therapy. We studied 53 patients receiving lithium therapy prospectively for 2 yr. Serum PTH levels were unequivocally elevated. The baseline PTH level was 2.8 +/- 1.2 pmol/L and increased progressively to 3.9 +/- 1.5 pmol/L after 2 yr (P < 0.0005). There was no change in serum calcium, alkaline phosphatase, inorganic phosphate concentrations or tubular reabsorption of phosphate in relation to glomerular filtration rate. Fasting urinary reabsorption of calcium increased significantly (P < 0.0005), which was concordant with the PTH change. Fasting and 24-h urinary excretion of calcium decreased significantly (P < 0.0005), suggesting reduced, rather than enhanced, bone resorption as in primary hyperparathyroidism. This may be the main mechanism in maintaining normocalcemia, despite PTH elevation, during lithium therapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Control of dietary phosphate absorption in end-stage renal disease patients is essential to prevent the deleterious sequelae of phosphorus retention. Efficacy of currently available calcium- and aluminium-containing phosphate binders is constrained by the side-effects associated with the absorption of calcium and aluminium. The current study examined the efficacy of RenaGel, a calcium- and aluminium-free, polymeric phosphate binder, in end-stage renal disease patients. METHODS: Administration of calcium- or aluminium-containing phosphate binders ceased during a 2-week washout period. RenaGel, at starting doses of one, two, or three 500-mg capsules three times per day with meals, was administered for 8 weeks. RenaGel dose was titrated up 1 capsule per meal at the end of each 2-week period if necessary to achieve phosphorus control. A second 2-week washout period followed the end of RenaGel treatment. RESULTS: Mean serum phosphorus rose from a pre-washout level of 6.9 mg/dl (2.23 mmol/l) to 8.1 mg/dl (2.62 mmol/l) at the end of the initial 2-week washout. With RenaGel treatment, serum phosphorus declined and returned to pre-washout levels after 4 weeks. Serum phosphorus reached a nadir of 6.5 mg/dl (2.10 mmol/l) after 7 weeks of RenaGel treatment. Serum phosphorus rose to 8.2 mg/dl (2.65 mmol/l) 2 weeks after cessation of RenaGel treatment. As anticipated, calcium declined during the initial washout period when calcium-based phosphate binders were stopped for the majority of patients. The rise in serum phosphorus and decline in serum calcium during washout resulted in an increase in median intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels from 292 pg/ml to 395 pg/ml. iPTH fell to 283 pg/ml after 6 weeks of RenaGel treatment despite a persistently lower serum calcium. RenaGel treatment also reduced serum total and LDL cholesterol by 25 mg/dl (0.65 mmol/l) and 23 mg/dl (0.59 mmol/l) respectively. CONCLUSIONS: RenaGel appears to be an effective phosphate binder free of calcium and aluminium. Phosphorus control with two to four RenaGel capsules per meal appears to result in comparable phosphorus lowering seen with calcium- or aluminium-based phosphate binders. RenaGel may offer an alternative for the control of phosphorus retention in end-stage renal disease patients.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive parathyroid hormone (iPTH) and 25-hydroxycalciferol (25(OH)D) serum levels were determined in 32 patients with renal osteopathy, they were correlated with the results of bone biopsy and other clinical parameters. iPTH was closely related to bone histology, it did not correspond to serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase, but the correlation to serum phosphate was statistically significant. 25(OH)D levels were not related to the histological findings of osteomalacia or increased bone resorption, while a correlation between the vitamin D metabolite and serum calcium could be observed. Since iPTH and 25(OH)D levels exhibited a significant correlation, an inhibitory effect of 25(OH)D on parathyroid gland function in renal failure was discussed.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to determine the contents of calcium, inorganic phosphate, parathormon, 25-OH-D3 and the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the plasma of one- and two-years-old thoroughbred horses. Data were obtained monthly from 44 one-year-old thoroughbred of 4 different studs from May during grazing-season and from October during stable-, resp. training-season up to april of the following year. Calcium, inorganic phosphate and the activity of alkaline phosphatase were measured with a photometric method and the concentration of PTH and 25-OH-D3 were determined with a radioimmunoassay. The following results were obtained: Calcium: The concentration of calcium in the plasma of one-year-old thoroughbred horses was 3.03 +/- 0.23 mmol/l during grazing-season and 3.14 +/- 0.14 mmol/l during the following stable-, resp. training-season. Inorganic phosphate: The concentration of inorganic phosphate was significantly affected by the age. The average was 1.7 +/- 0.19 mmol/l during grazing-season and 1.3 +/- 0.19 mmol/l during the following stable- and training-season. Activity of alkaline phosphatase: The activity of alkaline phosphatase was also significantly affected by the age. The average of the activity was 403 +/- 86 U/l during grazing-season and 308 +/- 65 U/l during the following winter period. Parathormon: There were big differences between the averages of parathormon during grazing-season (1.27 +/- 0.45 ng/ml) and the following winter-season (0.9 +/- 39 ng/ml). Besides from that there were big individual differences. 25-OH-D3: The concentration of 25-OH-D3 during grazing-season (10.38 +/- 3.08 ng/ml) was lower than during the winter period (13.03 +/- 2.86 ng/ml). The significance of the obtained results is discussed in relation to the corresponding literature.  相似文献   

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