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Incubation of a crude synaptosomal fraction from rat striatum with GBR 12783 at 37 degrees C produced an inhibition of the specific uptake of [3H]dopamine that increased with time. The inhibition increased when GBR 12783 was present during preincubation and incubation (IC50 = 1.85+/-0.1 nM) instead of incubation alone (IC50 = 25+/-3.5 nM). Time-course studies of uptake inhibition demonstrated that a first collision transporter-inhibitor complex (TI) was formed immediately after addition of GBR 12783 so that the initial uptake velocity (V0) decreased for increasing concentrations of inhibitor (Ki > or = 20 nM). TI slowly isomerized to a more stable complex TI* (Ki* < or = 5 nM) with a value of t1/2 = 20-270 s. Fits of data to model 2 in which the steady-state uptake (VS) is set to zero were generally preferred, suggesting that formation of TI* could tend to irreversibility, as a consequence of a very low reverse isomerization. As expected, k, V0, and VS tended to steady-state values in an asymptotic manner for high concentrations of GBR 12783. GBR 12783 at 2.5 nM produced a mixed inhibition of the uptake, with an increase in KM and a decrease in Vmax; these effects were improved for 10 nM GBR 12783 and at 20 degrees C. These results are discussed in relation to previous data concerning [3H]GBR 12783 binding. The present work gives the first experimental demonstration that dopamine uptake blockers can act according to a two-step mechanism of inhibition; this is of great interest, because these inhibitors can oppose the effects of cocaine or amphetamine on the transporter according to a reaction that is partly nondependent on the concentration of the abused agent.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Local recurrence is a significant problem following primary surgery for advanced vulva carcinoma. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the impact of adjuvant vulvar radiation on local control in high risk patients and the impact of local recurrence on overall survival. METHODS AND MATERIALS: From 1980-1994, 62 patients with invasive vulva carcinoma and either positive or close (less 8 mm) margins of excision were retrospectively studied. Thirty-one patients were treated with adjuvant radiation therapy to the vulva and 31 patients were observed after surgery. Kaplan-Meier estimates and the Cox proportional hazard regression model were used to evaluate the effect of adjuvant radiation therapy on local recurrence and overall survival. Independent prognostic factors for local recurrence and survival were also assessed. RESULTS: Local recurrence occurred in 58% of observed patients and 16% in patients treated with adjuvant radiation therapy. Adjuvant radiation therapy significantly reduced local recurrence rates in both the close margin and positive margin groups (p = 0.036, p = 0.0048). On both univariate and multivariate analysis adjuvant radiation and margins of excision were significant prognostic predictors for local control. Significant determinants of actuarial survival included International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (FIGO) stage, percentage of pathologically positive inguinal nodes and margins of excision. The positive margin observed group had a significantly poorer actuarial 5 year survival than the other groups (p = 0.0016) and adjuvant radiation significantly improved survival for this group. The 2 year actuarial survival after developing local recurrence was 25%. Local recurrence was a significant predictor for death from vulva carcinoma (risk ratio 3.54). CONCLUSION: Local recurrence is a common occurrence in high risk patients. In this study adjuvant radiation therapy significantly reduced local recurrence rates and may improve overall survival in certain subgroups. As salvage rates after developing local recurrence are poor adjuvant vulvar radiation should be considered for patients at risk after primary surgery.  相似文献   

Voltammetric microelectrodes and microdialysis probes were used simultaneously to monitor extracellular dopamine in rat striatum during electrical stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle. Microelectrodes were placed far away (1 mm) from, immediately adjacent to, and at the outlet of microdialysis probes. In drug-naive rats, electrical stimulation (45 Hz, 25 s) evoked a robust response at microelectrodes far away from the probes, but there was no response at microelectrodes adjacent to and at the outlet of the probes. After nomifensine administration (20 mg/kg i.p.), stimulation evoked robust responses at all three microelectrode placements. These results demonstrate first that evoked release in tissue adjacent to microdialysis probes is suppressed in comparison with evoked release in tissue far away from the probes and second that equilibration of the dopamine concentration in the extracellular fluid adjacent to and far away from the probes is prevented by the high-affinity dopamine transporter. Hence, models of microdialysis, which assume the properties of tissue to be spatially uniform, require modification to account for the distance that separates viable sites of evoked dopamine release from the probe. We introduce new mass transfer resistance parameters that qualitatively explain the observed effects of uptake inhibition on stimulation responses recorded with microdialysis and voltammetry.  相似文献   

Access to novelty might provide an alternative learning history that competes with conditioned drug reward. We tested this suggestion in rats using a place conditioning procedure with cocaine and novelty. In Experiment 1, rats were conditioned with cocaine to prefer one side of an apparatus. In a subsequent phase, cocaine exposure continued; however, on the unpaired side, separate group of rats had access to novel objects, cocaine injections, or saline with no objects. Pairings with novel objects or cocaine shifted a preference away from the cocaine-paired environment during drug-free and drug-challenge tests. Experiment 2 tested novelty's impact when cocaine exposure was discontinued. The identical procedures were used except drug exposure ceased on the cocaine-paired side during the second phase. Both groups expressed a preference for the cocaine compartment. This preference was maintained for rats that did not have novel objects; however, rats that experienced novelty spent similar amounts of time in both compartments during both tests. Overall, the conditioned rewarding effects of novelty competed with those of cocaine as evidenced by a change in choice behaviors motivated by drug reward. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the influence of associative pairing of contextual stimuli with amphetamine administration on the expression of psychomotor sensitization. Animals received d-amphetamine or saline in group-specific environments. Amphetamine produced robust behavioral sensitization in all environments, but when an amphetamine challenge was given in a test environment that was novel for some groups but not others, the expression of sensitization was completely context specific. An injection of saline in the amphetamine-paired environment produced a conditional response (CR), but this was quite small compared to the magnitude of the sensitized response, and sensitization remained completely context specific following extinction of the CR. Results are discussed in relation to 3 models of how context may modulate the expression of sensitization: an excitatory conditioning model, an inhibitory conditioning model, and an occasion-setting model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to develop a standard protocol for evaluating peak oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold during upper body work by cross-country skiers. METHODS: All tests were performed on a specially developed ski ergometer and incorporated the double poling technique. In series I, continuous and discontinuous protocols for measuring VO2peak at different inclinations of the ski ergometer were performed. In series II, a protocol for evaluating anaerobic threshold during upper body work was established. Eleven well trained regional male cross-country skiers participated in the study. All tests in each series were carried out during a period of 14 d. RESULTS: VO2peak did not differ using continuous or discontinuous protocol while working on the ski ergometer. Inclination was found to influence VO2peak, which was reduced at 7 degrees compared with 3 degrees, 5 degrees, and 6 degrees. Th(an) working on the ski ergometer was reached at a power output, VO2, or fc, which gave on average a blood lactate concentration of 1.8 mmol.L-1 higher than those found after the warm-up period during a graded protocol. CONCLUSIONS: Testing only the traditional Th(an) and VO2max while running on a treadmill hides important determinants of endurance in cross-country skiing as shown by that no correlation was found between VO2max and VO2peak in the present study.  相似文献   

31 patients with schizophrenic adolescent paranoid syndrome were treated by Leponex-Sandoz after the establishing of the therapeutic indications. We did not observe any considerable side effects. We observed the regression of positive symptoms at 19-day of the treatment and the regression of negative symptoms at 23-day of the therapy. We conclude that Leponex-Sandoz is effective and safe medication in the treatment of adolescent schizophrenic paranoid syndrome.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments was to further characterize changes in dopaminergic function that follow withdrawal from chronic opiate treatment. Withdrawal after treatment to a maximum dose of 120 mg/kg of morphine did not alter dopamine concentrations in the substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, striatum, or nucleus accumbens; but did decrease concentrations of DOPAC and the ratio of DOPAC to dopamine in the lateral striatum and nucleus accumbens. Uptake of tritiated dopamine was diminished for withdrawn slices obtained from the striatum with no effect observed for tissue from the nucleus accumbens. Deficits of in vitro release of tritiated dopamine also occurred following withdrawal, with the nucleus accumbens being sensitive to dependence produced by a lower dose of morphine. In conclusion, opiate withdrawal produces a complex pattern of effects on dopaminergic function that is specific for the striatum and nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

We have recently found that allogenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) can be used to treat lupus nephritis in NZB x NZW F1 (B/W F1) and BXSB mice. To elucidate why and how glomerular damage is repaired, serial renal biopsies were carried out using B/W F1 mice before, and after BMT. Donor-derived B cells and macrophages with normal functions developed two weeks after BMT, whereas donor-derived functional T cells were generated after seven weeks of BMT. Visceral epithelial cells as well as macrophages in the glomeruli were activated (probably by T cell-derived lymphokines) at this time; they showed marked phagocytic activity, resulting in clearance of immune complexes (ICs) and repair of damaged basement membranes. These results suggest that normal T cell functions, which have the capacity to activate macrophages and epithelial cells, are essential in repairing IC-mediated glomerular damage.  相似文献   

The pharmacological effects were assessed for a series of 3alpha-diphenylmethoxy-1alphaH,5alphaH-tropane analogs which have structural similarities to cocaine. Like cocaine, these compounds displaced [3H]WIN 35,428 binding from rat caudate and had affinities ranging from approximately 10-fold greater than cocaine (Ki=11.8 nM) to relatively low affinity (Ki=2000 nM). The compounds also inhibited dopamine uptake with potencies corresponding to their affinities for WIN 35,428 binding sites. Like the parent compound, benztropine, the 3alpha-(diphenylmethoxy)tropane analogs displaced [3H]pirenzepine from muscarinic M1 receptors with affinities ranging from 2 to 120 nM. Cocaine produced dose-related increases in locomotor activity (horizontal ambulation) in Swiss Webster mice, whereas the 3alpha-(diphenylmethoxy)tropane analogs generally had lower efficacy than cocaine. Compounds with fluoro-substituents in the phenyl rings generally were among those with efficacy approaching that of cocaine; those with chloro- and bromo-substituents were markedly less efficacious, despite having binding affinities comparable to those of the corresponding fluoro-substituted compounds. The 3alpha-(diphenylmethoxy)tropane analogs were also examined in rats trained to discriminate saline from cocaine (10 mg/kg, i.p.). Cocaine produced a dose-related increase in responding on the cocaine-appropriate lever, reaching 100% at 10 mg/kg. Only the 4',4"-difluoro-substituted analog produced effects similar to those of cocaine; the other compounds showed markedly reduced efficacy compared to cocaine. Drug interaction studies showed that the antimuscarinics, atropine and scopolamine, potentiated rather than attenuated the locomotor stimulant and cocaine-like discriminative-stimulus effects of cocaine, indicating that the antimuscarinic effects of the 3alpha-diphenylmethoxytropane analogs did not contribute to their diminished cocaine-like activity. Studies of the time course of selected compounds indicated that their reduced cocaine-like efficacy was likely not due to behavioral observations being conducted at an inopportune time period. Because none of the 3alpha-diphenylmethoxytropane analogs studied showed evidence that they were binding to more than one site, and because the structure activity relationships among these drugs are distinctly different from those obtained with cocaine, these data suggest that the 3alpha-diphenylmethoxytropane analogs are accessing a different binding domain than that accessed by cocaine. Binding to this domain may produce a behavioral profile that is distinct from that of the cocaine-like dopamine uptake inhibitors.  相似文献   

Previous studies found that GBR 12909 can decrease cocaine-maintained responding at doses that do not affect food-maintained responding. In this study, the effects of GBR 12909 (0.3–3.0 mg/kg) were further examined by varying the response requirement and unit dose of cocaine. Rhesus monkeys earned food or cocaine under a multiple fixed-ratio (FR) schedule. The FR for food was always 30, but the FR for cocaine was varied from 10–130 and the unit dose was varied from 5.6–56.0 μg/kg per injection. Doses of GBR 12909 were tested in an ascending order, for 5 consecutive sessions each. GBR 12909 selectively decreased cocaine maintained responding in all monkeys in at least 1 condition. These effects were enhanced with large response requirements and/or small unit doses. The results demonstrate that environmental variables can influence the selectivity of GBR 12909's effects and contribute to a growing debate concerning the evaluation of potential pharmacotherapies for drug abuse. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Male rats were trained to discriminate the stimulus properties of the antidepressant serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) uptake inhibitor sertraline (10 mg/kg) from saline using the discriminated taste aversion procedure. Three other selective 5-HT uptake inhibitors, fluvoxamine (5.6 and 10.0 mg/kg), fluoxetine (10.0 mg/kg), and paroxetine (10.0 mg/kg), substituted completely for the stimulus properties of sertraline. Selective inhibitors of norepinephrine uptake, desipramine and maprotiline, also substituted for the sertraline stimulus at 18.0 mg/kg. Results show that rats can be trained to respond to sertraline as a discriminative stimulus and that sertraline generalizes to other 5-HT uptake inhibitors that are members of a class of antidepressant drugs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study of the inhibition of mouse cellular DNA polymerases by poly-nucleotides and their vinyl analogs is presented. Poly(dT)-directed poly(dA) synthesis by representatives of all three classes of cellular DNA polymerase could be completely inhibited by poly(9-vinyladenine), although higher concentrations were required in the case of the gamma class enzyme. Studies on the mechanism of the inhibition using the alpha class DNA polymerase and different templates showed that the enzyme activity was inhibited in all cases where base-pairing between the vinyl polymer and the template occurred; poly(9-vinyladenine) did not interfere with the replication of templates to which it does not bind. The inhibition occurred shortly after addition of poly(9-vinyladenine) to ongoing reactions, yet the enzyme was not displaced from the template - primer complex.  相似文献   

The researchers asked whether clonidine, an α?-noradrenergic agonist, would block selectively the motivational effects of opiate withdrawal and whether clonidine's effects would respect the boundary between nondeprived and deprived motivational states. In a place conditioning paradigm, clonidine (0.05 mg/kg ip) blocked the rewarding effects of morphine in opiate-withdrawn rats (as well as the aversive properties of withdrawal itself), but did not affect morphine place preferences (2 and 20 mg/kg) in drug-naive rats. Furthermore, clonidine blocked the acquisition of morphine (15 mg/kg), but not LiCI (15 mg/kg), conditioned taste aversions in water-deprived rats. The results suggest that the motivational system activated in deprived animals includes dopaminergic and noradrenergic components that are in series with each other. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Numerical modeling was used as a means to examine the relationship between the outcome of in vivo voltammetry and microdialysis experiments and dopamine concentrations in the extracellular fluid of rat striatum. In the case of microdialysis, quantitative interpretation of results demands knowledge of the in vivo values for the extraction and recovery ratios of the probes toward dopamine. Equality of the extraction and recovery ratios is a necessary condition for the direct application of the no-net-flux method as a quantitative technique. Recent results have suggested that the extraction and recovery ratios are not equal, and this interpretation is now supported by theory. A new relationship between extraction and recovery is proposed.  相似文献   

The dopamine (DA) antagonist, haloperidol, affected the conditioned suppression of a saccharin solution intake (the conditioned stimulus, CS) induced by amphetamine (AMPH) and lithium chloride (LiCl) unconditioned stimuli (USs). Four experiments showed that (a) haloperidol by itself did not reduce saccharin solution intake. (b) When haloperidol was injected between the CS and the US, the conditioned suppression was attenuated; however, (c) this did not occur when haloperidol was injected after the US, indicating that haloperidol affected the perception of the US. (d) This attenuation was found with both rewarding AMPH and aversive LiCl treatments, indicating that the valence of the US was unimportant. Thus, the so-called "anhedonia response" might be due to weakening of US impact. A general salient-stimulus hypothesis was proposed, with the anhedonia hypothesis of DA blocking as its subset. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of dopamine hydrochloride on beta3-adrenoceptors was studied in isolated adipocytes of Wistar rats using uptake of [14C]-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) as the indicator. Dopamine induced a concentration-dependent decrease of 2-DG uptake into adipocytes in a manner which was not modified by haloperidol at concentrations sufficient to block dopaminergic receptors. Failure of blockade was also observed in samples receiving the pretreatment with a mixture of SCH23390 and domperidone, the dopaminergic antagonists. Absence of dopaminergic receptors in rat white adipocytes was further supported by the findings that dopaminergic agonists did not modify the glucose uptake and the negative response to receptor antibodies in immunoblotting analysis. Pindolol and propranolol reversed this inhibition of dopamine in a concentration-dependent manner. However, this action of dopamine was not affected by prazosin at concentrations sufficient to block alpha-adrenoceptors. Effect of dopamine was reduced in the presence of Rp-cyclic AMPS triethylamine, the membrane-permeable antagonist of cyclic AMP (cAMP), indicating the mediation of cAMP in this inhibition. Direct effect of exogenous dopamine on beta3-adrenoceptors was identified using the antibody for beta3-adrenoceptors that reversed the inhibition of dopamine. These results suggest that dopamine can activate beta3-adrenoceptors to lower glucose uptake into rat white adipocytes which lack dopaminergic receptors.  相似文献   

Effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, captopril, enalapril maleate and quinapril, on the uptake of aminocephalosporin antibiotic, cefroxadine, by rabbit small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles were examined. These ACE inhibitors significantly inhibited the uptake of cefroxadine, which is transported by H+/dipeptide transporter in the membrane, in the order of captopril < enalapril < quinapril in the presence of an inward H+ gradient. Inhibitory effect of quinapril was more marked than that of aminocephalosporin cephradine, while in the absence of an inward H+ gradient inhibition by these ACE inhibitors was much less. Dixon plot analysis showed that the inhibition by enalapril and quinapril in the presence of an inward H+ gradient occurred in a competitive manner and estimated inhibition constants of these two drugs to be 5.3 mM and 0.46 mM, respectively. These results suggested the strong affinity of these ACE inhibitors, especially quinapril, on the H+/dipeptide transporter.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We determined the antiepileptic profile of tiagabine (TGB), a selective gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake inhibitor, in the rat kindling model of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). METHODS: The anticonvulsant and adverse effects of TGB were examined in amygdala- or hippocampal-kindled rats and compared with those of other GABA uptake inhibitors (SKF89976A and NNC-711) and conventional antiepileptic drugs [AEDs: valproate (VPA) and carbamazepine (CBZ)]. In addition, the antiepileptogenic effects of TGB on amygdala kindling development were examined. RESULTS: TGB (2.5-40 mg/kg intraperitoneally, i.p.) had potent and dose-dependent anticonvulsant effects on both amygdala- and hippocampal-kindled seizures. The order of anticonvulsant potency of the three GABA uptake inhibitors tested was: NNC-711 > TGB > SKF-89976A and paralleled the in vitro GABA uptake efficacy. In addition, daily treatment with TGB 10 mg/kg for 10 days significantly retarded kindling development. Although adverse effects of TGB on motor systems were significantly less than those of VPA and CBZ, high toxic doses of TGB often caused EEG paroxysm and myoclonus. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate the clinical usefulness of TGB for treatment of drug-resistant TLE.  相似文献   

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