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We present a new soft handoff scheme that enhances the reliability during soft handoff by increasing the signal distance (Euclidean and/or Hamming) in forward link code division multiple access cellular networks. Each base station participating in soft handoff sends a disjoint subset of the main data stream (called sub-stream) and the mobile receiver reassembles the sub-streams and restores the main data stream. This approach can reduce the data rate per base station by a factor of the number of participating base stations and thereby can increase the signal distance as opposed to the diversity gain. It is shown that the proposed soft handoff scheme is promising for high data rate applications which are the major interests in the next generation cellular networks.  相似文献   

A two-phase soft handoff scheme, which includes an initial power allocation phase followed by a power redistribution phase, is proposed. The initial power allocation phase makes a handoff decision for each connection by assigning a connection to the BS with the best link quality and allocating a minimum amount of power from the BS for the connection. The initial handoff decisions are made for individual connections independent of other connections or the BS power availability. Therefore, there might be heavily loaded and lightly loaded BSs because (i) traffic load may not be equally distributed in all cells, and (ii) the channel condition of the connections is random. The power re-distribution phase is to smooth out the loading on the system by coordinating the power allocations among neighboring BSs so that more connections can receive reliable transmissions. We then develop an analytical model for studying the connection reliability with the proposed soft handoff scheme. Our results show that the proposed two-phase soft handoff scheme can significantly improve connection reliability and increase system capacity in downlink transmissions.  相似文献   

Performance analysis of soft handoff in CDMA cellular networks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The code-division multiple-access (CDMA) scheme has been considered as one possible choice of the future standards for cellular networks because of its various advantages. Since there can be only one carrier frequency being used in CDMA systems, a handoff scheme with diversity, a so-called “soft handoff”, was proposed for higher communication quality and capacity. A mathematical model is developed to analyze the soft handoff process. Markov's concept is applied to describe the system's steady state statistical behavior. System performance such as blocking probability, handoff refused probability, and channel efficiency are also determined. It is concluded that the larger the area the soft handoff region is, the better users in the cellular network will feel  相似文献   

Performance analysis of soft handoff in CDMA cellular networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A unique feature of code division multiple access (CDMA) systems is the use of soft handoff between cells. Soft handoff, in general, increases the system capacity because while the link between a mobile and one base station is poor, it might be better between the same mobile and some other base station. Hence, the user may transmit at a lower power in a soft handoff situation. Teletraffic analysis of soft handoff is complex because one cannot separate transmission issues from traffic issues. Many papers in the literature have independently analyzed the effect of soft capacity and soft handoff on network performance. Some papers have analyzed the effect of soft handoff on soft capacity but there has been no proper teletraffic analysis that includes both soft capacity and soft handoff. This paper proposes a traffic model for a DS-CDMA cellular network that includes both soft capacity and soft handoff. Network performance is then computed in terms of call blocking  相似文献   

We consider hierarchical cellular code-division multiple-access networks supporting soft handoff, where users with different mobility are assigned to different layers, i.e., microcells in the lower layer are used to carry slow users, whereas macrocells in the upper layer are for fast users, and handoff queues are provided for handoff calls that cannot obtain the required channel immediately, so that forced termination probability can be reduced. According to whether handoff queues are provided in microcells and/or macrocells, four different call admission control schemes are proposed and studied. We derive the mathematical model of the considered system with multidimensional birth-death process and utilize Gauss-Seidel iterative method to find the steady-state probability distribution and thus the performance measures of interest: new call blocking probability, handoff failure probability, and forced termination probability. Analytical results show that providing handoff queues in both microcells and macrocells can achieve largest performance improvement. Furthermore, handoff queue size greater than a threshold is shown to have little effect on performance measures of interest. Last but not least, the studied two-tier system is compared with a one-tier counterpart. It is shown that the two-tier system performs better in terms of average number of handoffs per fast call.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a call-admission and handoff-control framework for multi-tier cellular networks. We first propose and compare Call-Admission Control (CAC) algorithms based on the cell-dwelling time, by studying their impact on the handoff-call dropping and new-call blocking probabilities and the channel partitioning between the two tiers. Our results show that a simple, cell-dwelling-time-insensitive algorithm performs better under various mixes of user mobilities and call types. Moreover, there is an optimal channel partition of the overall spectrum between the tiers which minimizes the dropping and blocking probabilities for the two different CAC algorithms studied in this paper. Once the call is admitted into the network, we propose and compare various handoff- queuing strategies to reduce the call dropping probability. We show that implementing a queuing framework in one of the tiers (especially the upper, i.e., macrocellular, tier), results in a significant reduction in the dropping probability.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis of handoff algorithms on CDMA forward link   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analyze the performance of different handoff algorithms on the forward link or downlink of a code-division multiple-access (CDMA) cellular system. Unlike the reverse link, soft handoff on the forward link requires additional resources such as CDMA codes and transmit power and also causes additional interference. If handoff requests can be processed and completed instantaneously, transmission from the base station with the best link to the user would achieve a significant fraction of the macrodiversity gain without utilizing additional resources. However, in practical systems, there is a nonzero handoff completion delay and soft handoff provides the required robustness to delays, although it comes at the expense of additional network resources. Thus, there is a tradeoff between the extent of soft handoff required and the handoff execution delay. We compare the performance of hard and soft handoff schemes and study their sensitivity to the delay in the execution of the handoff. Outage probability and the total average power required are used as performance metrics. We present an analytical framework to study this tradeoff and also discuss simulation results with field data. The results provide insights on the conditions under which soft handoff can be eliminated and on the effect of relevant handoff thresholds on the performance.  相似文献   

Traffic nonuniformity degrades the performance of CDMA cellular systems. The authors present a new algorithm called the variable threshold soft handoff (VTSH) which reduces the performance degradation due to traffic nonuniformity in CDMA cellular systems. Unlike the conventional fixed handoff thresholds, the proposed algorithm allows the handoff thresholds (T ADD and T DROP) to vary dynamically according to the traffic density of each cell. This algorithm has been implemented by means of computer simulation and the results show that VTSH improves the overall CDMA system performance in terms of outage probability. The VTSH algorithm can easily be applied to CDMA cellular systems without any modification  相似文献   

A model for analyzing the performance of handoff algorithms based on signal strength measurements made by mobile stations in a lognormal fading environment is presented. This model enables one to evaluate the effect of averaging the hysteresis on the handoff process. Handoffs are related to level crossings of the difference between the received signal strengths from two base stations. The algorithm performance is derived by modeling the level crossings as Poisson processes with time-varying rate functions. The model is seen to yield results that agree with simulations over the range of algorithm parameters of practical interest. These results can be used to determine the averaging interval and hysteresis level that achieve the optimum tradeoff between the number of unnecessary handoffs and the delay in handing off  相似文献   

The effect of handoff techniques on cell coverage and reverse link capacity is investigated for a spread spectrum CDMA system. It is shown that soft handoff increases both parameters significantly relative to conventional hard handoff  相似文献   

This paper investigates the features of a cellular geometry in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems with soft handoff and distinguishes controlling area of a cell from coverage area of a cell. Some important characteristics of the cellular configuration in soft handoff systems are used to propose a new design of efficient call admission control (CAC) in CDMA systems. Then, the paper constructs a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) model for CAC in CDMA with a soft handoff queue, obtains closed-form solutions, and thus develops loss formulas as performance indices such as the new blocking probability and the handoff dropping probability. In order to determine handoff traffic arrival rate, a fixed-point strategy is developed. Algorithms are also provided to stably compute loss probabilities and to determine the optimal number of guard channels. A new soft handoff scheme-eliminating pseudo handoff calls (EPHC)-is proposed to improve channel utilization efficiency based on mobility information. As an application of the loss formulas, the proposed modeling techniques are used to evaluate and compare the performance of conventional and proposed EPHC soft handoff schemes. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed Markov chain models and the benefits of the new soft handoff scheme.  相似文献   

Soft handoff and uplink capacity in a two-tier CDMA system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the effect of soft handoff on the uplink user capacity of a code division multiple access system consisting of a single macrocell in which a single hotspot microcell is embedded. The users of these two base stations operate over the same frequency band. In the soft-handoff scenario studied here, both macrocell and microcell base stations serve each system user, and the two received copies of a desired user's signal are summed using maximal ratio combining. Exact and approximate analytical methods are developed to compute uplink user capacity. Simulation results demonstrate a 20% increase in user capacity compared to hard handoff. In addition, simple approximate methods are presented for estimating soft-handoff capacity and are shown to be quite accurate.  相似文献   

A two-phase power distribution scheme for supporting quality-of-service (QoS) and best effort traffic is proposed. We first formulate the power distribution for QoS traffic as an optimization problem so that the number of simultaneously transmitting connections is maximized. Optimum power distribution is difficult to implement in practice due to both the computational complexity and the requirement for global information about the mobile station (MS) locations, connection channel conditions, and traffic load in the system. We then propose a heuristic scheme of power distribution for soft handoff (SHO) connections. The full scheme includes an initial power distribution (IPD) and a power distribution adjustment (PDA). IPD allocates BS power resource based on the channel condition of each individual connection, while PDA further coordinates the power distribution between neighboring base stations (BSs) in order to accommodate more connections. The proposed power distribution scheme can achieve a capacity close to that of the optimum power distribution, while providing much higher transmission throughput for best effort data traffic. The proposed power distribution scheme can be applied to existing SHO schemes for efficient BS power resource usage. The scheme does not require global information, and its implementation can be further simplified by performing IPD only with slight performance degradation.  相似文献   

As mobile nodes roam in a wireless network, they continuously associate with different access points and perform handoff operations. Frequent handoffs performed by a mobile device may have undesirable consequences, as they can cause interruptions for interactive applications and increase the energy usage of mobile devices. While existing approaches to this issue focus entirely on improving the latency incurred by individual handoffs, in this paper, we initiate a novel approach to association control of mobile devices with the goal of reducing the frequency of handoffs for mobile devices. We study the handoff minimization problem across multiple dimensions: offline versus online where the complete knowledge of mobility patterns of users is known in advance or unknown respectively; capacity constrained versus unconstrained access points, which imposes limits on the number of mobile devices which could be associated with a given access point at any given point in time; group mobility versus arbitrary mobility of users, which are contrasting ways to model the mobility patterns of the mobile users. We consider various combinations of the above dimensions and present the following: (1) optimal algorithms, (2) provably-good online and offline approximation algorithms, (3) complexity (NP-Completeness) results, and (4) a practical heuristic which is demonstrated to work well on real network traces.  相似文献   

This paper considers the link-level and network-level performance of code division multiple access (CDMA) pilot interference cancellation (pilot IC) technology, a low-complexity advanced receiver technology being considered for use in commercial third generation (3G) CDMA cellular systems. The concept behind this technology is to estimate and cancel at the handset receiver the interference effects associated with CDMA downlink pilot signals broadcast from the base stations of the network. The canceling of interference at the receiver improves the signal-to-interference/noise ratio (SINR), which enables increased cell capacity or throughput. In this paper, we derive SINR expressions for evaluating the probability of error performance of both the RAKE and pilot IC handset receivers, under conventional random spreading code assumptions. The approach can easily and accurately model a wide variety of transmitter, channel, and receiver conditions, including the effects of channel estimation. We also utilize radio network simulations to illustrate and quantify the capacity gains available for 3G CDMA networks through the use of pilot IC handsets. Network simulations are also used to examine the reduced level of soft-handoff found to be possible in pilot IC-based networks and the increased flexibility available in setting pilot power levels. We further consider the impact of using stronger pilot signals for improving the demodulation performance of sensitive higher-order modulation constellations that are needed to support spectrally efficient high-rate data services.  相似文献   

Subscriber location in CDMA cellular networks   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Subscriber radio location techniques are investigated for code-division multiple-access (CDMA) cellular networks. Two methods are considered for radio location: measured times of arrival (ToA) and angles of arrival (AoA). The ToA measurements are obtained from the code tracking loop in the CDMA receiver, and the AoA measurements at a base station (BS) are assumed to be made with an antenna array. The performance of the two methods is evaluated for both ranging and two-dimensional (2-D) location, while varying the propagation conditions and the number of BS's used for the location estimate  相似文献   

Microcell engineering in CDMA cellular networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The demand for cellular radio services is growing rapidly, and in heavily populated areas the need arises to shrink the cell sizes and “scale” the clustering pattern. The extension of the service into the PCN domain, mostly in-buildings and in pedestrian areas, further enhances this trend. The vision of the “third generation” cellular systems incorporates micro- and picocells for pedestrian use, with macrocells for roaming mobiles. Connectivity between all these cells, while maximizing total system capacity, is the main challenge facing the “third generation architects.” The CDMA cellular system, which shares the same frequency channel across the system (reuse pattern of one) and applies soft handoff between the cells, has already shown, both by analysis and by tests, to have full connectivity between the microcells and the overlaying macrocells without capacity degradation. The parameters involved in the engineering of a heterogeneous CDMA network are discussed in the paper. Factors that determine the size of the cell, the soft handoff zone, and the capacity of the cell clusters are analyzed, and engineering techniques for overlay-underlay cell clustering are outlined  相似文献   

This letter presents an enhanced handoff control scheme allowing dynamic bandwidth sharing between different types of traffic for improving bandwidth utilization in multimedia mobile cellular networks. Performance results for the proposed scheme are obtained analytically and by simulation. The results demonstrate superior efficiency achieved by the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Power control has been widely studied and shown to be crucial for the capacity and performance of direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems. Practical implementations typically employ fast closed-loop power control, where transmitters adjust their transmit powers according to commands received in a feedback channel. The loop delay resulting from the measurements, processing, and transmission of the power control commands can result in oscillations of the transmission powers and lead to degradation in the system performance. In this paper we present new adaptive closed-loop power control algorithms that are able to alleviate the effect of the loop delay. The algorithms are based on self-tuning controllers designed for a log-linear model of the power control process. We carried out computational experiments on a DS-CDMA network using the distributed constrained power control (DCPC) as a reference algorithm. Practical versions of the algorithms are also provided and they were compared with the fixed-step power control (FSPC) algorithm employed in the IS-95 and WCDMA systems. The numerical results indicate that our algorithms can significantly improve the radio network capacity without any increase in power control signaling.  相似文献   

In cellular networks, blocking occurs when a base station has no free channel to allocate to a mobile user. One distinguishes between two kinds of blocking, the first is called new call blocking and refers to blocking of new calls, the second is called handoff blocking and refers to blocking of ongoing calls due to the mobility of the users. In this paper, we first provide explicit analytic expressions for the two kinds of blocking probabilities in two asymptotic regimes, i.e., for very slow mobile users and for very fast mobile users, and show the fundamental differences between these blocking probabilities. Next, an approximation is introduced in order to capture the system behavior for moderate mobility. The approximation is based on the idea of isolating a set of cells and having a simplifying assumption regarding the handoff traffic into this set of cells, while keeping the exact behavior of the traffic between cells in the set. It is shown that a group of 3 cells is enough to capture the difference between the blocking probabilities of handoff call attempts and new call attempts. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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