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Heparin co-factor II is in addition to antithrombin III another heparin dependent thrombin inhibitor. This glycoprotein blocks thrombin action not only in haemostasis but also in its other effects. Congenital deficiency of heparin co-factor II was found equally frequently among asymptomatic subjects and patients with thrombotic complications. Although its deficiency probably is not a serious risk factor of thromboembolic disease, it can promote its development in a significant way. The authors describe the case of a child with thrombotic complications and a congenital deficiency of heparin co-factor II.  相似文献   

HIV seroprevalence in a London same-day testing clinic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of HIV infection among people attending a confidential, non-genitourinary medicine based testing clinic that provides HIV antibody test results on the day of consultation. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of data collected on 2635 individuals attending the Same-Day HIV Testing Clinic at the Royal Free Hospital, London between March 1992 and February 1993. RESULTS: A total of 1612 men and 1023 women were tested for HIV antibody. The primary risk for HIV infection was heterosexual (71.7%; 1889 out of 2635) and homosexual contact (24.5%; 646 out of 2635). Fifty-four individuals were given positive HIV test results (46 men, median age 34 years; eight women, median age 27 years). Overall HIV seroprevalence was 2.0% (95% confidence interval, 1.5-2.5). HIV seroprevalence was highest among homosexual men (6.5%; 41 out of 635) and injecting drug users (5.7%; four out of 70). The rates for heterosexual men and women were 0.2% (two out of 915) and 0.7% (seven out of 974), respectively. Of the 54 individuals who were HIV-antibody-positive, 44 were Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stage II/III, eight stage IV and one was tested at the time of seroconversion (stage I; data were not available for one patient). Of the total numbers attending this clinic 27% (702 out of 2635) had previously been tested and received a negative result. Of a total of 54 HIV-antibody-positive individuals, 40% (21) had previously received a negative test result. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that seroprevalence amongst homosexual men attending a designated HIV testing clinic in London is lower than that reported by genitourinary clinic based testing sites. The large number of repeat testers who subsequently became infected with HIV suggests that there is a population requiring specific targetting for HIV risk reduction.  相似文献   

Seventy male Fischer 344 (F-344) rats were treated with s.c. injection of (-)deprenyl (0.5 mg/kg, n = 35) or physiological saline (n = 35) 3 times a week from the age of 18 months until the time of their natural death. The fifty percent survival time was 28 months in control animals and 30 months in the deprenyl treated group. The mean survival time after the start of treatment (18 months) and after 24 months were 378.3 +/- 97.4 days (mean +/- SD) and 196.3 +/- 97.4 days, respectively, in deprenyl treated rats and 328.7 +/- 108.8 days and 146.7 +/- 108.7 days in control rats. The increases in average life expectancies caused by deprenyl treatment (15% from 18 months and 34% from 24 months) were both statistically significant (P < 0.05, two-tailed t-test). The average body weights were comparable for both groups but the variation of body weight was greater in control groups, thus excluding the possibility that the life prolonging effect of deprenyl results from reduced dietary intake. The results confirm those of two previous studies (1,2) which reported a significant life prolonging effect of deprenyl in aged rats and lend added support to the results of a study on male F-344 rats where the effect was only marginally significant (16% increase after 24 months, P = 0.048 by one-tailed t test) (2).  相似文献   

This report provides HIV seroprevalence data for women who are sexually active with women (WSW) choosing to access services in four of New York State's counseling and testing programs from January 1993 to June 1994. During that period, these programs tested 27,370 women. When questioned about sexual activity since 1978, 3.7% of these women reported sexual activity exclusively with women, 5.3% reported sexual activity with both women and men and 90.1% reported sexual activity exclusively with men. HIV seroprevalence in women sexually active exclusively with women in this sample was calculated at 3.0%, at 4.8% in women sexually active with both women and men and at 2.9% in women sexually active exclusively with men. According to the self-reported data in this study, injecting drug use is, by far, the predominant risk factor for seropositive WSW. Significant HIV-related public health/preventative implications for WSW and their service providers are suggested by this data, including the need for prevention education targeted to WSW who are IDUs, the need to provide culturally sensitive education to WSW detailing safer sexual behaviors both with women and with men as well as the need for evaluation of all risk factors when providing risk reduction education to WSW.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed recent trends in HIV seroprevalence among injecting drug users in New York City. METHODS: We analyzed temporal trends in HIV seroprevalence from 1991 through 1996 in 5 studies of injecting drug users recruited from a detoxification program, a methadone maintenance program, research storefronts in the Lower East Side and Harlem areas, and a citywide network of sexually transmitted disease clinics. A total of 11,334 serum samples were tested. RESULTS: From 1991 through 1996, HIV seroprevalence declined substantially among subjects in all 5 studies: from 53% to 36% in the detoxification program, from 45% to 29% in the methadone program, from 44% to 22% at the Lower East Side storefront, from 48% to 21% at the Harlem storefront, and from 30% to 21% in the sexually transmitted disease clinics (all P < .002 by chi 2 tests for trend). CONCLUSIONS: The reductions in HIV seroprevalence seen among injecting drug users in New York City from 1991 through 1996 indicate a new phase in this large HIV epidemic. Potential explanatory factors include the loss of HIV-seropositive individuals through disability and death and lower rates of risk behavior leading to low HIV incidence.  相似文献   

HIV viral dynamics studies involve repeated measurement of viral load in HIV-infected individuals, to assess short-term rates of viral load change in response to interventions such as initiation or withdrawal of antiviral therapy. Such studies are an important source of information on HIV pathogenesis. This paper concerns some statistical issues arising in their design. Using a linear random-effects model to incorporate between-patient differences in rates of viral load change, I discuss the choice of number of individuals and frequency of observation per individual. I suggest an approach for calculating the optimal sample size and observation frequency, based on minimizing the total number of viral load measurements that one needs to undertake. The conclusion, using this approach, is that over a period of linear change in viral load, three to five measurements per individual is generally appropriate. I also examine the observation frequency when the number of available individuals is limited, in which case it is shown that one can use a higher frequency of measurement per individual to achieve adequate power or precision. Finally, I consider sources of data for prior specification of variance components, together with conservative designs that are insensitive to a lack of prior information about between-patient differences.  相似文献   

To determine the HIV seroprevalence in adult patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in Yaounde and to compare the incidence of adverse skin reactions in patients with and without HIV infection receiving thiacetazone-free antituberculosis treatment, we studied 235 consecutive patients aged 15 years or more admitted into the Chest Clinic of Hospital Jamot in Yaounde with a diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis from July 1 to December 31, 1994. HIV testing was done using two ELISAs and confirmed by Western blot. Each patient was monitored for adverse skin reactions to antituberculosis treatment during the two month initial phase of therapy in hospital. Of the 235 patients studied, 156 (66%) were males (mean age: 33 years) and 79 were females (mean age: 30.3 years). Overall, 16.6% (39 cases) of the 235 patients were HIV seropositive. The prevalence of HIV infection was significantly higher in women (24%) than in men (12.5%) (p = 0.02). Adverse skin reactions to antituberculosis treatment were observed in eleven (4.7%) of the 235 patients. The incidence of the reactions was significantly higher in HIV seropositive (23.1%) than in HIV seronegative patients (1.0%) (p < 10 - 7). Two HIV seropositive patients who developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome died. The drugs incriminated for adverse skin reactions in the nine patients who survived were pyrazinamide (four cases) and rifampicin (five cases).  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori causes chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa and has been identified in tracheobronchial secretions. Serum IgG against H. pylori was therefore measured prospectively in consecutive subjects with bronchiectasis (n = 100; mean age +/- SD 55.1 +/- 16.7 yr), active pulmonary tuberculosis (n = 87; age, 57.3 +/- 19.1 yr), and healthy volunteers (n = 94; age, 54.6 +/- 7.6 yr). Seropositivity was found in 76.0% of bronchiectatic subjects, which was significantly higher than that of the control (54.3%, p = 0.001) and tuberculous (52.9%, p = 0.0001) groups. Multiple logistic regression, adjusted for age, sex, occupational social class, and number of persons living in the household, showed that H. pylori IgG levels of the bronchiectatic group were still significantly higher than that of the control (p = 0.0014) and tuberculous (p = 0.0154) groups. Multiple regression analysis revealed associations between H. pylori serology and sputum volume (p = 0.03) and age (p = 0.001) in the bronchiectatic patients, but not lung function indices or causes of bronchiectasis. The H. pylori seroprevalence in bronchiectasis was significantly (p = 0.0002) higher in patients who produced more (83.1%) than those who produced less than 5 ml sputum/24 h (58.6%). This is the first report of a high H. pylori seroprevalence in bronchiectasis which appears to be specific. Further studies are indicated to evaluate the possible pathogenic role of H. pylori in bronchiectasis.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate clinical and patho-histological characteristics of childhood hepatoblastoma on their value as prognostic factors, and to evaluate the predictive impact of different staging systems for liver tumors on 72 patients treated in the German Pediatric Liver-Tumor Study HB89. Statistical analysis was performed by comparing patients' disease-free survival with characteristics and stages. Multivariate analysis was done by the Cox proportional-hazards model, the recursive partitioning and amalgamation model (RECPAM) and the model of clustering by response (CBR). The following characteristics were significantly related with prognosis: tumor involvement of one vs. both liver lobes, multifocal disseminated vs. unifocal growth pattern in the liver, distant metastases, vascular invasion, fetal vs. embryonal differentiation, and serum alpha-fetoprotein; patients with values of < or = 100 ng/ml or > or = 1,000,000 ng/ml had a worse outcome than those with 100 to 1,000,000 ng/ml. Multivariate analysis with the 3 models revealed that tumor-growth pattern, serum alpha-fetoprotein and, in the Cox and CBR models, vascular invasion also are independent prognostic factors, permitting the allocation of hepatoblastoma patients to 1 of 2 prognostic groups for differential therapy. Post-surgical staging and the conventional TNM system for liver carcinoma had a high predictive value, in contrast to a TNM system proposed by the UICC for testing on childhood liver tumors. We therefore propose that the TNM system for liver carcinoma be applied for comparison of treatment results in hepatoblastoma.  相似文献   

To determine whether US residents are infected with subtypes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 other than subtype B (Western), the predominant North American subtype with a unique GPGR genetic sequence in the V3 loop, viruses from 22 HIV-infected adults were serotyped and subtyped. Twenty patients had subtype B (Western), of whom 15 had serotype B (Western), 3 had serotype A/C, 1 had serotype B (Thai), and 1 had a nontypeable serotype. Two had subtype A, both serotype A/C. Both subtype A-infected patients, only 1 of whom had been outside the United States, reported sex with persons traveling abroad, suggesting possible acquisition in the United States. Because US residents are infected with non-subtype B (Western) strains, US surveillance for HIV-1 diversity is needed to elucidate subtype-specific transmission patterns and pathogenesis and to guide evaluation and development of HIV diagnostic tests and vaccines.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because of the limited availability of autologous tissue, stored allograft is commonly used. Before grafting, bank tissue is subjected to chemical preservation procedures. This procedure is important to diminish antigenicity and to inactivate possible inherent viruses. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different chemical preservation procedures like Cialit, Merthiolate, and formaldehyde on the presence of HIV DNA. METHODS: HIV-infected tissues were obtained from eight HIV-positive patients and examined using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). RESULTS: After chemical treatment, we could observe the presence of HIV DNA in all examined tissues. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate the importance of the mandatory serological screening and selection in donor patients.  相似文献   

This study reports for the first time on secular trends in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS, and possible associations with prevention policy in Austria. We analysed HIV seroprevalence and AIDS cases among intravenous drug users (IDU) and men who have sex with men (MSM). In this study we found a diminished rate of increase in new cases of AIDS and a decline in HIV seroprevalence among IDU but not among MSM. Among clients visiting HIV counselling and testing centres in Austria between 1987 and 1990, seroprevalence among IDU was estimated at 27.9% as compared to 19.6% between 1990 and 1992 (odds ratio (OR): 0.62; 0.45-0.85). Among MSM corresponding prevalence for these two periods was 12.1% and 10.9%, respectively, which was not a significant decline. In the period 1990 to 1994, the increase in AIDS cases per half-year levelled off for IDU (incidence rate ratio (IRR) :1.00; 0.99-1.01) but to a lesser extent among MSM (IRR: 1.01; 1.01-1.02). The most effective prevention policy intervention was considered to be the national Methadone Maintenance Program (MMTP), started in 1987, and the provision of sterile injection equipment. We observed that in the recent period there was a decline in the frequency of attendance among young (less than 28 years of age) MSM at counselling centres (OR: 1.27; 95 % CI: 1.08-1.49), accompanied by the observation that the rate of seroprevalence among this group did not decline. This is in contrast to young IDU where attendance did not decline but seroprevalence did. Although inference is limited from cross sectional studies, we argue for a reoriented and effectively monitored HIV prevention policy focused on young MSM.  相似文献   

JM Albert 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,15(21-22):2371-8; discussion 2405-12
In this paper, we discuss the analysis of data from small sample animal studies intended to evaluate HIV vaccine efficacy. The focus is on the chimpanzee model with HIV infection, a binary outcome, of primary interest. The problem becomes that of testing for a difference in independent binomial proportions, but aspects of the study design call into question the use of standard approaches. As sample sizes may be as small as one or two per group in this context, it is tempting to utilize previous data; such usage, however, carries a high price in terms of additional assumptions. We present a test, referred to as the control-conditional test, which conditions on the control data and assumes (in a manner of Bayesian estimation) only vague prior information. Comparisons are made with Fisher's exact test and an exact unconditional test. The control-conditional test is also generalized to allow the analysis of data from a differential dose design.  相似文献   

In 1996 the effects on the immunity profile of a Swiss population exposed to MMR vaccination, which has been recommended since 1985, were evaluated with an age-stratified seroprevalence study for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). At the age of 1.5-2.5 years, seroprevalence attained 76% for measles and rubella, which is respectively 17% and 24% above the values observed in 1992. The seroprevalence for mumps attained only 55% at the same age, which could reflect the poor immunogenicity of this component of the MMR vaccine. The seroprevalence for measles IgG showed a slow but steady increase from vaccination age to adulthood, attaining nearly 100%. The concentrations of measles IgG were about 700 IU/l into adolescence and rose to a plateau at about 1500 IU/l during young adulthood. These observations are compatible with low endemic activity of measles in the last 20 years and a predominance of vaccine-induced immunity up to about 20 years of age. This corresponds to the time period when measles vaccines--single or as MMR--have been in use. In 1992, at the peak of epidemic activity, seroprevalence for mumps rose substantially faster than in 1996. In addition, the rapid increase in quantitative values during preschool age mirrors the ongoing wild virus circulation with minimal vaccine effect. In the vaccine cohort (2-12 years of age) the seroprevalence of rubella IgG reached 70-80%. That there is no rise in the curve during school age shows that the recommended catch-up vaccinations before or during school age have been neglected. The median concentrations of rubella IgG were about 65 IU/ml at vaccination, declined to 40-50 IU/ml during preschool age, and rose again during school age, suggesting wild virus circulation. These data show that the MMR vaccine cover in Swiss children is insufficient to interrupt virus circulation, and administration of a second dose of MMR for catch-up immunisation has been omitted. The poor efficacy of the mumps component of the MMR vaccine that has mainly been used in Switzerland is also evident. The average age at infection is therefore expected to rise, thus involving a risk of increasing age-dependent complications. Efforts to implement the MMR vaccination program in Switzerland should be improved.  相似文献   

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