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掺硼对超纳米金刚石薄膜的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微波等离子体化学气相沉积(MPCVD)技术,利用氩气、甲烷、二氧化碳混合气体,制备出平均晶粒尺寸在7.480 nm左右,表面粗糙度在15.72 nm左右的高质量的超纳米金刚石薄膜;在此工艺基础上以硼烷作为掺杂气体,合成掺硼的金刚石薄膜.表征结果显示在一定的浓度范围内随着硼烷气体的通入,金刚石薄膜的晶粒尺寸及表面粗糙度增大、结晶性变好,不再具有超纳米金刚石膜的显微结构和表面形态;同时膜材的物相组成也发生改变,金刚石组份逐渐增多,并且膜层内出现了更明显的应力以及更好的导电性能.  相似文献   

We have determined the average preferred crystalline orientation of thin ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films using X-ray diffraction. The grain size and lattice parameters of the films were also calculated. We show how these characteristics change markedly with the gas chemistry used during growth, adding either 0-20% nitrogen or 0-15% hydrogen to the argon-rich, argon and methane microwave plasma used. We discuss how these changes give evidence that there is a competing growth mechanism between C2 dimer mediated growth and the more widely used methyl radical growth process. Finally, we identify an additional X-ray diffraction peak, dependent on both the substrate used and growth conditions, as silicon carbide. We discuss these results in the context of the growth mechanisms of ultrananocrystalline diamond.  相似文献   

Nanostructured biomaterials have been investigated for achieving desirable tissue-material interactions in medical implants. Ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) and nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) coatings are the two most studied classes of synthetic diamond coatings; these materials are grown using chemical vapor deposition and are classified based on their nanostructure, grain size, and sp3 content. UNCD and NCD are mechanically robust, chemically inert, biocompatible, and wear resistant, making them ideal implant coatings. UNCD and NCD have been recently investigated for ophthalmic, cardiovascular, dental, and orthopaedic device applications. The aim of this study was (a) to evaluate the in vitro biocompatibility of UNCD and NCD coatings and (b) to determine if variations in surface topography and sp3 content affect cellular response. Diamond coatings with various nanoscale topographies (grain sizes 5–400?nm) were deposited on silicon substrates using microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. Scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy revealed uniform coatings with different scales of surface topography; Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of carbon bonding typical of diamond coatings. Cell viability, proliferation, and morphology responses of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) to UNCD and NCD surfaces were evaluated. The hBMSCs on UNCD and NCD coatings exhibited similar cell viability, proliferation, and morphology as those on the control material, tissue culture polystyrene. No significant differences in cellular response were observed on UNCD and NCD coatings with different nanoscale topographies. Our data shows that both UNCD and NCD coatings demonstrate in vitro biocompatibility irrespective of surface topography.  相似文献   

A fast, simple, scalable technique is described for the controlled, solution-based, electrochemical synthesis of patterned metallic and semiconducting nanowires from reusable, nonsacrificial, ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) templates. This enables the repeated fabrication of arrays of complex patterns of nanowires, potentially made of any electrochemically depositable material. Unlike all other methods of patterning nanowires, this benchtop technique quickly mass-produces patterned nanowires whose diameters are not predefined by the template, without requiring intervening vacuum or clean room processing. This technique opens a pathway for studying nanoscale phenomena with minimal equipment, allowing the process-scale development of a new generation of nanowire-based devices.  相似文献   

A hard, low-wear probe for contact-mode writing techniques, such as dip-pen nanolithography (DPN), was fabricated using ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD). Molding within anisotropically etched and oxidized pyramidal pits in silicon was used to obtain diamond tips with radii down to 30 nm through growth of UNCD films followed by selective etching of the silicon template substrate. The probes were monolithically integrated with diamond cantilevers and subsequently integrated into a chip body obtained by metal electroforming. The probes were characterized in terms of their mechanical properties, wear, and atomic force microscopy imaging capabilities. The developed probes performed exceptionally well in DPN molecular writing/imaging mode. Furthermore, the integration of UNCD films with appropriate substrates and the use of directed microfabrication techniques are particularly suitable for fabrication of one- and two-dimensional arrays of probes that can be used for massive parallel fabrication of nanostructures by the DPN method.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the nucleation of self-assembled, epitaxial GaN nanowires (NWs) on (111) single-crystalline diamond without using a catalyst or buffer layer. The NWs show an excellent crystalline quality of the wurtzite crystal structure with m-plane faceting, a low defect density, and axial growth along the c-axis with N-face polarity, as shown by aberration corrected annular bright-field scanning transmission electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction confirms single domain growth with an in-plane epitaxial relationship of (10 ?10)(GaN) [parallel] (01 ?1)(Diamond) as well as some biaxial tensile strain induced by thermal expansion mismatch. In photoluminescence, a strong and sharp excitonic emission reveals excellent optical properties superior to state-of-the-art GaN NWs on silicon substrates. In combination with the high-quality diamond/NW interface, confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements, these results underline the potential of p-type diamond/n-type nitride heterojunctions for efficient UV optoelectronic devices.  相似文献   

Yang N  Uetsuka H  Osawa E  Nebel CE 《Nano letters》2008,8(11):3572-3576
Vertically aligned diamond nanowires with controlled geometrical properties like length and distance between wires were fabricated by use of nanodiamond particles as a hard mask and by use of reactive ion etching. The surface structure, electronic properties, and electrochemical functionalization of diamond nanowires were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) as well as electrochemical techniques. AFM and STM experiments show that diamond nanowire etched for 10 s have wire-typed structures with 3-10 nm in length and with typically 11 nm spacing in between. The electrode active area of diamond nanowires is enhanced by a factor of 2. The functionalization of nanowire tips with nitrophenyl molecules is characterized by STM on clean and on nitrophenyl molecule-modified diamond nanowires. Tip-modified diamond nanowires are promising with respect to biosensor applications where controlled biomolecule bonding is required to improve chemical stability and sensing significantly.  相似文献   

The combination of the unique properties of ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films and of semiconductor quantum dot (QD) structures could significantly improve the performance of different electronic and optoelectronic devices, where e.g. good thermal management and advanced mechanical parameters are required. In the current work quantum dot InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) with different densities between 1.6 × 1010 cm− 2 and 1.6 × 1011 cm− 2 controlled by the substrate temperature in the range between 490 and 515 °C. These structures were overgrown with UNCD by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MWCVD) using methane/nitrogen mixtures at 570 °C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that without ultrasonic pretreatment the diamond nucleation density on QD structures is low and only separate islands of UNCD are deposited, while after pretreatment thin closed films are formed. From the cross-section SEM images a growth rate of ca. 3 nm/min is estimated which is very close to that on silicon at the same deposition conditions. The UNCD coatings exhibit a morphology consisting of two types of structures as shown by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The first one includes nodules with diameters between 180 and 350 nm varying with the density of the underlying QDs; the second is formed by a kind of granular substructure of these nodules with diameters of about 40 nm for all QD densities. The optical properties were investigated by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy before and after the deposition of UNCD. The PL signals of QD structures overgrown with UNCD, although with decreased intensity, remain almost unchanged with respect to the peak positions and widths, revealing that the UNCD/QD structures retain the optical properties of uncoated InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots.  相似文献   

The fabrication of diamond nanopatterns by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) oxygen plasma with a composite metal octylate mask was investigated using electron beam lithography technology. A high etching selectivity of 14 was obtained with Bi4Ti3O12 octylate film as a mask under the plasma-etching conditions of microwave power of 300 W and oxygen gas flow rate of 3 sccm. The metal naphthenates and metal octylates exhibited negative exposure characteristics. The sensitivity of metal naphthenates (1.2×10–3 C cm–2) was ten times lower than that of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resist, while that of octylates (8.0×10–5 C cm–2) was in good agreement with that of PMMA resist (6.0×10–5 C cm–2). The resulting minimum chemical vapor deposited (CVD) diamond line-width of 100 nm with a height of approximately 1 m was fabricated with a Bi4Ti3O12 octylate mask.  相似文献   

In atomic force microscopy (AFM), sharp and wear-resistant tips are a critical issue. Regarding scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), electrodes are required to be mechanically and chemically stable. Diamond is the perfect candidate for both AFM probes as well as for electrode materials if doped, due to diamond's unrivaled mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical properties. In this study, standard AFM tips were overgrown with typically 300 nm thick nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) layers and modified to obtain ultra sharp diamond nanowire-based AFM probes and probes that were used for combined AFM-SECM measurements based on integrated boron-doped conductive diamond electrodes. Analysis of the resonance properties of the diamond overgrown AFM cantilevers showed increasing resonance frequencies with increasing diamond coating thicknesses (i.e., from 160 to 260 kHz). The measured data were compared to performed simulations and show excellent correlation. A strong enhancement of the quality factor upon overgrowth was also observed (120 to 710). AFM tips with integrated diamond nanowires are shown to have apex radii as small as 5 nm and where fabricated by selectively etching diamond in a plasma etching process using self-organized metal nanomasks. These scanning tips showed superior imaging performance as compared to standard Si-tips or commercially available diamond-coated tips. The high imaging resolution and low tip wear are demonstrated using tapping and contact mode AFM measurements by imaging ultra hard substrates and DNA. Furthermore, AFM probes were coated with conductive boron-doped and insulating diamond layers to achieve bifunctional AFM-SECM probes. For this, focused ion beam (FIB) technology was used to expose the boron-doped diamond as a recessed electrode near the apex of the scanning tip. Such a modified probe was used to perform proof-of-concept AFM-SECM measurements. The results show that high-quality diamond probes can be fabricated, which are suitable for probing, manipulating, sculpting, and sensing at single digit nanoscale.  相似文献   

To better understand the imperfection influence on the ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) properties under various loading conditions, a numerical study is performed to investigate the effect of vacancies on the mechanical responses of pure and nitrogen (N)-doped UNCD films under tensile and shear loading paths at elevated temperatures. A simple procedure is developed by combining kinetic Monte Carlo with molecular dynamics (MD) methods to form a polycrystalline UNCD block. Different numbers of vacancies are introduced by randomly removing carbon atoms from the resulting UNCD blocks. The responses of the simulated pure and N-doped UNCD blocks with different numbers of vacancies are then investigated by applying displacement–controlled loading under different temperatures in the MD simulations. The simulation results presented in this paper provide a better understanding of the imperfection effect on the mechanical responses of pure and N-doped UNCD films as compared with the grain boundary effect.  相似文献   

Freestanding ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films with homojunction insulating layer in situ grown on a conducting layer showed superior electron field emission (EFE) properties. The insulating layer of the films contains large dendrite type grains (400-600 nm in size), whereas the conducting layer contains nanosize equi-axed grains (5-20 nm in size) separated by grain boundaries of about 0.5-1 nm in width. The conducting layer possesses n-type (or semimetallic) conductivity of about 5.6 × 10(-3) (Ω cm)(-1), with sheet carrier concentration of about 1.4 × 10(12) cm(-2), which is ascribed to in situ doping of Li-species from LiNbO(3) substrates during growth of the films. The conducting layer intimately contacts the bottom electrodes (Cu-foil) by without forming the Schottky barrier, form homojunction with the insulating layer that facilitates injection of electrons into conduction band of diamond, and readily field emitted at low applied field. The EFE of freestanding UNCD films could be turned on at a low field of E(0) = 10.0 V/μm, attaining EFE current density of 0.2 mA/cm(2) at an applied field of 18.0 V/μm, which is superior to the EFE properties of UNCD films grown on Si substrates with the same chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. Such an observation reveals the importance in the formation of homojunction on enhancing the EFE properties of materials. The large grain granular structure of the freestanding UNCD films is more robust against harsh environment and shows high potential toward diamond based electronic applications.  相似文献   

We show theoretically that the low-field carrier mobility in silicon nanowires can be greatly enhanced by embedding the nanowires within a hard material such as diamond. The electron mobility in the cylindrical silicon nanowires with 4-nm diameter, which are coated with diamond, is 2 orders of magnitude higher at 10 K and a factor of 2 higher at room temperature than the mobility in a free-standing silicon nanowire. The importance of this result for the downscaled architectures and possible silicon-carbon nanoelectronic devices is augmented by an extra benefit of diamond, a superior heat conductor, for thermal management.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Zhao J  Jiang X 《Nanotechnology》2011,22(40):405705
The atomic and electronic structures, heat of formation, Young's modulus, and ideal strength of hydrogenated diamond nanowires (DNWs) with different cross-sections (from 0.06 to 2.80 nm(2)) and crystallographic orientations ((100), (110), (111), and (112)) have been investigated by means of first-principles simulations. For thinner DNWs (cross-sectional area less than 0.6 nm(2)), preferential growth orientation along (111) is observed. The Young's modulus and ideal strength of these DNWs decrease with decreasing cross-section and show anisotropic effects. Moreover, the band gap of DNWs is sensitive to the size, crystallographic orientation and tensile strain, implying the possibility of a tunable gap. The effective mass at the edges of the conduction band and valence band are also obtained. These theoretical results are helpful for designing novel optoelectronic devices and electromechanical sensors using diamond nanowires.  相似文献   

Patterned, ultra-thin surface layers can serve as templates for positioning nanoparticlesor targeted self-assembly of molecular structures, for example, block-copolymers. This work investigates the high-resolution, atomic force microscopebased patterning of 2 nm thick vinyl-terminated polystyrene brush layers and evaluates the line broadening due to tip degradation. This work compares the patterning properties with those of a silane-based fluorinated self-assembled monolayer (SAM), using molecular heteropatterns generated by modified polymer blend lithography (brush/SAM-PBL). Stable line widths of 20 nm (FWHM) over lengths of over 20000 µm indicate greatly reduced tip wear, compared to expectations on uncoated SiOx surfaces. The polymer brush acts as a molecularly thin lubricating layer, thus enabling a 5000 fold increase in tip lifetime, and the brush is bonded weakly enough that it can be removed with surgical accuracy. On traditionally used SAMs, either the tip wear is very high or the molecules are not completely removed. Polymer Phase Amplified Brush Editing is presented, which uses directed self-assembly to amplify the aspect ratio of the molecular structures by a factor of 4. The structures thus amplified allow transfer into silicon/metal heterostructures, fabricating 30 nm deep, all-silicon diffraction gratings that could withstand focused high-power 405 nm laser irradiation.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the possibility to selectively reduce insulating fluorinated graphene to conducting and semiconducting graphene by electron beam irradiation. Electron-irradiated fluorinated graphene microstructures show 7 orders of magnitude decrease in resistivity (from 1 TΩ to 100 kΩ), whereas nanostructures show a transport gap in the source-drain bias voltage. In this transport gap, electrons are localized, and charge transport is dominated by variable range hopping. Our findings demonstrate a step forward to all-graphene transparent and flexible electronics.  相似文献   

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