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The relationship between household endotoxin and asthma in children is not clear. To further investigate the relationship between sources of endotoxin and childhood asthma, we conducted a case-control study of children with and without asthma and examined their more frequent household exposures in the home. Children ages 6-13 years with current asthma (n = 70) or wheeze only (n = 19) were sex and age matched (+/-1 year) to 107 controls. Play area and mattress dust were collected for endotoxin analysis. Atopic status was determined by skin prick testing for allergies. A family size of >4 per household was associated with higher endotoxin levels (EU/mg) in the bed dust (P < 0.05). Passive smoking (P < 0.05) and the presence of a cat were associated with higher levels of endotoxin in mattress dust. Endotoxin levels in either the play dust or the bed dust did not differ between cases and controls. Within atopic cases, those with higher endotoxin loads (EU/m2) in bed or play areas were more likely to miss school for chest illness (P < 0.05). In this study, household endotoxin is not a risk factor for current asthma overall but may be associated with increased severity in children with atopic asthma. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This study did not find that household sources of endotoxin were associated with asthma. However, within atopic asthmatics, asthma severity (as measured by a history of being kept home from school because of a chest illness in the past year) was associated with higher levels of endotoxin in dust from the child's bed. There is a need to further investigate the nature of the relationship between household endotoxin and asthma severity in children which could lead to better management of childhood asthma.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that exposure to cats and dogs during early childhood reduces the risk of allergic disease, possibly by increasing home endotoxin exposure. This study asked the question of whether cats and dogs are the dominant influence on dust endotoxin concentrations in homes after considering other variables reportedly associated with endotoxin. The presence of cats or dogs in homes, household and home characteristics, and dust endotoxin concentrations from 5 locations were assessed in 966 urban and suburban homes. Whether considered together as pets or as cats and dogs separately, the presence of cats and dogs significantly contributed to living room and bedroom floor endotoxin concentrations, but not to bed endotoxin concentrations. However, the two variables consistently related to endotoxin in all home sites were the home occupant density (occupants/room) and cleanliness of the home. Our data suggest that reducing occupant density and improving home cleanliness would reduce home endotoxin concentrations more than removing pet cats or dogs from the home.  相似文献   

Endotoxin concentrations in settled house dust were measured within the collaborative study named INGA (Indoor Exposure and Genetics in Asthma) together with other asthma-related indoor factors in 405 randomly selected homes in two German cities. Endotoxin was assayed using the quantitative kinetic chromogenic Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) method. The mean concentration of 2,274 ng endotoxin/g dust in living rooms is about two orders of magnitude below mean occupational exposure (e.g. agriculture). Endotoxin concentrations are higher in old buildings (means ratio = (MR) 1.52, 95% C.I.: 1.14; 2.04), and in the lower storey of the dwelling (MR = 1.30, 95% C.I.: 1.04; 1.62). Furthermore, higher endotoxin concentrations are associated with longer occupancy in the apartment (MR = 1.63, 95% C.I.: 1.21; 2.18), high utilisation of the apartment during the sampling period (MR = 2.52, 95% C.I.: 1.42; 4.47), infrequent vacuum cleaning of the carpets (MR = 1.67; 95% C.I.: 1.10; 2.54), an indifferent attitude to ventilation (MR = 1.37; 95% C.I.: 1.03; 1.82), keeping cats (MR = 1.91; 95% C.I.: 1.43; 2.55) and dogs (1.57; 95% C.I.: 1.08; 2.30), as well as the occurrence of mice (MR = 1.39; 95% C.I.: 1.00; 1.93). The season and indoor climate (operative temperature and relative humidity) did not effect endotoxin concentration. These results indicate that high endotoxin concentration in settled dust is an indicator of poor hygienic conditions in homes.  相似文献   

The comparison of endotoxin levels between study populations and countries is limited as a result of differences in sampling, extraction, and storage procedures. The objective of this study is to assess the levels and determinants of endotoxin in mattress and living room floor dust samples from three European countries, namely, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden, using a standardized sampling, storage, and analysis protocol. The mattress and living room floor dust was collected from the homes of 1065 German, Dutch, and Swedish (pre-)school children. All the samples were collected in the cool season and analyzed for endotoxin in a central laboratory. The determinants were assessed by a standardized questionnaire. The endotoxin concentrations in mattress and living room floor dust were found to be the highest in German homes and lowest in the Swedish ones. Differences between the geometric means were small (factor 1.1-1.7). Most of the associations between endotoxin concentrations and potential determinants were not statistically significant and heterogeneous across countries. However, keeping pets and having more than four persons living in the home were consistently associated with up to 1.7-fold higher endotoxin concentrations in mattress and floor dust. Furthermore, having carpets or rugs, and opening the windows frequently was associated with up to 3.4-fold and 1.3-fold higher endotoxin concentrations in living room floor dust, respectively. The proportion of variance explained by the questionnaire variables was generally low. In conclusion, the data on housing characteristics did not accurately predict the endotoxin concentrations in house dust, and could only partly explain the differences between countries. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The differences between the endotoxin concentrations in German, Dutch, and Swedish homes are small. House dust endotoxin concentrations are associated with a number of housing factors, such as pet-ownership, floor cover, number of persons living in the home, and ventilation. The variability of the endotoxin levels between homes and countries can only be partly explained by these factors.  相似文献   

Wickens K  Lane J  Siebers R  Ingham T  Crane J 《Indoor air》2004,14(3):217-222
Variable methods of dust collection may lead to uncertainty in the measurement of biomarkers. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of two different dust collection devices on dust weight, Der p 1, Fel d 1, and endotoxin levels. We compared: (1) a nylon mesh sock inserted between the furniture attachment and the vacuum hose (the reference method) and (2) the ALK device. Duplicate dust samples were collected for 2 min from 2 m(2) of 37 living room floors and from each longitudinal half of 37 mattresses. Measurement of Der p 1 and Fel d 1 were by double monoclonal antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and endotoxin by a Limulus Amobocyte Lysate assay. Geometric mean ratios (95% confidence intervals) were calculated to show the differences between sampling devices for each measurement. Compared with the ALK device, the reference method collected significantly more dust from floors (sevenfold) and mattresses (threefold) and more total Der p 1, Fel d 1, and endotoxin in both sites. Floor, but not mattress, Der p 1 concentrations were also significantly higher (threefold) using our reference method. We recommend that, in order to minimize sampling device bias, allergen and endotoxin are expressed as a concentration, and that the bed is considered the major source of allergen exposure. Practical Implications Dust sampling equipment can influence the dust yield. In order to have confidence in comparisons of allergen and endotoxin reservoir levels between centers, standardization in the use of sampling equipment is important.  相似文献   

East-West differences in prevalence of asthma and allergies were suggested to be associated with lifestyle factors. To describe endotoxin levels in mattress dust samples from East and West German homes collected approximately 10 years after reunification. To identify factors that may account for an East-West difference. Dust was collected from mattresses of 2157 infants and 2108 mothers living in Leipzig (former East Germany) and Munich (West Germany). Endotoxin was measured using a chromogenic kinetic Limulus amoebocyte lysate test. Data on bedding, dwelling, and housing characteristics, and occupants' behavior were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Endotoxin levels were significantly higher in Leipzig compared with Munich for the infants' mattresses but not for the mothers' mattresses. Apart from this, predictors for the mothers' and the infants' mattresses were very similar. Pet-ownership and contact with animals outside the home were most influential. Endotoxin levels in mattress dust were highest in summer and increased with the number of persons living in the household. The overall percentage of variability in endotoxin levels explained by these factors was low. Endotoxin levels were associated with lifestyle factors discussed within the framework of the hygiene hypothesis. None of these factors explains the difference in infant's mattress dust endotoxin between Leipzig and Munich or could be used as a surrogate for endotoxin. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Endotoxin levels in mattress dust are associated with a number of factors discussed in the framework of the hygiene hypothesis; among other things they are associated with pet-ownership, contact with pets and number of persons living in the home. However, none of these factors and not even a combination of factors explains the variability of endotoxin levels between homes.  相似文献   

Endotoxin exposures have manifold effects on human health. The geographical variation and determinants of domestic endotoxin levels in Europe have not yet been extensively described. To investigate the geographical variation and determinants of domestic endotoxin concentrations in mattress dust in Europe using data collected in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey follow-up (ECRHS II). Endotoxin levels were measured in mattress dust from 974 ECRHS II participants from 22 study centers using an immunoassay. Information on demographic, lifestyle, and housing characteristics of the participants was obtained in face-to-face interviews. The median endotoxin concentration in mattress dust ranged from 772 endotoxin units per gram (EU/g) dust in Reykjavik, Iceland, to 4806 EU/g in Turin, Italy. High average outdoor summer temperature of study center, cat or dog keeping, a high household crowding index, and visible damp patches in the bedroom were significantly associated with a higher endotoxin concentrations in mattress dust. There is a large variability in domestic endotoxin levels across Europe. Average outdoor summer temperature of study center, which explains only 10% of the variation in domestic endotoxin level by center, is the strongest meteorological determinant. The observed variation needs to be taken into account when evaluating the health effects of endotoxin exposures in international contexts. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The incoherent observations of the health effects of endotoxin may be partly owing to the geographical heterogeneity of endotoxin exposure. Therefore, the observed variation should be considered in further studies. Measurements of indoor endotoxin are recommended as an indicator for the level of exposures of individual domestic environments.  相似文献   

Excessive moisture in building materials supports microbial growth. It has been referred that relative humidity more than 55% promotes the microbial growth. To test the effect of different relative humidity tropical chamber test was set up at 52%, 76%, 85% and 96% RH and maximum diversity of fungi was found at 85% and 96% RH. Two fungi Aspergillus sydowi and Aspergillus flavipes were present throughout the course of study from moderate to highly abundant form. It was observed that Fusarium moniliforme, Cephalosporium acremonium, Papulospora sp. proliferated at higher relative humidity (i.e. at 85% and 96.6% RH) and Fusarium roseum, Fusarium oxysporum only at 96% RH level. The relative humidity level lower than 62%, i.e. at 52% level exhibited no fungal growth on sandstone surface during two-year observations. During the study pattern it was noticed that diversity decreased gradually and dominance of particular species increased with the time factor. Analysis of sandstone after fungal colonization by X-ray diffraction and SEM showed the formation of newly formed biomineral.  相似文献   

Endotoxin was measured in air and dust samples collected during four commercial aircraft flights. Samples were analyzed for endotoxin biological activity using the Limulus assay. 3-hydroxy fatty acids (3-OH FA) of carbon chain lengths C10:0-C18:0 were determined in dust by gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. The geometric mean (geometric standard deviation) endotoxin air level was 1.5 EU/m3 (1.9, n = 28); however, significant differences were found by flight within aircraft type. Mean endotoxin levels were significantly higher in carpet dust than in seat dust (140 +/- 81 vs. 51 +/- 25 EU/mg dust, n = 32 each, P < 0.001). Airborne endotoxin levels were not significantly related to either carpet or seat dust endotoxin levels. Mean 3-OH FA levels were significantly higher in carpet dust than in seat dust for C10:2, C12:0, and C14:0 (P < 0.001 for each), while the mean level of C16:0 was significantly higher in seat dust than in carpet dust (P < 0.01). Carpet dust endotoxin was significantly, but moderately, correlated with 3-OH-C12:0 and 3-OH-C14:0 (Pearson r = 0.52 and 0.48, respectively), while correlation of seat dust endotoxin with individual 3-OH FAs depended on the test statistic used. Mean endotoxin potency was significantly higher for carpet dust than for seat dust (6.3 +/- 3.0 vs. 3.0 +/- 1.4 EU/pmol LPS, P < 0.0001). Mean endotoxin levels in the air and dust of commercial aircraft cabins were generally higher than mean levels reported in homes and office buildings. These results suggest that exposure route and dust source are important considerations when relating endotoxin exposure to specific health outcomes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the geographic variation and determinants of bacterial endotoxin and β ‐(1,3)‐d ‐glucan in Danish house dust. In a population of 317 children, we: (i) described loads and concentrations of floor dust, endotoxin, and β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan and (ii) their correlations and (iii) assessed their determinants; (iv) Finally, we compared our findings with previous European studies. Bedroom floor dust was analyzed for endotoxin content by the kinetic limulus amoebocyte lysate assay and for β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan by the inhibition enzyme immunoassay. The parents answered questions regarding potential determinants. We found: geometric means (geometric standard deviations) 186 mg/m2 (4.3) for dust; 5.46 × 103EU/m2 (8.0) and 31.1 × 103EU/g (2.6) for endotoxin; and 142 μg/m2 (14.3) and 0.71 × 103 μg/g (7.3) for β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan. High correlations (> 0.75) were found between floor dust and endotoxin and β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan loads, while endotoxin and β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan concentrations were moderately correlated (= 0.36–0.41) with the dust load. Having a carpet was positively associated with dust load and with endotoxin and β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan concentrations. Pet keeping, dwelling type, and dwelling location were determinants of endotoxin concentrations. No other determinants were associated with β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan concentrations. Compared with other European studies, we found lower β‐(1→3)‐d ‐glucan loads and concentrations but higher endotoxin loads and concentrations suggesting a geographically determined different composition of Danish floor dust compared with other European regions.  相似文献   

Analysis of indoor humidity environment in Chinese residential buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high or low humidity environment is related closely to not only many health problems, but also has great influence on the construction durability and energy consumption. It is very important to control humidity level, in order to achieve a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. However, various problems of the air humidity in inhabited dwellings are not yet taken serious consideration in China. Moreover, there is hardly any information available regarding the actual humidity environment in Chinese residential houses. For this reason, it is difficult to select appropriate moderate moisture strategies to maintain a harmonious indoor humidity level.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of investigations made with different sizes of walls constructed with ceramic pieces, with steel reinforcement set on mortar beds.  相似文献   

Huang H  Wu QY  Yang Y  Hu HY 《Water research》2011,45(16):4751-4757
Wastewater reuse is a viable and attractive method to address water shortage problems. However, wastewater can have high endotoxin activity. Endotoxins are toxic inflammatory agents and are considered a risk factor for wastewater reuse. In this study, the effect of chlorination on endotoxin activity in secondary sewage effluent was evaluated by Limulus (Tachypleus tridentatus) Amebocyte Lysate assay. It was found that chlorination could not decrease endotoxin activity of secondary effluent effectively under the conditions employed in this study. Chlorination of a pure cultured Gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli), and a Gram-negative bacterium isolated from secondary sewage effluent, resulted in a significant increase in endotoxin activity, suggesting that the presence of Gram-negative bacteria contributed substantially to endotoxin activity, masking any potential reduction that may be attributable to chlorination. Furthermore, the activities of both free and cell-bound endotoxins in pure culture increased significantly during chlorination due to cell wall damage induced by chlorination.  相似文献   

Interest in finding out passive ways to keep the variation in the indoor climate within the comfort zone is gaining in popularity. One possible solution is the use of the moisture-buffering property of materials. In this study, the effects of the ventilation system and moisture-buffering properties of the building fabric on the stability of the indoor temperature and humidity are analysed by means of long-term field measurements. Indoor climate measurements were carried out in 170 detached houses (248 rooms). Temperature and relative humidity were measured continuously in bedrooms and living rooms at one-hour intervals over a one-year period. In general, it may be concluded that in this study, the ventilation had a greater effect on the indoor climate than the properties of the building fabric. The dampening effect of hygroscopic materials was remarkably less in the field measurements than it was in simulations in different studies. This indicates that completely non-hygroscopic and fully hygroscopic houses do not exist in reality. The hygroscopic mass of furniture, textiles, etc. is probably a factor that plays a significant role in indoor humidity, as do real air change rates, including window airing. Simulation tools need to be modified in order to be able also to handle furniture, textiles, and books, etc.  相似文献   

Endotoxin, a component of gram-negative bacterial cell walls, is a pro-inflammatory agent that induces local and systemic inflammatory responses in normal subjects which can contribute to the risk of developing asthma and chronic obstructive lung diseases. A probabilistic approach linking models of exposure, internal dosimetry, and health effects was carried out to quantitatively assess the potential inhalation risk of airborne endotoxin in homes during the winter and summer seasons. Combining empirical data and modeling results, we show that the half-maximum effect of the endotoxin dose (ED50) was estimated to be 707.9 (95% confidence interval (CI): 308.8-1287.0) endotoxin units (EU) for body temperature change, 481.8 (95% CI: 333.2-630.3) EU for elevation of neutrophils, and 1174.5 (95% CI: 816.0-1532.9) EU for elevation of the cytokine, interleukin-6. Our study also suggests that airborne endotoxin in homes may pose potential risks, and a higher risk for elevation of neutrophils and cytokine interleukin-6 appeared in winter season than in summer. Our study offers a risk-management framework for discussion of future studies of human respiratory exposure to airborne endotoxin.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the human bioclimatic conditions in rural, urban and urban forest areas in the conditions of the city of Erzurum, where an extreme continental climate type prevails. Data were obtained over a 10-month period and human bioclimatic conditions in these three different land-use types were evaluated using human bioclimatic indices, suitable for the data obtained. In the study, thermohygrometric index (THI), which assesses air temperature and relative humidity, and “beer garden days” index, which uses the days when temperature at 21:00 is over 20 °C, were used. While in these three areas “hot” and “comfort” ranges were determined to be 10% of the period, the number of “beer garden” days was only 20 days in rural, 15 days in urban forest and 18 days in urban areas of Erzurum. Consequently, it has been determined that the most suitable area for the human comfort in the conditions of Erzurum is in the urban area which is followed by the urban forest and the rural areas, both for each observation time and across the whole period.  相似文献   

Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent gas commonly found in homes and is a respiratory irritant, sensitizer, carcinogen, and asthma trigger. Typical household sources include plywood and particleboard, cleaners, cosmetics, pesticides, and others. Development of a fast and simple measurement technique could facilitate continued research on this important chemical. The goal of this research is to apply an inexpensive short‐term measurement method to find correlations between formaldehyde sources and concentration, and formaldehyde concentration and asthma control. Formaldehyde was measured using 30‐min grab samples in length‐of‐stain detector tubes in homes (n = 70) of asthmatics in the Boston, MA area. Clinical status and potential formaldehyde sources were determined. The geometric mean formaldehyde level was 35.1 ppb and ranged from 5 to 132 ppb. Based on one‐way ANOVA, t‐tests, and linear regression, predictors of log‐transformed formaldehyde concentration included absolute humidity, season, and the presence of decorative laminates, fiberglass, or permanent press fabrics (P < 0.05), as well as temperature and household cleaner use (P < 0.10). The geometric mean formaldehyde concentration was 57% higher in homes of children with very poorly controlled asthma compared to homes of other asthmatic children (P = 0.078). This study provides a simple method for measuring household formaldehyde and suggests that exposure is related to poorly controlled asthma.  相似文献   

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