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针对日本人口老龄化、多死问题导致了一系列的社会问题和环境问题,以日本墓地景观设计为案例,介绍了日本墓地景观的产生背景、墓地景观的形式与做法,阐述了日本风景园林设计师在墓地景观园林设计中回归自然的设计理念,并展望了中国墓地景观设计前景。  相似文献   

正墓地在日本似乎是非常平常的,人们就把公墓建在他们的住宅旁边。居住的人和墓地之间的关系是很和谐的。根据这种现象,我们计划为无家可归的人们设计一座"城市墓地"来纪念被毁掉的城市。但是人们不应该总是沉浸在悲伤当中,所以我们把墓地放到地面以下,而在地面以上设计了一个公园,以此来重新唤起人们心中的希望。  相似文献   

近年来,伴随土地流转承包制度在我国的普遍推行、土地资源的日益稀缺以及老龄化问题的加重,农村墓地建设与耕地资源保护以及土地资源利用权益的矛盾日益突出,由此引发的经济、民事纠纷不断,严重威胁着社会主义新农村建设事业的顺利开展。新形势下,解决农村墓地建设问题,推行农村墓葬改革愈发急迫。本文通过分析最新农村墓地建设形势,寻找问题背后的深刻原因,对广泛存在于我国农村的墓地建设问题提出针对性建议,从而为农村墓地建设改革提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了阿尔多·罗西的城市建筑理论以及设计实践中对城市建筑类型学的提出和发展,以罗西的圣卡塔尔多墓地设计方案作为研究对象,着重从对类型的提炼和重新的解释两方面分析了墓地的场地布置和个体建筑设计。  相似文献   

如果说墓地是生者的城市与死者的世界之间的联系,那新的Tavazzano con Villavesco墓地将这种关系更加具体反映到了有趣的景观与建筑上。这个公墓用公园般的环境,营造一种积极的气氛,在那里有更加明确的个性元素,但也遵从了传统的拉丁模式,面积很大,很优雅,意大利式的。作为一种替代传统的、强化"城市"概  相似文献   

正中国人的传统的意识中,人在去世后的归属应该是一种自然的状态,这也是为什么中国的墓地大多数都暴露在自然状态下而很少在寺庙或教堂之中。所以我试图思考如何在这种自然的传统模式下实现这一"建筑"主题,其中自然、时间和人这3个元素以及互相作用的结果就能形成这一"建筑"的结果。在归有光的《项脊轩志》中有这么一句话:"庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。"这可能就是最好表达自然、人、时间以及生死的一句感触。接着我开始反思墓地这一功能本质。  相似文献   

<正>古比奥墓地的扩建是一种新型公共建筑的探索。一方面,它代表着意大利最重要的中世纪城市古比奥的纪念墓地的最新发展;另一方面又赋予它在城市结构中的意义和中心地位。平面由线性的几何体构成,在城市结构中体现出乡村式的布局,折射出周边景观和历史城市的特征。这种城市聚落的概念由大的围合广场得以强化,这些开放空间形成了城市结构中的空间韵律。这种空间是受了詹姆斯·特里尔天窗的启发。作为令人愉悦的公共空间,它与墓地是相互独立的,让人能  相似文献   

日本最大的建筑企业清水公司和其他一些建筑公司,最近提出了一个大胆的设想,策划在月球上建旅馆和墓地。 日本清水公司计划在月球上建造一座旅馆,其主要市场将是新婚夫妇。届时,新婚夫妇将乘宇宙飞船  相似文献   

毕业设计《暗物质》研究了遗体的生态价值及其对促进城市墓地生物多样性的潜在作用.该项目采用地上腐熟加速技术(即"自然有机还原"),将人体组织和骨骼转化为富含养分的类土壤.遗体随着时间的推移逐渐腐烂、与生态环境融合,对逝者的吊唁和缅怀就此永恒.能量和物质在转化的过程中转移至邻近的其他生命,整个自然系统和生态生产力都成为了纪...  相似文献   

潘莹  施瑛 《华中建筑》2009,27(9):9-12
苏珊·拉斯顿的《英国园林——皇家园林、私家园林和公共园林》一书是研究英国景观发展史的重要文献,全书按时间顺序编写,该文取自原书之第六章,展现了18世纪自然风致园的形成和发展的历史过程,对于景观专业学生全面的了解自然风致园产生的自然人文背景有重要意义。  相似文献   

Two hundred ICT companies based in Germany were interviewed to find out which regional and company specific factors may have a measurable direct impact on corporate growth. The analysis found that firm age and size, export ratio, expenditure on research and development, product innovation, venture capital and concrete co‐operation between companies seem to have a direct effect on the growth of ICT companies. Surprisingly, the presented ordered probit cross section analysis indicates that active participation in an ICT cluster is associated with low growth perspectives of ICT firms.  相似文献   

This paper uses the panel data regression model to study the Taiwanese construction industry during the period 1982–1995 because during this period, Taiwan’s gross domestic product shows a structural change in economic growth trends over three business cycles. This design allows us to examine whether the effects of firm characteristics and economic growth on capital structure vary with macroeconomic conditions and across periods with changing economic growth trends. First, the results show that the effect of macroeconomic conditions on capital structure is counter-cyclical. Second, the effects of firm characteristics on capital structure can vary with macroeconomic conditions, although firm characteristics do not have a direct effect on capital structure. Third, the effects of firm characteristics on capital structure can vary across periods with changing economic growth trends. Finally, economic growth does not have a direct effect on capital structure. However, the effect of economic growth on capital structure can vary with macroeconomic conditions and across periods with changing economic growth trends. The findings of this study can be a helpful reference for financial managers, creditors, investors and government policy-makers in emerging countries.  相似文献   

China's policy on Special Economic Zones has attracted increasing flows of direct foreign investment to China. The investment has been very unequally distributed among China's 30 regions.  The article focuses on the regional economic growth as a result of the direct foreign investment in the region and its spillover effects on neighboring regions. The unequal distribution of direct foreign investment should in principle tend to enlarge the regional economic differences. The article, however, shows that this is not the result of the investment.  The empirical findings highlight the impact of direct foreign investment on the Chinese regional economies in transition. Received: November 2000/Accepted: August 2001  相似文献   

董观志  李立志 《规划师》2006,22(3):71-74
深圳华侨城是一个持续成长的休闲商务中心区的典型范例.在华侨城的成长和产业变迁过程中,休闲商务的发展具有很强的影响力.从城市边缘的华侨农场逐步发展为现代化城市中心区的RBD,华侨城演变的动力直接来源于4个方面:政策导向、市场导向、所有制导向和城市化导向.  相似文献   

This paper investigates two channels through which R&D and human capital may affect regional total factor productivity growth in the manufacturing sector. Our model allows for both a direct effect on productivity growth, reflecting own innovation, and an indirect effect, reflecting imitation of frontier technology. The results provide evidence of a positive and significant direct effect of human capital, and a positive and significant indirect effect of R&D. Our estimates also suggest that R&D aids the imitation of technology from geographically close regions, while human capital raises productivity growth in regions that are closer to the frontier than their neighbours.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the economic reforms in late 1978, the Chinese urban system has experienced spectacular growth, accompanied by a rapid rise of urbanization from about 20% to more than 36%. Although restricted by government policy, the development of large cities prevailed in the 1980s, as shown in a previous study (Zhao and Zhang, 1995). This process of predominantly large cities growth appeared to continue in the 1990s, as is shown with further analysis and update on the issue, within the framework of globalization and other economic theories. Based on newly published demographic and economic data, the paper depicts the growth and concentration of population, foreign direct investment and employment availability in the large cities in contemporary China. This paper argues that in this globalization process, in which the fundamental economic rationales of increasing returns, urbanization economies and urbanization agglomeration prevail, large cities will continue to outperform the small cities and so the dominance of large cities will continue.  相似文献   

To determine the role of fungi in decomposition, sediment from a eutrophic lake and a bog was treated with antibacterial antibiotics or with antifungal antibiotics. Sediment treated with antibacterial antibiotics showed a decrease in biochemical oxygen demand and a decrease in direct and pour-plate bacterial counts when compared with controls. Sediment treated with antifungal antibiotics showed an increase in biochemical oxygen demand and an increase in pour-plate and direct bacterial counts when compared with controls. Two species of lake fungi inhibited the growth of a mixed culture of lake bacteria on agar plates.The results infer that fungi inhibit the growth of bacteria in aerobic lake sediment.  相似文献   

主要利用1986~2006年的经济数据,对外商直接投资企业对于我国进出口总额、进口额和出口额进行了分析,然后计算了外资企业贡献率和外资企业进出口增长拉动率,通过实证分析得出了外商直接投资企业对于我国进出口有着积极正向稳定影响的结论。  相似文献   

This article presents a structural modeling analysis of the performance determinants of urban attractiveness, in terms of resident population and international tourism demand, in 40 global cities. The analysis focuses on the impacts of a diverse set of innovative drivers of urban value creation and sustainable solutions for city development (urban functions), which are collectively subsumed under the heading of ‘sustainable smart city’. Recognizing that the dynamics and growth processes related to these urban functions may have different impacts on different types of stakeholders, potentially leading to the emergence of serious conflicts between guests/visitors and residents, we aim to derive model-based implications for urban and tourism management in the cities concerned in order to move towards the sustainable future city as ‘a place 4 all’. The results of our latent growth curve model confirm the existence of different impacts of urban functions on visitors' and residents' attractiveness. Cultural dynamics appears to be a major determinant for attracting new residents and supporting a strong international tourism industry. From an economic perspective, purely economic strength (in terms of absolute growth) appears to enhance city attractiveness for residents, while the dynamics observed in research and development activities influences the quality of employment instead of being a direct driver of population growth. While the social aspects of sustainability (framed under the concept of livability) and the urban environment typically exert higher impacts on urban attractiveness, accessibility appears mostly relevant for visitors. Our analysis suggests an uneasy balance between livability, environment, and population and visitor volume and growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effect of substrate concentration on the growth of a mixed culture of algae and heterotrophic bacteria in secondary facultative ponds (SFPs) utilizing settled domestic sewage as a sole source of organic carbon. The growth of the mixed culture was studied at the concentrations ranging between 200 and 800 mg COD/l in a series of batch chemostat reactors. From the laboratory data, the specific growth rate (micro) was determined using the modified Gompertz model. The maximum specific growth rate ( micro(max)) and half saturation coefficients (K(s)) were calculated using the Monod kinetic equation. The maximum observed growth rate ( micro(max)) for heterotrophic bacteria was 3.8 day(-1) with K(s) of 200 mg COD/l. The micro(max) for algal biomass based on suspended volatile solids was 2.7 day(-1) with K(s) of 110 mg COD/l. The micro(max) of algae based on the chlorophyll-a was 3.5 day(-1) at K(s) of 50mg COD/l. The observed specific substrate removal by heterotrophic bacteria varied between the concentrations of substrate used and the average value was 0.82 (mg COD/mg biomass). The specific substrate utilization rate in the bioreactors was direct proportional to the specific growth rate. Hence, the determined Monod kinetic parameters are useful for the definition of the operation of SFPs.  相似文献   

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