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Boosting Algorithms for Parallel and Distributed Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growing amount of available information and its distributed and heterogeneous nature has a major impact on the field of data mining. In this paper, we propose a framework for parallel and distributed boosting algorithms intended for efficient integrating specialized classifiers learned over very large, distributed and possibly heterogeneous databases that cannot fit into main computer memory. Boosting is a popular technique for constructing highly accurate classifier ensembles, where the classifiers are trained serially, with the weights on the training instances adaptively set according to the performance of previous classifiers. Our parallel boosting algorithm is designed for tightly coupled shared memory systems with a small number of processors, with an objective of achieving the maximal prediction accuracy in fewer iterations than boosting on a single processor. After all processors learn classifiers in parallel at each boosting round, they are combined according to the confidence of their prediction. Our distributed boosting algorithm is proposed primarily for learning from several disjoint data sites when the data cannot be merged together, although it can also be used for parallel learning where a massive data set is partitioned into several disjoint subsets for a more efficient analysis. At each boosting round, the proposed method combines classifiers from all sites and creates a classifier ensemble on each site. The final classifier is constructed as an ensemble of all classifier ensembles built on disjoint data sets. The new proposed methods applied to several data sets have shown that parallel boosting can achieve the same or even better prediction accuracy considerably faster than the standard sequential boosting. Results from the experiments also indicate that distributed boosting has comparable or slightly improved classification accuracy over standard boosting, while requiring much less memory and computational time since it uses smaller data sets.  相似文献   

Memetic Algorithms for Parallel Code Optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discovering the optimum number of processors and the distribution of data on distributed memory parallel computers for a given algorithm is a demanding task. A memetic algorithm (MA) is proposed here to find the best number of processors and the best data distribution method to be used for each stage of a parallel program. Steady state memetic algorithm is compared with transgenerational memetic algorithm using different crossover operators and hill-climbing methods. A self-adaptive MA is also implemented, based on a multimeme strategy. All the experiments are carried out on computationally intensive, communication intensive, and mixed problem instances. The MA performs successfully for the illustrative problem instances.  相似文献   

The problem of finding an optimal product sequence for sequential multiplication of a chain of matrices (the matrix chain ordering problem, MCOP) is well-known. We consider the problem of finding an optimal product schedule for evaluating a chain of matrix products on a parallel computer (the matrix chain scheduling problem, MCSP). The difference between MCSP and MCOP is that MCOP pertains to a product sequence for single processor systems and MCSP pertains to a sequence of concurrent matrix products for parallel systems. The approach of parallelizing each matrix product after finding an optimal product sequence for single processor systems does not always guarantee minimum evaluation time on parallel systems since each parallelized matrix product may use processors inefficiently. We introduce a new processor scheduling algorithm for MCSP which reduces the evaluation time of a chain of matrix products on a parallel computer, even at the expense of a slight increase in the total number of operations. Given a chain of n matrices and a matrix product utilizing at most P/k processors in a P-processor system, the proposed algorithm approaches k(n-1)/(n+klog(k)-k) times the performance of parallel evaluation using the optimal sequence found for MCOP. Experiments performed on a Fujitsu AP1000 multicomputer also show that the proposed algorithm significantly decreases the time required to evaluate a chain of matrix products in parallel systems.  相似文献   

The problem of merging k (k⩾2) sorted lists is considered. We give an optimal parallel algorithm which takes O((n log k/p)+log n) time using p processors on a parallel random access machine that allows concurrent reads and exclusive writes, where n is the total size of the input lists. This algorithm achieves O(log n) time using p=n log k/log n processors. Most of the previous log n research for this problem has been focused on the case when k=2. Very recently, parallel solutions for the case when k=2 have been reported. Our solution is the first logarithmic time optimal parallel algorithm for the problem when k⩾2. It can also be seen as a unified optimal parallel algorithm for sorting and merging. In order to support the algorithm, a new processor assignment strategy is also presented  相似文献   

背包问题无存储冲突的并行三表算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
背包问题属于经典的NP难问题,在信息密码学和数论等研究中具有极重要的应用,将求解背包问题著名的二表算法的设计思想应用于三表搜索中,利用分治策略和无存储冲突的最优归并算法,提出一种基于EREW-SIMD共享存储模型的并行三表算法,算法使用O(2^n/4)个处理机单元和O(2^3n/8)的共享存储空间,在O(2^3n/8)时间内求解n维背包问题.将提出的算法与已有文献结论进行的对比分析表明:文中算法明显改进了现有文献的研究结果,是一种可在小于O(2^n/2)的硬件资源上,以小于O(2n/2)的计算时问求解背包问题的无存储冲突并行算法。  相似文献   

Consider a set P of points in the plane sorted by the x-coordinate. A point p in P is said to be a proximate point if there exists a point q on the x-axis such that p is the closest point to q over all points in P. The proximate point problem is to determine all the proximate points in P. Our main contribution is to propose optimal parallel algorithms for solving instances of size n of the proximate points problem. We begin by developing a work-time optimal algorithm running in O(log log n) time and using n/loglogn Common-CRCW processors. We then go on to show that this algorithm can be implemented to run in O(log n) time using n/logn EREW processors. In addition to being work-time optimal, our EREW algorithm turns out to also be time-optimal. Our second main contribution is to show that the proximate points problem finds interesting, and quite unexpected, applications to digital geometry and image processing. As a first application, we present a work-time optimal parallel algorithm for finding the convex hull of a set of n points in the plane sorted by x-coordinate; this algorithm runs in O(log log n) time using n/logn Common-CRCW processors. We then show that this algorithm can be implemented to run in O(log n) time using n/logn EREW processors. Next, we show that the proximate points algorithms afford us work-time optimal (resp, time-optimal) parallel algorithms for various fundamental digital geometry and image processing problems  相似文献   

Hyper heuristics is a relatively new optimisation algorithm. Numerous studies have reported that hyper heuristics are well applied in combinatorial optimisation problems. As a classic combinatorial optimisation problem, the row layout problem has not been publicly reported on applying hyper heuristics to its various sub-problems. To fill this gap, this study proposes a parallel hyper-heuristic approach based on reinforcement learning for corridor allocation problems and parallel row ordering problems. For the proposed algorithm, an outer layer parallel computing framework was constructed based on the encoding of the problem. The simulated annealing, tabu search, and variable neighbourhood algorithms were used in the algorithm as low-level heuristic operations, and Q-learning in reinforcement learning was used as a high-level strategy. A state space containing sequences and fitness values was designed. The algorithm performance was then evaluated for benchmark instances of the corridor allocation problem (37 groups) and parallel row ordering problem (80 groups). The results showed that, in most cases, the proposed algorithm provided a better solution than the best-known solutions in the literature. Finally, the meta-heuristic algorithm applied to three low-level heuristic operations is taken as three independent algorithms and compared with the proposed hyper-heuristic algorithm on four groups of parallel row ordering problem instances. The effectiveness of Q-learning in selection is illustrated by analysing the comparison results of the four algorithms and the number of calls of the three low-level heuristic operations in the proposed method.  相似文献   

Machine learning has been proven useful for solving the bottlenecks in building expert systems. Noise in the training instances will, however, confuse a learning mechanism. Two main steps are adopted here to solve this problem. The first step is to appropriately arrange the training order of the instances. It is well known from Psychology that different orders of presentation of the same set of training instances to a human may cause different learning results. This idea is used here for machine learning and an order arrangement scheme is proposed. The second step is to modify a conventional noise-free learning algorithm, thus making it suitable for noisy environment. The generalized version space learning algorithm is then adopted to process the training instances for deriving good concepts. Finally, experiments on the Iris Flower problem show that the new scheme can produce a good training order, allowing the generalized version space algorithm to have a satisfactory learning result.  相似文献   

带平衡约束的矩形布局问题源于卫星舱设备布局设计,属于组合优化问题。深度强化学习利用奖赏机制,通过数据训练实现高性能决策优化。针对布局优化问题,提出一种基于深度强化学习的新算法DAR及其扩展算法IDAR。DAR用指针网络输出定位顺序,再利用定位机制给出布局结果,算法的时间复杂度是O(n3);IDAR算法在DAR的基础上引入迭代机制,算法时间复杂度是O(n4),但能给出更好的结果。测试表明DAR算法具有较好的学习能力,用小型布局问题进行求解训练所获得的模型,能有效应用在大型问题上。在两个大规模典型算例的对照实验中,提出算法分别超出和接近目前最优解,具有时间和质量上的优势。  相似文献   

不平衡数据分类是机器学习研究领域中的一个热点问题。针对传统分类算法处理不平衡数据的少数类识别率过低问题,文章提出了一种基于聚类的改进AdaBoost分类算法。算法首先进行基于聚类的欠采样,在多数类样本上进行K均值聚类,之后提取聚类质心,与少数类样本数目一致的聚类质心和所有少数类样本组成新的平衡训练集。为了避免少数类样本数量过少而使训练集过小导致分类精度下降,采用少数过采样技术过采样结合聚类欠采样。然后,借鉴代价敏感学习思想,对AdaBoost算法的基分类器分类误差函数进行改进,赋予不同类别样本非对称错分损失。实验结果表明,算法使模型训练样本具有较高的代表性,在保证总体分类性能的同时提高了少数类的分类精度。  相似文献   

针对目前神经网络在处理类似生物信息数据库这类较大规模数据时,遇到的大规模数据处理耗时过长、内存资源不足等问题.在分析当前神经网络分布式学习的基础上,提出了一种新的基于Agent和切片思想的分布式神经网络协同训练算法.通过对训练样本和训练过程的有效切分,整个样本集的学习被分配到一个分布式神经网络集群环境中进行协同训练,同时通过竞争筛选机制,使得学习性能较好的训练个体能有效地在神经网络群中迁移,以获得较多的资源进行学习.理论分析论证了该方法不仅能有效提高神经网络向目标解收敛的成功率,同时也具有较高的并行计算性能,以加快向目标解逼近的速度.最后,该方法被应用到了蛋白质二级结构预测这一生物信息学领域的问题上.结果显示,该分布式学习算法不仅能有效地处理大规模样本集的学习,同时也改进了训练得到的神经网络性能.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the learning strategy of version space to manage noisy and uncertain training data. A new learning algorithm is proposed that consists of two main phases: searching and pruning. The searching phase generates and collects possible candidates into a large set; the pruning then prunes this set according to various criteria to find a maximally consistent version space. When the training instances cannot completely be classified, the proposed learning algorithm can make a trade-off between including positive training instances and excluding negative ones according to the requirements of different application domains. Furthermore, suitable pruning parameters are chosen according to a given time limit, so the algorithm can also make a trade-off between time complexity and accuracy. The proposed learning algorithm is then a flexible and efficient induction method that makes the version space learning strategy more practical  相似文献   

任务调度问题是并行分布式计算中的挑战性问题之一。大多数实际的调度算法是启发式的因而常常具有改进的余地。针对Out-Tree任务图这一基本结构提出一个基于任务复制的启发式调度算法,该算法在确保最短调度长度的同时,注重处理器的负载平衡,以达到节约处理器的目的。比较性实验的结果表明,该算法确保了最短调度长度且使用的处理器最少。因而,该算法提高了系统的利用率,避免消耗过多的资源,实际应用性更好。  相似文献   

大部分数据流分类算法解决了数据流无限长度和概念漂移这两个问题。但是,这些算法需要人工专家将全部实例都标记好作为训练集来训练分类器,这在数据流高速到达并需要快速分类的环境中是不现实的,因为标记实例需要时间和成本。此时,如果采用监督学习的方法来训练分类器,由于标记数据稀少将得到一个弱分类器。提出一种基于主动学习的数据流分类算法,该算法通过选择全部实例中的一小部分来人工标记,其中这小部分实例是分类置信度较低的样本,从而可以极大地减少需要人工标记的实例数量。实验结果表明,该算法可以在数据流存在概念漂移情况下,使用较少的标记数据对数据流训练出分类器,并且分类效果良好。  相似文献   

赵海峰  余强  曹俞旦 《计算机科学》2014,41(12):160-163
多标签学习用于处理一个样本同时拥有多个标签的问题。已有的多标签懒惰学习算法IMLLA未充分考虑样本分布的特点,即在构建样本的近邻点集时,近邻点个数取固定值,这可能会将相似度高的点排除在近邻集之外,或者将相似度低的点包括在近邻集内,影响分类方法的性能。针对IMLLA的缺陷,将粒计算的思想加入近邻集的构建,提出一种基于粒计算的多标签懒惰学习算法(GMLLA)。该方法通过粒度控制,确定样本近邻点集,使得近邻集内的样本具有高相似度。实验结果表明,本算法的性能优于IMLLA。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present algorithms for computing the Euclidean distance transform (EDT) of a binary image on the array with reconfigurable optical buses (AROB). First, we develop a parallel algorithm termed as Algorithm Expander which can be implemented in O(1) time on an AROB with N x Ndelta processors, where delta = 1/k, k is a constant and a positive integer. Algorithm Expander is designed to compute a higher dimensional EDT based on the computed lower dimensional EDT. It functions as a general EDT expander for us to expand EDT from a lower dimension to a higher dimension. We then develop parallel algorithms for the two-dimensional (2-D)_EDT of a binary image array of size N x N in O(1) time on an AROB with N x N x Ndelta processors and for the three-dimensional (3-D)_EDT of a binary image of size N x N x N in O(1) time on an AROB with N x N x N x Ndelta processors. To the best of our knowledge, all results derived above are the best O(1) time algorithms known. We then extend it to compute the nD_EDT of a binary image of size Nn in O(n) time on an AROB with Nn+delta processors. We also apply our parallel EDT algorithms to build Voronoi diagram and Voronoi polyhetra (polygons), to find all maximal empty spheres and the largest empty sphere, and to compute the medial axis transform. All of these applications can be solved in the same time complexity on an AROB with the same number of processors as needed for solving the EDT problems in the same dimensions.  相似文献   

In pattern recognition, instance-based learning (also known as nearest neighbor rule) has become increasingly popular and can yield excellent performance. In instance-based learning, however, the storage of training set rises along with the number of training instances. Moreover, in such a case, a new, unseen instance takes a long time to classify because all training instances have to be considered when determining the ‘nearness’ or ‘similarity’ among instances. This study presents a novel reduced classification method for instance-based learning based on the gray relational structure. Here, only some training instances in the original training set are adopted for the pattern classification tasks. The relationships among instances are first determined according to the gray relational structure. In the relational structure, the inward edges of each training instance, indicating how many times each instance is considered as the nearest neighbor or neighbors in determining the class labels of other instances can be obtained. This method excludes training instances with no or few inward edges for the pattern classification tasks. By using the proposed instance pruning approach, new instances can be classified with a few training instances. Nine data sets are adopted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed learning approach. Experimental results indicate that the classification accuracy can be maintained when most of the training instances are pruned before learning. Additionally, the number of remained training instances in the proposal presented here is comparable to that of other existing instance pruning techniques.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that parallel processing helps in the solution of difficult discrete optimization problems, in particular, those problems that exhibit combinatorial search and require large-scale computations. By using a number of processors that are connected, coordinated and operating simultaneously, the solutions to such problems can be obtained much more quickly. The purpose of this paper is to propose an efficient parallel hypercube algorithm for the discrete resource allocation problem (DRAP). A sequential divide-and-conquer algorithm is first proposed. The algorithm is then modified for a parallel hypercube machine by exploiting its inherent parallelism. To allocate N units of discrete resources to n agents using a d-dimensional hypercube of p=2/sup d/ nodes, this parallel algorithm solves the DRAP in O((n/p+log/sub 2/p)N/sup 2/) time. A simulation study is conducted on a 32-node nCUBE/2 hypercube computer to present the experimental results. The speedup factor of the parallel hypercube algorithm is found to be more significant when the number of agents in the DRAP is much greater than the number of processing nodes on the hypercube. Some issues related to load balancing, routing, scalability, and mappings of the parallel hypercube algorithm are also discussed.  相似文献   

There are several metrics that characterize the performance of a parallel system, such as parallel execution time, speedup, and efficiency. A number of properties of these metrics have been studied. For example, it is a well known fact that given a parallel architecture and a problem of a fixed size, the speedup of a parallel algorithm does not continue to increase with increasing number of processors. It usually tends to saturate or peak at a certain limit. Thus, it may not be useful to employ more than an optimal number of processors for solving a problem on a parallel computer. This optimal number of processors depends on the problem size, the parallel algorithm, and the parallel architecture. In this paper we study the impact of parallel processing overheads and the degree of concurrency of a parallel algorithm on the optimal number of processors to be used when the criterion for optimality is minimization of the parallel execution time. We then study a more general criterion of optimality and show how operating at the optimal point is equivalent to operating at a unique value of efficiency that is characteristic of the criterion of optimality and the properties of the parallel system under study. We put the technical results derived in this paper in perspective with similar results that have appeared in the literature before and show how this paper generalizes and/or extends these earlier results.  相似文献   

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