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The stochastic averaging method for quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems with time-delayed feedback bang-bang control is first introduced. Then, two time delay compensation methods, namely the method of changing control force amplitude (CFA) and the method of changing control delay time (CDT), are proposed. The conditions applicable to each compensation method are discussed. Finally, an example is worked out in detail to illustrate the application and effectiveness of the proposed methods and the two compensation methods in combination. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10772159), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20060335125), Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. Y7080070), and Fujian Provincial Science and Technology Project (Grant No. 2005YZ1021)  相似文献   

To study the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the bladed overhang rotor system with squeeze film damper (SFD), a blade-overhang rotor-SFD model is formulated using the lumped mass method and the Lagrange approach. The cavitated short bearing model is employed to describe the nonlinear oil force of the SFD. To reduce the scale of the nonlinear coupling system, a set of orthogonal transformations is employed to decouple the one nodal diameter equations of blades, which are coupled with the dy- namical equations ...  相似文献   

This paper introduces in details a kind of silicon-based microelectrode array. MEMS (micro-electromechanical system) technology is used in the fabrication of the microelectrode array, which is designed to perform signal recording and electrical stimulation for nerves in neural engineering. A simple fabrication process is developed. An improved model of microelectrodes is brought forward and successfully validated by the excellent match between circuit simulations and electrical measurements, including both magnitude and phase of microelectrode impedance. Compared with the simple one that is usually used, the improved model is believed to be an advance and more accurate. This modeling helps to improve the design of microelectrodes and understand the behavior of interface between electrode and cell. Furthermore, the microelectrode is proved to be a feasible tool for researches in neural engineering by successfully recording neural activities of sciatic nerve of a bullfrog. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China (Grant No. Y106448) and State Key Laboratories of Transducer Technology (Grant No. SKT0506)  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of Si and Ce on the microstructure and hydrogen storage property of Ti26.5Cr20V45Fe8.5Ce0.5 alloy were studied, respectively. First of all, effects of Si on the microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of Ti26.5Cr20(V45Fe8.5)1−x Si x Ce0.5 (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 at%) alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and P-C isotherm measurements. As the Si addition increases, the hydrogen absorption capacities of alloys decrease but the equilibrium pressure increases, due to the formation of Laves phase. Secondly, the effect of Ce on Ti26.5Cr20 (V45Fe8.5)0.98Si2 alloy was studied. It was found that Ce addition is an effective way to eliminate the effect of Si on the hydrogen storage properties of the alloy. Supported by the National Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (“863” Project) (Grant No. 2006AA05Z144)  相似文献   

Pedestrian crowd in public buildings is usually a hidden trouble. The more serious the crowd, the higher the accident risk, and the heavier the casualties and loss may be. Based on the social force model, this paper puts forward an improved model which takes into account the anisotropic characteristic of pedestrian movement and the avoidance of dynamic congested areas. Furthermore, the algorithm has been optimized with the help of static force grid, so the simulation becomes more veritable and computational speed is also greatly accelerated. The improved model is also applied to research on the characters of pedestrian crowd, and the conclusion can provide a basis for the risk assessment of pedestrian crowd and the design of public buildings. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50308002) and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (Grant No. 9052007)  相似文献   

The high quality single-phase solution of CO2/ Polystyrene was achieved,by analyzing the influential factors for polymer microcellular foaming extrusion.The curve of pressure distribution along the barrel was determined.The axial position of gas-injecting port on the barrel was chosen form the results of stable foaming,and the number of gas-injecting ports in the circumference of the barrel was determined from the CO2 solubility in polymer.The effect of the screw rotation speed on CO2 solubility was studied,and the effects of pressure difference between the gas and the polymer melt on gas-injecting process and on the foaming stability were investigated.The influence of the gas temperature before injection on the single-phase of CO2/Polystyrene solution also was studied.  相似文献   

Optimal design is one of the most important issues in robots. Since the very beginning, the concepts of the Jacobian matrix, manipulability and condition number, which are used successfully in the field of serial robots, have been applied to parallel robots. Unlike serial robots, parallel robots are good for motion/force transmission. Their performance evaluation and design should be correspondingly different. This paper is an attempt to optimally design a novel spatial three-degree-of-freedom (3-DOF) parallel robot by using the concept of motion/force transmission. Accordingly, three indices are defined. The suggested indices are independent of any coordinate frame and could be applied to the analysis and design of a parallel robot whose singularities can be identified wholly by using the relative angle between the output and adjacent links, and by using the relative angle between the input and adjacent links. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50775118), High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (Grant No. 2006AA04Z227), and National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Grant No. 2007CB714000)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Zur Verringerung der Knappheit an Organen wird die Einführung eines Marktes für menschliche Organe vorgeschlagen. Personen, die ihre Organe verkaufen, und Personen, die ihre Organe lebend spenden, sind medizinisch den gleichen Gefahren ausgesetzt. Der Verkaufserlös bietet für den Abgebenden eine Einkommenssteigerung, die vielfältig genutzt werden kann. Die auf Schwarzmärkten beobachteten negativen Effekte sollen durch eine strikte Überwachung und Regulierung verhindert werden. Der Markt für Organe kann von zwei getrennten Ankaufsorganisationen geprägt werden. Eine Organisation zahlt die Weiterverkaufserlöse der Organe direkt an die Geber aus, eine andere Organisation investiert sie stattdessen in wohltätige Zwecke und gibt so den Gebern die Möglichkeit, ihr Organ aus rein altruistischen Motiven zu spenden. Die Finanzierung des Systems soll durch das öffentliche Gesundheitssystem bzw. die privaten Krankenversicherungen erfolgen.
Wulf GaertnerEmail:


Definition of the problem:

Being satisfied with one’s work depends on professional autonomy, which is attributed to the medical profession to a high degree, combined with specialized knowledge and moral authority for vital questions. That is why physicians enjoy a high reputation. At the beginning of a person's medical career, moral competence is developed nearly completely, but specialized knowledge must be learned. Hospitals, in which further medical education regularly takes place, are still traditionally hierarchically organized today. Unfortunately, feudalistic or military structures hinder autonomous moral decisions and cause structural irresponsibility.


Obstructions and pressure by superiors, financial restrictions, arrogance and trying to make one's mark are shown in typical conflict situations. Stress, discontent, moral conflicts and illness, even including burn out are possible. Commitment and creativity by employees are prevented and mistakes cannot be constructively managed. Thus, patients may suffer unreasonably or be hurt.


There is a risk to subordinate moral principles under other interests, not only with subordinates but also with superiors. Ways to create a culture that promotes autonomy among physicians and between different professions are discussed. Therefore it is necessary to institutionalize communication based on a reciprocal high regard in a team with people treated as equal partners, who are then able to discuss moral questions in a discourse.  相似文献   



One of the German commercial hospital chains is trying to ground their business policy on elements of Kantian moral philosophy. Allegedly, the categorical imperative is inserted as a norm of conduct into the contracts of leading officers. We discuss whether the reference to Kantian ethics is sound and is suited to improving the moral standards of hospitals.


Scrutiny of the companies' statements reveals that the categorical imperative is equated with the Golden Rule, which Kant explicitly rejects, and that the Golden Rule is distored. In addition, the texts ignore that the categorical imperative entails not only duties of respect but also duties of beneficence.


Kantian arguments may indeed have some impact on hospital organisation but if so they should be genuine. In the case at stake, they are misused. However, even this misuse indicates an intuition that running a hospital includes moral demands.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung   Allen Anstrengungen zur Erh?hung des Organaufkommens zum Trotz besteht in Deutschland und anderswo ein stetig wachsender Organmangel. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird eine M?glichkeit vorgestellt, die Zahl der verfügbaren Organe zu erh?hen: moderate finanzielle Anreize für die Postmortalspende. Es werden verschiedene Anreizmodelle dargestellt und zentrale ethische Argumente für und wider ihre Einführung diskutiert. Zu diesen geh?ren Gerechtigkeitsüberlegungen, die Sorge um ausreichende Freiwilligkeit potentieller Organspender, die Gefahr einer Sch?digung des individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Altruismus sowie die Ablehnung von kommerzialisierten Vorg?ngen in der Medizin. Es wird aufgezeigt, dass die Argumente gegen die im Artikel vorgestellten Formen moderater finanzieller Anreize nicht verfangen. Im Ausblick wird für eine sorgf?ltig geplante Pilotforschung zu Anreizmodellen in der postmortalen Organspende pl?diert.   相似文献   



In medical ethics the patient’s right of self-determination (autonomy), the principle of not causing injury, acting for the well-being of the patient and justice (fairness) are basic principles. Between these generally formulated principles it can come to a collision in psychiatric practice, which is examplified by the ethical problems of early intervention and acute treatment of schizophrenic disorders.


The early onset in life and high rate of chronicity often results in serve individual and economic consequences. The negative consequences of delayed intervention must be set against such risks as stigma and side effects of psychotherapy and psychopharmacology.


In the psychiatric field ethics must start with the concrete case and situation. They have to be drawn from life, dynamic to the changing situations and should consider different perspectives – to achieve the aim of a ethical partnership between patient, relatives and the therapists.  相似文献   


Definition of the Problem:

The ethical aspects of placebo control in clinical trials have been extensively and controversially debated in the last decade. However, a thorough analytical comparison of the different existing international regulations, their terminologies and their ethical principles concerning placebo is still missing. The central issue in the ongoing controversy is the justification of placebo-use if proven treatment exists. All present versions of the examined guidelines propose such justifications, but each guideline differs from the others in relevant details. Therefore the conditions justifying placebo-use according to each guideline are in the focus of our attention.


First, we will first present a formalized general principle that defines the ethical acceptability of placebo use in all regulations. Then we will analyse three categories of conditions put forward by the different documents: the risk of harm or burden, compelling scientific reasons, and the availability of proven treatment. The analysis shows important normative discrepancies and contradictions between the examined guidelines. Especially striking is the fact that some guidelines allow to expose the participants of clinical trials to be exposed to a risk of serious harm, while others do not.


The normative difference of each guideline could influence strongly the decision of researchers or IRBs concerning the ethical acceptability of placebo use.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Frage nach der Gerechtigkeit im Gesundheitswesen wird aus der Perspektive einer allgemeinen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit betrachtet. Diese Theorie ist ein Befähigungsansatz, der zwischen 1) der Grundversorgung aller Bürger mit Grundbefähigungen, 2) einem gerechten Anteil an den Früchten gesellschaftlicher Kooperation und 3) individuell erstrebten Gütern und Leistungen differenziert. Die Anwendung dieser Theorie reagiert auf charakteristische Probleme der Allokation im Gesundheitssektor: den prinzipiell ungedeckten Bedarf, die mangelnde Zurechenbarkeit des Bedarfes und die asymmetrische Informationsstruktur zwischen Patienten und Leistungserbringern.

Zusammenfassung  Mit den Fortschritten im Bereich der psychiatrisch-genetischen Forschung gehen auch intensive Diskussionen bezüglich der daraus erwachsenden Implikationen einher. Hoffnungen wie Befürchtungen gegenüber der neuen Technologie und deren Folgen werden gleichermaßen zum Ausdruck gebracht. Über die Einstellung der Bevölkerung und insbesondere der Patienten mit affektiven oder schizophrenen Erkrankungen und ihrer Angehörigen in Deutschland war bisher allerdings wenig bekannt. Daher führten wir im Rahmen des Deutschen Humangenomprojektes erstmals eine Studie durch, um die Einstellungen und ihre beeinflussenden Faktoren zu erfassen. Wir entwickelten einen Fragebogen zur Erfassung der Erwartungen, Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen sowie der die Einstellung beeinflussenden Faktoren. Hiermit wurde eine repräsentative Stichprobe von 3077 Personen aus der Allgemeinbevölkerung am Telefon befragt. Weiterhin wurden mit 316 Patienten und 163 Angehörigen persönliche standardisierte Interviews anhand des Fragebogens durchgeführt. Die Mehrzahl der Befragten hatte eine positive Einstellung zu psychiatrisch-genetischer Forschung, äußerte jedoch gleichzeitig ethische Bedenken. Übereinstimmend waren die Befragten der Ansicht, dass Informationen aus genetischen Untersuchungen vertraulich behandelt werden sollten. Kleine, aber signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen zeigten sich bezüglich der Einstellung zu präsymptomatischer genetischer Diagnostik. Unsere Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Ambivalenz der Befragten gegenüber der psychiatrisch-genetischen Forschung und Untersuchung hin: Neben einer überwiegend positiven Einstellung wurden auch moralische Bedenken geäußert.  相似文献   


Definition of the problem:

The current bio-ethical discussion on the moral status of human embryos is carried out on the foil of the philosophical understanding of the term person. At the same time, the irreconcilable differences between different ethical systems in the interpretation of the concept of person are the reason that no consensus can be found. The plurality of values is, last but not least, represented through the inconsistent – and thus dissatisfying – German legal situation.


In the bio-ethical debate, to move away from the term person is beneficial to a consensus-orientated discussion. The attribution of moral rights cannot only be bound to the term person. Types of arguments that do not approach the topic through questions of status offer more plausible and satisfactory results.


Gradualistic concepts that gradate the protection of the embryo and measure it against other goods are unproblematic from a legal point of view and usually correspond to our intuition. Other possible alternatives, beyond the status debate, are the principles of genus solidarity, the interest in protecting norms, and cultural norms. The relational concept is a further expedient supplement to an approach based in individual ethics.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In diesem Artikel geht es um die Beziehungen zwischen der von Jürgen Habermas entwickelten Diskursethik und den Studierendenseminaren, die der Ulmer Arbeitskreis Ethik in der Medizin veranstaltet. Zunächst erfolgt eine Darstellung der Kernaussagen der philosophischen Diskursethik. Sie liefert eine formale Argumentationsprozedur, mit der es möglich ist, die Legitimität strittig gewordener Normen im Diskurs zu prüfen. Anschließend wird das in Ulm von Baitsch und Sponholz entwickelte Modell der Seminare Ethische Entscheidungskonflikte im ärztlichen Alltag vorgestellt. Da sich die Ulmer Seminare unter anderem auf die Diskursethik als theoretischen Hintergrund berufen, werden die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede beider Konzepte untersucht. Der Hauptunterschied ist der zwischen einem Begründungs- und einem Anwendungsdiskurs. Gemeinsam sind den Ansätzen die grundsätzlich kognitivistische Einstellung und die Spielregeln des Diskurses.  相似文献   

Hot compressive behaviors of Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy at 800 °C, as well as the evolution of microstructure during deformation process, were investigated. The experimental results show that flow stress increases to a peak stress followed by a decease with increasing strain, and finally forms a stable stage. Dislocations are generated at the interface of α/β phase, and the phase interface and dislocation loops play an important role in impeding the movement of dislocation. As strain increasing, micro-deformation bands with high-density dislocation are formed, and dynamic recrystallizaton occurs finally. XRD Fourier analysis reveals that dislocation density increases followed by a decrease during compressive deformation, and falls into the range from 1010 to 1011 cm−2.  相似文献   

A micro-envioment for nerve cells and tissue growth were designed and constructed via surface modification of poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide)(PLGA) with chitosan and hydroxyapatite(HA). The poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide)/chitosan/hydroxyapatite (PLGA/chitosan/HA) conduits were manufactured by a combined solvent casting and particulate leaching technique. The conduits were highly porous with an interconnected pore structure and 76.5% porosity. Micropores with 50–100 micrometer diameter were formed in the conduits. In vivo application of PLGA/chitosan/HA conduits for reconstruction of 10 mm sciatic nerve defect was assessed by the walking track analysis, the quantifying of the wet weight of tibialis anterior muscle and the histological assessment. The conduits in host rats in vivo can not only be an effective in promoting regenerating of nerves but can also lead to favorable nerve functional recovery. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.50774096)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung   Einhergehend mit den Fortschritten in der Reanimationsmedizin besch?ftigen sich seit den 80er Jahren viele Studien mit der prognostischen Güte von reanimations- und patientenbezogenen Akutmarkern. Generell sollen Prognosemarker die Vorhersagbarkeit des Heilungspotenzials erlauben, sie besitzen dadurch eine Steuerfunktion für das weitere Therapiekonzept. Die Wertigkeit dieser Pr?diktoren ver?ndert sich jedoch, wenn sie als Determinanten bei Non-Treatment-Entscheidungen herangezogen werden. Dies aus zwei Gründen: 1. Nach Sichtung der Literatur und eingedenk eigener Studienresultate fehlt bislang ein 100%- sicherer Prognose-Algorithmus für Patienten im posthypoxischen Koma. 2. Der komat?se Patient kann an der Beurteilung der Prognoseaussagen selbst nicht teilnehmen. Es stellt sich somit die Frage: Dürfen Prognosemarker unser moralisches Handeln an der Grenze des Lebens leiten? Die Autoren bejahen diese Frage und sehen eine ad?quat moralische Handlungsoption in der Durchführung einer diskurs-pragmatischen Patientenkonferenz. Den Prognosemarkern kommt hier eine Stellvertreterfunktion im Sinne eines „stillen Patientenargumentes“ zu, wodurch die potenzielle Dialogf?higkeit des Patienten als moralisches Anspruchsobjekt gewahrt wird. Im Rahmen einer diskursiven Er?rterung wird dann der Einfluss der Prognosedaten an der Entscheidung gewichtet.   相似文献   

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