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Uranium (U) mill tailings in northern Saskatchewan, Canada, contain elevated concentrations of molybdenum (Mo). The potential for long-term (>10,000 years) mobilization of Mo from the tailings management facilities to regional groundwater systems is an environmental concern. To assist in characterizing long-term stability, X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to define the chemical (redox and molecular) speciation of Mo in tailings samples from the Deilmann Tailings Management Facility (DTMF) at the Key Lake operations of Cameco Corporation. Comparison of Mo K near-edge X-ray absorption spectra of tailings samples and reference compounds of known oxidation states indicates Mo exists mainly as molybdate (+6 oxidation state). Principal component analysis of tailings samples spectra followed by linear combination fitting using spectra of reference compounds indicates that various proportions of NiMoO(4) and CaMoO(4) complexes, as well as molybdate adsorbed onto ferrihydrite, are the Mo species present in the U mine tailings. Tailings samples with low Fe/Mo (<708) and high Ni/Mo (>113) molar ratios are dominated by NiMoO(4), whereas those with high Fe/Mo (>708) and low Ni/Mo (<113) molar ratios are dominated by molybdate adsorbed onto ferrihydrite. This suggests that the speciation of Mo in the tailings is dependent in part on the chemistry of the original ore.  相似文献   

The disposal of basic sodium aluminate and acidic U(VI)-Cu(ll) wastes in the now-dry North and South 300 A Process Ponds atthe Hanford site resulted in a groundwater plume of U(VI). To gain insight into the geochemical processes that occurred during waste disposal and those affecting the current and future fate and transport of this uranium plume, the solid-phase speciation of uranium in a depth sequence of sediments from the base of the North Process Pond through the vadose zone to groundwater was investigated using standard chemical and mineralogical analyses, electron and X-ray microprobe measurements, and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Near-surface sediments contained uranium coprecipitated with calcite, which formed due to overneutralization of the waste ponds with base (NaOH). At intermediate depths in the vadose zone, metatorbernite [Cu(UO2PO4)2 x 8H2O] precipitated, likely during pond operations. Uranium occurred predominantly sorbed onto phyllosilicates in the deeper vadose zone and groundwater; sorbed uranium was also an important component at intermediate depths. Since the calcite-bearing pond sediments have been removed in remediation efforts, uranium fate and transport will be controlled primarily by desorption of the sorbed uranium and dissolution of metatorbernite.  相似文献   

A column study on U(VI)-contaminated vadose zone sediments from the Hanford Site, WA, was performed to investigate U(VI) release kinetics with water advection and variable geochemical conditions. The sediments were collected from an area adjacent to and below tank BX-102 that was contaminated as a result of a radioactive tank waste overfill event. The primary reservoir for U(VI) in the sediments are micrometer-size precipitates composed of nanocrystallite aggregates of a Na-U-Silicate phase, most likely Na-boltwoodite, that nucleated and grew within microfractures of the plagioclase component of sand-sized granitic clasts. Two sediment samples, with different U(VI) concentrations and intraparticle mass transfer properties, were leached with advective flows of three different solutions. The influent solutions were all calcite-saturated and in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2. One solution was prepared from DI water, the second was a synthetic groundwater (SGW) with elevated Na that mimicked groundwater at the Hanford site, and the third was the same SGW but with both elevated Na and Si. The latter two solutions were employed, in part, to test the effect of saturation state on U(VI) release. For both sediments, and all three electrolytes, there was an initial rapid release of U(VI) to the advecting solution followed by slower near steady-state release. U(VI)aq concentrations increased during subsequent stop-flow events. The electrolytes with elevated Na and Si depressed U(VL)aq concentrations in effluent solutions. Effluent U(VI)aq concentrations for both sediments and all three electrolytes were simulated reasonably well by a three domain model (the advecting fluid, fractures, and matrix) that coupled U(VI) dissolution, intraparticle U(VI)aq diffusion, and interparticle advection, where diffusion and dissolution properties were parameterized in a previous batch study.  相似文献   

The influence of sediment bioreduction and reoxidation on U(VI) sorption was studied using Fe(II) oxide-containing saprolite from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge site. Bioreduced sediments were generated by anoxic incubation with a metal-reducing bacterium, Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN32, supplied with lactate as an electron donor. The reduced sediments were subsequently reoxidized by air contact. U(VI) sorption was studied in NaNO3-HCO3 electrolytes that were both closed and open to atmosphere and where pH, U(VI), and carbonate concentration were varied. M?ssbauer spectroscopy and chemical analyses showed that 50% of the Fe(III)-oxides were reduced to Fe(II) that was sorbed to the sediment during incubation with CN32. However, this reduction and subsequent reoxidation of the sorbed Fe(II) had negligible influence on the rate and extent of U sorption or the extractability of sorbed U by 0.2 mol/L NaHCO3. Various results indicated that U(VI) surface complexation was the primary process responsible for uranyl sorption by the bioreduced and reoxidized sediments. A two-site, nonelectrostatic surface complexation model best described U(VI) adsorption under variable pH, carbonate, and U(VI) conditions. A ferrihydrite-based diffuse double layer model provided a better estimation of U(VI) adsorption without parameter adjustment than did a goethite-based model, even though a majority of the Fe(III)-oxides in the sediments were goethite. Our results highlight the complexity of the coupled U-Fe redox system and show that sorbed Fe(II) is not a universal reductant for U(VI) as commonly assumed.  相似文献   

The distribution of different iron (Fe) species in soils, sediments, and surface waters has a large influence on the mobility and availability of Fe, other nutrients, and potentially toxic trace elements. However, the knowledge about the specific forms of Fe that occurs in these systems is limited, especially regarding associations of Fe with natural organic matter (NOM). In this study, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy was used to characterize Fe(III) in organic soils (pH 4.6-6.0) with varying natural Fe content. The EXAFS data were subjected to wavelet transform analysis, to facilitate the identification of the nature of backscattering atoms, and to conventional EXAFS data fitting. The collective results showed the existence of two pools of iron: mononuclear Fe(III)-NOM complexes and precipitated Fe(III) (hydr)oxides. In the soil with lowest pH (4.6) and Fe content mononuclear organic complexes were the completely dominating fraction whereas in soils with higher pH and Fe content increasing amounts of Fe (hydr)oxides were detected. These results are of environmental importance, as the different iron pools most likely have markedly different reactivities.  相似文献   

The potential to stimulate an indigenous microbial community to reduce a mixture of U(VI) and Tc(VII) in the presence of high (120 mM) initial NO3- co-contamination was evaluated in a shallow unconfined aquifer using a series of single-well, push-pull tests. In the absence of added electron donor, NO3-, Tc(VII), and U(VI) reduction was not detectable. However, in the presence of added ethanol, glucose, or acetate to serve as electron donor, rapid NO3- utilization was observed. The accumulation of NO2-, the absence of detectable NH4+ accumulation, and the production of N2O during in situ acetylene-block experiments suggest that NO3- was being consumed via denitrification. Tc(VII) reduction occurred concurrently with NO3- reduction, but U(VI) reduction was not observed until two or more donor additions resulted in iron-reducing conditions, as detected by the production of Fe(II). Reoxidation/remobilization of U(IV) was also observed in tests conducted with high (approximately 120 mM) but not low (approximately 1 mM) initial NO3- concentrations and not during acetylene-block experiments conducted with high initial NO3-. These results suggest that NO3(-)-dependent microbial U(IV) oxidation may inhibit or reverse U(VI) reduction and decrease the stability of U(IV) in this environment. Changes in viable biomass, community composition, metabolic status, and respiratory state of organisms harvested from down-well microbial samplers deployed during these tests were consistent with the conclusions that electron donor additions resulted in microbial growth, the creation of anaerobic conditions, and an increase in activity of metal-reducing organisms (e.g., Geobacter). The results demonstrate that it is possible to stimulate the simultaneous bioreduction of U(VI) and Tc(VII) mixtures commonly found with NO3- co-contamination at radioactive waste sites.  相似文献   

Assessing the quantity of U(VI) that participates in sorption/desorption processes in a contaminated aquifer is an important task when investigating U migration behavior. U-contaminated aquifer sediments were obtained from 16 different locations at a former U mill tailings site at Naturita, CO (U.S.A.) and were extracted with an artificial groundwater, a high pH sodium bicarbonate solution, hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, and concentrated nitric acid. With an isotopic exchange method, both a KD value for the specific experimental conditions as well as the total exchangeable mass of U(VI) was determined. Except for one sample, KD values determined by isotopic exchange with U-contaminated sediments that were in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 agreed within a factor of 2 with KD values predicted from a nonelectrostatic surface complexation model (NEM) developed from U(VI) adsorption experiments with uncontaminated sediments. The labile fraction of U(VI) and U extracted by the bicarbonate solution were highly correlated (r2 = 0.997), with a slope of 0.96 +/- 0.01. The proximity of the slope to one suggests that both methods likely access the same reservoir of U(VI) associated with the sediments. The results indicate that the bicarbonate extraction method is useful for estimating the mass of labile U(VI) in sediments that do not contain U(IV). In-situ KD values calculated from the measured labile U(VI) and the dissolved U(VI) in the Naturita alluvial aquifer agreed within a factor of 3 with in-situ KD values predicted with the NEM and groundwater chemistry at each well.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to characterize manganese oxidation states and speciation in airborne particulate matter (PM) and describe how these potentially important determinants of PM toxicity vary by location. Ambient PM samples were collected from five counties across the US using a high volume sequential cyclone system that collects PM in dry bulk form segregated into "coarse" and "fine" size fractions. The fine fraction was analyzed for this study. Analyses included total Mn using ICP-MS and characterization of oxidation states and speciation using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). XAS spectra of all samples and ten standard compounds of Mn were obtained at the National Synchrotron Light Source. XAS data was analyzed using Linear Combination Fitting (LCF). Results of the LCF analysis describe differences in composition between samples. Mn(II) acetate and Mn(II) oxide are present in all samples, while Mn(II) carbonate and Mn(IV) oxide are absent. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to characterize Mn composition of ambient PM and examine differences between urban sites in the US. Differences in oxidation state and composition indicate regional variations in sources and atmospheric chemistry that may help explain differences in health effects identified in epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Contamination of vadose zone sediments under tank BX-102 at the Hanford site, Washington, resulted from the accidental release of 7-8 metric tons of uranium dissolved in caustic aqueous sludge in 1951. We have applied synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopic and diffraction techniques to characterize the speciation of uranium in samples of these contaminated sediments. UIII-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopic studies demonstrate that uranium occurs predominantly as a uranium(VI) silicate from the uranophane group of minerals. XAFS cannot distinguish between the members of this mineral group due to the near identical local coordination environments of uranium in these phases. However, these phases differ crystallographically, and can be distinguished using X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. As the concentration of uranium was too low for conventional XRD to detect these phases, X-ray microdiffraction (microXRD) was used to collect diffraction patterns on approximately 20 microm diameter areas of localized high uranium concentration found using microscanning X-ray fluorescence (microSXRF). Only sodium boltwoodite, Na(UO2)(SiO3OH) x 1.5H20, was observed; no other uranophane group minerals were present. Sodium boltwoodite formation has effectively sequestered uranium in these sediments under the current geochemical and hydrologic conditions. Attempts to remediate the uranium contamination will likely face significant difficulties because of the speciation and distribution of uranium in the sediments.  相似文献   

Despite its pivotal role in determining the risks and time frames associated with contaminant release, metal speciation remains a poorly understood aspect of biosolids chemistry. The work reported here used synchrotron-based spectroscopy techniques to investigate the speciation of copper and zinc in a range of Australian biosolids. High resolution element mapping of biosolids samples using micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy revealed considerable heterogeneity in key element associations, and a combination of both organic and inorganic copper and zinc binding environments. Linear combination fitting of K-edge X-ray absorption spectra indicated consistent differences in metal speciation between freshly produced and stockpiled biosolids. While sulfide minerals play a dominant role in metal binding in freshly dewatered biosolids, they are of lesser importance in dried biosolids that have been stockpiled. A degree of metal binding with iron oxide minerals was apparent but the results did not support the hypothesis that biosolids metals are chiefly associated with iron minerals. This work has potential implications for the long-term stability of metals in biosolids and their eventual fate following land application.  相似文献   

Selenium contamination in the environment is a widespread problem affecting insects and other wildlife. Insects occupy a critical middle link and aid in trophic transfer of selenium in many terrestrial and freshwater food chains, but the mechanisms of selenium uptake through the food chain are poorly understood. In particular, biotransformation of selenium by insects into different chemical forms will greatly influence how toxic or benign the selenium is to that organism or to its predators. We have used X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to identify the chemical form of selenium in insects inhabiting selenium contaminated streams near Hinton, Alberta (Canada). Selenium K near-edge spectra indicate a variability of selenium speciation among the insects that included mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Plecoptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera), and craneflies (Diptera). Higher percentages of inorganic selenium were observed in primary consumers, detritivores, and filter feeders than in predatory insects. Among the organic forms of selenium, organic selenides constituted a major fraction in most organisms. A species modeled as trimethylselenonium was observed during the pupal stage of caddisflies. These results provide insights into how the insects cope with their toxic cargo, including how the selenium is biotransformed into less toxic forms and how it can be eliminated from the insects. More broadly, this study demonstrates the strengths of XAS to probe the effects of heavy elements at trace levels in insects from the field.  相似文献   

Both thioarsenites and thioarsenates have been demonstrated to exist in sulfidic waters, yet there is uncertainty regarding the geochemical conditions that govern the formation of these arsenic species. The purpose of this research was to use advanced spectroscopy techniques, speciation modeling, and chromatography to elucidate the chemical speciation of arsenic in sulfidic solutions initially containing arsenite and sulfide. Results of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) show that experimental solutions contained mixtures of arsenite and thioarsenites with increasing substitution of sulfur for oxygen on arsenic as the sulfide concentration increased. Experimental samples showed no evidence of polymeric arsenic species, or transformation of thioarsenites to thioarsenates. The arsenic speciation measured using XAS was similar to predictions obtained from a thermodynamic model for arsenic speciation, excluding thioarsenate species in sulfidic systems. Our data cast some doubt on the application of chromatographic methods for determining thioarsenates and thioarsenites (or mixtures) in natural waters in cases where the arsenic oxidation state cannot be independently verified. The same chromatographic peak positions proposed for thioarsenates can be explained bythioarsenite species. Furthermore, sample dilution was shown to change the species distribution and care should be taken to avoid sample dilution prior to chromatographic analysis.  相似文献   

The long- and short-term interactions between zinc, an essential but also toxic element, and freshwater and marine diatoms are not well understood partly because of a lack of information on Zn speciation on the surface and inside the cells. In this work, interactions of aqueous Zn2+ with marine (Skeletonema costatum) and freshwater (Achnanthidium minutissimum, Navicula minima, and Melosira varians) diatoms were studied using conventional macroscopic techniques, while the local atomic structure of metal ions adsorbed on their surface or incorporated into the cells was characterized by in-situ Zn K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy on both intact and liophylized samples. At the cell surface for all diatom species studied, Zn was tetrahedrally coordinated with oxygen at approximately 2.00 +/- 0.02 A and monodentately bonded to one or two carboxylate groups; these results are consistent with the surface speciation model developed from macroscopic adsorption experiments. The atomic environment of Zn incorporated into freshwater diatoms during long-term growth in normal nutrient media was distinctly differentfrom that of adsorbed Zn: it was dominated by O (and/or N) neighbors in a tetrahedral arrangement at 1.97 +/- 0.02 A in the first atomic shell, with the presence of 1 phosphorus and 2 carbons in the Zn second shell. Contrasting speciation of intracellular zinc was revealed for the marine species Skeletonema costatum in which Zn was coordinated to 2 O/N atoms and 2 sulfur groups in the form of cysteine-histidine complexes and/or zinc thiolate clusters. These new structural data strongly suggest: (i) the predominant > R-COO- ligand binding of Zn atthe diatom surface; (ii) the nonspecific storage of Zn in the form of carboxylate/phosphate groups inside the cell of freshwater species; and (iii) the highly specific thiol-ligand coordination of intracellular zinc for marine S. costatum species.  相似文献   

Biogenic manganese oxides are common and an important source of reactive mineral surfaces in the environment that may be potentially enhanced in bioremediation cases to improve natural attenuation. Experiments were performed in which the uranyl ion, UO2(2+) (U(VI)), at various concentrations was present during manganese oxide biogenesis. At all concentrations, there was strong uptake of U onto the oxides. Synchrotron-based extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies were carried out to determine the molecular-scale mechanism by which uranyl is incorporated into the oxide and how this incorporation affects the resulting manganese oxide structure and mineralogy. The EXAFS experiments show that at low concentrations (<0.3 mol % U, <1 microM U(VI) in solution), U(VI) is present as a strong bidentate surface complex. At high concentrations (>2 mol % U, >4 microM U(VI) in solution), the presence of U(VI) affects the stability and structure of the Mn oxide to form poorly ordered Mn oxide tunnel structures, similar to todorokite. EXAFS modeling shows that uranyl is present in these oxides predominantly in the tunnels of the Mn oxide structure in a tridentate complex. Observations by XRD corroborate these results. Structural incorporation may lead to more stable U(VI) sequestration that may be suitable for remediation uses. These observations, combined with the very high uptake capacity of the Mn oxides, imply that Mn-oxidizing bacteria may significantly influence dissolved U(VI) concentrations in impacted waters via sorption and incorporation into Mn oxide biominerals.  相似文献   

Ketza River mine tailings deposited underwater and those exposed near the tailings impoundment contain approximately 4 wt % As. Column-leaching tests indicated the potential for high As releases from the tailings. The tailings are composed dominantly of iron oxyhydroxides, quartz, calcite, dolomite, muscovite, ferric arsenates, and calcium-iron arsenates. Arsenopyrite and pyrite are trace constituents. Chemical compositions of iron oxyhydroxide and arsenate minerals are highly variable. The XANES spectra indicate that arsenic occurs as As(V) in tailings, but air-drying prior to analysis may have oxidized lower-valent As. The EXAFS spectra indicate As-Fe distances of 3.35-3.36 A for the exposed tailings and 3.33-3.35 A for the saturated tailings with coordination numbers of 0.96-1.11 and 0.46-0.64, respectively. The As-Ca interatomic distances ranging from 4.15 to 4.18 A and the coordination numbers of 4.12-4.58 confirm the presence of calcium-iron arsenates in the tailings. These results suggest that ferric arsenates and inner-sphere corner sharing or bidentate-binuclear attachment of arsenate tetrahedra onto iron hydroxide octahedra are the dominant form of As in the tailings. EXAFS spectra indicate that the exposed tailings are richer in arsenate minerals whereas the saturated tailings are dominated by the iron oxyhydroxides, which could help explain the greater release of As from the exposed tailings during leaching tests. It is postulated that the dissolution of ferric arsenates during flow-through experiments caused the high As releases from both types of tailings. Arsenic tied to iron oxyhydroxides as adsorbed species are considered stable; however, iron oxyhydroxides having low Fe/As molar ratios may not be as stable. Continued As releases from the tailings are likely due to dissolution of both ferric and calcium-iron arsenates and desorption of As from high-As bearing iron oxyhydroxides during aging.  相似文献   

Metabolism of iron and manganese   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Selective sequential extractions (SSE) and, more recently, X-ray absorption fine-structure IXAFS) spectroscopy have been used to characterize the speciation of metal contaminants in soils and sediments. However, both methods have specific limitations when multiple metal species coexist in soils and sediments. In this study, we tested a combined approach, in which XAFS spectra were collected after each of 6 SSE steps, and then analyzed by multishell fitting, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear combination fits (LCF), to determine the Zn speciation in a smelter-contaminated, strongly acidic soil. In the topsoil, Zn was predominately found in the smelter-emitted minerals franklinite (60%) and sphalerite (30%) and as aqueous or outer-sphere Zn2+ (10%). In the subsoil, aqueous or outer-sphere Zn2+ prevailed (55%), but 45% of Zn was incorporated by hydroxy-Al interlayers of phyllosilicates. Formation of such Zn-bearing hydroxy-interlayers, which has been observed here for the first time, may be an important mechanism to reduce the solubility of Zn in those soils, which are too acidic to retain Zn by formation of inner-sphere sorption complexes, layered double hydroxides or phyllosilicates. The stepwise removal of Zn fractions by SSE significantly improved the identification of species by XAFS and PCA and their subsequent quantification by LCF. While SSE alone provided excellent estimates of the amount of mobile Zn species, it failed to identify and quantify Zn associated with mineral phases because of nonspecific dissolution and the precipitation of Zn oxalate. The systematic combination of chemical extraction, spectroscopy, and advanced statistical analysis allowed us to identify and quantify both mobile and recalcitrant species with high reliability and precision.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to determine the local structure of U(VI) within synthetic fluorapatite at a concentration of 2.3 wt %. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure indicates that U(VI) substitutes into the Ca1 site. To accommodate this substitution the apatite structure significantly distorts such that the Ca1 site approximates octahedral coordination, with six uniform U-0 distances of 2.06A. An X-ray adsorption edge structure, with two inflection points, and optical emission spectra are consistent with 6d orbital crystal field splitting. These results indicate that significant amounts of U(VI) can be accommodated in the apatite structure but with an unexpected coordination, which may bear on the ultimate development of apatite-hosted nuclear-waste forms.  相似文献   

Zinc–protoporphyrin (Zn–pp), which has been identified as the major pigment in certain dry-cured meat products, was extracted with acetone/water (75%) and isolated from the following meat products: Parma ham, Iberian ham and dry-cured ham with added nitrite. The quantification of Zn–pp by electron absorption, fluorescence and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy was compared (concentration range used [Zn–pp] = 0.8–9.7 μM). All three hams were found to contain Zn–pp, and the results show no significant difference among the content of Zn–pp quantified by fluorescence, absorbance and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for Parma ham and Iberian ham. All three methods can be used for quantification of Zn–pp in acetone/water extracts of different ham types if the content is higher than 1.0 ppm. For dry-cured ham with added nitrite, XRF was not applicable due to the low content of Zn–pp (<0.1 ppm). In addition, XRF spectroscopy provides further information regarding other trace elements and can therefore be advantageous in this aspect. This study also focused on XRF determination of Fe in the extracts and as no detectable Fe was found in the three types of ham extracts investigated (limit of detection; Fe ? 1.8 ppm), it allows the conclusion that iron containing pigments, e.g., heme, do not contribute to the noticeable red colour observed in some of the extracts.  相似文献   

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