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Almost every process that occurs when an ion beam hits a solid has been pressed into service as a technique in materials science. Some ions bounce off: backscattering is a routine technique for near-surface analysis in many laboratories. Atoms of the sample are knocked out: sputter profiling is used as an adjunct to many surface science measurements, and analysis of the ejected atoms yields information about the composition of the sample. Ions slow down in a solid, depositing energy in the sample and causing radiation damage. This makes ion beams useful in the development of radiation-resistant materials and has to be understood in order to apply other ion beam techniques. Finally, the ion stops and becomes incorporated into the sample, which is known as “implantation.” As well as being a vital industrial technique in the manufacture of semiconductor devices, implantation can be used in materials science wherever it is useful to change the composition of a near-surface layer. The implanted species doesn’t have to be soluble in the sample. This paper is based on a presentation made in the symposium “Irradiation-Enhanced Materials Science and Engineering” presented as part of the ASM INTERNATIONAL 75th Anniversary celebration at the 1988 World Materials Congress in Chicago, IL, September 25—29, 1988, under the auspices of the Nuclear Materials Committee of TMS-AIME and ASM-MSD.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the incorporation of tritium into the C-8 positions of purine units in nucleic acids has been studied. The polymers investigated include poly(A), poly(A): poly (U) duplex, a double-stranded viral RNA, tRNA, and DNA. In the random coil state, the kinetics of incorporation of tritium into the purine sites of the polymers are identical with those for the corresponding purine mononucleotides. When the nucleic acids are in their native conformations, however, the purine labeling rates are reduced below that expected for the free mononucleotides. The magnitude of the effect is remarkably dependent upon the particular nucleic acid. For example, at 37 degrees C the purines in double-stranded DNA label at a rate two- to threefold slower than the corresponding mononucleotides, but in a double-stranded viral RNA, a 30- to 40-fold effect is found. The data suggest a strong influence of microscopic helix structure on the rate of tritium incorporation. First-order rate constants for the exchange of tritium into specific purine sites in yeast tRNAPhe were also determined. This was done by partially labeling the nucleic acid in tritiated water, and subsequently removing free and loosely bound tritium. Under conditions where exchange-out does not occur, the nucleic acid was digested with specific nucleases; chromatographic separation then enabled specific activities of purines from specific sites to be obtained. The rate constants for these sites show a large variation. They are markedly reduced for those residues occurring in cloverleaf helical sections and, in certain cases, for those known from crystallographic data to be involved in tertiary interactions. As examples of bases that can participate in tertiary interactions, the crystal structures show A14 and G15 in special base-pairing arrangements. Both purines (A14 and G15) occur in single-stranded sections of the cloverleaf; both show markedly reduced C-8 hydrogen-exchange rates. On the other hand, rate constants for bases and regions known to be on the outside of the moleculesuch as the anticodon loop and the 3' terminusāre perturbed the least. In one instance, a base in the dihydrouridine loop believed to be involved in tertiary interactions, according to crystallographic studies, incorporates tritium as if it were relatively unperburbed by the tRNA structure. The structural interactions of this base may be partially or completely broken at 37 degrees C in solution.  相似文献   

The chemical synthesis of peptides and small proteins is a powerful complementary strategy to recombinant protein overexpression and is widely used in structural biology, immunology, protein engineering, and biomedical research. Despite considerable improvements in the fidelity of peptide chain assembly, side-chain protection, and postsynthesis analysis, a limiting factor in accessing polypeptides containing greater than 50 residues remains the time taken for chain assembly. The ultimate goal of this work is to establish highly efficient chemical procedures that achieve chain-assembly rates of approximately 10-15 residues per hour, thus underpinning the rapid chemical synthesis of long polypeptides and proteins, including cytokines, growth factors, protein domains, and small enzymes. Here we report Boc chemistry that employs O-(7-azabenzotriazol-1-yl)-N,N, N',N'-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate (HATU)/dimethyl sulfoxide in situ neutralization as the coupling agent and incorporates a protected amino acid residue every 5 min to produce peptides of good quality. This rapid coupling chemistry was successfully demonstrated by synthesizing several small to medium peptides, including the "difficult" C-terminal sequence of HIV-1 proteinase (residues 81-99); fragment 65-74 of the acyl carrier protein; conotoxin PnIA(A10L), a potent neuronal nicotinic receptor antagonist; and the pro-inflammatory chemotactic protein CP10, an 88-residue protein, by means of native chemical ligation. The benefits of this approach include enhanced ability to identify and characterize "difficult couplings," rapid access to peptides for biological and structure-activity studies, and accelerated synthesis of tailored large peptide segments (<50 residues) for use in chemoselective ligation methods.  相似文献   

Either radiolabeled Tc-99m- or Re-188-labeled MAG3-4-nitrophenylester or unlabeled Bz-MAG3-4-nitrophenylester was reacted with amines and peptides to follow a pre- or a postconjugate radiolabeling route, respectively. The model compounds were N'-t-butyloxycarbonyl-1,6-diaminohexane (DH-Boc) and a Lys-protected derivative of the somatostatin analog RC-160 (cyclic D-Phe-Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Lys-Val-Cys-Trp-NH2). In the case of labeling DH-Boc, both the preconjugate labeling and the postconjugate labeling were found by using analytical HPLC to provide identical radiolabeled compounds regardless whether Re-188 or Tc-99m was used. The results are supported by infrared and mass-spectral data obtained from compounds synthesized using stable rhenium. The 188Re- or 99mTc-MAG3-RC-160 somatostatin analog were synthesized following the preconjugate labeling route and subsequent removal of the protecting group. Biodistributions of 188Re-and 99mTc-MAG3-RC-160 were evaluated in normal and tumor-bearing mice, and were similar to those of radioiodinated 131-RC-160. All radiolabeled analogs of RC-160 were rapidly cleared from the blood and were excreted through the hepatobiliary system with very little normal organ uptake. The tumor uptake (PC-3, human prostate adenocarcinoma) of systemically administered Re-188-MAG3-RC160 was very low, and it reached only 0.28% injected dose/g (%IDg) at 24 h postinjection, similar to what was obtained with I-131-RC-160. Intratumor injections resulted in significant tumor retentions (9.3% ID/g at 24 h).  相似文献   

Our understanding of the factors stabilizing alpha-helical structure has been greatly enhanced by the study of model alpha-helical peptides. However, the relationship of these results to the folding of helices in intact proteins is not well characterized. Helix propensities measured in model peptides are not in good agreement with those from proteins. In order to address these questions, we have measured helix propensities in the alpha-helix of ribonuclease T1 and a helical peptide of identical sequence. We have previously demonstrated excellent agreement between peptide and protein for the nonpolar amino acids [Myers, J. K., Pace, C. N., and Scholtz, J. M. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 2833-2837]. Most other amino acids also show good agreement, although certain polar amino acids are exceptions. Helix propensities measured in the ribonuclease T1 peptide/protein are compared with those measured in other systems. Reasonable agreement is found between most systems; however, our propensities differ substantially from those measured in several model peptide systems. Alanine-based peptides overestimate the propensity differences by a factor of 2, and host/guest experiments underestimate them by a factor of 2-3.  相似文献   

Neuronal nitric oxide synthase produces nitric oxide, a radical involved in neurotransmission as well as in cytotoxicity during stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. In the adult Wistar rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons are inhomogenously distributed along defined cortical areas, with highest densities (18 cells/mm2) in cingular area 1, piriform cortex, frontal motor area Fr 2 and in the medial visual association area Oc 2MM. A medium packing density of neuronal nitric oxide synthase neurons (10/mm2) characterizes primary sensory areas, whereas retrosplenial cortices contain lowest cell numbers (3-5/mm2). The data suggest that functions of certain cortical areas are more dependent on intracortically produced nitric oxide than others, and that cortical injury may cause more severe nitric oxide related cytotoxicity in areas with higher numbers of neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The authors previously reported a statistically significant effect of psychosocial intervention on survival time of women with metastatic breast carcinoma. In this study, the authors investigated whether this effect could be explained by differences in the medical treatment patients received subsequent to their group participation or differences in causes of death. METHODS: Of the original 86 study participants, medical treatment charts for 61 and death certificates for 83 were available for further analysis. The authors reviewed the course of the medical treatment they received subsequent to their entry into the randomized psychotherapy trial. RESULTS: Although there were no statistically significant differences with regard to chemotherapy and hormone therapy between the control and treatment groups, women in the control group tended to have received more adrenalectomies, although this procedure did not account for the difference in survival time between the control group and the treatment group. Furthermore, women in the control group developed more bone and lung metastases than the women in the treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in disease course between the control and treatment groups appeared to be independent of any differences in medical treatment received.  相似文献   

Analysis of biological samples is problematic because of their complex composition. Reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC), size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and, more recently, capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) are routinely used for the analysis of these samples, but are eventually limited because they are one-dimensional (1-D) methods. As sample complexity increases, the separation efficiency necessary to resolve a large number of sample components in one dimension becomes prohibitively high. A solution to this problem has been to use a two-dimensional (2-D) approach. Each dimension in a 2-D separation relies on a different separating mechanism. By expanding the separation into two dimensions, sample components unresolved in the first dimension can often be separated in the second. This circumvents the requirement for extremely high efficiencies in either dimension. Two-dimensional slab gel electrophoresis has been used successfully in this area, but a more instrumental approach is desired. In this paper we describe three coupled-column approaches to 2-D separations. First, microcolumn SEC-CZE is explored as a means of 2-D protein analysis. Next, RPLC-CZE is investigated for analysis of peptides in tryptic maps. Finally, RPLC is coupled with fast CZE (FCZE), a unique form of CZE analysis, for fast 2-D analysis of peptides. Details of the instrumentation used in these 2-D systems will be presented along with the results of some typical 2-D analyses.  相似文献   

Scaphoid or longitudinal arch pads are frequently prescribed pedorthics for foot and ankle rehabilitation. These pedorthics are reported to be effective in mechanically supporting the medial longitudinal arch while reducing plantar and medial soft tissue strain. The objective of this study was to measure alterations in ambulatory plantar pressure metrics in a group of adults secondary to scaphoid pad application. The biomechanical rationale of this study was that the geometry of foot contact would be altered secondary to foot inversion. Ten adult male subjects with biomechanically normal feet were evaluated during multiple trials. A Holter type microprocessor-based portable in-shoe plantar pressure data acquisition system was used to record the dynamic data. Pressures were recorded from eight discrete plantar locations at the hindfoot, midfoot, and forefoot regions of the insole. Statistically significant (p < or = 0.05) increases in peak pressures were seen laterally with scaphoid pad application, while significant decreases in peak pressures with pad usage occurred at the hallux and the calcaneal region of the foot. At the medial longitudinal arch, peak pressures increased from near 0 to 115.3 kPa, contact durations increased from near 0 to 438 ms, and pressure-time integrals increased from near 0 to 33.4 kPa.s.  相似文献   

Peptide and protein biological activities depend on their three dimensionals structures in the free state and when interacting with their receptors/acceptors. The backbone conformations such as alpha-helix, beta-sheet, beta-turn, and so forth provide critical templates for the three-dimensional structure, but the overall shape and intrinsic stereoelectronic properties of the peptide or protein important for molecular recognition, signal transduction, enzymatic specificity, immunomodulation, and other biological effects depend on arrangement of the side chain groups in three-dimensional chi space (their chi 1, chi 2, etc. torsional angles). In this paper we explore approaches to the de novo design of polypeptides and peptidomimetics with biased or specific conformational/topographical properties in chi space. We consider computational and experimental methods that can be used to examine the effects of specific structural modifications in constraining side chain groups of amino acid residues and their similarities in chi space to the natural amino acids to evaluate what sort of mimetics are likely to mimic normal amino acids. We then examine some of the asymmetric synthetic methods that are being developed to obtain the amino acid mimetics. Finally, we consider selected examples in the literature where these specialized amino acids have been incorporated in biologically active peptides and the specific insights they have provided regarding the topographical requirements for bioactive peptide potency, selectivity, and other biochemical and pharmacological properties. Constraints in chi space show great promise as useful tools in peptide, protein, and peptidomimetic de novo design of structures and pharmacophores with specific stereostructural, biochemical and biological properties.  相似文献   

Free-flow electrophoresis (FFE) has been applied to the separation and purification of a variety of proteins and polypeptides: bee venom, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1beta, interferon-gamma and superoxide dismutase. FFE at constant pH and conductivity of the carrying buffer is shown to be efficient at various separation schemes. In some cases, the method allows us to obtain proteins with a purity of more than 90% at a productivity of 20-30 mg/h. An electrophoretic apparatus with a new, multi-sectional construction of the electrophoretic chamber and a system for cross-displacement of carrying buffer in the chamber is described.  相似文献   

Proteins of cyanobacteria may be transported across one of two membrane systems: the typical eubacterial cell envelope (consisting of an inner membrane, periplasmic space, and an outer membrane) and the photosynthetic thylakoids. To investigate the role of signal peptides in targeting in cyanobacteria, Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 was transformed with vectors carrying the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene fused to coding sequences for one of four different signal peptides. These included signal peptides of two proteins of periplasmic space origin (one from Escherichia coli and the other from Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942) and two other signal peptides of proteins located in the thylakoid lumen (one from a cyanobacterium and the other from a higher plant). The location of the gene fusion products expressed in Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 was determined by a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of subcellular fractions. The distribution pattern for gene fusions with periplasmic signal peptides was different from that of gene fusions with thylakoid lumen signal peptides. Primary sequence analysis revealed conserved features in the thylakoid lumen signal peptides that were absent from the periplasmic signal peptides. These results suggest the importance of the signal peptide in protein targeting in cyanobacteria and point to the presence of signal peptide features conserved between chloroplasts and cyanobacteria for targeting of proteins to the thylakoid lumen.  相似文献   

The average globular protein contains 30% alpha-helix, the most common type of secondary structure. Some amino acids occur more frequently in alpha-helices than others; this tendency is known as helix propensity. Here we derive a helix propensity scale for solvent-exposed residues in the middle positions of alpha-helices. The scale is based on measurements of helix propensity in 11 systems, including both proteins and peptides. Alanine has the highest helix propensity, and, excluding proline, glycine has the lowest, approximately 1 kcal/mol less favorable than alanine. Based on our analysis, the helix propensities of the amino acids are as follows (kcal/mol): Ala = 0, Leu = 0.21, Arg = 0.21, Met = 0.24, Lys = 0.26, Gln = 0.39, Glu = 0.40, Ile = 0.41, Trp = 0.49, Ser = 0.50, Tyr = 0. 53, Phe = 0.54, Val = 0.61, His = 0.61, Asn = 0.65, Thr = 0.66, Cys = 0.68, Asp = 0.69, and Gly = 1.  相似文献   

Peptides have the potential for targeting vaccines against pre-specified epitopes on folded proteins. When polyclonal antibodies against native proteins are used to screen peptide libraries, most of the peptides isolated align to linear epitopes on the proteins. The mechanism of cross-reactivity is unclear; both structural mimicry by the peptide and induced fit of the epitope may occur. The most effective peptide mimics of protein epitopes are likely to be those that best mimic both the chemistry and the structure of epitopes. Our goal in this work has been to establish a strategy for characterizing epitopes on a folded protein that are candidates for structural mimicry by peptides. We investigated the chemical and structural bases of peptide-protein cross-reactivity using phage-displayed peptide libraries in combination with computational structural analysis. Polyclonal antibodies against the well-characterized antigens, hen eggwhite lysozyme and worm myohemerythrin, were used to screen a panel of phage-displayed peptide libraries. Most of the selected peptide sequences aligned to linear epitopes on the corresponding protein; the critical binding sequence of each epitope was revealed from these alignments. The structures of the critical sequences as they occur in other non-homologous proteins were analyzed using the Sequery and Superpositional Structural Assignment computer programs. These allowed us to evaluate the extent of conformational preference inherent in each sequence independent of its protein context, and thus to predict the peptides most likely to have structural preferences that match their protein epitopes. Evidence for sequences having a clear structural bias emerged for several epitopes, and synthetic peptides representing three of these epitopes bound antibody with sub-micromolar affinities. The strong preference for a type II beta-turn predicted for one peptide was confirmed by NMR and circular dichroism analyses. Our strategy for identifying conformationally biased epitope sequences provides a new approach to the design of epitope-targeted, peptide-based vaccines.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the study was to measure the regional haemodynamic responses to vasodilators, and the effects of nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibition, in conscious, hypertensive, transgenic ((mRen-2)27) rats (TG rats) and normotensive, Hannover Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. 2. The hypotensive response to acetylcholine was greater in TG than in SD rats, but the renal vasodilator responses were not different. 3. The responses to bradykinin were similar in the two strains, except that hindquarters vasodilatation occurred only in SD rats. 4. Salbutamol caused smaller renal and hindquarters vasodilatation in TG rats than in SD rats, and there was mesenteric vasodilatation only in the latter strain. 5. The hypotensive response to sodium nitroprusside was smaller, but the accompanying mesenteric vasodilatation was greater, in SD than in TG rats. 6. The contribution of NO to the vasodilator responses was taken as the difference between the responses in the presence of the NO synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-arginine methylester (L-NAME), compared to those in the presence of a co-infusion of angiotensin II and vasopressin (to match the haemodynamic effects of L-NAME). 7. In TG rats, L-NAME caused a greater absolute pressor effect, but a smaller mesenteric vasoconstriction, than in SD rats. 8. L-NAME affected the vasodilator responses to all the challenges similarly in the two strains. 9. Collectively, the results provide no direct evidence for impaired NO-mediated vasodilator mechanisms in TG rats. It is feasible that the reduced hindquarters response to bradykinin and the reduced renal and hindquarters responses to salbutamol, in TG rats are due to abnormal beta2-adrenoceptor-mediated processes.  相似文献   

Buried surface area is often used as a measure of the contribution to protein folding from the hydrophobic effect. Quantitatively, the surface buried upon folding is reckoned as the difference in area between the native and unfolded states. This calculation is well defined for a known structure but model-dependent for the unfolded state. In a previous paper [Creamer, T. P., Srinivasan, R., & Rose, G. D. (1995) Biochemistry 34, 16245-16250], we developed two models that bracket the surface area of the unfolded state between limiting extremes. Using these extrema, it was shown that earlier models, such as an extended tripeptide, overestimate the surface area of side chains in the unfolded state. In this sequel to our previous paper, we focus on backbone surface in the unfolded state, again adopting the strategy of trapping the area between limiting extrema. A principal conclusion of this present study is that most backbone surface in proteins is buried within local structure.  相似文献   

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