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邓少林 《山西建筑》2010,36(20):352-354
在分析我国部分城市环境污染现状的基础上,提出了环境保护规划的主要内容,指出了城市大气、水体、固体废物和城市声环境发展的远景目标,阐明了城市规划中环境保护规划的重要作用。  相似文献   

郑孟  戴美勇 《小城镇建设》2010,(2):44-46,49
新农村建设是中央经济工作会议确定的工作重点之一.也是解决城乡发展不平衡的主要途径之一。本文通过对浙江瑞安市中西部乡镇村庄规划现状进行分析.探讨村庄规划的模式。突出村庄规划的地方特点和传统风貌,弘扬地域文化,并提出高效有序的保障措施。  相似文献   

结合住宅小区规划设计的实际情况,分析了住宅小区规划设计中存在的问题,并从功能分区、生态环境、配套设施等方面,提出了相应的解决对策,从而提高了住宅小区的规划设计质量,为人们提供优质的居住生活环境。  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence of gender differences in environmental perception and behaviour regarding urban waste in the context of Africa, using samples drawn from Techiman, Ghana. The study found that females were less likely than males to litter, more bothered by urban waste, and conditioned by culturally imposed gender roles to be more responsible for cleaning up. Our investigation revealed that the African urban waste problem and any potential resolution involved various socio‐economic and cultural elements, whose relationships we attempted to model. We argue that the urban waste problem cannot be alleviated by dealing with the various aspects of the problem in isolation. To be successful, proposed solutions should be very comprehensive and holistic, tackling all major components of the problem simultaneously.  相似文献   

The article examines the way strategic spatial planning in the City of Johannesburg has attempted to reshape existing and emerging spatial patterns of a divided sprawling city, focusing particularly on current initiatives to link spatial planning and infrastructure development through the growth management strategy. The strategy has been well institutionalised in the municipality, with strong political support and links to budgets. New public transport systems are being introduced, linked to spatial plans, although some of these developments have been contested. While the property industry is responding positively to some aspects of planning, moving towards greater spatial equity remains challenging. The planning-infrastructure link seems to be strengthening planning, but it is a demanding approach which requires a very different form of planning than the traditional master planning.  相似文献   

缪婷  刘颜 《山西建筑》2011,37(10):8-9
通过对当前我国城市交通现状及其问题的阐述,提出了应对我国城市交通问题的交通规划策略:优化城市交通结构、提高交通运行效率、制定科学合理的交通政策,同时提出实现这些策略的具体措施,并对未来城市可持续发展的交通规划提出了宝贵意见,以减少城市交通对环境的影响,使城市有更好的发展。  相似文献   

Among the urban development authorities created in the Third World, those of the state governments in Nigeria are relatively recent. Major legal, institutional and political obstacles hamper their success, particularly their difficult relationship with local government. Technical aspects of their master planning and layout planning illustrate these handicaps, as does their unwillingness to attempt improvement programmes for the older residential areas.  相似文献   

张吉汉 《山西建筑》2014,(31):205-206
通过调查分析,研究了山西省矿山开采对地质环境的影响因素,阐述了山西省环境地质在矿山治理过程中的问题,分析了环境地质灾害带来的不利后果,并提出了保护矿山地质环境、健全地质环境保障机制等有效对策,为今后山西省平衡生态地质环境,促进矿产资源可持续开采提供了参考。  相似文献   

A brief review of criticism in certain areas of planning seems to indicate the need for the adoption of an environmental perception and behaviour approach. The conceptual basis of this approach is established leading to the development of a paradigm of the man‐environment relationship based on perception, which in turn provides the central feature of a model of human spatial decision‐making behaviour. Mental images of the environment are postulated as forming the core determinants or influences of human spatial behaviour. Results of empirical studies using this approach can outline the significant factors in human decisions and views concerning the environment. The value of the approach is that it emphasises the relativity of mental images in all stages of the planning process and that it links planning decision‐making to a more realistic paradigm of man‐environment relationships. Some examples of the application of this approach to specific areas of planning are given.  相似文献   

This paper explores the scale and scope of transformations in the environmental planning field, and the factors that may advance or impede their widespread adoption. A conceptual model is offered which examines scope (defined as type, breadth and structure of the transformation), and the scale of its impact (categorized as stakeholder, organizational, institutional or societal) and applies it to the analysis of several cases in Israel where environmental transformations, affecting the way in which planning is conducted, have been adopted. Conclusions include identification of conditions for facilitating and advancing transformations, including knowledge of innovative alternatives, initiative, willingness to adopt new practices, and identification of policy windows that emerge during conflict, reform, or crisis. The fostering of relations between environmental non-government organizations and planning systems and leadership roles are also significant in catalyzing environmental transformation.  相似文献   

中国在非洲各国的若干规划实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
得益于中国在非洲各国的开发建设项目,中非在城市规划领域的合作交流日益增多.通过评析近年来中国设计机构在非洲的若干规划案例,初步归纳非洲城市和城市规划的特点,总结和思考中国在非洲的规划实践.  相似文献   

李峰  李纲 《山西建筑》2009,35(32):345-346
在我国部分城市环境污染现状的基础上,提出了环境保护规划的主要内容,指出了城市大气、水体、固体废物和城市声环境发展的远景目标,阐明了城市规划中环境保护规划的重要作用。  相似文献   


The last two decades of the 19th century mark a crucial transition in the town‐planning history of Milan, as in many other European cities. This period left its mark on the urban structure; the parts of the city created under the 1880s plan have the clearest street plan, and the most coherent building typology. However, the significance of the work carried out in that period also relates to the progress of town‐planning practice, the relationship between development practice and planning style, the role of urban rent in the process of capitalist accumulation, and the relationship of public and private capital.  相似文献   

实践教育是城乡规划人才培养的重要环节,为适应行业发展需求、深化教育改革、破解当前实践教育困境,对企业参与专业教育的机制研究十分必要。通过分析我国规划企业参与城乡规划专业教育的主要模式,并展开国内外对比研究发现,中英美企业参与专业教育的路径与机制相似,但英美两国在成熟度和深入度方面更优。而我国在企业积极性、政府推动力、行业组织话语权、学校课程体系等方面存在一定不足。针对这些问题,从整体层面提出了政府激励保障、行业组织引导、校企联合培养等优化策略与多主体协同的人才培养机制。  相似文献   

冯炜 《规划师》2003,19(5):83-84
按照尼日利亚近代历史时期分段,可将其景观发展历程分为三个阶段:殖民时代之前的传统景观样式时期、受到欧洲景观风格影响的殖民时期、独立后的景观发展时期。文章比较全面的对这几个阶段的城市景观发展进行介绍,认为景观建设的发展与经济、人力、文化、地理等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

城市空间与交通——哥本哈根的策略与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了哥本哈根通过优先可持续的交通模式,充分发挥骑车和步行给都市生活带来的积极效果,以及制订的一系列城市空间发展策略和这些策略提出的背景,并通过个案分析展示了这些策略是如何通过试验和公众参与而得到执行的。  相似文献   

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