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The magnetic field dependence of the surface impedance (resistance and reactance) of high-T c thin films is found employing measurements of the quality factor and the frequency of the parallel plate resonator in a dc magnetic field up to 500 Oe at 10 GHz.c-Oriented YBa2Cu3O7 thin films are examined. Enhancement of surface resistance and inductance with increase of magnetic field is observed. The effect of irreversible increase of surface impedance as compared to its initial values after a cycle of magnetic field commutation is found. A qualitative explanation of the observed effects based on the picture of magnetic vortex penetration and accumulation in the film due to strong pinning is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a method which makes it possible to rapidly and accurately determine the penetration depth as a function of temperature for superconductive thin film samples. A key feature of the approach described here is that it is derived only from electrodynamic definitions and makes no use of a selected model of superconductivity. Another advantage relative to some of the alternative methods presently in use is that it can be expected to give useful results for films with thicknesses that are as much as three times the zerotemperature effective penetration depth. When combined with an accurate evaluation ofR S as a function of temperature for the same samples, these penetration depth data enable the computation of the complex conductivity for a wide variety of samples. One shortcoming of the method is the fact that it performs well only at temperatures below about 0.95T c.  相似文献   

We have investigated the 9- and 10-GHz microwave properties of bulk samples of strontium and barium substituted La2CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O7 and one YBa2Cu3O7 MBE film on SrTiO3. Anomalous microwave absorption is seen especially for poorly compacted bulk ceramic samples. Transitions were generally broadened nearT c and the residual losses were high. The real part of the surface impedance could be fit belowT c to the empirical equation with an added term linear in temperature. The microwave response of the film was masked by paraelectric absorption and acoustic resonances in the substrate.  相似文献   

Measurements of microwave surface impedance of high-T c films at gigahertz frequencies and nitrogen temperature are performed. A simple technique employing a parallel-plate resonator with liquid nitrogen as a dielectric spaces is suggested. The use of a precise mechanical device provides smooth changing of distance between films from 200μm down to zero. Coupling to the resonator is accomplished by means of two small antennas-half-wave vibrators for frequency 10 GHz. The method for determining resistivity and magnetic field penetration depth was based on the analysis of spacer thickness dependences of the resonator quality factor and frequency. YBa2Cu3O7 films produced by a laser deposition technique on CaNdAlO4 substrates withT c =91 K andj c =107 A/cm2 and on NdGaO3 substrates withT c =91 K andj c =106 A/cm2 are examined, and the valuesR s =0.6 mΩ,λ=348 nm atf=8.97 GHz andR s =0.5 mΩ,λ=250 nm atf=10.12 GHz, respectively, are obtained at 77 K.  相似文献   

We have investigated the superconducting behavior of high-T c YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) thin films containing BaO impure phase produced by pulsed laser deposition. The thin films were characterized by the standard four-probe method, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XRD showed that all these thin films contained BaO impurity, with thec-axis normal to the surface of the substrates. The presence of impurity existed from substrate temperatureT s of 727 to 796°C. When these thin films with BaO impurity were measured under the magnetic fields, it was found that the critical current densityJ c increased slightly with increase in magnetic fieldB within the range ofB500 G, in the case ofB perpendicular to thec-axis of the film.  相似文献   

Fabrication of high-T c ceramic superconductor in the system Y2O3-BaO-CuO by melting a mixture of component oxides has been investigated. The compositions of the resulting specimens and the effects of heat treatment have been investigated. It was determined that molten material was composed of phases including BaCuO2, CuO, Y2O3, and Y2BaCuO5. A subsequent heat treatment in air produced a nominal amount of the high-T c phase, while heat treatment in an O2 atmosphere resulted in a significantly large percentage of the superconducting phase.  相似文献   

The variation of critical current density at 77 K as a function of film thickness was studied for YBa2Cu3O7 films on (100) LaAlO3 substrates. Film thicknesses were in the range 0.2–1.6m. The films were deposited by co-evaporation and post-annealed under conditions which have previously resulted in high-quality films (750°C and an oxygen partial pressure of 29 Pa). The critical current density at 77 K exceeds 1 MA cm–2 for the thinner films, and decreases with increasing film thickness in excess of about 0.4m. The decrease is in rough agreement with a switch fromc-axis toa-axis growth at about this critical thickness. A good anticorrelation was found between room temperature resistivity and critical current density at 77 K. The results are compared to those obtained before by post-annealing at 850°C in 1 atm of oxygen.  相似文献   

The effect of pair breaking on the isotope effect coefficient=–d lnT c/d lnM in La2–x Sr x CuO4 and Pr-, Ca-, and Zn-doped YBa2Cu3O7–x and EuBa2Cu3O7–x is studied using the generalized Abrikosov-Gorkov theory recently employed by Singh and Kishore for superconductivity. It is argued that the isotope effect coefficient can be further enhanced, in agreement with experimental observations, by considering the dependence of the characteristic scattering time s for Cooper pairs on the concentrationn of impurities (both magnetic and nonmagnetic) and the disorder ignored by them (J. Supercond. 8, 9 (1995).  相似文献   

The photoemission threshold and photocurrent spectra were investigated for Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 crystals with K or Cs submonolayer films. The different films of K or Cs were deposited on the Bi-O surface in the temperature range 80–250 K. We observed an appreciable (up to 0.3 eV) energy shift of the threshold and a strong modification of the photocurrent spectra for different temperatures and submonolayer coverages. The appropriate model of such a phenomena is based on a quasimetallic K or Cs clusters effect and additional 2D-polaronic effect.  相似文献   

We report measurements of the r.f. surface resistance of a wide variety of high-T c superconductors in bulk form and as films on silver substrates. Several apparatuses have been constructed and used for measurements at frequencies from 0.15 to 40 GHz and r.f. surface magnetic fields as high as 640 G. In every case in which the field dependence of the surface resistance was measured, the surface resistance increased monotonically with field amplitude through a transition region characterized by a strong field dependence. It then saturated at high field at a value of a few percent of the normal-state surface resistance just aboveT c . In the presence of this field dependence, the frequency dependence of the surface resistance changed from quadratic to less than linear.  相似文献   

Complete integration of high-T c thin-film superconducting technology with other electronic technologies requires hybrid structures with both technologies on the same substrate. This is difficult to do with direct growth of the superconductor on certain substrates (GaAs, InP) because of the high temperatures required for formation of the superconductor. A method is proposed to circumvent this problem by using electrostatic forces and appropriate thin-film materials to bond superconducting films to any substrate at 300°C. The same principle can be applied to the bonding of other devices on other substrates.  相似文献   

Detailed transmission electron microscopic study has been carried out on heteroepitaxial YBa2Cu3O7/SrTiO3/YBa2Cu3O7 trilayer thin films grown on (100)SrTiO3 substrates prepared by DC and RF magnetron sputtering. The microstructural results showed the existence of somea-axis-oriented YBCO grains 20–90 nm wide in thec-axis-oriented YBCO matrix. Some of thea-axis grains in the lower YBCO thin film layer have protruded into the above SrTiO3 layer, which may cause short circuit between the two YBCO superconducting layers. This is unsuitable for the application of trilayer thin films for microelectronic devices. The defects on the surface of the substrates would also influence the growth quality of the YBCO thin films.  相似文献   

A microwave superconducting magnetometer is described in which a microstrip resonator is coupled to a two-hole high-T c thin-film SQUID device. Both the microstrip circuit and the thin-film SQUID were fabricated by photolithography techniques. The YBCO thin film was deposited on single-crystal substrate of yttria-stabilized zirconia [YSZ(100)] by an ion beam sputtering technique producing a superconducting transition measured at a critical temperature ofT c =92 K to within T 3 K. Non linear oscillatory behavior was observed in the microstrip resonator when inductively coupled to the SQUID. This nonlinear behavior yielded a microwave device in which the reflected microwave power varied with applied DC magnetic flux.  相似文献   

A Cd analogue of the Tl and Hgn =3 series with nominal composition CdBa2Ca2Cu3Oy has been synthesized. The samples were superconducting according to magnetic susceptibility measurements. The critical temperature was 103 or 107 K depending on the preparation conditions. The EDX analysis revealed the presence of Cd-1111, Cd-1121, and Cd-2333 as minor phases. The observed diamagnetic effects were attributed to the differentT c of these phases.  相似文献   

Our technique of reactive thermal co-evaporation has been extended to fabricate large films (up to 4 in.) of YBa2Cu3O7 with high quality. A rotating substrate holder is used to separate the deposition and oxidation processes. This allows free access of the metal vapors. As large substrate wafers we use Al2O3, Si, and GaAs with buffer layers of CeO2, YSZ, and MgO, respectively. On all substrates, the uniformity of thickness and composition was better than 2%. Inductively measuredT c andj c (77 K) were 87.5±0.2 K and >1×106 A/cm2, respectively, across the full wafer area. This holds also for GaAs substrates due to a new procedure of capping by Si3N4.This work was supported by the German Bundesminister für Forschung und Technologie.  相似文献   

The post-annealing method of producing thin films of YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) has taken on a new impetus due to the recent work showing that films of the highest quality can be made by using low partial pressures of oxygen during the annealing cycle. Here it is shown that for films produced by using BaF2 as a source material, the post-annealing procedure can be closely controlled by monitoring the F that evolves due to the water vapor reaction with BaF2. The use of an ion-sensitive electrode allowed small F evolution rates (about 1 ng s–1) to be detected above background, sufficient to measure the F evolution rate from even the smallest samples used. The time interval during which F evolves was found to increase with increasing YBCO film area being annealed.  相似文献   

High-Tc superconductors with light rare earth (LRE) elements instead of Y exhibit nanoscale stripe structures on the surface as observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) scans. Within the GdBa2Cu3Ox (GdBCO) system exhibiting relatively high critical current densities, nanoclusters arranged in a stripe-like fashion are observed in undoped material, while adding of nanoparticles (ZnO2, ZrO2) leads to the formation of nanostripes as observed in other LRE superconductors. The nanostripes in doped GdBCO exhibit periodicties between 20 and 50 nm and corresponding step heights of 0.3–0.8 nm. Using polarized light microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis, we determined the direction of the nanostripes with respect to the known twin structure.  相似文献   

High permeability ring-shaped mu metal sheets have been used to enhance magnetic fields in the bore of Bi-based high-T c superconducting coils. The central magnetic fieldB 0, generated by pancake coils placed between mu metal sheets, was measured at liquid nitrogen temperature 77 K. The increasing rate (IR) of the central magnetic fieldB 0 for single pancake coils was from 15 to 63% by using a 0.1 mm thick mu metal sheet. IR was decreased when the originalB 0 value increased. The thickness of mu metal sheets also affected IR. It was found that IR increased as the number of mu metal sheets was increased. In a test double-pancake coil IR reached 101%,B 0 was enhanced from 902 to 1815 G, when the total thickness of mu metal sheets on the top and bottom surface of the coil was 2.0 mm. These results indicate that the well-designed high-permeability materials can significantly enhance the magnetic fields generated by high-T c superconducting coils and magnets.  相似文献   

The charge-transfer hypothesis is shown to be inconsistent with data for YBa2Cu3Ox: (i) The two-step behavior ofT c(x) (with jumps from zero to 60 K and then to 90 K) is not reflected as a similar, statistically significant two-step behavior in the bond-valence-sum charge of cuprate-plane Cu ions (as once believed), (ii) as a consequence of the law of conservation of charge, the derivatives of the layer charges with respect to oxygen contentx for both the Ba-O layers and the charge-reservoir Cu-O chains have the opposite signs to those predicted, and (iii) the charge-transfer observed for superconducting YBa2Cu3Ox is not sufficient to produce superconductivity, as demonstrated by insulating PrBa2Cu3Ox, which has virtually the same layer charges.  相似文献   

Post-annealing of YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) thin films is usually performed at 850–900°C in atmospheric-pressure oxygen. In this study, coevaporated YBCO films on LaAlO3 were post-annealed in an oxygen partial pressure of 29 Pa at temperatures in the range 700–825°C. Zero resistance transition temperatures were 89–90 K. Both d.c. (room-temperature resistance and critical-current density) and a.c. parameters (extracted from eddy-current response measurements at 25 MHz) were monitored. The optimum temperature is close to 750°C, which is on the YBCO thermodynamic stability line at this low oxygen partial pressure.  相似文献   

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