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Entropy and the law of small numbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two new information-theoretic methods are introduced for establishing Poisson approximation inequalities. First, using only elementary information-theoretic techniques it is shown that, when S/sub n/=/spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/X/sub i/ is the sum of the (possibly dependent) binary random variables X/sub 1/,X/sub 2/,...,X/sub n/, with E(X/sub i/)=p/sub i/ and E(S/sub n/)=/spl lambda/, then D(P(S/sub n/)/spl par/Po(/spl lambda/)) /spl les//spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/p/sub i//sup 2/+[/spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/H(X/sub i/)-H(X/sub 1/,X/sub 2/,...,X/sub n/)] where D(P(S/sub n/)/spl par/Po(/spl lambda/)) is the relative entropy between the distribution of S/sub n/ and the Poisson (/spl lambda/) distribution. The first term in this bound measures the individual smallness of the X/sub i/ and the second term measures their dependence. A general method is outlined for obtaining corresponding bounds when approximating the distribution of a sum of general discrete random variables by an infinitely divisible distribution. Second, in the particular case when the X/sub i/ are independent, the following sharper bound is established: D(P(S/sub n/)/spl par/Po(/spl lambda/))/spl les/1//spl lambda/ /spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup n/ ((p/sub i//sup 3/)/(1-p/sub i/)) and it is also generalized to the case when the X/sub i/ are general integer-valued random variables. Its proof is based on the derivation of a subadditivity property for a new discrete version of the Fisher information, and uses a recent logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the Poisson distribution.  相似文献   

Let Z/(p/sup e/) be the integer residue ring with odd prime p/spl ges/5 and integer e/spl ges/2. For a sequence a_ over Z/(p/sup e/), there is a unique p-adic expansion a_=a_/sub 0/+a_/spl middot/p+...+a_/sub e-1//spl middot/p/sup e-1/, where each a_/sub i/ is a sequence over {0,1,...,p-1}, and can be regarded as a sequence over the finite field GF(p) naturally. Let f(x) be a primitive polynomial over Z/(p/sup e/), and G'(f(x),p/sup e/) the set of all primitive sequences generated by f(x) over Z/(p/sup e/). Set /spl phi//sub e-1/ (x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = x/sub e-1//sup k/ + /spl eta//sub e-2,1/(x/sub 0/, x/sub 1/,...,x/sub e-2/) /spl psi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = x/sub e-1//sup k/ + /spl eta//sub e-2,2/(x/sub 0/,x/sub 1/,...,x/sub e-2/) where /spl eta//sub e-2,1/ and /spl eta//sub e-2,2/ are arbitrary functions of e-1 variables over GF(p) and 2/spl les/k/spl les/p-1. Then the compression mapping /spl phi//sub e-1/:{G'(f(x),p/sup e/) /spl rarr/ GF(p)/sup /spl infin// a_ /spl rarr/ /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) is injective, that is, a_ = b_ if and only if /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) = /spl phi//sub e-1/(b_/sub 0/,...,b_/sub e-1/) for a_,b_ /spl isin/ G'(f(x),p/sup e/). Furthermore, if f(x) is a strongly primitive polynomial over Z/(p/sup e/), then /spl phi//sub e-1/(a_/sub 0/,...,a_/sub e-1/) = /spl psi//sub e-1/(b_/sub 0/,...,b_/sub e-1/) if and only if a_ = b_ and /spl phi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) = /spl psi//sub e-1/(x/sub 0/,...,x/sub e-1/) for a_,b_ /spl isin/ G'(f(x),p/sup e/).  相似文献   

A simplified form of the coupling coefficient C(/spl beta//sub p/, /spl beta//sub q/) resulting from a coupled mode theory analysis of wave propagation in a nonuniform medium is derived. It is found for most situations of interest that C(/spl beta//sub p/, /spl beta//sub q/) is proportional to 1/(/spl beta//sub p/-/spl beta//sub q/) and the power transfer between two modes is proportional to 1/(/spl beta//sub p/ - /spl beta//sub q/)/sup 4/. /spl beta//sub p/ and /spl beta//sub q/ are the two different modal propagation constants. For a dielectric rod C(/spl beta//sub p/, /spl beta//sub q/) is a simple line integral around the rod boundary. Approximate forms are presented for optical waveguides.  相似文献   

Let GR(4/sup m/) be the Galois ring of characteristic 4 and cardinality 4/sup m/, and /spl alpha/_={/spl alpha//sub 0/,/spl alpha//sub 1/,...,/spl alpha//sub m-1/} be a basis of GR(4/sup m/) over /spl Zopf//sub 4/ when we regard GR(4/sup m/) as a free /spl Zopf//sub 4/-module of rank m. Define the map d/sub /spl alpha/_/ from GR(4/sup m/)[z]/(z/sup n/-1) into /spl Zopf//sub 4/[z]/(z/sup mn/-1) by d/spl alpha/_(a(z))=/spl Sigma//sub i=0//sup m-1//spl Sigma//sub j=0//sup n-1/a/sub ij/z/sup mj+i/ where a(z)=/spl Sigma//sub j=0//sup n-1/a/sub j/z/sup j/ and a/sub j/=/spl Sigma//sub i=0//sup m-1/a/sub ij//spl alpha//sub i/, a/sub ij//spl isin//spl Zopf//sub 4/. Then, for any linear code C of length n over GR(4/sup m/), its image d/sub /spl alpha/_/(C) is a /spl Zopf//sub 4/-linear code of length mn. In this article, for n and m being odd integers, it is determined all pairs (/spl alpha/_,C) such that d/sub /spl alpha/_/(C) is /spl Zopf//sub 4/-cyclic, where /spl alpha/_ is a basis of GR(4/sup m/) over /spl Zopf//sub 4/, and C is a cyclic code of length n over GR(4/sup m/).  相似文献   

The relation between the quality factor Q and the attenuation constant /spl alpha/ of a transmission line has been known as follows: /spl alpha/ = /spl beta/ / /2Q where /spl beta/ is the phase constant. Recently from the following relation of propagation constant at resonance /spl Gamma/(/spl omega//sub 0/) + /spl part//spl Gamma/ / /spl part//spl omega/ /spl Delta//spl omega//spl cong/ i/spl beta/(/spl omega//sub 0/), where /spl Gamma/(/spl omega//sub 0/) = /spl alpha/(/spl omega//sub 0/) + i/spl beta/(/spl omega//sub 0/). Yeh derived a general relation between Q and /spl alpha/, namely, /spl alpha/ = /spl upsi//sub p/ / /spl upsi//sub g/ /spl beta/ / /2Q where /spl upsi//sub p/, and /spl upsi//sub g/ are the phase velocity and group velocity of the wave respectively. This general relation can be derived very simply from the generally accepted definition of /spl alpha/ and Q.  相似文献   

Several electrically small resonant antennas employing the composite right/left-handed transmission line (CRLH-TL) are presented for integration with portable RF modules. The proposed antenna designs are based on the unique property of anti-parallel phase and group velocity of the CRLH-TL at its fundamental mode. In this mode, the propagation constant increases as the frequency decreases, therefore, a small guided wavelength can be obtained at a lower frequency to provide the small /spl lambda//sub g//2 resonant length used to realize a compact antenna design. Furthermore, the physical size and the operational frequency of the antenna depend on the unit cell size and the equivalent transmission line model parameters of the CRLH-TL, including series inductance, series capacitance, shunt inductance and shunt capacitance. Optimization of these parameters as well as miniaturization techniques of the physical size of unit cell is investigated. A four unit-cell resonant antenna is designed and tested at 1.06 GHz. The length, width and height of the proposed antenna are 1/19/spl lambda//sub 0/, 1/23/spl lambda//sub 0/ and 1/83/spl lambda//sub 0/, respectively. In addition, a compact antenna using a 2-D three by three mushroom like unit cell arrangement is developed at 1.17 GHz, showing that an increased gain of 0.6 dB and higher radiation efficiency can be achieved over the first prototype antenna. The same design is applied in the development of a circularly polarized antenna operating at 2.46 GHz. A 116/spl deg/ beamwidth with axial ratio better than 3 dB is observed. The physical size of the proposed mushroom type small antenna and the circularly polarized antenna is 1/14/spl lambda//sub 0/ by 1/14/spl lambda//sub 0/ by 1/39/spl lambda//sub 0/ and 1/10/spl lambda//sub 0/ by 1/10/spl lambda//sub 0/ by 1/36/spl lambda//sub 0/, respectively.  相似文献   

Gain, group index, group velocity dispersion (GVD), temperature variation of refractive index, and linewidth enhancement factor of an In/sub 0.15/Ga/sub 0.85/N/In/sub 0.02/Ga/sub 0.98/N multiple quantum-well blue laser diode was measured using the Fourier transform method as a function of wavelength from 400 to 410 nm. At the lasing wavelength (403.5 nm), the group index is 3.4, the GVD (dn/sub g//d/spl lambda/) is -37 /spl mu/m/sup -1/, the temperature variation of refractive index dn/dT is 1.3/spl times/10/sup -4/ K/sup -1/, and the linewidth enhancement factor is 5.6.  相似文献   

Let X = (X/sub 1/,...) be a stationary ergodic finite-alphabet source, X/sup n/ denote its first n symbols, and Y/sup n/ be the codeword assigned to X/sup n/ by a lossy source code. The empirical kth-order joint distribution Q/spl circ//sup k/[X/sup n/,Y/sup n//spl rceil/(x/sup k/,y/sup k/) is defined as the frequency of appearances of pairs of k-strings (x/sup k/,y/sup k/) along the pair (X/sup n/,Y/sup n/). Our main interest is in the sample behavior of this (random) distribution. Letting I(Q/sup k/) denote the mutual information I(X/sup k/;Y/sup k/) when (X/sup k/,Y/sup k/)/spl sim/Q/sup k/ we show that for any (sequence of) lossy source code(s) of rate /spl les/R lim sup/sub n/spl rarr//spl infin//(1/k)I(Q/spl circ//sup k/[X/sup n/,Y/sup n//spl rfloor/) /spl les/R+(1/k)H (X/sub 1//sup k/)-H~(X) a.s. where H~(X) denotes the entropy rate of X. This is shown to imply, for a large class of sources including all independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). sources and all sources satisfying the Shannon lower bound with equality, that for any sequence of codes which is good in the sense of asymptotically attaining a point on the rate distortion curve Q/spl circ//sup k/[X/sup n/,Y/sup n//spl rfloor//spl rArr//sup d/P(X/sup k/,Y~/sup k/) a.s. whenever P(/sub X//sup k//sub ,Y//sup k/) is the unique distribution attaining the minimum in the definition of the kth-order rate distortion function. Consequences of these results include a new proof of Kieffer's sample converse to lossy source coding, as well as performance bounds for compression-based denoisers.  相似文献   

It is well known that the 2/spl pi/ minimally supported frequency scaling function /spl phi//sup /spl alpha//(x) satisfying /spl phi//spl circ//sup /spl alpha//(/spl omega/)=/spl chi//sub (-/spl alpha/,2/spl pi/-/spl alpha/)/(/spl omega/), 0相似文献   

Wireless planar networks have been used to model wireless networks in a tradition that dates back to 1961 to the work of E. N. Gilbert. Indeed, the study of connected components in wireless networks was the motivation for his pioneering work that spawned the modern field of continuum percolation theory. Given that node locations in wireless networks are not known, random planar modeling can be used to provide preliminary assessments of important quantities such as range, number of neighbors, power consumption, and connectivity, and issues such as spatial reuse and capacity. In this paper, the problem of connectivity based on nearest neighbors is addressed. The exact threshold function for /spl theta/-coverage is found for wireless networks modeled as n points uniformly distributed in a unit square, with every node connecting to its /spl phi//sub n/ nearest neighbors. A network is called /spl theta/-covered if every node, except those near the boundary, can find one of its /spl phi//sub n/ nearest neighbors in any sector of angle /spl theta/. For all /spl theta//spl isin/(0,2/spl pi/), if /spl phi//sub n/=(1+/spl delta/)log/sub 2/spl pi//2/spl pi/-/spl theta//n, it is shown that the probability of /spl theta/-coverage goes to one as n goes to infinity, for any /spl delta/>0; on the other hand, if /spl phi//sub n/=(1-/spl delta/)log/sub 2/spl pi//2/spl pi/-/spl theta//n, the probability of /spl theta/-coverage goes to zero. This sharp characterization of /spl theta/-coverage is used to show, via further geometric arguments, that the network will be connected with probability approaching one if /spl phi//sub n/=(1+/spl delta/)log/sub 2/n. Connections between these results and the performance analysis of wireless networks, especially for routing and topology control algorithms, are discussed.  相似文献   

A new binary sequence family with low correlation and large size   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For odd n=2l+1 and an integer /spl rho/ with 1/spl les//spl rho//spl les/l, a new family S/sub o/(/spl rho/) of binary sequences of period 2/sup n/-1 is constructed. For a given /spl rho/, S/sub o/(/spl rho/) has maximum correlation 1+2/sup n+2/spl rho/-1/2/, family size 2/sup n/spl rho//, and maximum linear span n(n+1)/2. Similarly, a new family of S/sub e/(/spl rho/) of binary sequences of period 2/sup n/-1 is also presented for even n=2l and an integer /spl rho/ with 1/spl les//spl rho/相似文献   

Wide-stopband and compact microstrip bandpass filters (BPFs) are proposed using various dissimilar quarter-wavelength (/spl lambda//4) stepped-impedance resonators (SIRs) for multiple spurious suppression. The use of /spl lambda//4 SIRs is essential in widening the filter stopband and reducing the circuit size. By properly arranging the individual /spl lambda//4 SIR, which has the same fundamental resonance frequency f/sub 0/, but has different spurious (harmonic) resonance frequencies, and also carefully misaligning the maximum current density nodes, several higher order spurious resonances may be suppressed so that a BPF with wide stopband may be realized. In this study, the basic concept of multiple spurious suppression is demonstrated by thoroughly investigating the spurious characteristics of the fourth-order interdigital BPFs, which consist of two different types of /spl lambda//4 SIRs. To widen the rejection bandwidth, the fourth-order coupled-resonator BPFs based on three and four different types of /spl lambda//4 SIRs are implemented and carefully examined. Specifically, a very wide-stopband microstrip BPF composed of four dissimilar /spl lambda//4 SIRs is realized and its stopband is extended even up to 11.4f/sub 0/ with a rejection level better than 27.5 dB.  相似文献   

Several advantages of multiple-frequency nonlinear reactance circuits are described in this paper. In particular, a circuit is considered in which a nonlinear reactance couples four basic frequencies: /spl omega//sub 0/, /spl omega//sub 1/,/spl omega//sub 2/, and /spl omega//sub 3/; these are so related that /spl omega//sub 2/ = /spl omega//sub 0/ + /spl omega//sub 1/ and /spl omega//sub 3/ = /spl omega//sub 0/ - /spl omega//sub 1/. Here, /spl omega//sub 0/ is taken to be the power source or pump. It is found to be desirable to allow for the possible presence of the pump harmonic, 2/spl omega//sub 0/, and individual cases are characterized by whether 2/spl omega//sub 0/, is present or not. The major results are as follows: 1) Unlimited amplification gain is theoretically possible at frequencies higher than the pump, by reflecting negative input resistance at /spl omega//sub 2/, but without relying on any effects due to pump harmonics. 2) Unlimited up- or down-conversion gains between /spl omega//sub 1/ and /spl omega//sub 2/ are theoretically possible in the additional presence of the first pump harmonic, but without reflecting negative input or output resistance. 3) Unlimited amplification gain is theoretically possible at frequencies both lower and higher than the pump fundamental, without reflecting negative input resistance.  相似文献   

The inequalities of quantum information theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let /spl rho/ denote the density matrix of a quantum state having n parts 1, ..., n. For I/spl sube/N={1, ..., n}, let /spl rho//sub I/=Tr/sub N/spl bsol/I/(/spl rho/) denote the density matrix of the state comprising those parts i such that i/spl isin/I, and let S(/spl rho//sub I/) denote the von Neumann (1927) entropy of the state /spl rho//sub I/. The collection of /spl nu/=2/sup n/ numbers {S(/spl rho//sub I/)}/sub I/spl sube/N/ may be regarded as a point, called the allocation of entropy for /spl rho/, in the vector space R/sup /spl nu//. Let A/sub n/ denote the set of points in R/sup /spl nu// that are allocations of entropy for n-part quantum states. We show that A~/sub n/~ (the topological closure of A/sub n/) is a closed convex cone in R/sup /spl nu//. This implies that the approximate achievability of a point as an allocation of entropy is determined by the linear inequalities that it satisfies. Lieb and Ruskai (1973) have established a number of inequalities for multipartite quantum states (strong subadditivity and weak monotonicity). We give a finite set of instances of these inequalities that is complete (in the sense that any valid linear inequality for allocations of entropy can be deduced from them by taking positive linear combinations) and independent (in the sense that none of them can be deduced from the others by taking positive linear combinations). Let B/sub n/ denote the polyhedral cone in R/sup /spl nu// determined by these inequalities. We show that A~/sub n/~=B/sub n/ for n/spl les/3. The status of this equality is open for n/spl ges/4. We also consider a symmetric version of this situation, in which S(/spl rho//sub I/) depends on I only through the number i=/spl ne/I of indexes in I and can thus be denoted S(/spl rho//sub i/). In this case, we give for each n a finite complete and independent set of inequalities governing the symmetric allocations of entropy {S(/spl rho//sub i/)}/sub 0/spl les/i/spl les/n/ in R/sup n+1/.  相似文献   

This letter reports a newly achieved best result on the specific ON-resistance (R/sub SP/spl I.bar/ON/) of power 4H-SiC bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). A 4H-SiC BJT based on a 12-/spl mu/m drift layer shows a record-low specific-ON resistance of only 2.9 m/spl Omega//spl middot/cm/sup 2/, with an open-base collector-to-emitter blocking voltage (V/sub ceo/) of 757 V, and a current gain of 18.8. The active area of this 4H-SiC BJT is 0.61 mm/sup 2/, and it has a fully interdigitated design. This high-performance 4H-SiC BJT conducts up to 5.24 A at a forward voltage drop of V/sub CE/=2.5 V, corresponding to a low R/sub SP-ON/ of 2.9 m/spl Omega//spl middot/cm/sup 2/ up to J/sub c/=859 A/cm/sup 2/. This is the lowest specific ON-resistance ever reported for high-power 4H-SiC BJTs.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of universal simulation of an unknown source from a certain parametric family of discrete memoryless sources, given a training vector X from that source and given a limited budget of purely random key bits. The goal is to generate a sequence of random vectors {Y/sub i/}, all of the same dimension and the same probability law as the given training vector X, such that a certain, prescribed set of M statistical tests will be satisfied. In particular, for each statistical test, it is required that for a certain event, /spl epsiv//sub /spl lscr//, 1 /spl les/ /spl lscr/ /spl les/ M, the relative frequency /sup 1///sub N/ /spl Sigma//sub i=1//sup N/ 1/sub /spl epsiv//spl lscr//(Y/sub i/) (1/sub /spl epsiv//(/spl middot/) being the indicator function of an event /spl epsiv/), would converge, as N /spl rarr/ /spl infin/, to a random variable (depending on X), that is typically as close as possible to the expectation of 1/sub /spl epsiv//spl lscr/,/ (X) with respect to the true unknown source, namely, to the probability of the event /spl epsiv//sub /spl lscr//. We characterize the minimum key rate needed for this purpose and demonstrate how this minimum can be approached in principle.  相似文献   

We consider the product code C/sub p/ of q-ary linear codes with minimum distances d/sub c/ and d/sub r/. The words in C/sub p/ of weight less than d/sub r/d/sub c/+max(d/sub r//spl lceil/(d/sub c//g)/spl rceil/,d/sub c//spl lceil/(d/sub r//q)/spl rceil/) are characterized, and their number is expressed in the number of low-weight words of the constituent codes. For binary product codes, we give an upper bound on the number of words in C/sub p/ of weightless than min(d/sub r/(d/sub c/+/spl lceil/(d/sub c//2)/spl rceil/+1)), d/sub c/(d/sub r/+/spl lceil/(d/sub r//2)/spl rceil/+1) that is met with equality if C/sub c/ and C/sub r/ are (extended) perfect codes.  相似文献   

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