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A number of age-related factors, including changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, medical comorbidity and an increased risk of drug-drug interaction, can complicate the pharmacologic management of depression in late life. Nevertheless, over 80% of elderly depressed patients will eventually respond to vigorous treatment and, when treated over 2 years, up to 75% of those will not have a relapse or recurrence of depression. This article reviews a number of issues relating to the pharmacotherapy of depression in elderly people. In particular, it discusses the similarities and differences between various antidepressant medications, issues pertaining to dosing and length of treatment, and management of the patient who does not respond to first-line treatment. The author emphasizes that, because of the high risk of relapse and recurrence, a long-term collaboration between the patient and the physician is required to successfully manage depression in late life.  相似文献   

Pharmacologic therapy is an important part of the treatment armamentarium for urogynecologic disorders. Current and future research will determine the utility of such therapy as medications with fewer side effects and more targeted efficacy are developed.  相似文献   

Although our understanding of the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and peripheral vascular disease continues to grow, we have yet to discover a medication that can safely and efficaciously be given to most claudicants that will alleviate their symptoms to prevent disease progression. Many patients with intermittent claudication improve or remain stable without therapy if they attempt to alter their risk factors (e.g., control of diabetes, smoking cessation, lowering of cholesterol levels). However, many require concomitant drug therapy to alleviate symptoms of PVD, and some require surgical intervention. Even with the recent advances in therapeutic development and the promise of agents currently in clinical trials, the questions of who to treat, when treatment should begin, and which agent to use remain uncertain.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Data on patients with cancer of the larynx are analyzed using statistical models to estimate the effect of gaps in the treatment time on the local control of the tumor. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Patients from four centers, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, and Toronto, with carcinoma of the larynx and treated by radiotherapy were followed up and the disease-free period recorded. In all centers the end point was control of the primary tumor after irradiation alone. The local control rates at > or = 2 years, Pc, were analyzed by log linear models, and Cox proportional hazard models were used to model the disease-free period. RESULTS: T stage, nodal involvement, and site of the tumor were important determinants of the disease-free interval, as was the radiation schedule used. Elongation of the treatment time by 1 day, or a gap of 1 day, was associated with a decrease in Pc of 0.68% per day for Pc = 0.80, with a 95% confidence interval of (0.28, 1.08)%. An increase of 5 days was associated with a 3.5% reduction in Pc from 0.80 to 0.77. At Pc = 0.60 an increase of 5 days was associated with an 7.9% decrease in Pc. The time factor in the Linear Quadratic model, gamma/alpha, was estimated as 0.89 Gy/day, 95% confidence interval (0.35, 1.43) Gy/day. CONCLUSIONS: Any gaps (public holidays are the majority) in the treatment schedule have the same deleterious effect on the disease free period as an increase in the prescribed treatment time. For a schedule, where dose and fraction number are specified, any gap in treatment is potentially damaging.  相似文献   

Endocrine disorders are commonly seen in the general population. This article discusses the physiology, pathogenesis, and the medical and dental management of patients with thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary gland disorders. In addition, the pharmacologic treatment, common side effects, and dental drug interactions of concern are discussed.  相似文献   

Pharmacological recommendations for the treatment of lower urinary tract disorders in cats are rapidly evolving as more is learned about the physiology and pathophysiology of the feline urinary bladder and urethra. Recent investigations and clinical observations have led to reconsideration of previously prescribed treatments and to the use of new and alternative pharmacologic agents. Pharmacologic agents used in the management of common lower urinary tract disorders in cats, including urinary tract infections, idiopathic lower urinary tract inflammation, urinary incontinence, urine retention, and urinary elimination disorders, are reviewed.  相似文献   

In a primary care setting, nurse-midwives will collaboratively manage common lower respiratory conditions that require pharmacologic therapy. As such, they must maintain up-to-date knowledge about the indications, use, and potential side effects of these medications. This article reviews the drugs most commonly used for the out-patient treatment of pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis (both acute and chronic). Differences among common oral antibiotics recommended by the American Thoracic Society are described. Inhaled bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory medications are covered, as well as systemic corticosteroids. The use of isoniazid preventive therapy for latent tuberculous infection is described in detail, with brief mention made of other drugs used for active tuberculosis. Adjunct treatments including immunotherapy, vaccines, oxygen supplementation, and nicotine replacement for smoking cessation also are discussed.  相似文献   

It appears inevitable that with increased longevity, the management of the elderly diabetic will place even greater demands on hospital services. It seems reasonable to adopt a more liberal attitude to the regulation of control of diabetes in the elderly than in younger patients. However, the view that diabetes in the elderly is always mild can be dangerously misleading. A significant number of elderly diabetics develop ketoacidosis or other serious forms of metabolic disturbance, and in these patients the mortality is high. Cardiovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease are major problems in the elderly, the former being the main cause of death. For best results, it is desirable that management of diabetes not be isolated from management of other, coexisting disorders, but rather that it be considered as part of the overall patient problem. As Malins pointed out, we should think in terms of diabetics rather than diabetes.  相似文献   

Since the establishment of bacteria-laden plaque as a causative agent in gingivitis, the search for specific bacteria that induce different types of periodontitis has generated extensive research. In contrast to many other microbial-induced disorders, the specific periodontal pathogen(s) has not been identified to date. Therefore, the search for an effective systemic agent to prevent the loss of attachment through the selective reduction of known periodontal pathogens has remained elusive. It is not surprising then that antibiotics are not used solely to manage periodontal diseases but rather as an adjunct to the mechanical débridement of root surfaces in select periodontal diseases. Further, the sole use of antibiotics in patients with adult periodontitis (or those who exhibit signs of inflammation but are periodontally stable) has shown little benefit and only increases the chance of microbial resistance to antibiotics. Despite these limitations, considerable progress in antibiotic therapy has delivered regimens that enhance the effectiveness of conventional therapy. In contrast to traditional antimicrobial therapy, new treatment modalities have begun to focus on modulating the responses of host cells to bacteria rather than modulating only the bacteria. Current drugs used to regulate host cells inhibit the cyclooxygenase pathway, reduce the activity of metalloproteinases, or inactivate bone resorptive cells (see Table 1). Although these drugs offer great potential to modulate a variety of mammalian cells, a notable and consequential limitation of these agents is a lack of specificity. Inflammation, bone metabolism, and connective tissue metabolism are two-edged swords; all are necessary for the homeostasis of the tissue, but some or all may also be involved in the pathologic destruction of that same tissue. Hence, drugs that inhibit destruction of the connective tissue in one site of the periodontium also interfere with wound healing at another. As a result of these limitations, the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of the long-term use of these agents is unknown. Preliminary results of treatment with these drugs are promising, and future generations of host-modulating drugs will provide clinicians with additional agents to help improve the success rate of periodontal treatment for patients. Antibiotics remain an important adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontal diseases, and the use of host modulating drugs as supplemental agents in the management of periodontal diseases continues to grow. As more knowledge is gained about the causes of periodontal diseases, new drugs that are potent, effective, site specific, and safe can be delivered at optimal times by simply having the patient take a few tablets. Considering the dramatic progress in the past decade in understanding the cause and pharmacologic management of periodontal diseases, the twenty-first century holds great promise for the development of magic bullets.  相似文献   

Prevalence rates for depression indicate that elderly medical patients are a population at high risk. Studies of middle-aged adults show that detection of depression in medical patients by primary health care providers is poor and that screening instruments can improve detection, although little is known about geriatric patients. The present study used Research Diagnostic Criteria to assess the base rate of detection by nonpsychiatric physicians in a random sample of 150 elderly medical inpatients. In addition, the psychometric properties of three slightly different self-report screening instruments were evaluated. Results indicated that detection by house staff was extremely low (8.7%). All three instruments were much more sensitive, were equally specific, and yielded greater predictive power than the procedures used by hospital staff. All three instruments were especially sensitive to major depression. Of the scales, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the BDI Psychological subscale, and the Geriatric Depression Scale had the best reliability and validity and were the most efficient. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The crystallization of ice in aqueous solutions of glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) has been studied using a combined DSC-video microscope technique. The solutions investigated were 50w/w% glycerol and 45w/w% Me2SO; both of these solutions have a solute concentration of approximately 16 mol%. The rates of growth of the external surfaces of ice crystals from both of these solutions were determined over broad temperature ranges. The growth rates were found to be generally independent of time, particularly at lower temperatures. The ice crystal growth rate in the glycerol solution became negligible at a significantly higher temperature than in the Me2SO solution. Addition of anti-freeze protein from the winter flounder at concentrations of 1.7 and 9.9 mg g-1 was found to have no significant effect on the ice crystal growth rates in 50w/w% glycerol solutions.  相似文献   

Surnames are the result of historic and cultural processes which give information about the ethnic composition and genetic structure of populations. Based on the use of isolation and sedentarisness estimators, obtained from surnames frequency and distribution, the population dynamics of highland communities located at the Province of Jujuy (Northwest of Argentina), situated in two ecologically different regions, was analysed. Surnames were obtained from register of electors (1982) and they correspond to 67 villages of Quebrada of Humahuaca and Puna Juje?a. The surnames were analysed exactly as they were registered (NM = Non-merged) and merged according to their spelling and or similarity in pronunciation (M = Merged). The following estimators were used: 1) percentage of the population covered by unique surnames; 2) percentage of the population covered by the most frequent surnames; 3) ratio between number of individuals and number of surnames. Inter-population differences were detected by means of non-parametric tests. It was observed that, in general, there are no statistically significant differences between NM and M data and among the towns in Quebrada de Humahuaca and Puna, but there were differences according to whether they were located on or away from the main road between regions. These results were compared with those of other populations and we conclude that the simultaneous use of the 4 estimators, to characterize the isolation or sedentarisness of vast population groups, show highly consistent results.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of major depression and to evaluate associated features in random age cohorts of 75, 80, and 85 years (N = 651). A clinical examination was made by experienced health center physicians, and major depression was diagnosed according to DSM-III criteria. The prevalence increased with age and was 1% to 4% in the age groups of 75 and 80 years, but 13% at the age of 85 years. No sex difference was found. The frequency of major depression was fourfold among institutionalized patients (16%) as compared to those living at home (4%). Major depression was strongly associated with objective health, intellectual functioning, and functional capacity. Depression was most common in subjects suffering from poor vision, urinary incontinence, or Parkinson's disease (odd ratios 4.2 to 4.9). Depression was also correlated with musculoskeletal disorders, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular diseases (odd ratios 2.5 to 3.4). The survey suggests that major depression is quite rare in healthy elderly people but common in disabled institutionalized patients.  相似文献   

Patients receiving antidepressant monotherapy may be partially or totally resistant to treatment in 10 to 30 percent of cases. In patients who have experienced only partial treatment results, the clinician should first consider optimizing antidepressant dosage or lengthening therapy. Antidepressant drug substitution should generally be reserved for use in patients who haven't responded at all (nonresponders). Combining two or more antidepressants is generally not recommended, as this approach may obscure adequate monotherapy evaluation and lead to significant adverse effects or drug-drug interactions. Use of electroconvulsive therapy is recommended in patients with psychotic and severe refractory depression. Augmentation therapy is often efficacious in patients who exhibit a partial antidepressant response. Lithium and thyroid hormone have been the most extensively studied augmentative agents but, more recently, pindolol and buspirone have also been used for this purpose.  相似文献   

Rosai-Dorfman disease, first described in 1969, is a rare idiopathic histioproliferative disease affecting the lymph nodes. Typical clinical features include bilateral painless lymphadenopathy, fever and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. In approximately 43% of cases, extranodal sites may be involved and occasionally represent the initial or sole manifestation of the disease. Central nervous system manifestations are exceedingly rare, and only 17 cases have been recorded, among which there are merely seven isolated intracranial cases without concurrent nodal or other extranodal involvement. Herein, we report a 38-year-old male presenting with generalized tonic-clonic seizure and radiological findings indicative of meningioma. Complete physical examinations and laboratory surveys demonstrate the absence of involvement at other body sites. Microscopically, the lesion consists of proliferative histiocytes exhibiting emperipolesis coupled with the characteristic cytoplasmic staining against S-100 protein. The differential diagnosis of polymorphic inflammatory meningioma-mimicking masses is discussed, and a review of previously reported intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease is presented.  相似文献   

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