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城市机动性是一个全新的复合概念所谓"城市机动性"可以认为是反映一座城市满足其所有居民不同出行需求能力的指标。与传统的城市交通概念不同,它是一个更加复合的概念,既是由作为交通主体的  相似文献   

未来20年的城市机动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从机动性强度、出行的动机和频率、交通方式以及在机动性的空间分配4个方面的发展演变出发,拟对未来20年的城市机动性特征做出简要的展望.虽然这一研究主要基于法国的调查,但笔者认为其主要特征可以作为欧洲各城市的基本参照.  相似文献   

当前城市交通的人性化越来越受到公共政策和社会公众的关注,但是既有的相关研究对什么是人性化和为什么要人性化这两个基本问题并没有作出明确和全面的回答,对核心概念的把握不足往往造成一些认识偏差,也影响到具体实践中人性化措施的实施效果。研究在借鉴欧洲城市交通社会学界围绕"城市机动性"概念的相关讨论的基础上,尝试从交通方式、交通环境和交通出行权三个方面认识城市人性化交通建设的各方面要求,构建影响城市交通人性化的要素框架,并从这三个方面分别对小汽车交通、非机动交通和公共交通这三大城市交通方式如何提高人性化提出策略及建议。  相似文献   

马克·韦尔的新书<城市与汽车>从重新理解"城市"这一基本概念入手,将城市机动性放在城市发展基本要素之一的高度来认识,并阐述了它与城市功能空间布局之间的相互作用.运用这一城市观,他分析了当前法国城市发展问题的成因,随后提出解决这些问题的一些建议和方法,如制定地产政策、控制城市地区小汽车的交通速度等.本书是作者在研究如何整合城市交通与城市空间规划问题上的新成果.  相似文献   

当前,城市决策者和规划师正共同面临一个日益复杂的城市社会,城市的发展和城市居民的日常活动都更加复杂化.快速的交通方式和新的信息与通讯技术的应用使人们具有越来越强的自主性和灵活性,本文将重点论述随着交通和通讯速度的提高,城市机动性对当代社会结构和社会关系的影响也越来越重要.  相似文献   

城市机动性的研究在国内刚刚起步,它提供了一种对于城市的全新的认识方法,使交通脱离了传统的部门技术化的领域。它不仅是一种衡量社会公平的指标,更涉及到城市、建筑、人权、制度、经济、交通等各个方面,在不同层面触发巨大的创造性活动。应对于这样的一种新城市宣言的要求,为城市规划与城市设计提供了新的视角和新的机会。以上海市徐家汇的城市中心区城市设计方案为例,介绍了在城市机动性要求下的城市中心区设计的尝试。  相似文献   

城市机动性的研究在国内刚刚起步,它提供了一种对于城市的全新认识方法,使交通脱离了传统的部门技术化的领域,其不仅是一种衡量社会公平的指标,更涉及到城市、建筑.人权.制度.经济.交通等各个方面.在不同层面触发巨大的创造性活动。应对于这样的一种新城市宣言的要求,为城市规划与城市设计提供了新的规角和新的机会。本文以上海市徐家汇的城市中心区城市设计方案为例,介绍了在城市机动性要求下的城市中心区设计的尝试。  相似文献   

巴西可持续城市机动性政策的实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巴西联邦政府于2003年设立了城市部并组建"交通和城市机动性国家委员会"(SeMob)负责在全国范围制订和落实"可持续的城市机动性"政策.作为该政策的两位主管官员,对这一政策的产生背景、具体目标和内容、基本原则以及评估和展望作了详细介绍.  相似文献   

马克·韦尔的新书<城市与汽车>从重新理解"城市"这一基本概念入手,将城市机动性放在城市发展基本要素之一的高度来认识,并阐述了它与城市功能空间布局之间的相互作用.运用这一城市观,他分析了当前法国城市发展问题的成因,随后提出解决这些问题的一些建议和方法,如制定地产政策、控制城市地区小汽车的交通速度等.本书是作者在研究如何整合城市交通与城市空间规划问题上的新成果.  相似文献   

法国1996年的法律提出凡人口超过10万人的城市聚集区必须编制<城市交通出行规划>(简称PDU).为创造一个可持续的城市机动性条件,多模式交通、自行车、道路空间共享等措施成为具体的解决方案.但是,规划编制的条件、观划调控的手段以及考虑问题的空间尺度等方面的缺陷不仅阻止了这一新规划程序实现法律期望的减少小汽车交通量的目标,而且也制约了富有创新的地方政策的落实.笔者作为法国知名公共政策专家对PDU的总结分析,也为人们提供了分析评估公共政策的方法和参考框架.  相似文献   

严建伟  刘萍 《华中建筑》2007,25(10):68-70
多种交通模式间相互转换是城市机动性加速发展进程中的必然趋势.论文以阐述城市交通组织对城市整体规划及设计的导向作用为前提,通过对我国城市交通节点综合建构的分析思考,勾勒出作为大城市交通不可或缺的公共交通转换中心的设置原则及设计特点,以实现城市交通网络的无缝接驳和高效转乘,并探讨了国外发达城市的经验对我国城市交通管理及建设政策制定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Understanding how citizens interact with transportation system is a key to solving a variety of urban issues in general and traffic congestion in particular. Recently, scholars have put efforts on the pertinent work ranging from developing traffic predictors to understanding human mobility and activity patterns. Multiple types of data have been used, of which crowdsourced data (e.g. social media data) plays an essential role. Due to the limitation of traffic information extraction from social media data raised in the existing work, this paper aims to develop an approach which allows us to explore the potential influence of human activities on daily traffic congestions through linking human activities derived from geotagged tweets to the daily traffic conditions. The result of a case study of Toronto, Canada exhibits that entertainment related activities are more likely to appear during evening peak hours, while it seems that morning rush hours are less sensitive to human activities. In addition, it is learned that the activities involved in international events tend to have a long-term impact on urban traffic. This work provides a new tool for urban planners and policy makers to deal with complex urban issues effectively using low-cost social media data and sheds light on the research on analyzing urban traffic and urban dynamics based on crowdsourced data.  相似文献   

首先分析城市机动性如何导致社会排斥问题,然后描述当代中国城市(生理性)弱势群体的庞大规模和城市无障碍交通设施供给的薄弱性局面形成的鲜明反差,揭示中国城市无障碍交通规划对策的紧迫性;总结法国,日本和韩国应对城市机动性带来的社会排斥问题的特征,以及在无障碍设计等交通规划方面的经验和对策,在此基础上提出对中国城市反社会排斥的交通规划对策四个方面(交通理念、政策,技术和规划运营管理)的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

中国城市机动性与社会排斥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尝试运用社会排斥理论研究中国城市交通的社会公平问题,认为在当今快速城市化和机动化的中国,机动性与社会排斥既表现出某些与西方国家相似的现象,更呈现出转型社会(即从计划经济向市场经济转型)所具有的特点。分析了由机动化所产生的社会排斥的机制和过程,以及由此造成的社会后果,并提出反排斥的交通政策。  相似文献   

北川新县城的灾后重建具有特殊性,在新县城的规划中针对灾后重建的特点,从选址、规划布局、风貌特色、绿化系统、绿色交通等方面贯穿了可持续发展的理念,促进北川新县城健康发展,使之成为可持续规划的典型探索与实践。  相似文献   

Urban mobility is increasingly becoming one of the planning and development issues for cities in the sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region. Sub-Saharan cities are growing fast, outstripping the current transport infrastructure. Despite the population and spatial growth, many cities are defined by inadequate planning, rapid urbanisation and deteriorating transport infrastructure and services. In most sub-Saharan African countries, modes of urban mobility are highly dependent on income. Transport options are limited. In fact, walking and cycling are often the main means available for the majority of city commuters. Little effort is made to develop a range of transport options or to improve bike or walking paths. Combined with traffic jams, poor governance and the increasing cost of living, public transport mobility in sub-Saharan cities is having a tremendous impact on their liveability and citizens development aspirations. This paper argues that inclusive and broad ranging transport planning must be prioritised in SSA cities to improve the capacity of citizens to participate in work opportunities as well as to fulfil their daily domestic needs. Using observations and comparing progress in other countries and regions, we note that the majority urban poor, women in particular, are often bearing the brunt of inadequate planning and transport provision. We note that urban planning and transport infrastructure should therefore be (re) designed with particular focus on the wellbeing of the poor. The paper thus ends with a range of suggestions on what planning, design and policy options might be available to better integrate various commuting modes into urban planning infrastructure. In doing so, the paper notes that safety and security are critical elements of improving urban and spatial transport planning in the sub-Saharan Africa region.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: People older than 65 are the most rapidly growing segment of the U.S. population, yet our cities and transportation systems are not age friendly. Low-income, minority, older adults residing in inner-city neighborhoods are largely transit dependent, rely significantly on walking for transportation, and thus have particular mobility needs. We used a mixed-methods approach that drew information from the California Household Travel Survey but also from direct interaction (through focus groups, interviews, and neighborhood walking audits) with 81 low-income, inner city–living older adults to understand their travel patterns and mobility challenges and needs. We find that despite some positive mobility indicators in the inner city (mixed-use environment, frequent bus service, and short travel distances), these elders face significant mobility challenges because of a deteriorated built environment, heavy traffic, homelessness, and crime. A limitation of this research is that the small sample did not allow the study of possible gender or race/ethnicity differentiation in the travel patterns and needs of older adults.

Takeaway for practice: Planners should not rely only on information from the census and other aggregate data sources to understand the mobility needs of older adults but should complement this information with direct interaction with the communities for which they are planning. Although some social problems limiting the mobility of older adults are difficult to tackle, environmental and streetscape improvements can significantly enhance their mobility.  相似文献   

龚清宇 《城市规划》1999,(2):17-19,22
文章指出由于规划的“物质性传统”并非是近代城市规划的直接起源,在时间和意识上要略晚于“社经传统”,因而认为现代城市规划传统是“技术(工程)传统”是失之偏颇的,然而从近代规划的发展历程看,无论是郊区社区还是花园城市,近现代城市规划的思维基点是建立一个新结构,而不是在设法维护一个既有结构。“新城模型”的价值标准仍然深刻地影响着我们今天城市规划的思维方式,于是将针对规划新城的价值观、方法与经验引入既有城市的再开发规划,从而促发旧城的“新城化”现象。作者建议,今天城市规划的主要任务已经由新城建设转向既有城市的适应性维护,城市规划的价值标准也应随之作出反应。  相似文献   

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