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The alignment of information technology and business has shifted significantly since computing's mainframe era. The high costs of mainframe technology meant that only the largest organizations could afford it, and applications were relatively few. Business was expected to adapt to the technology. This all changed in the 1990s. Industry's widespread adoption of PCs, especially Intel x86-based systems, radically reduced computing costs. The benefits of IT spread to much smaller organizations worldwide, and a large market for hardware, software, and business services emerged. As system integrators began using components from diverse suppliers to build standards-based computers, system costs dropped two orders of magnitude from those of comparably powered mainframes. Many large deployments moved from mainframes to client-server distributed systems. The three-tier computing architecture came to dominate this era, and it introduced a separation between hardware and software. The authors describe how we got to this point and what direction we're headed in for the future.  相似文献   

IT运维服务已经发展成为IT行业的一个支柱性业务,进入快速成长期,越来越多的企业投身于IT运维服务行业,但国内IT运维服务行业格局还未成型,还未出现垄断性的龙头企业。造成目前这种情况的原因是IT运维服务原有的商业模式相对固定,没有发现新的商业模式。通过对国内IT运维市场的分析,综合客户需求和市场格局分析,提出了IT运维服务的最佳商业模式。  相似文献   

IT/Business alignment   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
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IT/Business alignment

通过对IT业务系统程序多维监控,提前发现系统隐患,提高IT系统运行稳定,具有特别重要的意义,该文从多维监控角度进行说明及实现,并通过参数配置,告警触发提出了一个初级系统程序监控体系的实现思想。  相似文献   

经过20多年的发展,大多数大型企业都已经引进了MRP、MRPII和ERP等信息系统。随着信息技术在企业管理中得到广泛的应用,企业逐步认识到信息系统不仅可以支持业务的自动化,还可以作为一种战略手段帮助企业实现其战略目标,获得竞争优势。如何通过信息系统规划来指导企业未来的信息系统系统建设,识别满足企业需要的信息系统,已经成为中国信息经理(CIO)和高层经理所关注的重要问题之一。但是,一直以来,国内的公司都忽视了服务的重要性,长久以来服务成了低技术含量,没有多少商业价值的业务。  相似文献   

(2007年7月17日,北京)7月17日,在北京举行的2007安腾世界大会上,作为安腾解决方案联盟(ISA)的重要合作伙伴,Fujitsu(富士通)FUJITSU PRIMEQUEST关键业务IA服务器亮相大会,受到了与会多方的深度关注.  相似文献   

Cloud Computing: IT as a Service   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cloud computing has been a dominant IT news topic over the past year, yet what it is and its industry impact—realized and potential—are only gradually becoming clear. To help demystify the matter, the authors presented a panel at the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), held last September in Beijing. The panel, "Cloud Computing and IT as a Service: Opportunities and Challenges," featured presentations from three IT vendor giants—Microsoft, IBM, and Cisco—addressing industry perspectives and cloud computing initiatives. This installment of the Trends department distills the authors' panel session and provides updates in the year since it occurred.  相似文献   

IT and Business Alignment: The Effect on Productivity and Profitability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nash  Elby M. 《IT Professional》2009,11(6):31-36
Surveying business and IT executives from the pharmaceutical industry provides empirical data that offers new insight into how IT and business strategic-alignment maturity affects firm-level productivity and profitability.  相似文献   

IT/Business Alignment IT/Business Alignment has become a key issue for many companies. Therefore a lot of companies, institutions and universities have published documents about this topic. This paper is intended to give an overview of these resources found in the Internet.

自从亚马逊书店出现在互联网上,图书零售业遭遇了什么?当CISCO甩开其它同行业对手率先开展了电子商务后,结果是怎样的?当沃尔玛以其超前的管理理念和技术手段赢得丰厚的利润时,连锁企业的危机感是否与日俱增?  相似文献   

Evans  Karen 《IT Professional》2009,11(4):64-64
The US federal government is making strides in its adoption of a new model for assessing IT assets. This new model could inform capital asset selection for years to come.  相似文献   

苏建东 《信息与电脑》2004,(12):10-11,21
2004年12月11日,中国零售业全面对外开放。在这一历史性时刻来临前夕,不知是巧合还是出于精心安排,第六届中国连锁业会议将会址选在了鹏城深圳。这个中国改革开放的最前沿阵地,使大会更有力地凝聚了中国连锁业的精英人士和相关企业,体现出了中国连锁业发展水平的整体提升。中国连锁经营协会会长郭戈平认为,  相似文献   


The objective of a financial audit is to detect any “material” misstatement in financial records and reports. On the surface, that objective seems to be unrelated to information security. The relationship between the two sets of activities may also seem to be insignificant. In fact, there is a significant relationship and one that is mutually beneficial. Entities that are subject to financial audits and employ best practices of information security should improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the financial audit. It is also possible that the financial audit of such an entity would uncover any existing relevant gaps in the entity's application of information security best practices which, when remediated, should improve the effectiveness of information security function.  相似文献   

观察世纪之交的上海消费者,不难发现人们的消费观念和支付方式已经发生了变化.上海近年用卡环境明显改善,发卡量迅猛增长,据不完全统计,1993年全市累计发卡量不足100万张,至目前,全市各类卡的发卡总量突破4000万张,增长40多倍.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了IT治理的应用探索,就IT服务外包中甲乙双方之间如何达成共识进行阐述。从而清晰地梳理甲方的管理节点和需求,明确乙方的工作流程和绩效指标。  相似文献   

研究IT服务组合可靠性优化问题.单个IT服务资源的服务往往不能满足多任务需求,而多个IT服务组合中需要派生出新的服务项目,派生过程中存在较大的随机性和非线性.多个派生项目组成的动态组合中,一旦项目之间存在随机冲突,会影响动态可靠性评估综合模型的准确性.传统算法是采用单一的动态综合模型进行稳定性分析的,一旦派生的新的服务项目发生冲突,造成单一模型在叠加的过程中鲁棒性下降,降低了IT服务组合可靠性分析的准确率.提出了一种粗糙集分析决策模型的IT服务组合可靠性分析方法.根据服务属性特征分量计算属性权值系数,建立粗糙集分析决策模型,从而实现IT服务组合可靠性分析.仿真结果证明,采用的算法提高了分析的准确性,为可靠性服务提供了依据.  相似文献   

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