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鹏飞 《太阳能》2008,(5):6-8
随着中国经济的飞速发展,能源短缺,环境污染等问题日益严重.欧美等发达国家早已开始着手解决这些问题,每年都有大量来自于政府、企业和风险投资的资金用于清洁技术的研究与应用.根据道琼斯数据显示,2007年在清洁技术领域,全球共发生了221项投资案例,投资总额达30亿美元,比2006年增长了43%.  相似文献   

第十七届世界国际氢能大会于2008年6月15日~19日在澳大利亚布里斯班市举行,来自全世界44个国家的600余位代表聚集一堂,讨论当代氧能技术和发展趋势.  相似文献   

The adiabatic film effectivenessηof the counter-inclined film-holes fed by varying internal coolant intake on the turbine vane leading edge model was experimentally investigated.A semi-cylinder model was adopted to model the vane leading edge which was arranged with two-row holes,which located at±15°on both sides.The four Leading edge model with the combinations of hole-shape(simple holes and laid-back holes)and intake structure(plenum and impingement)were tested under four blowing ratios M of 0.5,1.0,1.5,and 2.0.Theηcontours were obtained by the transient measurement technique based on double thermochromic liquid-crystals.The results present that theηis sensitive to the M for the four studied leading edge cases.The addition of impingement enhances theηfor the two studied holes.The film jets make the coolant-flow closed to the target surface,resulting in higherηunder lower M.The core with higherηappears in the downstream area of hole-exit.Theηenhancement can be provided to almost the identical level by adding the impingement-holes and improving the hole-exit shaping in most areas.With increasing M,the jets with stronger exit normal momentum penetrate into the main-flow.The impingement addition may be a more effective program to upgrade theηrelatively to the exit shaping under larger M.Besides,the laid-back holes with impingement case produce the highest film cooling performance among the four cases,providing great potential in the leading edge especially under larger M.  相似文献   

经国务院批准,国家发展改革委、财政部、国家电监会近日联合下发了《关于进一步贯彻落实差别电价政策有关问题的通知》(以下简称《通知》),要求各地限期全面落实差别电价政策.  相似文献   

热泵辅助太阳能中央热水系统年运行特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出采用热泵来取代传统的电加热器,构成热泵辅助太阳能中央热水系统,可有效地降低能源消耗.结合2005年西安地区气象数据,建立了合适的数学模型,并用现有的试验数据对模型进行了校准,通过模型模拟了该年热泵辅助和电辅助太阳能中央热水系统的性能系数,输入功耗,出水温度等运行参数,并对两者进行了对比.  相似文献   

一、太阳与太阳能 众所周知,在浩翰的宇宙中有一颗离我们最近的恒星--太阳.现代科学表明太阳距离我们相当遥远,达到1.5亿km,虽然太阳光的传播速度为30万km/s,但我们在地球上所见到的光线已经是8min之前从太阳发出的光线了.太阳的直径为139万km,而地球直径仅为1.27万km,太阳的直径约为地球直径的109倍,其体积则比地球大130多万倍.尽管如此,由于距离遥远,太阳张角仅仅为32′.  相似文献   

Under the back-side windy condition,the convection and radiation heat transfer characteristics in an iso-flux upward-facing cylindrical cavity were studied by three-dimensional numerical simulation.The impacts of cavity tilt angle,wind incident angle and wind speed on convection and radiation heat transfer Nusselt number Nuc and Nur were analyzed,and the possible explanations for their impacts were presented.Results show that due to the disturbance of wind,the influence of cavity tilt angle becomes more complicated and is related to wind incident angle and wind speed.The variation of Nuc or Nur with wind incident angle is different for different cavity tilt angles.Despite of the changes of cavity tilt angle or wind incident angle,the Nuc increases with the wind speed while the Nur presents a declination with the increasing of wind speed.Hence,compared with cavity tilt angle and wind incident angle,wind speed may be the dominant factor affecting or controlling the convective and radiation heat transfer of cavity.  相似文献   

一物料干燥的能耗与环境污染 干燥作业涉及国民经济的广泛领域,是许多行业不可缺少的工序.在粮食、食品、果品、药材、木材、皮革、橡胶和陶瓷等许多产品的加工处理过程中,干燥作业对产品的质量和成本影响很大.  相似文献   

<正>6月30日,当中国政府将《强化应对气候变化行动——中国国家自主贡献》提交给联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处后,全世界都为中国的决定而侧目。中国设定了一个宏大的减排目标,振奋了各国应对气候变暖的神经。潘基文在声明中称赞中国提出的方案为在巴黎气候变化大会上增加动力、增强互信起到了积极推动作用;联合国秘书长副发言人哈克表示,中国提交自主贡献文件,为巴黎气候大会达成新的气候变化协议注入了动力,  相似文献   

户用小型风力发电系统现状与发展(上)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
<中华人民共和国可再生能源法>已于2005年2月28日在全国人大第11届第14次会议上通过,并将于2006年1月1日起施行,该法的颁布和实施,给小型风力发电行业的发展带来希望和光明,也必将大大促进农村能源的发展,户用风力发电产业也将会更上一层楼,前景看好.  相似文献   

Effects of UV stabilised polyethylene (UV+PE), IR absorbers polyethylene (IR+PE), double layers of polyethylene (D-Poly) and single layer of polyethylene (PE), as greenhouse covers, on aubergine growth, productivity and energy requirement were investigated in a late autumn season (2001). The late and final yields of plants grown in D-Poly houses were higher than those grown in UV+PE, IR+PE and PE. Light transmission was the highest in PE, intermediate in UV+PE and IR+PE, and the lowest in D-Poly houses. Relative humidity was the highest in D-Poly, intermediate in IR+PE and UV+PE, and the lowest in PE houses. The plants in D-Poly houses grew and developed faster (more leaves and flowers) than those in IR+PE, UV+PE and PE houses. Plant growth and development in UV+PE and IR+PE houses was similar. Economic analyses showed that aubergine production was economically viable in D-Poly, UV+PE and IR+PE houses. For aubergine production in climatic conditions similar to Black Sea Region, the D-Poly greenhouse is strongly recommended, because there was a higher productivity and a lower heating requirement in comparison to UV+PE, IR+PE and PE houses.  相似文献   

The paper introduces the role of energy in China economy context, criteria for sustainable development in energy sector, China's hydrogen vision, the role of hydrogen in China's R&D plan, recently launched national programs, and progresses and achievements in research, development and demonstration. The paper concludes that with fast economy development in the new era in China, the energy sector has been confronted with severe challenges in terms of supply security, environment pollution and greenhouse gas emission, and China has attached significant priority on research and development in hydrogen and fuel cell areas, as one of effective counter-measures to address these challenges. Transition to the hydrogen economy in China, a long-term, non-carbon energy solution, is believed to play a significant role, complementary to electricity, in the future sustainable energy system. It is recommended that more priority be attached for R&D in secondary industry, especially the utilization of hydrogen and fuel cell in stationary power generation from coal gasification.  相似文献   

余洋  刘东  丁永青  张帆 《节能技术》2010,28(1):72-75,80
本文以上海某卷烟厂为例,利用空调负荷软件DEST和上海地区标准年气象参数,分析了定风量空调系统24h全天运行时各个空调季节的新风节能潜力,并提出了冬季采取调节新回风比、过渡季节通过自控系统来利用新风,夏季按最小新风运行的新风控制策略,可为卷烟行业空调系统的设计和运行提供参考。该结论还适用于热湿负荷特性类似于卷烟厂车间的全天运行的空调建筑。  相似文献   

利用中日合作“全球能量与水分平衡试验一青藏高原季风试验(GAME—Tibet)”和中日合作“黑河地区地一气相互作用野外观测实验研究(HEIFE)”IOP、FOP资料,计算分析了藏北高原典型草甸下垫面安多站和HEIFE沙漠站的辐射平衡各相关特征量时频变化的气候学特征。结果表明:无论是高原安多站还是黑河沙漠站,夏季均出现超太阳常数现象(只是安多更为明显);总辐射、大气逆辐射、地表长波辐射、地表有效辐射和地表辐射平衡等的日变化(晴天)无论是安多站还是沙漠站均表现为早晚出现最小值而正午附近(地方时)达到最大值,而地表反照率的日变化(晴天)相反表现为早晚大而正午附近小的规律;上述各分量均表现有程度不等的季节变化规律:总辐射、大气逆辐射、地表长波辐射和地表辐射平衡均表现为夏半年增大达到最大值百而冬半年降低量出现最小值;另外,大气长波辐射、地表有效辐射和地表反照率在沙漠站的年际变化的振幅较安多站更为显著和有规律。  相似文献   

To promote energy efficiency and emission reduction, the Chinese government has invested large amounts of resources in heat-metering reform over the past decade. However, heat-metering, which can reduce energy consumption by 15% at least in developed countries, is still not well known in China. This paper quantitatively analyzed the arousal effect of heat-metering policy on occupancy behavior regarding energy saving utilizing statistics method based on measured data of heating energy consumption of approximately 20000 users from 2008 to 2012 in Tianjin. The statistical data showed significant difference on energy consumption between users based on metering and based on area. The energy-saving rate in the heating season increased significantly from 4.11% in 2008–2009 to 10.27% in 2011–2012 as the implement of the heat-metering policy. The difference in energy-saving according to various outdoor temperatures showed that the energy-saving of occupancy behavior was more significant in a warm season than in a cold season. It also showed that the impact of heat-metering policy would be more pronounced in generally insulated buildings (15.55%) than in better insulated units (6.45%). Besides, this paper proposed some feasible suggestions for the formulation and implementation of heat-metering policy in northern heating areas of China.  相似文献   

叙述了工程质量管理在煤矿安全生产中的重要作用,提出了在煤矿中实施工程质量管理应采取的相应措施。  相似文献   

柴油机磨合规范优化及其油液分析   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
本文根据495A柴油机的特点,结合摩擦学磨合机理,给出了495柴油机最佳磨合的优化指标。借助油液分析的光谱、铁谱技术可以定量地判断分析磨合过程及其趋势。为了合理地缩短柴油机磨合时间,同时又提高柴油机的整机磨合质量,研制了新配方的专用柴油机磨合油。L7 磨合油允许空载磨合初期提高磨合速度,实现高磨损率,但产生的磨粒细微,不会擦伤磨合表面。试验表明,执行新磨合规范可以缩短磨合时间41.7% 。  相似文献   

The energy potential for energy crops and biomass residues in the Netherlands is assessed. The analysis explores the possible use of land for biomass production in the future. Various government memorandums and analyses of the expected future land use in various sectors have served as the basis for the assessment of the supply of and the demand for land in the future. In this study the potential supply of agricultural land is based on expected productivity increments in agriculture and assumptions with respect to the future demand for agricultural products. Various future claims for infrastructure, forestry, urban areas and nature are subtracted from the expected supply. The net projected supply of land ranges from zero to 52 000 ha in 2000 to 110 000-250 000 ha in 2015. The supply of agricultural land depends however on a number of supra-national factors, such as the European agricultural policy, world market developments and the agricultural production in the countries in Eastern Europe. Uncertainties remain, therefore, and the projected supply of agricultural land should be considered as a possible scenario based on current trends. If the calculated land potential is used for energy crops like miscanthus and short rotation coppice, this land could contribute 0-10 PJ in 2000 and 27-59 PJ in 2015. Secondary biomass yields, such as those from forestry, agricultural residues, wood from prunings, etc., could contribute a further 34 PJ in 2000, decreasing to approximately 28 PJ in 2015. Taken together these potentials could satisfy 1-1.5% of the energy requirements of the Netherlands in 2000 and 1.5-2.5% in 2015, provided that energy farming is an economically feasible activity for farmers.  相似文献   

This article uses decomposition method to analyse industrial electricity consumption in North-Western Russia, namely in Archangelsk oblast, the Republic of Karelia and Murmansk oblast. The case sectors, forestry and electricity, have in most cases developed similarly in the chosen regions during 1990–2001. The decomposition analysis shows that the reduction of economic activity has reduced electricity consumption in all three regions but that it is not always the main factor reducing consumption. The changes in energy efficiency increased consumption in the forestry sector in all regions while in the electricity sector it led to a reduction. The changes in the structures of the regional economies increased electricity consumption in electricity industry which gained importance due to developments in the manufacturing industry. In Murmansk, forestry sector has almost disappeared during the observation period. This was the main observed electricity consumption reduction caused by structural changes. Many of the developments can be better understood against the general knowledge of transition factors.  相似文献   

Growth in energy consumption in China has soared from 2001 to 2004, driven largely by a booming economy and heavy investment in infrastructure and housing. In response, China has poured billions of dollars of investment in building power plants—at a rate of one large power plant (1000 MW) per week. In fact, China in 2004 has added the entire generating capacity of California or Spain in a single year. In contrast, investment in energy conservation projects has weakened considerably in recent years. This paper examines trends in energy efficiency investments in China and the US. The comparison highlights the potential of energy conservation investments in addressing China's current energy crisis as well as the inadequacy of such investments in China. Finally, the paper outlines a few scenarios for appropriate levels of investments in energy efficiency in China in the future.  相似文献   

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