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In patients with psychosexual disturbances (impotence and ejaculatio praecox) the family constellation during childhood and the patients' occupations were compared with the Swedish population census. The parents of the patients were older, and the patients were more often the only son or the only child. A greater percentage of the patients had technical or office administrative professions than the inhabitants in Stockholm. The findings are discussed with references to a supposed focus on achievement in the upbringing of the oldest or only son. Focus on achievement may cause emotional restraint and subsequently psychosexual disturbances.  相似文献   

We have used glycerol to study the relationship between hydroxyl radicals, one of the primary radiolytic products, and the production of DNA double-strand breaks in selected E. coli strains. Our results suggest that when bacteria are irradiated at doses up to about 120 Gray, hydroxyl radicals produce DNA lesions, but not double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

We have prepared casein conjugates of two BODIPY dyes for use as fluorogenic protease substrates in homogeneous assays. Both conjugates are labeled to such an extent that the dyes are efficiently quenched in the protein, yielding virtually nonfluorescent substrate molecules. These fluorogenic substrates release highly fluorescent BODIPY dye-labeled peptides upon protease digestion, with fluorescence increases proportional to enzyme activity. These quenched substrates are suitable for the continuous assay of enzymatic activity using standard fluorometers, filter fluorometers, or fluorescence microplate readers using either fluorescein excitation and emission wavelengths to measure BODIPY FL casein hydrolysis or Texas Red wavelengths to detect proteolysis of BODIPY TR-X casein. Most current techniques for detecting protease activity, such as the fluorescein thiocarbamoyl casein (FTC-casein) protease assay, require extensive manipulation, including separation steps, and are therefore labor intensive and error-prone. In comparison, we found the BODIPY dye-labeled casein protease assays to be simple and precise and to have greater sensitivity and a broader dynamic range of detection than the FTC-casein assay. We were able to sensitively detect the activities of a wide variety of enzymes with these new substrates, including serine, acid, sulfhydryl, and metalloproteases. We also found the assay suitable for quantitating protease inhibitor concentrations and for real-time analysis of proteolysis.  相似文献   

DnaA protein is an initiator for chromosomal DNA replication in E. coli. We have examined the function of the protein to answer the following four questions; 1. How DnaA protein is inactivated after DNA replication for the suppression of re-initiation? 2. How DnaA protein is activated for the initiation of DNA replication? 3. Does DnaA protein have functions other than that for DNA replication? 4. Is DnaA protein is a good target for new antibiotics? In this review, I summarize our recent studies for these questions.  相似文献   

A cDNA for procathepsin E was generated from human gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells, amplified by PCR and inserted into the T7 dependent vector pET 22b for expression in E. coli. Purification of the resultant product was accomplished simply, without the need to resort to column chromatography. The recombinant protein displayed comparable properties to those of its naturally occurring counterpart. The yield of homogeneous active enzyme obtained was approximately 3 mg per 40 g of cells. This is sufficient to permit crystallisation and structural analysis to begin and a mutagenesis programme to examine structure/activity relationships now to be undertaken.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between homologous recombination and DNA replication in Escherichia coli, we monitored the behavior of phage lambda chromosomes, repressed or not for lambda gene activities. Recombination in our system is stimulated both by DNA replication and by experimentally introduced double-strand ends, supporting the idea that DNA replication generates occasional double-strand ends. We report that the RecBC recombinational pathway of E. coli uses double-strand ends to prime DNA synthesis, implying a circular relationship between DNA replication and recombination and suggesting that the primary role of recombination is in the repair of disintegrated replication forks arising during vegetative reproduction.  相似文献   

All diseases related to chronic or intermittent hypoxaemia can be efficaciously treated with the conventional oxygen therapy. The effectiveness of alternative oxygen therapies (oxygen multistep therapy, intravenous oxygen insufflation, haematogen oxidation therapy and ultraviolet blood radiation) has not been proved for any of the alleged numerous indications. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be tried, in single cases, outside of its internationally recognized indications, for the treatment of acute hypoxy of the inner ear.  相似文献   

根据已知的放射性土壤杆菌体内的D-甘露糖异构酶(Fmi)氨基酸序列,设计适合在大肠杆菌内表达的Fmi基因序列(1245 bp),采用体外基因拼接合成.构建了表达Fmi的重组大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)/pET30-Fmi,诱导表达的Fmi蛋白经SDS-PAGE验证为可溶性蛋白,分子量44000.通过实验优化了Fmi的催化条件,结果表明Fmi催化的最适pH值为7.5,最适温度为45℃,催化1 h酶活达5.29 U/mL.以25%的果糖溶液为底物时,催化2 h果糖转化率达29.4%.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER)-deficient human cells have been assigned so far to a genetic complementation group by a somatic cell fusion assay and, more recently, by microinjection of cloned DNA repair genes. We describe a new technique, based on the host cell reactivation assay, for the rapid determination of the complementation group of NER-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), Cockayne's syndrome (CS) and photosensitive trichothiodystrophy (TTD) human cells by cotransfection of a UV-irradiated reporter plasmid with a second vector containing a cloned repair gene. Expression of the reporter gene, either chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) or luciferase, reflects the DNA repair ability restored by the introduction of the appropriate repair gene. All genetically characterized XP, CS and TTD/XP-D cells tested failed to express the UV-irradiated reporter gene, this reflecting their NER deficiency whereas cotransfection with the repair plasmid expressing a gene specific for the given complementation group increased the enzyme activity to the level reached by normal cells. Selective recovery of both reporter enzyme activities was observed after cotransfection with the XPC gene for the XP17VI cells and with the XPA gene for both XP18VI and XP19VI cells. Using this method, we assigned three new NER-deficient human cells obtained from patients presenting clinical symptoms described as classical XP to either XP group A (XP18VI and XP19VI) and XP group C (XP17VI). Therefore, this technique increases the range of methods now available to determine the complementation group of new NER deficient patients with the advantage, unlike the somatic cell fusion assay or the microinjection procedure, of being simple, rapid, and inexpensive.  相似文献   

Early metabolic events in Escherichia coli exposed to nalidixic acid, a topoisomerase II inhibitor and an inducer of the SOS system, were investigated by in vivo NMR spectroscopy, a technique that permits monitoring of bacteria under controlled physiological conditions. The energetics of AB1157 (wild type) and of its isogenic, SOS-defective mutants, recBC, lexA, and DeltarecA, were studied by 31P and 19F NMR before, during, and after exposure to nalidixic acid. The content of the NTP in E. coli embedded in agarose beads and perfused at 36 degreesC was found to be 4.3 +/- 1.1 x 10(-18) mol/cell, yielding a concentration of approximately 2.7 +/- 0.7 mM. Nalidixic acid induced in the wild type and mutants a rapid 2-fold increase in the content of the NTP, predominantly ATP. This induction did not involve synthesis of uracil derivatives or breakdown of RNA and caused cell proliferation to stop. Removal of nalidixic acid after 40 min of treatment rescued the cells and resulted in a decrease of ATP to control levels and resumption of proliferation. However, in DeltarecA cells, which were more sensitive to the activity of the drug, ATP elevation could not be reversed, and ATP content continued to increase faster than in control cells. The results ruled out association between the elevation of ATP and the induction of the SOS system and suggested involvement of a process reminiscent of apoptosis in the stimulation of ATP synthesis. Thus, the presence of the RecA protein was found to be essential for reversing the ATP increase and cell rescue, possibly by its function in repair of DNA damage.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to examine the effects of monovalent salts (NaCl, NaBr, NaF and ChCl) on the binding enthalpy (DeltaHobs) for E. coli SSB tetramer binding to the single-stranded oligodeoxythymidylates, dT(pT)69 and dT(pT)34 over a wide range of salt concentrations from 10 mM to 2.0 M (25 degrees C, pH 8.1), and when possible, the binding free energy and entropy (DeltaG degrees obs, DeltaS degrees obs). At low monovalent salt concentrations (<0.1 M), the total DeltaHobs for saturating all sites on the SSB tetramer with ssDNA shows little dependence on salt concentration, but is extremely large and exothermic (DeltaHobs=-150(+/-5) kcal/mol). This is much larger than any DeltaHobs previously reported for a protein-nucleic acid interaction. However, at salt concentrations above 0.1 M, DeltaHobs is quite sensitive to NaCl and NaBr concentration, becoming less negative with increasing salt concentration (DeltaHobs=-70(+/-1)-kcal/mol in 2 M NaBr). These salt effects on DeltaHobs were mainly a function of anion type and concentration, with the largest effects observed in NaBr, and then NaCl, with little effect of [NaF]. These large effects of salt on DeltaHobs appear to be coupled to a net release of weakly bound anions (Br- and Cl-) from the SSB protein upon DNA binding. However, at lower salt concentrations (相似文献   

Firing rate histogram is a widely used mathematical method for representing the activity of single neurons and small neural networks. Nevertheless, observation of fine temporal modulation or correlations of spike trains might be troublesome if the mean firing rate is low or rapid local changes occur. The spike density function (SDF) obtained by convolving the spike train with smooth and continuous kernel function proves to be a more appropriate approach in characterization of the firing pattern. The resulting time-function is a continuous and derivable one, thus it can be used as a dynamical variable of the neuronal activity. In the present paper applications of SDF in analysis of the firing patterns of Lymnaea neurons are described and its performance is compared to other quantitative methods.  相似文献   

Tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase in E. coli does not have the HIGH sequence that is normally characteristic of class I aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (EC, but instead contains a TIGN sequence at residues 17-20, which has been suggested to be equivalent to the HIGH sequence (Jones, M.D. et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 1887-1891). We have overexpressed E. coli Trp-tRNA synthetase and have used site-directed mutagenesis to mutate Thr-17 in the TIGN sequence to alanine. The mutant enzyme has the same Km values as the wild-type for tryptophan or tRNA(Trp), and a slightly increased Km for ATP, from 0.37 to 0.64 mM. On the other hand, the kcat for either the first step or the overall reaction is decreased by a factor of 30. In comparing the Thr-17 and Ala-17 enzymes, the delta delta G for the conversion of substrate to transition state is +9.6 kJ/mol (2.3 kcal/mol). Thr-17 is therefore important in binding the substrate in the transition state, thus supporting the suggestion that TIGN may fulfill the role of a HIGH sequence.  相似文献   

Guanabenz (Wytensin) was shown to inactivate nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in vitro and in vivo. In in vitro studies with the use of a cytosolic fraction from penile tissue, the inactivation was found to depend on NADPH, time, and the concentration of guanabenz. The L-, but not the D-, isomer of arginine could protect from the inactivation, suggesting an active site-directed event. The kinetics of inactivation could be described by an apparent dissociation constant for the initial reversible complex (Ki) and a pseudo first-order inactivation constant (kinact) of 38.5 microM and 0.179 min-1, respectively. In in vivo studies, guanabenz was shown to inhibit penile cytosolic NOS activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Treatment of rats with guanabenz (5 mg/kg/day) for 4 days caused a decrease of approximately one-half in the NOS activity of the penile cytosolic fraction with a concomitant loss in the amount of immunodetectable NOS protein. Treatment for 4 days at a dose of 0. 5 mg/kg/day showed a similar decrease in activity, whereas a dose of 0.05 mg/kg/day showed no effects. Due to the multitude of processes that are regulated by NO, the inactivation of NOS is a potential mechanism to be considered in a variety of biological effects associated with drugs.  相似文献   

The functionally uncharacterised N-terminal of translation initiation factor IF2 has been found to be extremely variable when comparing different bacterial species. In order to study the intraspecies variability of IF2 the 2670 basepairs nucleotide sequence of the infB gene (encoding IF2) was determined in 10 clinical isolates of E. coli. The N-terminal domains (I, II and III) were completely conserved indicating a specific function of this region of IF2. Only one polymorphic position was found in the deduced 890 amino acid sequence. This Gln/Gly490 is located within the central GTP/GDP-binding domain IV of IF2. The results are further evidence that IF2 from E. coli has reached a highly defined level of structural and functional development.  相似文献   

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