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李尹婷采访 《家饰》2008,(3):147-147
认识陈云是通过另外一个朋友.他们是朋友亦是很好的工作伙伴。介绍之初.那个朋友对我说,陈云是个不错的设计师,但你要小心她脾气不好.超级有个性。直到后来多次接触.每每想起朋友最初的评价.都会心生笑意。天秤座的女子大抵都是如此,是维纳斯的化身,有美丽的容颜还有不容亵渎的气质。  相似文献   

金磊 《规划师》2002,18(12):96-99
~~“蓝天白云”的现代启示@金磊$北京市建筑设计研究院信息所!北京100045  相似文献   

赵冰 《新建筑》2004,(1):46-47
伴随着改革开放成长起来的我们这一代规划师和建筑师,创作上经历了从向当代西方文化学习到返身向中华传统文化学习的不同阶段。今天在创作中也已坚实地站到了我们自己文化的主根上来了。真正的中华建筑只有建立在自己的文化根基之上、自己的文化体验之中。尽管我们今天看到大量的新做的建筑,但它们并不是真正意义的新建筑,我们渴望的新建筑是要具有自己文化根性的中华建筑。  相似文献   

Database tabulations of minimum explosion concentration MEC for dust clouds often contain data values that are extremely low, i.e., 30 g m?3, or lower. Such values invariably represent measurement or analysis errors, often due to inadequate dust uniformity in the test vessel. There are only two organic vapors with MEC values below 30 g m?3, and it is physically implausible that either stationary or randomly moving dust clouds would be more efficient in combustion than vapors. Combustion of dust clouds will have all of the types of heat losses that occur with burning of vapor clouds, but have additional sources of heat losses, particulate radiation and endothermic pyrolysis, not present for vapors (dusts of unstable chemicals are not considered in this paper). Thus, MEC values for dust clouds necessarily have to be higher than for vapors. Other sources of error for dust cloud MEC values have also been identified. These include incorrect data analysis, unrealistic pressure-rise criteria for what constitutes an explosion, and excessive igniter energies used in some apparatuses. German data based on VDI 2263-1 should be post-corrected for statistical treatment errors. But no specific correction exists for low reported MEC values due to mixture nonuniformity or inappropriate pressure criteria. It is recommended that any reported MEC values below 65 g m?3 for cellulosic agricultural dusts, below 35 g m?3 for any other organic dusts, and below 55 g m?3 for dusts of metals or non-metallic elements be expunged as likely to be incorrect. Even at higher MEC values, there is likely to be a systematic bias in the data and this needs to be considered in longer-range research. ASTM E1515 offers more reliable testing and data analysis procedures than does VDI 2263-1 and is preferred.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描数据配准方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三维激光扫描是近年来兴起的一种全新的测量技术,能快速获取研究物体表面海量的3D坐标信息,即点云。由于三维激光扫描具有数据获取速度快、精度高、不接触物体等优点,因此利用点云进行场景的三维重建成为人们研究的热点,其中点云配准是其中的关键技术之一。本文简述了点云配准的概念,对各种点云配准方法进行了阐述及分析,总结了当前点云配准中存在的问题及进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

李春舫  王力 《建筑技艺》2021,27(1):26-33
通过分享中国动漫博物馆设计,阐明了在地性设计原则与基于合理性进行创造性设计的思想,强调了建筑创新技术的应用.  相似文献   

曹玺  王亚东 《城市建筑》2006,(10):53-55
本文系统地介绍了浙江台州白云阁的设计过程,并着重分析建筑的生成过程,尝试从不同角度探求符合当代社会特质的现代景观建筑之路。台州市“白云阁”景观建筑设计是一次有意义的探索。  相似文献   

水泵-高位水箱联事供水的生活给水系统是广泛应用于高层建筑的成熟技术,近年来,随着新型给水管材的应用和装修的兴起,常出现高层住宅最高几层用水水压严重不足的问题,结合工程实践对这一问题出现的原因和解决的方法进行了初步探讨,提出了参考意见。  相似文献   

The cost and effort of modeling existing bridges from point clouds currently outweighs the perceived benefits of the resulting model. There is a pressing need to automate this process. Previous research has achieved the automatic generation of surface primitives combined with rule‐based classification to create labeled cuboids and cylinders from point clouds. Although these methods work well in synthetic data sets or idealized cases, they encounter huge challenges when dealing with real‐world bridge point clouds, which are often unevenly distributed and suffer from occlusions. In addition, real bridge geometries are complicated. In this article, we propose a novel top‐down method to tackle these challenges for detecting slab, pier, pier cap, and girder components in reinforced concrete bridges. This method uses a slicing algorithm to separate the deck assembly from pier assemblies. It then detects and segments pier caps using their surface normal, and girders using oriented bounding boxes and density histograms. Finally, our method merges oversegments into individually labeled point clusters. The results of 10 real‐world bridge point cloud experiments indicate that our method achieves very high detection performance. This is the first method of its kind to achieve robust detection performance for the four component types in reinforced concrete bridges and to directly produce labeled point clusters. Our work provides a solid foundation for future work in generating rich Industry Foundation Classes models from the labeled point clusters.  相似文献   

受新冠肺炎疫情影响,企业外部融资环境趋恶,采取有效财务策略提升企业价值是当务之急。以2012—2018年数字创意产业上市公司为研究样本,利用调节路径分析方法探究财务柔性对企业价值的影响机制,构建并验证"财务柔性→投资效率→企业价值"的作用路径,同时考虑企业所处外部融资环境,探讨不同金融发展水平下财务柔性作用价值的差异。实证结果表明,数字创意企业整体财务柔性水平较低,普遍存在非效率投资特别是投资不足问题;财务柔性有助于应对不确定情况下的资金需求,提升企业价值,但需要注意其应用价值的边界,过度储备会产生负向影响;财务柔性与数字创意企业价值之间存在倒U型非线性关系,投资效率在其间发挥中介作用;财务柔性的作用价值受外部融资环境影响,在金融发展水平较低的地区,财务柔性对数字创意企业价值的影响更加明显。面对动态复杂的市场环境,对企业而言,应适度储备财务柔性,加强内部控制,避免过度投资减损企业价值;对政府和金融行业而言,应扎实推进金融供给侧结构性改革,不断提高区域金融发展水平,改善数字创意产业等战略性新兴产业外部融资环境。  相似文献   

<正>1基地解读广东奥林匹克体育中心,规划建设于1999年,其中8万人体育场是第九届全国运动会开闭幕式场馆与主比赛场。游泳跳水馆规划位置处于基地的边缘,由于单侧临市政干道,无辅助街道沟通,人员流线组织困难,对于安保要  相似文献   

目的:探讨关节镜下桡骨小头切除术治疗桡骨小头陈旧性骨折的临床疗效。方法对13例桡骨小头陈旧性骨折患者在臂丛神经阻滞麻醉下行肘关节镜下桡骨小头切除术、关节腔清理、瘢痕滑膜切除及适当的关节囊松解等处理。术后给予镇痛配合下早期行功能康复锻炼。对13例患者术前、术后 Mayo肘关节功能评分、肘关节屈曲角度、肘关节伸直角度及肘关节屈伸活动范围进行比较。结果13例患者术后随访5~18个月,平均10.3个月。Mayo肘关节功能评分:术前50~75分,平均(65.38±6.91)分;术后70~90分,平均(78.85±7.12)分,术前、术后 Mayo肘关节功能评分值比较差异有统计学意义(z=-3.072,P=0.002)。肘关节屈曲角度:术前30°~80°,平均(56.54±12.84)°,术后90°~120°,平均(106.54±11.44)°,较术前改善50°;肘关节伸直角度:术前-70°~0°,平均(-21.92±27.12)°,术后-15°~0°,平均(-3.85±5.06)°,较术前改善18.07°;肘关节屈伸范围:术前0°~60°,平均(34.62±21.23)°,术后80°~120°,平均(102.69±10.73)°,术前、术后肘关节屈伸范围值比较差异有统计学意义(z=-3.189,P=0.001)。无一例出现神经、血管损伤,关节感染和异位骨化等并发症。结论关节镜下桡骨小头切除术具有创伤小、出血少、术后恢复快及并发症少等优点,对于桡骨小头陈旧性骨折伴肘关节功能障碍的患者,是一种安全、有效、可行的微创治疗方式。  相似文献   

采用文献研究法、专家访谈法等方法,从不同角度分析我国现阶段田径运动发展现状。结果表明:现阶段我国田径后备人才培养捉襟见肘、赛事运营入不敷出、文化传播量小力微、社会关注微乎其微。借助新媒体可实现后备人才培养模式再完善、赛事运营再创新、文化传播更深入、社会关注再拓展。田径发展突破的同时可能会面临真假信息难抉择、媒体依赖问题多、运营过度巧成拙、研者不一市场乱等挑战。面对挑战可以通过完善信息监管体系、建立媒体控制体系、技术人才培养与市场规范并驾齐驱、淡化金牌效应等策略解决。  相似文献   

斯塔奇伯里在克莱尔维尔海滩设计的房子是顶棚房子的成熟典范.很难将树状的房子与周围的树木分割开来:它从周围的树木中获得养分,与它们融为一体,以各种方式就地取材,最后把自身隐藏起来.正面是开放式的,以便微风可以吹进来.它将房子的内部暴露于白天、清晨、傍晚以及彼特沃特的情绪之中.  相似文献   

最初见到冯纪忠先生是在新生入学时听先生讲解专业情况,作为一个刚从高中进入同济大学的学生第一次了解到房屋设计原来需要许多专业合作才能完成的,而建筑师则是其中的总指挥,作为建筑师的素养,应该在自然科学和人文科学上都有全面的兴趣,  相似文献   

Abstract: Three‐dimensional (3D) range scanning of large spaces, such as civil structures, generates an immense cloud of 3D points with inconsistent data densities due to the limited positions of the stationary scanner, inaccessible surfaces, and narrow pathways. This density variation is the dominant detrimental factor in extracting accurate scanned shapes. This article introduces an effective scan planning methodology for capturing accurate geometry from long and narrow spaces, which minimizes the need for subsequent data approximations. The technique computes an optimum scanning range for each stationary position of the scanner that limits the density variation to a user‐defined value. Three cases are proposed to define the “limited data density” and a FARO®‐LS880 laser scanner is used to illustrate the proposed approach that achieves acceptable scanning results in terms of its critical shape capturing capability, overall point cloud density, and accurate point‐based visualization. The experimental observations confirm that the accuracy of the scanned data can be improved by registering multiple partial scans with restricted density and positioning the data acquisition device close to the critical features. The latter recommended step decreases the incident angle to the world domain, which, in turn, reduces the surface occlusions and data density variations.  相似文献   

桑普恩森公司总部大楼位于哥本哈根市的一个新兴市区图保格新德(Tuborg Syd)内,与欧尔松海峡(The Sound)水域相连.大楼由两种建筑元素组成:一个垂直拉伸的L形转角和一个水平方桶.这两种建筑元素在大楼内部顶端的,有着屋顶照明的圆锥形空间中相遇交会.  相似文献   

婚礼上头花的设计是一个较小的内容,有很多新娘在头上是不戴什么的。其实没有什么东西能像头花那样,衬托出新娘的高雅大方。头花的设计是新娘外貌整体包装的一部分,需要与捧花、胸花、腕花等人体饰花  相似文献   

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