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在现实社会里,情趣的表达和设计已成为很多领域不可忽略的工作与竞争策略。家具产品是现代家庭构成中必有的角色,它的面貌和它所拥有的特色直接反映主人的情趣爱好、审美趋向、文化品味。如何让家具产品在满足人们基本功能的需求上,更多体现信息时代“高技术、高情趣”的表达,是现代家具设计的大趋势。  相似文献   

We report a series of three experiments designed to highlight the reliable crossmodal correspondences that exist between the cocoa content of various commercially-available chocolate products and both visually-presented shapes and nonsense words. The chocolates tested in this study included three kinds of Lindt chocolate and a milk chocolate truffle (‘Koko’ brand from Cadbury). Participants were given paper-based line scales, anchored at either end with either a nonsense word or simple outline shape. They tasted the chocolates and indicated whether their perception of the flavor better matched one or other of the items anchoring the scales by marking the appropriate point along the scale. The results demonstrate that certain chocolates were more strongly associated with angular shapes and ‘sharp’ inflected, high-pitched meaningless words, such as ‘tuki’ and ‘takete’. Specifically, Lindt extra creamy milk chocolate (30% cocoa) and Cadbury’s Koko milk chocolate truffles were both more strongly associated with rounded shapes and softer sounding, lower-pitched pseudo-words, such as ‘maluma’. By contrast, Lindt 70% and 90% cocoa chocolates were more strongly associated with sharper (angular) shapes and sounds, such as ‘takete’. These results demonstrate that the phenomenon of sound symbolism extends beyond the visual modality into the domain of flavor perception where, in particular, speech sounds carry meaning in terms of the taste/flavor of chocolates. These results have implications for the development of novel brand names for new products (such as, in this case, chocolate) that best connote the product’s likely sensory attributes.  相似文献   

岭南文化的继承和发展一直是岭南地区设计理论研究的重要课题,文章通过分析岭南文化的风格特征,结合设计实践案例体会,尝试归纳出设计具有岭南地域特色空间的合理理念和方法。  相似文献   

我国水产品中铅含量监测及应对国际标准制定的对策   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为了解我国水产品中铅污染状况,2002年全国污染物监测网对中国10个省市的13个监测点进行了水产品中铅含量监测,初步的结果显示,我国水产品的铅污染目前不严重,淡水鱼、海水鱼、软体贝类、甲壳类等水产品均符合我国的国家标准,也符合CAC及正在制定标准的建议值。但由于不是专项监测,没有针对我国主要经济鱼种进行监测,所监测的数据可能与实际经济鱼种铅含量有一定差距,建议我国尽快立项进行海鱼铅的专项监测,掌握其污染的本底值,在国际标准的制定过程中争取有利于我国的限量标准。本次监测同时提示,虽然我国水产品铅污染并未超过国家标准,但与10年前的监测结果比较上升了3倍,应引起各级政府的重视。  相似文献   

区块链技术作为新一代信息技术,在食品溯源与风险控制、数字化建设等方面已经实现了初步的应用,为“十四五”期间食品工业的数字化提供了强有力的支持。中国空间站时代的到来使得长期有人在轨飞行成为常态,同时,对航天食品的质量安全提出了更高的要求。将区块链技术和航天食品数字化系统相结合,能够有效提升航天食品的保障能力,是实现航天食品的安全控制和安全预警的有效手段之一。本文论述了区块链技术在食品行业中的研究现状,结合航天食品发展趋势,对区块链技术在航天食品中的应用途径与方式进行了阐述,最后分析了区块链技术在航天食品中的应用所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

咸鲜味最佳配比效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
毛羽扬  陈敏 《中国调味品》2002,(9):35-37,30
本研究通过对咸味与鲜味进行不同比例的科学配比,从而产生出感鲜复合味,并对其进行感官检验,利用图表对感官检验的结果进行分析和处理。  相似文献   

 The reaction of L-ascorbic acid (AA) with proteins (protein ascorbylation) has a considerable impact on food processing and health. So far four products have been isolated and identified which can be formed from AA and lysine derivatives. Thus, 2-deoxy-2-(propylamino)ascorbic acid, 3-deoxy-3-(propylamino)ascorbic acid, oxalic acid monopropylamide and oxalic acid dipropylamide were synthesized and an HPLC system for their separation and quantification was developed. Then, mixtures of AA and propylamine, as a model compound for lysine derivatives, were reacted under various conditions and product yields were determined in relation to reaction time, temperature, amine concentration and pH value. The results were discussed in detail and can help to evaluate the contribution of the four products to protein and lysine ascorbylation under different conditions. Received: 2 September 1997 / Revised version: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

 The reaction of L-ascorbic acid (AA) with proteins (protein ascorbylation) has a considerable impact on food processing and health. So far four products have been isolated and identified which can be formed from AA and lysine derivatives. Thus, 2-deoxy-2-(propylamino)ascorbic acid, 3-deoxy-3-(propylamino)ascorbic acid, oxalic acid monopropylamide and oxalic acid dipropylamide were synthesized and an HPLC system for their separation and quantification was developed. Then, mixtures of AA and propylamine, as a model compound for lysine derivatives, were reacted under various conditions and product yields were determined in relation to reaction time, temperature, amine concentration and pH value. The results were discussed in detail and can help to evaluate the contribution of the four products to protein and lysine ascorbylation under different conditions. Received: 2 September 1997 / Revised version: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

随着人们对居室环境品质要求不断提高,家装行业自身实力的发展和上下游行业资源整合,家装整体化理念日渐成熟,家装企业开始打造自己的“产品包”,走产业化发展之路。本文解读家装市场新模式,分析了家装设计趋向产业化的内在动因,产业化发展趋势对家装设计的新要求,以及如何在家装产品定位和产品设计组织中应用产品设计方法以适应行业发展的要求。  相似文献   

目的 对食品脂肪味研究进行文献计量分析,为有针对性地深入开展脂肪味的基础研究及其应用提供理论基础。方法 采用文献计量分析方法对脂肪味研究的主要研究现状、学术脉络和研究热点进行可视化分析。结果 脂肪味研究的发文量呈现逐步增长趋势,年引文次数增长迅速;中国的相关研究起步较晚,数量优势逐渐明显,国际合作频次占据优势,但有影响力的专家和机构偏少,国内相关研究报道很少;脂肪味研究不仅涉及食品风味和肉类食品,还涉及营养学、生理学、心理学、化学、医学、食品接触材料、口腔加工和食品物理学等多学科交叉领域;关键词的共现分析、聚类分析和突现分析等进一步揭示,脂肪味研究的热点领域包括脂肪味觉感知与敏感度分析、食品品质、健康、消费者喜好和脂肪酸;后续值得研究的难题包括脂肪味的健康效应、感知阈值、物质基础及其与受体相互作用。结论 我国与其他国家相比虽存在较大差距,但发挥的作用及国际合作趋势正在不断加强。后续我国可以从脂肪味是否是基本味觉的认识,脂肪味对健康的积极或消极影响规律,脂肪味的感知与喜好阈值,不同脂肪酸与脂肪味受体的相互作用方式等食品风味共性科学问题入手进行多学科交叉融合研究。  相似文献   

水产品贮藏品质对加工保藏技术的要求以及国内消费者对水产品加工食品质量安全的存疑促进了水产品活性包装和智能包装技术的发展。活性包装技术通过包装材料吸收不利保藏的成分,或释放有利保藏的成分,或发挥涂膜抗菌、抗氧化作用,对水产品起到防腐保鲜的作用。智能包装技术通过标签指示剂、信息溯源提高产业链管理效率以及减少消费者对水产品品质和安全的担心。虽然国内外在水果、蔬菜、奶制品等食品上已有新包装技术的应用,但是我国水产品活性包装和智能包装的工业化尚在起步阶段。本文总结了主要的活性包装和智能包装技术,并总结了新包装技术在国外水产品上的应用,以期为我国未来水产品新包装的发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

太空葛根的营养功能成分及淀粉理化特性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解析粉葛扦插苗通过外太空环境处理后,其后代可食部的根部营养成分变化,采用AOAC法、高效液相色谱法、扫描电镜、激光粒度分析、ɑ-淀粉酶水解等方法详细分析了太空葛与其母本及湖南优良粉葛根的基本成分、主要营养功能成分以及淀粉理化特性。结果表明太空葛在淀粉、粗蛋白质、总糖、灰分等主要营养成分的含量上以及感官品质上比母本有显著改良;淀粉的颗粒形态、粒径分布等物理特征没有明显的变化,但颗粒组织结构、组成、分子结构等发生了实质性的变化。太空葛淀粉也许更适应于速溶食品、易消化性食品、多孔淀粉材料制备等用途。  相似文献   

多味爽口酱菜的加工配方与工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以新鲜蔬菜为主要原料,加入优质酱油大蒜、生姜天然防腐剂、高度白酒杀菌剂,结合真空包装研制出了一种色香味俱全、经久耐保藏的新型酱菜,并确定了最佳配方及工艺。  相似文献   

目的 建立超高效液相色谱法(ultra performance liquid chromatography,UPLC)检测焙烤食品如面包、蛋糕及饼干中9种甜味剂及防腐剂的分析方法.方法 样品经水提取,乙酸锌、亚铁氰化钾沉淀蛋白,正己烷除脂后,经UPLC二极管阵列检测器检测.结果 9种添加剂在范围内线性关系良好,相关系数...  相似文献   

目的建立柱前衍生-高效液相色谱法同时测定乳及乳制品中黄曲霉毒素M_1、G_1、B_1、G_2和B_2残留的分析方法。方法样品用乙腈作为提取溶剂辅以超声波提取、离心,上清液浓缩至近干,加入0.25 mL三氟乙酸在50℃的温度下衍生15 min后氮吹浓缩近干。采用Thermo scientific Hypersil Green PAH(4.6 mm×250 mm i.d,5μm)色谱柱,乙腈和水作为流动相,激发波长为367 nm,发射波长为436 nm荧光检测。结果 5种黄曲霉毒素在0.20~50.0μg/L范围内具有良好的线性关系(0.9991~0.9998),检出限为0.05~0.08μg/L。在0.50μg/kg、1.0μg/kg和2.0μg/kg三个添加水平的平均回收率为77.6%~122.7%,85.8%~112.7%和89.7%~115.6%;相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于8.92%。结论与其他方法相比,本法具有简便、灵敏、准确和可重复等优点,适合乳及乳制品中5种黄曲霉毒素残留的同时检测和定量。  相似文献   

We report an experiment designed to investigate the consequences of manipulating the pitch of the background auditory stimulation on the taste of food. The participants in the present study evaluated four pieces of cinder toffee while listening to two auditory soundtracks, presented in a random order. One soundtrack was designed to be more crossmodally (or “synaesthetically”) congruent with a bitter-tasting food whereas the other soundtrack was designed to be more congruent with a sweet-tasting food instead. The participants rated each sample using three computer based line scales: One scale was anchored with the words bitter and sweet. The second scale required participants to localize the taste/flavour percept elicited by the food (at the front vs. back of their mouth). The third scale involved participants giving a hedonic evaluation of the foodstuff. As expected, the cinder toffee samples tasted while listening to the presumptively ‘bitter’ soundtrack were rated as tasting significantly more bitter than when exactly the same foodstuff was evaluated while listening to the ‘sweet’ soundtrack instead. These results provide the first convincing empirical demonstration that the crossmodal congruency of a background soundtrack can be used to modify the taste (and presumably also flavour) of a foodstuff.  相似文献   

The effects of fat substitution using two commercial inulin products on the physico-chemical properties and eating quality of a comminuted meat product (breakfast sausage) were modelled using a specialised response surface experiment specially developed for mixtures. 17 treatments were assigned representing a different substitution level for fat with inulin. Sausages were formulated to contain pork shoulder, back fat/inulin, water, rusk and seasoning (44.3, 18.7, 27.5, 7 and 2.5% w/w). Composition, sensory, instrumental texture and colour characteristics were assessed. Fructan analysis showed that inulin was unaffected by heat or processing treatments. Models showed increasing inulin inclusions decreased cook loss (p < 0.0017) and improved emulsion stability (p < 0.0001) but also resulted in greater textural and eating quality modification of sausages. Hardness values increased (p < 0.0001) with increasing inulin concentration, with panellists also scoring products containing inulin as less tender (p < 0.0112). Optimisation predicted two acceptable sausage formulations with significantly lower fat levels than the control, which would contain sufficient inulin to deliver a prebiotic health effect.  相似文献   

通过对长春地区650余名消费者干酪风味、口感和营养需求等的调查,分析了不同年龄段的消费群体对干酪口味的需求.调查结果表明,大多数消费者没有食用过真正的西式干酪,在干酪的口味方面普遍喜欢风味淡、盐分低、质地柔软的新鲜干酪、软质干酪或再制干酪.本调查的结果为开发适合国人口味的干酪提供了依据.  相似文献   

To mitigate the effects of climate change, we need to shift towards a more sustainable and healthier diet. This presumably affects the taste and texture of the diet. We assessed the taste profiles of current diets, of healthier and more sustainable diets and of less healthy and less sustainable diets in a Dutch adult population (n = 1380) in the Nutritional Questionnaire Plus study. The Dutch Healthy Diet index and the pReCiPe-score were used to create tertiles by healthiness and sustainability of diets respectively. Based on the lowest and highest tertiles of these two indicators we constructed four subgroups. For each participant, we calculated the proportional contribution of taste clusters (n = 6) to the total daily energy intake (en%) and the total amount consumed (gram%) using a taste database including ∼469 foods. The six taste clusters consisted of 1) neutral, 2) salt, umami, fat, 3) sweet, sour, 4) sweet, fat, 5) fat and 6) bitter tasting foods. ANOVA was used to evaluate the differences between subjects in the extreme tertiles. Results show that participants who have a healthier and more sustainable diet consumed less food products from the taste cluster ‘umami, salt, fat’ (16.1 en%) and ‘bitter’ (17.1 g%) and more products from the taste cluster ‘neutral’ (41.9 en%) compared to participants that have a less healthy and less sustainable diet (umami, salt, fat: 25.6 en%; bitter: 29.0 g%; neutral: 33.0 en%). Therefore, taste profiles should be taken into account when proposing menus and diets that are healthier and more sustainable.  相似文献   

设H表示无限维复Hilbert空间,ε={eλ|λ∈∧}是H的一组标准正交基,φy(H)表示H上关于ε的对称算予全体.研究了对称算子空间上保持Jordan三重零积的映射,若φ是φ(H)上的可加满射,则φ双边保持Jordan三重零积当且仅当存在非零常数c以及形上的有H线性或有界共轭线性可逆算子A满足AA^T=I,使得φ(T)=cATA^T,∨T∈φ(H).  相似文献   

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