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Heuristic evaluation is one of the most actively used techniques for analyzing usability, as it is quick and inexpensive. This technique is based on following a given set of heuristics, which are typically defined as broad rules of thumb. In this paper, we propose a systematic and generalizable approach to this type of evaluation based on using comprehensive taxonomies as a source for the heuristics. This approach contrasts with other typical approaches, such as following (or adapting) Jakob Nielsen’s heuristics or creating ad hoc heuristics (formally or informally). The usefulness of our approach is investigated in two ways. Firstly, we carry out an actual heuristic evaluation of a mobile app in this manner, which we describe in detail. Secondly, we compare our approach and Nielsen’s. Additionally, we identify some limitations in Nielsen’s heuristics and some inconsistencies between them and established usability models, including Nielsen’s own.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to compare CHE between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) experts and novices in evaluating the Smartphone app for the cultural heritage site. It uses the Smartphone Mobile Application heuRisTics (SMART), focusing on smartphone applications and traditional Nielsen heuristics, focusing on a wider range of interactive systems. Six experts and six novices used the severity rating scale to categorise the severity of the usability issues. These issues were mapped to both heuristics. The study found that experts and novice evaluators identified 19 and 14 usability issues, respectively, with ten as the same usability issues. However, these same usability issues have been rated differently. Although the t-test indicates no significant differences between experts and novices in their ratings for usability issues, these results nevertheless indicate the need for both evaluators in CHE to provide a more comprehensive perspective on the severity of the usability issues. Furthermore, the mapping of the usability issues for Nielsen and SMART heuristics concluded that more issues with the smartphone app could be addressed through smartphone-specific heuristics than general heuristics, indicating a better tool for heuristic evaluation of the smartphone app. This study also provides new insight into the required number of evaluators needed for CHE.


Research on heuristic evaluation in recent years has focused on improving its effectiveness and efficiency with respect to user testing. The aim of this paper is to refine a research agenda for comparing and contrasting evaluation methods. To reach this goal, a framework is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of support for structured usability problem reporting. This paper reports on an empirical study of this framework that compares two sets of heuristics, Nielsen’s heuristics and the cognitive principles of Gerhardt-Powals, and two media of reporting a usability problem, i.e. either using a web tool or paper. The study found that there were no significant differences between any of the four groups in effectiveness, efficiency and inter-evaluator reliability. A more significant contribution of this research is that the framework used for the experiments proved successful and should be reusable by other researchers because of its thorough structure.  相似文献   

A heuristic evaluation method allows the evaluation of the usability of application domains. To evaluate applications that have specific domain features, researchers can use sets of specific usability heuristics in addition to the well-known (usually Nielsen's) heuristics. Heuristics can also focus on the User eXperience (UX) aspects other than the usability. In a previous work, we proposed a formal methodology for establishing usability/UX heuristics. The methodology has 8 stages including activities to formulate, specify, validate and refine a new set of heuristics for a specific application domain. The methodology was validated through expert opinion and several case studies. Although when specifying the methodology, we explained each of its stages in detail, some activities can be difficult to perform without a guide that helps the researcher determine how the stages should be carried out. This article presents a detailed explanation regarding how to apply each stage of the methodology to create a new set of heuristics for a specific domain. Additionally, this paper explains how to iterate the methodology's stages and when to stop the process of developing new heuristics.  相似文献   

This paper describes a heuristic creation process based on the notion of critical parameters, and a comparison experiment that demonstrates the utility of heuristics created for a specific system class. We focus on two examples of using the newly created heuristics to illustrate the utility of the usability evaluation method, as well as to provide support for the creation process, and we report on successes and frustrations of two classes of users, novice evaluators and domain experts, who identified usability problems with the new heuristics. We argue that establishing critical parameters for other domains will support efforts in creating tailored evaluation tools.  相似文献   

This study highlights how heuristic evaluation as a usability evaluation method can feed into current building design practice to conform to universal design principles. It provides a definition of universal usability that is applicable to an architectural design context. It takes the seven universal design principles as a set of heuristics and applies an iterative sequence of heuristic evaluation in a shopping mall, aiming to achieve a cost-effective evaluation process. The evaluation was composed of three consecutive sessions. First, five evaluators from different professions were interviewed regarding the construction drawings in terms of universal design principles. Then, each evaluator was asked to perform the predefined task scenarios. In subsequent interviews, the evaluators were asked to re-analyze the construction drawings. The results showed that heuristic evaluation could successfully integrate universal usability into current building design practice in two ways: (i) it promoted an iterative evaluation process combined with multi-sessions rather than relying on one evaluator and on one evaluation session to find the maximum number of usability problems, and (ii) it highlighted the necessity of an interdisciplinary ad hoc committee regarding the heuristic abilities of each profession. A multi-session and interdisciplinary heuristic evaluation method can save both the project budget and the required time, while ensuring a reduced error rate for the universal usage of the built environments.  相似文献   

The smartphone market is nowadays highly competitive. When buying a new device, users focus on visual esthetics, ergonomics, performance, and user experience, among others. Assessing usability issues allows improving these aspects. One popular method for detecting usability problems is heuristic evaluation, in which evaluators employ a set of usability heuristics as guide. Using proper heuristics is highly relevant. In this paper we present SMASH, a set of 12 usability heuristics for smartphones and mobile applications, developed iteratively. SMASH (previously named TMD: Usability heuristics for Touchscreen-based Mobile Devices) was experimentally validated. The results support its utility and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Evaluating e-learning systems is a complex activity which requires considerations of several criteria addressing quality in use as well as educational quality. Heuristic evaluation is a widespread method for usability evaluation, yet its output is often prone to subjective variability, primarily due to the generality of many heuristics. This paper presents the pattern-based (PB) inspection, which aims at reducing this drawback by exploiting a set of evaluation patterns to systematically drive inspectors in their evaluation activities. The application of PB inspection to the evaluation of e-learning systems is reported in this paper together with a study that compares this method to heuristic evaluation and user testing. The study involved 73 novice evaluators and 25 end users, who evaluated an e-learning application using one of the three techniques. The comparison metric was defined along six major dimensions, covering concepts of classical test theory and pragmatic aspects of usability evaluation. The study showed that evaluation patterns, capitalizing on the reuse of expert evaluators know-how, provide a systematic framework which reduces reliance on individual skills, increases inter-rater reliability and output standardization, permits the discovery of a larger set of different problems and decreases evaluation cost. Results also indicated that evaluation in general is strongly dependent on the methodological apparatus as well as on judgement bias and individual preferences of evaluators, providing support to the conceptualisation of interactive quality as a subjective judgement, recently brought forward by the UX research agenda.  相似文献   

With the functional revolution in modern cars, evaluation methods to be used in all phases of driver–car interaction design have gained importance. It is crucial for car manufacturers to discover and solve safety issues early in the interaction design process. A current problem is thus to find a correlation between the formative methods that are used during development and the summative methods that are used when the product has reached the customer. This paper investigates the correlation between efficiency metrics from summative and formative evaluations, where the results of two studies on sound and navigation system tasks are compared. The first, an analysis of the J.D. Power and Associates APEAL survey, consists of answers given by about two thousand customers. The second, an expert evaluation study, was done by six evaluators who assessed the layouts by task completion time, TLX and Nielsen heuristics. The results show a high degree of correlation between the studies in terms of task efficiency, i.e. between customer ratings and task completion time, and customer ratings and TLX. However, no correlation was observed between Nielsen heuristics and customer ratings, task completion time or TLX. The results of the studies introduce a possibility to develop a usability evaluation framework that includes both formative and summative approaches, as the results show a high degree of consistency between the different methodologies. Hence, combining a quantitative approach with the expert evaluation method, such as task completion time, should be more useful for driver–car interaction design.  相似文献   

Computer professionals have a need for robust, easy-to-use usability evaluation methods (UEMs) to help them systematically improve the usability of computer artifacts. However, cognitive walkthrough (CW), heuristic evaluation (HE), and thinking- aloud study (TA)-3 of the most widely used UEMs-suffer from a substantial evaluator effect in that multiple evaluators evaluating the same interface with the same UEM detect markedly different sets of problems. A review of 11 studies of these 3 UEMs reveals that the evaluator effect exists for both novice and experienced evaluators, for both cosmetic and severe problems, for both problem detection and severity assessment, and for evaluations of both simple and complex systems. The average agreement between any 2 evaluators who have evaluated the same system using the same UEM ranges from 5% to 65%, and no 1 of the 3 UEMs is consistently better than the others. Although evaluator effects of this magnitude may not be surprising for a UEM as informal as HE, it is certainly notable that a substantial evaluator effect persists for evaluators who apply the strict procedure of CW or observe users thinking out loud. Hence, it is highly questionable to use a TA with 1 evaluator as an authoritative statement about what problems an interface contains. Generally, the application of the UEMs is characterized by (a) vague goal analyses leading to variability in the task scenarios, (b) vague evaluation procedures leading to anchoring, or (c) vague problem criteria leading to anything being accepted as a usability problem, or all of these. The simplest way of coping with the evaluator effect, which cannot be completely eliminated, is to involve multiple evaluators in usability evaluations.  相似文献   

The security, privacy, and usability of health social networking websites remain key concerns for their successful adoption by patients. As far as it is known, no studies have developed a usable security heuristic evaluation to test these websites for the usability of their security and privacy features. This article describes the development of such a usable security heuristic evaluation in the context of the online health social networking paradigm. The tailored method approach was applied to transform themes identified from relevant literature and convert them into high-level heuristics for usable security. Checklist items were created for each high-level heuristic. The result is 13 high-level heuristics with individualized checklist items that help examine usable security. The results can identify which security and privacy features are lacking from a usability perspective and would, therefore, require design improvement. The improvements would enhance the users' experiences, which in turn can assist in the adoption of health social networking websites.  相似文献   

Heuristic evaluation is a widely used usability evaluation method [Rosenbaum et al., 2000. A toolkit for strategic usability: results from workshops, panels, and surveys. In: Little, R., Nigay, L. (Eds.), In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2000 Conference, New York, pp. 337–344]. But it suffers from large variability in the evaluation results due to differences among evaluators [Nielsen, 1993. Usability Engineering. Academic Press, Boston, MA]. The evaluation performance of evaluators with two types of cognitive styles—ten field independent (FI) subjects and ten field dependent (FD) subjects were compared. The results indicated that the FI subjects produced evaluation results with significantly higher thoroughness (t18=3.49, p=0.0026), validity (t18=4.26, p=0.0005), effectiveness (t18=5.14, p=0.0001), and sensitivity (t18=3.16, p=0.005) than the FD subjects. When assessing their own evaluation experiences, the FI subjects felt it was easier to find usability problems than the FD subjects (t18=2.10, p=0.049), but the FD subjects felt more guided during the evaluation than the FI subjects (t18=2.28, p=0.035).  相似文献   

Many of today’s most successful planners perform a forward heuristic search. The accuracy of the heuristic estimates and the cost of their computation determine the performance of the planner. Thanks to the efforts of researchers in the area of heuristic search planning, modern algorithms are able to generate high-quality estimates. In this paper we propose to learn heuristic functions using artificial neural networks and support vector machines. This approach can be used to learn standalone heuristic functions but also to improve standard planning heuristics. One of the most famous and successful variants for heuristic search planning is used by the Fast-Forward (FF) planner. We analyze the performance of standalone learned heuristics based on nature-inspired machine learning techniques and employ a comparison to the standard FF heuristic and other heuristic learning approaches. In the conducted experiments artificial neural networks and support vector machines were able to produce standalone heuristics of superior accuracy. Also, the resulting heuristics are computationally much more performant than related ones.  相似文献   

We address the two-stage assembly scheduling problem where there are m machines at the first stage and an assembly machine at the second stage. The objective is to schedule the available n jobs so that total completion time of all n jobs is minimized. Setup times are treated as separate from processing times. This problem is NP-hard, and therefore we present a dominance relation and propose three heuristics. The heuristics are evaluated based on randomly generated data. One of the proposed heuristics is known to be the best heuristic for the case of zero setup times while another heuristic is known to perform well for such problems. A new version of the latter heuristic, which utilizes the dominance relation, is proposed and shown to perform much better than the other two heuristics.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with the objective of total flowtime minimisation. This problem assumes that there are no buffers between machines and, due to its application to many manufacturing sectors, it is receiving a growing attention by researchers during the last years. Since the problem is NP-hard, a large number of heuristics have been proposed to provide good solutions with reasonable computational times. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the available heuristics for the problem and for related problems, resulting in the implementation and testing of a total of 35 heuristics. Furthermore, we propose an efficient constructive heuristic which successfully combines a pool of partial sequences in parallel, using a beam-search-based approach. The computational experiments show the excellent performance of the proposed heuristic as compared to the best-so-far algorithms for the problem, both in terms of quality of the solutions and of computational requirements. In fact, despite being a relative fast constructive heuristic, new best upper bounds have been found for more than 27% of Taillard’s instances.  相似文献   

Whereas research in usability evaluation abounds, few evaluation approaches focus on utility. We present the utility inspection method (UIM), which prompts evaluators about the utility of the system they evaluate. The UIM asks whether a system uses global platforms, provides support infrastructure, is robust, gives access to rich content, allows customisation, offers symbolic value and supports companionship among users and between users and developers. We compare 47 participants’ use of UIM and heuristic evaluation (HE). The UIM helps identify more than three times as many problems as HE about the context of activities; HE helps identify 2.5 times as many problems as UIM about the interface. Usability experts consider the problems found with UIM more severe and more complex to solve compared to those found with HE. We argue that UIM complements existing usability evaluation methods and discuss future research on utility inspection.  相似文献   

Usability evaluation for interactive systems is one of the greatest interests for the Human–Computer Interaction community. To support this evaluation, several subjective and objective methods have been proposed and applied in academy and industry. In this context, usability evaluators usually work with a lot of and different kinds of data (e.g., ordinal values from questionnaires and performance rates) generated from different methods and tools and related to different usability criteria. In this article, we propose to integrate these data in a single way to better support the quality evaluators’ decision-making for traffic supervision systems domain. We apply the measurement information model defined by IEC/IEC 15939 with the use of indicators in an interactive system evaluation environment. Four indicators are presented from their specifications to their application in the evaluation of a system from a company. These indicators integrate evaluation results from usability questionnaires, an automated ergonomic guidelines inspector, and an electronic informer.  相似文献   

A case-based approach to heuristic planning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Most of the great success of heuristic search as an approach to AI Planning is due to the right design of domain-independent heuristics. Although many heuristic planners perform reasonably well, the computational cost of computing the heuristic function in every search node is very high, causing the planner to scale poorly when increasing the size of the planning tasks. For tackling this problem, planners can incorporate additional domain-dependent heuristics in order to improve their performance. Learning-based planners try to automatically acquire these domain-dependent heuristics using previous solved problems. In this work, we present a case-based reasoning approach that learns abstracted state transitions that serve as domain control knowledge for improving the planning process. The recommendations from the retrieved cases are used as guidance for pruning or ordering nodes in different heuristic search algorithms applied to planning tasks. We show that the CBR guidance is appropriate for a considerable number of planning benchmarks.  相似文献   

SUE inspection is a novel usability evaluation method for hypermedia, which falls into the category of inspection methods. Its primary goal is to favor a systematic usability evaluation (SUE), for supplying hypermedia usability inspectors with a structured flow of activities, allowing them to obtain more reliable, comparable, and cost-effective evaluation results. This is obtained especially due to the use of evaluation patterns, called abstract tasks (AT), which describe in details the activities that evaluators must carry out during inspection. AT helps share and transfer evaluation know-how among different evaluators, thus making it easier to learn the SUE inspection method by newcomers. A further notable advantage provided by the SUE inspection over other existent approaches is that it focuses on navigation and information structures, making evident some problems that other "surface-oriented" approaches might not reveal. This paper describes the SUE inspection for hypermedia. It also reports on a validation experiment, involving 28 evaluators, that has shown the major effectiveness and efficiency of the SUE inspection for hypermedia, with respect to traditional heuristic evaluation techniques  相似文献   

Considering the importance associated with e-commerce website accessibility and usability, a study on one of the most relevant Portuguese e-commerce websites has been performed using both automatic and manual assessment procedures. In an initial stage, we evaluated the chosen website with a Web accessibility and usability automatic tool called SortSite; after that, we performed a manual evaluation to verify each previously detected error and present possible solutions to overcome those faults. In a third phase, three usability specialists have been used to perform a heuristic evaluation of the chosen website. Finally, user tests with blind people were carried out in order to fully assess the compliance with accessibility and usability guidelines and standards. The results showed that the platform had a good score regarding the automatic evaluation; however, when the heuristic and manual evaluations were performed, some accessibility and usability problems were discovered. Moreover, the user test results showed bad marks regarding efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction by the group of participants. As a conclusion, we highlight user interaction problems and propose seven recommendations focused on enhancing accessibility and usability of not only the evaluated e-commerce website, but also of other similar ones.  相似文献   

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