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The present paper describes a fundamental uncertainty analysis for a flowrate measurement in a pipe using an ultrasonic Doppler velocity profile method and an evaluation of the estimated uncertainty by an actual flow calibration. The uncertainties are estimated for internal factors originating from the measurement equipment; UVP provided by Met-Flow sa. and external factors depending on on-site measurements, such as the inclination angle of the ultrasonic transducer. The relative expanded uncertainty due to internal factors is estimated to be 0.34% with a coverage factor of 2. The relative external uncertainty including external factors is estimated to be from 0.42% to 2.13% depends on the inclination angle of the transducer. The results of the actual flow calibration under the same condition as the uncertainty analysis are within the range of uncertainty considering the internal factors.  相似文献   

To develop a reliable wet gas flowrate measurement model, the relationships between pressure drop characteristics and entrainment downstream of the cone are investigated experimentally. The equivalent diameter ratio of the cone is 0.45. The experimental fluids are air and tap water with XLM in the range of 0–0.3. The two-phase mass flow coefficient and pressure loss ratio are employed to establish the measurement model. The piecewise characteristics of pressure loss ratio are disclosed innovatively, which is explained by the different intensity of entrainment downstream of cone caused by gas-liquid jetting. A simplified method for evaluating the degree of entrainment is proposed to facilitate the establishment of the modified measurement model. Under the present experimental conditions, the relative error of liquid fluctuates within ±20% when XLM is larger than 0.02, and the relative error of gas flowrate is within ±5%. Compared with the model without piecewise consideration, the relative error of the liquid flowrate of the modified model reduces obviously under low wetness conditions (0.02<XLM<0.1). The modified measurement model provides a reliable and cost-effective technology for wet gas flowrate measurement.  相似文献   

The monitoring of chimney quasi-static deformation is a difficult problem in that chimneys have the following characteristics; such as no direct way to survey, the rough surface and the lack of texture information. In this paper, we propose a novel method in surveying chimney horizontal quasi-static displacement based on the silhouette of chimney. The basic principle is that the tangent points of the sight lines and sections of the chimney are definitely projected at the outlines of the chimney in images. For a given elevation, space section’s circle radius and center point coordinates are easily surveyed by such silhouette-based method including steps such as chimney-oriented photography, outline detection, optimal-image selection, initial value estimation, and iteration for exact value. The experiment result shows that the relative accuracy of our method is superior to 1/25,000 and time consuming of field work is less than half a day. Compared with the existing techniques, the method proposed in this paper is not only more efficient and accurate, but also can realize the successive measurement of chimney section.  相似文献   

质量标准量值传递过程中,砝码的体积值需要准确测量,以便进行砝码质量值的浮力修正.声学法是一种快速高效的非接触式体积测量方法.为实现砝码体积的高精度快速测量,设计实现了一套声学法砝码体积测量装置,对1 g~20 kgOIML( international organization for legal metrology)形状砝码体积进行测量,并对其测量不确定度进行了评估.经实验测定50 g ~20 kg的OIML形状砝码的测量不确定度小于8×10-1,1~20 g的OIML形状砝码的体积测量值满足E1等级砝码的要求,验证了声学法应用于高精度砝码体积测量的可行性.  相似文献   

The shortcomings traditional phase difference extraction algorithms have such as being susceptible to noise interference, requiring full cycle conditions, leads to a decrease in phase difference extraction accuracy. To improve the accuracy of the phase difference extraction, two improved correlation analysis methods are proposed in this paper, one of which is based on the relationship between the extreme value of the cross-correlation function and the time difference, the other of which combines correlation analysis method with Hilbert transform. A simulation and experiment were set up to explore the influence of sequence length and signal-to-noise ratio on the extraction accuracy, as well as the influence of Kalman filtering. An experiment is set to compare the extraction mean error and variance of different algorithms under different phase differences. Experimental result shows that the improved algorithms have higher accuracy and stability. The feasibility of the two improved algorithms is verified.  相似文献   

Most ultrasonic ranging measurements are based on the determination of the ultrasonic time-of-flight (TOF). This paper develops a novel method for the TOF measurement which combines both the improved self-interference driving technique and the optional optimization signal processing algorithms. By stimulating the transmitter with the amplitude modulation and the phase modulation envelope square waveforms (APESWs), the proposed system can effectively reduce the errors caused by inertia delay and amplitude attenuation. In addition, based on different signal-to-noise ratio test conditions, the resultant received zero-crossing samples, which are deteriorated by noise, can be precisely inspected and calculated with two optimized algorithms named zero-crossing tracking (ZCT) and time-shifted superposition (TSS) method. The architecture of the designed system is divided into two parts. The novel APESW driving module, the received envelope zero-crossings phase detection module, and the ZCT method processing module are designed in a complex programmable logic device. The TSS signal processing module and the optimization algorithm discrimination program module are integrated in a digital signal processor. The TOF measurements calibrated in ultrasonic ranging experiments indicate that the relative errors of the method are limited in ±0.8%. Therefore, a feasible method is provided with the advantages of high noise immunity, accuracy, low cost, and ease of implementation.  相似文献   

针对管道泄漏声发射检测信号中含有大量噪声导致定位精度低这一实际,研究了基于小波变换的声发射检测信号降噪技术,利用小波函数阀值降噪法对泄漏系统所采集的信号进行滤波处理,以保证采集到的瞬态信号有效性,并采用互相关分析法对泄漏点定位.10种工况下实验结果表明,采用小波变换对声发射检测信号处理处理后,管道的定位精度在5%之内,满足工程实际需要.  相似文献   

Magnetic Flux Leakage detector (MFL_PIG) is widely used in long-range pipeline inspection. Acoustic above ground marking device is an important part of the location system in the MFL_PIG. A novel above ground marking algorithm based on function fitting is proposed to reduce marking error of above ground markers (AGMs). Experiments were carried out on a 2.5 km long pipeline on site. The results demonstrate that the function fitting algorithm has higher precision and anti-interference ability than traditional marking method-extreme value algorithm, and it works very well when SNR of the signal is greater than −2 dB.  相似文献   

基于BP神经网络的管道泄漏声信号识别方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对城市供水管网泄漏检测需求,进行了泄漏声信号识别方法研究。分析了泄漏信号的时域、频域及波形特点,提取出可用于泄漏信号表征的20种特征参数;基于提取的泄漏声信号特征参数,构建了泄漏声信号BP神经网络识别系统;研究了神经网络结构(隐含节点数、传递函数、学习率)及输入参数的数量和种类对泄漏信号识别效果的影响,并优化出最佳的神经网络结构及输入参数。在以上研究基础上,利用优化后的神经网络对实验室及现场管道泄漏信号进行了交叉训练和识别,结果表明,提出的基于泄漏特征参数的神经网络系统具有较高的可靠性和普适性,可以很好地实现不同场景下泄漏信号的交叉识别,整体识别率达92.5%,为解决不同工况下泄漏信号识别做了有益的探索。  相似文献   

为实现聚焦声场声功率的快速、精确测量,提出了基于PVDF热释电传感器的声功率测量方法。首先,基于热释电传感器声功率测量的原理建立了有限元模型,并围绕超声功率测量的影响因素开展了仿真分析;其次,搭建测试系统开展了声功率测量的方法研究。研究表明,该测量方法在声场焦区域和非声场焦区域都可以进行测量,且输出信号与辐射声功率呈线性关系,测量误差最大为8.2%,符合声学计量要求。通过实验与仿真对比分析,结果验证了该方法的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

A new method for determining the acoustic nonlinearity parameter using a nonlinear data fitting method is proposed. Based on the quasilinear theory of Westervelt’s equation, the fundamental and second harmonic beam fields are expressed as a multi-Gaussian beam model that separates the attenuation and diffraction correction terms from the propagating plane waves. A nonlinear least squares curve-fitting method is developed to extract the nonlinearity parameter without knowing the attenuation coefficients of the material being tested. The nonlinearity parameter of water is determined using the proposed method, and the result agrees well with the literature value. The attenuation coefficients of the fundamental and the second harmonic are also extracted and discussed.  相似文献   

A measurement method for contact angle based on Hough Transformation is put forward in this paper. It is proved reliable through a study on the drop shape of water on Teflon, polypropylene and stainless steel. The measurement method for contact angle is implemented in the following procedures, drop shape image graying, and threshold segmentation with OTSU method, edge detection by Roberts operator, and the line and circle detection by Hough Transformation. The water contact angles on the Teflon, polypropylene and stainless steel are obtained by calculation; they are 113.23°, 104.34° and 77.28° respectively. The noise experiment shows that the method works with high robustness.  相似文献   

A novel method for on-orbit measurement of space materials degradation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The low Earth orbit (LEO) environment is considered hazardous to spacecraft, resulting in materials degradation. Currently, in order to evaluate the degradation of materials in LEO, a retrieval of space exposed samples is required. In this study, a novel approach is proposed to evaluate degradation of materials in LEO without the need of retrieval. The method is utilizing photovoltaic cells (PVCs), an existing component onboard of any satellite. The PVCs are coated by various materials which are sensitive to different LEO constituents, such as atomic oxygen (AO) or ultra-violet (UV) radiation. The method's acronym is ORMADD (on-ORbit MAterials Degradation Detector). The ORMADD's principle of operation is based on measuring the PVC output power which depends on the cell coating material's optical transmission. Erosion of the coating by AO or coloring due to UV radiation affects its optical transmission and, accordingly, the PVC output. The ORMADD performance was tested using different coatings, such as polyimide and amorphous carbon (sensitive to AO), and siloxane based coating which is sensitive to UV radiation. The proposed ORMADD reveals sensitivity to different LEO components and can be used either as material degradation detector or as an AO monitor.  相似文献   

利用光声光谱法无创血糖检测原理,以葡萄糖粉末和葡萄糖水溶液为样品、用调制激光作为信号激发源进行试验研究。可得到各个调制频率对应的光声信号幅值,进而得到光声信号幅值大小和调制频率的关系,最终找到葡萄糖粉末对应的最佳调制频率。在最佳调制频率下,测试葡萄糖水溶液,得到声信号随葡萄糖浓度增加的变化关系。实验不但找到葡萄糖对应的最佳调制频率,而且得到光声信号随葡萄糖浓度增加的线性关系,验证了光声光谱法在无创血糖检测中的可行性,为光声光谱法应用于无创血糖检测提供了一定参考价值。  相似文献   

提出了一种测量物体微位移的新方法。原子力显微镜作为测量工具,样品和扫描器置于待测物体上,物体每移动一定距离就由AFM扫描获得一幅样品图像,由此获得一系列连续的序列图像。采用模板匹配方法检测相邻序列图像的偏移,从而可计算出物体的微位移。实验结果表明,用该方法还可实现物体二维方向的微位移测量,且精度达到纳米量级。  相似文献   

Due to the low flow rate measurement demand for battery-powered electromagnetic water meter, shrunk measurement tubes (such as circular section transition to square section) are often used to enhance flow velocity and measurement performance at small flow rate. However, this will also result in an increase in sensor pressure loss, even exceeding the pressure loss limit. Therefore, it is necessary to study a flow tube structure design method based on pressure loss-flow restriction, and design a flow tube structure which can not only maximize the induced voltage, but also meet the actual pressure loss requirement. Because there are many unknown variables in the formula of pressure loss mechanism, it cannot be directly used in structural design. Therefore, taking DN100 sensor as an example, based on finite element software, the variation of pressure loss with the length, width and height of rectangular section is obtained by orthogonal test method, and the numerical model of pressure loss is established. According to the requirements of industry and induced voltage enhancement, the optimal rectangular section size is found with the established pressure loss numerical model, and the structure of flow tube transition section is further optimized to reduce pressure loss. Finally, the prototype is made according to the optimized structure. Pressure loss experiment shows that the error between simulated value and measured value is within ±2.68% (±0.4 KPa). It means the pressure loss-flow restriction based design method for flow tube structure of electromagnetic water meter with shrunk measurement tube is effective and reliable.  相似文献   

Multipath ultrasonic flowmeters with large diameter are widely used in industry. And their measurement performances are sensitive to velocity profiles in conduits. Gauss–Jacobi and Optimized Weighted Integration for Circular Sections (OWICS) method are commonly applied in flow measurement of multipath ultrasonic flowmeters, both of which assume ideal flow in pipes. They are not proper for non-ideal flow measurement. Therefore, an improved numerical integration method for flowrate based on Gauss quadrature is proposed. With this method, optimum relative path heights and corresponding weights are determined according to specific disturbed flows. By comparison Gauss–Jacobi, OWICS with the improved method, the validity of the proposed method is verified for typical disturbed flows based on both theoretical analysis and experiments, and measurement performances of ultrasonic flowmeters are improved significantly.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel non-destructive method for termite detection that uses the entropy of the continuous wavelet transform of the acoustic emission signals as an uncertainty measurement, to achieve selective frequency separation in complex impulsive-like noisy scenarios, with the aid of the spectral kurtosis as a validating tool. The goal consists of detecting relevant frequencies, by looking up the minima in the curve associated to the entropy of the difference between the raw data and the wavelet-based reconstructed version. By measuring the signal’s uncertainty, the scales corresponding to the entropy minima, or pseudo-frequencies, manage to target three main types of emissions generated by termites: the modulating components (enveloping curve), the carrier signals (activity, feeding and excavating), and the communicating impulses bursts (alarms). The spectral kurtosis corroborates the location of the entropy minima (optimum uncertainty) matching them to its maxima, associated to frequencies with the highest amplitude variability, and consequently minimizing the measurement uncertainty. The method is primarily conceived to cover the acoustic-range, in order to acquire signals via standard sound cards; a broaden high-frequency study is developed for the assessment, and with the added value of discovering new and higher frequency components of the species emissions. The potential of the method makes it useful for myriads of applications in the frame of nondestructive transient detection.  相似文献   

管道机器人无线电磁自适应定位技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对金属管道机器人跟踪定位问题,提出了一种改进的自适应无线电磁定位方法,在未知管道几何尺寸和周围环境电磁参数的情况下实现了管道内机器人的三维定位.首先,通过磁偶极子模型分析了管道外极低频电磁场分布规律.其次,建立了六传感器接收天线的自适应定位模型,设计了电磁发射和接收电路,基于该模型推导出了含有6个未知数的非线性方程组,并分别采用3种算法对其进行了仿真分析.最后,分别对不同壁厚及不同埋藏深度管道进行了试验研究.试验结果表明,在管道壁厚为5.74 mm,埋藏深度为0.8~2 m的情况下,总位置误差的平均值小于18.7 cm,即比原模型减少了3.4 cm,满足机器人实际工作中的定位需要.  相似文献   

阐述了一种面成型的光固化成型加工方法,系统采用普通紫外光作为成型光源,它的频谱可以与光敏树脂的吸收频谱匹配,从而固化树脂材料.紫外光经过椭球反射镜的反射后,汇聚到聚光透镜的焦点位置,并且通过透镜产生平行的紫外光束.成型零件的截面特征是由位于光敏树脂上方的掩模产生的,通过对比实验F46薄膜、聚四氟乙烯薄膜、THV610薄膜、聚酯薄膜、石英玻璃、有机玻璃等掩模材料对于紫外光的透射率,证实几种塑料薄膜的紫外光透射率差别不大.在临界光学系统下进行的工艺实验结果表明,该成型方式能大幅提高零件的成型速度,是一种有效的成型方法.  相似文献   

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