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炭黑填充橡胶复合材料动态力学性能和生热预报   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
基于应变放大因子的概念,对炭黑填充橡胶的动态力学性能和不同外载条件下的生热性能作了分析预报。对非均一橡胶复合部件或混炼不充分导致炭黑分散不均匀胶料和生热性能和动态模量进行了研究,用两种材料并联而成的复合材料模型说明了炭黑分散度对橡胶性能的影响。结果表明,随着炭黑分散度的提高,动态模量和滞后损失都下降,并且趋于炭黑完全分散时的值。还对复合部件在不同外载条件下的生热情况和动态性能作了比较。  相似文献   

安林  陈子龙  于飞  辛振祥  李文博 《橡胶工业》2020,67(7):0502-0508
采用试验与有限元分析相结合的方法对炭黑填充橡胶(简称橡胶)静动态力学性能和压缩生热性能进行研究。结果表明:橡胶在循环加载时表现出明显的应力软化效应,且通过动态力学分析仪测得橡胶的储能模量和损耗模量都随着温度的升高而明显降低;进一步通过静动刚度仪得到应力软化和温升双重作用下橡胶圆柱(动态压缩)的损耗模量,并通过拟合得到非线性的压缩温升速率方程,最后建立热力耦合有限元模型,其可对橡胶压缩过程中的生热和传热进行拟合分析。  相似文献   

用橡胶加工分析仪研究填充剂的粘性生热和补强效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1912年,炭黑就作为主要填充剂和补强剂被用于橡胶配方中。炭黑的使用对赋予硫化胶理想的补强效果并大大地提高其耐磨性、抗张强度、耐撕裂性、模数和硬度来讲是必不可少的[1]。然而,它的使用亦给硫化胶带来较大的滞后损失和生热,并且在胶料混炼和加工时还大大地增加其粘性生热。因此,准确地测量和研究混炼时由加入每批胶料中的不同炭黑所引起的不同的粘性生热量是重要的。通常,在橡胶混炼时,个别胶料在获得良好的炭黑分散状态之前可能需要2次、3次甚至更多次通过密炼机。对混炼周期持续时间来讲,主要的限制因素由粘性生热来确定。…  相似文献   

炭黑填充导电橡胶电阻率稳定性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用炭黑填充丁腈橡胶制备导电涂层复合材料,研究了复合材料室温电阻率随不同种炭黑填充率变化的关系,复合材料电阻率随温度变化的特性以及ρ~T特性的稳定性,讨论了炭黑结构和性质,填充SBS以及增加硫化剂用量对复合材料,ρ~T特性的影响。  相似文献   

本发明涉及橡胶补强用改性炭黑(以下简称“改性炭黑”)的生产工艺。具体而言,本发明涉及通过使用有机烷氧基硅烷化合物生产炭黑和白炭黑复合材料,从而生产改性炭黑的工艺。所获得的改性炭黑可用于轮胎用胶料和带式输送机及工业辊等各种橡胶制品用胶料中,赋予橡胶以下物理性能:较高温度环境(60~100℃)下的低tanδ值、低的变形生热性、低的驱动能耗。  相似文献   

High-temperature molding of a mixture of epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) and intermediate super abrasion furnace (ISAF) carbon black results in strong rubber–filler interaction, the extent of which is greater in the case of the oxidized grade of the carbon black. It has been observed that ENR is bonded to the filler surface through the formation of primary bonds, such as ester and phenolic ether. An extensive filler–filler network formation takes place through the hydrogen bonding between the active groups of the rubber and filler surface. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 70: 723–730, 1998  相似文献   

Carbon black (HAF) filled powdered natural rubber (P(NR/HAF)) was prepared and the particle size distribution, mechanical properties, and micromorphology of P(NR/HAF) were studied. A carbon black–rubber latex coagulation method was developed for preparing carbon black filled free‐flowing, noncontact staining NR powders with particle diameter less than 0.9 mm. A powdering mechanism model was put forward to describe the powdering process, which shows that the key technical points consist in the surfactant with good emulsification properties and the polymer coating resin with good film forming properties. SEM analysis shows that carbon black and rubber matrix have formed a macroscopic homogenization in the P(NR/HAF) particles without contact staining, and carbon black particles are well dispersed in rubber matrix with diameter of about 50–150 nm. P(NR/HAF) vulcanizate showed better mechanical properties than bale natural rubber/carbon black blends (NR/HAF) and simple NR latex/carbon black blends (NRL/HAF), which depends primarily upon the absence of free carbon black, the fine dispersion of filler on the rubber matrix, and the better interaction between carbon black and rubber matrix due to the proper preparation condition of noncontact staining carbon black filled powdered NR. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 1763–1774, 2006  相似文献   

半补强炭黑填充型粉末氯丁橡胶(Ⅱ)物理机械性能   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用均匀试验设计的方法研究了三个主要因子(炭黑、炭黑分散剂、包覆剂)对半补强炭黑(SRF)填充型硫调节型粉末氯丁橡胶[P(CR/SRF)]混炼胶的硫化特性、硫化胶老化前与老化后物理机械性能的影响。建立了这些性能与上述变量之间的函数关系模型,并进行了验证。验证结果表明,本章所提出的模型可以很好地表征产物性能与三个变量之间的关系。扫描电镜(SEM)分析表明,炭黑在P(CR/SRF)中的分散程度优于CR/SRF,采用粉末化技术有利于提高填料在橡胶基体中的分散效果。  相似文献   

炭黑填充型粉末天然橡胶的密炼机塑炼特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验室微型密炼机(Brabender转矩流变仪)研究了炭黑填充型粉末天然橡胶[P(NR/HAF)]的密炼机塑炼/混炼性能,即塑炼时间、塑炼温度和转速等基本工艺参数对胶料门尼粘度的影响。与传统的块状天然橡胶/炭黑(NR/HAF)的密炼机混炼相比,P(NR/HAF)在密炼机混炼时具有较高的混炼温升和较快的升温速率,使得胶料在较高的温度下被塑炼,从而表现出与传统的NR/HAF不同的密炼机混炼特性,其最佳塑炼温度有所降低。通过逐步回归分析建立的“门尼粘度-塑炼条件”模型可以较好地拟合和预测不同塑炼条件下P(NR/HAF)密炼机塑炼后胶料的门尼粘度。  相似文献   

Processability and viscoelastic properties of natural rubber (NR) compounds filled with different carbon black loadings and types were investigated with the use of a steady shear rheometer, namely, the Mooney viscometer, and an oscillatory rheometer, namely, the Rubber Process Analyser (RPA2000). It was found that the type and amount of carbon black strongly influence the viscoelastic properties of rubber compounds. Both the dilution effect and filler transient network are responsible for the viscoelastic properties, depending on the vulcanization state. In the case of uncured compounds, the damping factor of the uncured NR decreases with increasing black loading. This is attributed to the reduction of mobilized rubber content in the compound (or the dilution effect). However, in the case of the cured NR vulcanizates, the filler transient network is the dominant factor governing the damping factor of the vulcanizate. With increasing black loading, the damping factor of the vulcanizate clearly increases. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 97: 2197–2203, 2005  相似文献   

Functionally graded rubber compounds (FGRCs) were prepared by construction based method. The matrix used was natural rubber (NR). Amorphous carbon black (N‐330) was used as grading material. The gradation of nanoparticles in a rectangular geometry comprised the variation of particle volume fraction along thickness direction. Its performance was evaluated for structural application through various mechanical and surface properties like tensile strength, modulus, tear strength, elongation at break, hardness, fracture surface by scanning electron microscopy, etc. At the same percentage of nanofiller loading, FGRCs show enhanced properties, i.e., modulus and tear strength (in some grades) compared to uniformly dispersed rubber compounds (UDRCs). Modulus of FGRCs, for a given particular stacking sequence of the layers, increases as much as by 275% compared to UDRCs. The ultimate properties like tensile strength and elongation at break made up for the modulus enhancement that decreases to as minimum as 50 and 80%, respectively. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2010  相似文献   

Ten types of rare earth (RE) compounds modified carbon black (HAF‐RE) were prepared using chemical‐deposit method, then HAF‐RE were mixed with natural rubber latex to prepare HAF‐RE filled powdered natural rubber [P(NR/HAF‐RE)] by a carbon black/rubber latex coagulation method. It is found that most of the P(NR/HAF‐RE) vulcanizates showed better mechanical properties, especially higher tensile modulus, and tensile strength, compared with none‐rare earth modified carbon black filled powdered natural rubber [P(NR/HAF)]. Dysprosium (Dy) modified carbon black (HAF‐Dy) filled powdered natural rubber [P(NR/HAF‐Dy)] was chosen for intensive investigation because of its better comprehensive mechanical properties. It is found that the adding of Dy compounds could help to get smaller particles with narrower particle size distribution, and results from the SEM analysis show that carbon black has been dispersed in rubber matrix uniformly with diameter of 50–150 nm. The TEM analysis showed that Dy compounds could obviously reduce the aggregation of primary particles of carbon black, and promote the dispersion of carbon black in P(NR/HAF‐Dy) particles. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. JAppl Polym Sci 2008  相似文献   

研究了低顺式聚丁二烯橡胶(BR3505)、低门尼顺丁橡胶(BR9002)和普通顺丁橡胶(BR9000)的硫化参数、拉伸性能和动态压缩性能。结果表明,与普通顺丁橡胶相比,聚丁二烯橡胶中反式结构含量较多(BR3505)时,芟联密度、断裂伸长率、压缩生热和压缩永久变形大,而硫化速度慢很多;且分子量分布变宽(BR9002)使其硫化速度稍快、断裂伸长率大、压缩生热稍低,同时低炭黑用量时的拉伸强度和伸长率较高,但是炭黑可填充量降低。  相似文献   

研究了炭黑填充胶复合材料的传热机理;基于最小热阻力法则和比等效导热系数相等法则,建立了热传导模型,并推导出热导率计算方程;用该方程分别估算了炭黑N234和N539填充胶的热导率,并与实验结果进行比较。结果表明,当炭黑体积分数低于20%时,热导率的预测值与实验值有较好的一致性;随着炭黑填充量的增加,炭黑填充胶的热导率逐渐增加;填充量相同时,N 234填充胶的热导率大于N539填充胶,体积分数越低,两者的热导率相差越小,反之则越大。  相似文献   

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